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Name: VHEA S.

LASERAS Date: April 30, 2024

Course/Year/Section: BSED MATH 3A Rating:
S - Setting clear expectations for behaviour and academic achievement.
C - Cultivating a supportive community within the school.
H - Honoring diversity and inclusion among students and staff.
O - Offering opportunities for student leadership and involvement.
O - Optimizing resources to enhance the learning environment.
L - Leading and promoting positive interactions among all stakeholders.

Assessment Tasks for Chapter 10: Creating a Positive School Culture

A school community's collective ideas, values, customs, traditions, and behaviors that
influence its identity and way of life are collectively referred to as its "school culture." It
shows up in the way that students, faculty, staff, administrators, and other stakeholders
engage with one another as well as in the physical setting and institutional framework of the
school. It is essentially the lifeblood of the school, impacting everything from wellbeing to
scholastic achievement.

The impact of school culture on learning is deep and complicated. A positive school
culture raises a sense of belonging and safety, creating conducive conditions for academic
engagement and achievement. When students feel valued, respected, and supported, they are
more likely to take risks, collaborate with peers, and persevere in the face of challenges. A
negative or toxic culture can hinder learning, leading to detachment, absence, and

The case of a high school where a culture of inclusivity and acceptance is promoted.
Students from diverse backgrounds feel authorized to express themselves authentically,
leading to vibrant classroom discussions and innovative problem-solving. Another school
overwhelmed by groups and bullying struggles to create a conducive learning environment,
with students feeling marginalized and disconnected.
Contributing to the creation of a positive school culture is a shared responsibility that
extends beyond educators to encompass students, parents, and the wider community. One

to do so is developing open communication and collaboration among all stakeholders, raising

a sense of ownership and collective accountability. Promoting empathy, kindness, and mutual
respect can help nurture a culture of care and support where everyone feels valued and
understood. A school where teachers actively seek input from students on classroom rules and
activities, allowing them to have a voice in shaping their learning experiences. Students feel
respected and heard, nurturing a culture of trust and collaboration that invades all aspects of
school life.

Creating a positive school culture is not merely an abstract concept but a tangible
reality with comprehensive implications for student success and well-being. Understanding
the essence of school culture, recognizing its impact on learning, and actively contributing to
its cultivation, we can collectively stand-in an environment where every individual succeeds
and accompaniments, laying the groundwork for a brighter future.

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