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Issue 1 2018



For many people the world feels like a much more dangerous place now than
it was a few years ago. In times like these it is even more important to stay
informed and understand other people and cultures. The Global Peace Index,
issued by the Institute of Economics and Peace, recently released a ranking of
the safest countries in the world. Luckily 11 of our OMICRON offices are in coun-
tries ranked within the top 20 safest countries in the world. If you are interested
in the detailed report – please have a look:

And what about the power industry? The electricity grid has been physically
vulnerable for decades. Today we are only just beginning to understand the
seriousness of an emerging threat to the grid’s cybersecurity. As the grid has
become more dependent on computers and data-sharing, it has become more
responsive to changes in power demand and better at integrating new sources
of energy. However, its computerized control could be abused by attackers who
gain access to the systems. Many of the recent cyber-attacks deal with computer
technology and the interconnected nature of the infrastructure.

For some years now, we have been actively addressing the issue of cyber security
and its impact on day-to-day work performing tests in energy installations – read
more about our initiatives on page 27.

Finally some good news: The overall score for the 2017 Global Peace Index im-
proved slightly due to gains in six of the nine geographical regions represented.
This is the first improvement in global peacefulness since start of the recordings
in 2014 – let’s continue in our joint effort to change the world for the better.

Enjoy reading!

Patricia Marte
Editor-in-chief OMICRON Magazine

Publisher OMICRON electronics GmbH, Oberes Ried 1, 6833 Klaus (AT)

Responsible for content OMICRON electronics GmbH

Editorial team and implementation up! consulting, Ruggell (FL)

Picture credits OMICRON electronics GmbH, (S. 12–15, 24, 27–31, 33–34, 38, 42, 45), TenneT (S. 17–19),
Elia (S. 25–26), GFTC s.r.o. (S. 32), PCM Guatemala (S. 35–36)

E-mail to the editorial team

«Peace cannot be
kept by force; it can
only be achieved by
­u nderstanding.»
Albert Einstein

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 3

17 27

One for all The cyber dilemma

Leading transmission system operator picks CIBANO 500 to test all How to include security in networked
types of circuit breakers with one system protection technology

12 6

OMICRON Academy training

around-the-clock Power transformer diagnosis in one day


10 An Invitation to the aptitude test 6 Power transformer diagnosis

Why asset prequalification is becoming in one day
increasingly important
17 One for all
14 CT Analyzer: Better than ever Leading transmission system operator picks
A well-known system with new functionalities CIBANO 500 to test all types of circuit breakers
with one system
27 The cyber dilemma
How to include security in networked 24 Going the distance
protection technology MONCABLO helps to detect and locate
insulation defects along several kilometers of
40 Efficient testing for grounding systems power cable
A software-supported, automated solution with
Primary Test Manager™ software and HGT1 34 Eleven in one stroke!
Daily challenges for a service provider during
42 Please do not disturb diagnostic testing
How our MBB1 measurement balanced bridge
helps you enhance noise reduction for single-
phase partial discharge testing
44 No data – no strategy
Intelligent asset management with ADMO 12 OMICRON Academy training

20 Fairies and wizards

REGION Our CCSS team faces new challenges
with every logistics job
32 On site: OMICRON in the
Czech Republic 38 Think digital
Pavel Andrle from GFTC s. r. o. on what it means Our online customer portal –
to be a reliable partner personalized information at a glance

47 Region

EVENTS 37 Safety first!
SAA2 warning flash-light
48 What’s going on
Trade shows and conferences

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 5

A team of OMICRON test engineers was assigned of the different transformer components. They
to perform a comprehensive condition assess- had one clear expectation: All the required tests
ment of a 200 MVA power transformer. The had to be performed within one day since the
power transformer was intended for sale, so the power transformer needed to be online again the
operator and the potential customer wanted to following day.
get some clear insight into the current condition

8:00 a.m. – Arrival at the substation 8:30 a.m. – Initial screening of the power transformer
The power transformer was disconnected from the grid The operator had taken an oil-sample in advance to perform
upon arrival in the morning. To perform all required tests in a dissolved gas analysis (DGA). This kind of initial screening
the allotted period of time, a smart choice of test systems gives a first insight into the transformer’s condition.
was required: TESTRANO 600 for all common electrical diag-
nostic tests, its accessory CP TD1 for power/dissipation fac- The gas concentrations listed in the DGA report were
tor testing as well as DIRANA for dielectric response analysis entered into the designated DGA form in the PTM
and FRANEO 800 for sweep frequency response analysis. software. All common assessment methods were auto-
matically applied and the results were displayed in
Due to their compact design, all the testing systems easily fit comprehensible graphs.
into one car. The Primary Test Manager (PTM) was the only
software needed for the convenient operation of all these In this case, the results did not indicate any obvious abnor-
test systems on site. malities, such as partial discharge or signs of aging. Never-
theless, further diagnostic tests were required to assess the
8:15 a.m. – Starting the first tests overall power transformer condition prior to its sale.
The operator had sent a picture of the asset nameplate to
the test engineers prior to testing the 22-year-old, 200 MVA, 9:05 a.m. – Dielectric response analysis
220 kV/110 kV power transformer. A star connection is The DIRANA test system was set up to perform the dielectric
located on the transformer’s primary and secondary side. All response analysis and the clamps were connected to the
bushings have a resin-impregnated paper (RIP) insulation. transformer bushings. An additional guard was connected
to the tank to suppress unwanted currents from the substa-
The transformer and its bushings had already been config- tion environment.
ured and all test jobs prepared the day before using the PTM
software. This enabled the test team to immediately start As a next step, the oil temperature was entered into the
the different test jobs on site, which greatly minimized the PTM software. Everything else was measured and calculated
time the transformer was required to be offline. automatically. It took only 17 minutes to complete the

measurement and assessment. This is extraordinarily fast The team had already defined the jobs in the PTM soft-
thanks to the combined Frequency Domain Spectroscopy ware, so the testing procedure was clear and the team
(FDS) and advanced Polarization and Depolarization Cur- could start testing immediately.
rent+ (PDC+) techniques.
1:10 p.m. – Short-circuit impedance measurement
9:40 a.m. – Power/dissipation factor measurement A three-phase, short-circuit impedance measurement
Next, the capacitance and power/dissipation factor was performed on the high-voltage side of the trans-
of the transformer bushings were measured using former. The low-voltage side was shorted. Afterwards,
TESTRANO 600 and its CP TD1 accessory. Testing with the setup was changed on the low-voltage side to per-
variable frequency increases the measurement sensitiv- form all further tests.
ity, which enables defects and faults to become visible at
an early stage. An additional “tip-up test” was performed Only three cables were needed: One cable was con-
with different voltage levels to detect contact problems nected to the high-voltage side, one to the low-voltage
within the bushings. side and one to the tap changer of the transformer. The
color-coded design of TESTRANO 600 makes test setup
The results were available two hours later and were sat- more intuitive, ensuring safe and reliable measurements.
isfactory, aside from one bushing where the frequency
sweep detected a power factor value that was too high. 1:30 p.m. – Turns ratio and excitation current
This would not have been obvious during pure main measurements
frequency testing. The transformer turns ratio was measured on all taps.
TESTRANO 600 controlled the tap changer and switched
1:00 p.m. – Preparation for all common electrical tests from tap to tap automatically. The measured values
After a lunch break, the team took a closer look at the did not reveal any abnormalities. Any detected devia-
conductors and the core of the transformer using some tions were below the tolerance limit according to the
common electrical tests. To prepare for this, the CP TD1 IEC 60076-1 standard.
was disconnected and the system setup was changed.

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 7

DIRANA enables an easy measurement approach for fast
water determination in the paper.

While measuring the turns ratio, the excitation currents for 2:30 p.m. – Demagnetization
all three phases were also determined. The results showed a Whenever DC voltage has been applied to a transformer
typical HLH phase pattern, which fits with the three-legged core, for example during the DC winding resistance test, the
core design. core will become magnetized. The remaining residual mag-
netism can cause high inrush currents which could harm the
1:45 p.m. – DC winding resistance measurement transformer, especially when it is switched back into service.
A DC winding resistance measurement was performed on
both the high-voltage and the low-voltage windings. On the In addition, the magnetized core can cause false interpreta-
high-voltage side, the winding resistance measurement was tions of subsequent measurement results, such as sweep fre-
combined with a dynamic resistance measurement (DRM) quency response analysis, which was planned to be carried
to analyse the transient switching process of the OLTC. The out directly afterwards.
combined measurement was performed in single-phase
mode, which provided good isolation of the phases during Conveniently, the prior setup could be used for the demag-
the switching process. The resistance measurement on the netization. TESTRANO 600 automatically demagnetized the
low-voltage winding was performed as a three-phase test. transformer core, resulting in a remanence of less than 1%.

Thirty minutes later, the measurements on the high-voltage 2:55 p.m. – Sweep frequency response analysis
side were completed for all 19 tap positions and showed no Finally, the test team prepared the sweep frequency
cause for concern. After 5 more minutes, the three-phase response measurements in order to obtain a new refer-
measurement of the low-voltage side was also finished. ence measurement, or a so-called ‘fingerprint’, before the

FRANEO 800’s connection technique ensures TESTRANO 600 provides an intuitive connection
the highest level of reproducibility. concept using color-coded cables.

transformer was decommissioned and transported to the tests, the defective bushing could be located and
its new owner. changed prior to the sale, thus preventing possible early
failure for the new owner.
Since high-voltage is not applied during testing, the two
test engineers could work quickly in parallel. While one All asset and testing data is now available in the PTM
engineer performed the measurements on each phase software database. Based on the operator’s require-
using the PTM software on the laptop, the other engineer ments, a comprehensive, customized report was gener-
was already connecting the system to the next bushing. ated directly on site, which was forwarded to the poten-
tial customer to verify the transformer’s condition status.
Thirty minutes later, all relevant phases of the primary and
the secondary sides of the transformer were measured. 4:00 p.m. – Leaving the substation
The fingerprint was taken, and all important plots and The test equipment was packed into the car and the test
data were saved in the PTM software asset database. team left the substation. The power transformer, in turn,
was ready to be reconnected to the grid.
3:40 p.m. – Result assessment and reporting
The overall impression of the power transformer was Get more information here:
that it was in good condition. None of the diagnostic
tests performed showed any mechanical or electrical
abnormalities or faults. Only one bushing was conspicu-
ous and seemed to be in poor condition. As a result of

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 9

APTITUDE TEST dent of whether they are transformers,
circuit breakers or protection devices.
Why asset prequalification is The later steps are very specific and,

becoming increasingly important in the case of protection devices for

example, can describe the prequalifica-
tion procedure for certain protective
functions in detail.

How does this process deal with

At first glance, incorporating an ad- their product have to undergo before quality and efficiency?
ditional step in the tender process applying for a tender. Such a process For quality management, it is essential
does not make sense. However, upon segregates the technical requirements to document the process. This is also
a second and more informed glance, and the commercial interests. valid for the prequalification process
it appears to be a very important step which requires:
for establishing the efficiency of work In addition, the technical requirements
practices and increasing the quality of can be continuously checked, even if › Rules of procedure
the assets. Many utilities struggle with there is no tender published. After the › Application form for prequalification
a multitude of devices from different manufacturer has prequalified, they can › General eligibility requirements
manufacturers. Before ordering new as- for instance, apply for tenders within › Installation of a scoring system
sets, they may publish a tender volun- the next 4 years without recertification › Eligibility requirements for protection
tarily or are required to publish a tender as long as the main features of the prod- devices
that describes the requirements which uct do not change in the meantime. › General process description
have to be fulfilled by the product. › Description of protection functions for
Important steps 400-kV-network
In order to select the new assets ac- The prequalification procedure consists › Description of protection functions for
cording to their technical feasibility of several steps. They are ordered in transformers
before any pricing issues are evalu- such a manner that the first steps deal › Typical protection settings
ated, a prequalification process can be with quite general issues that could › etc.
introduced that a manufacturer and be applied to all new assets, indepen-

Step 1: Application for prequalification

The manufacturer applies for prequalification for

a certain product category. The utility informs
them about the process, sends them the speci-
fication sheet and invites them to deliver the
necessary documents.

Step 2: Suitability check for manufacturer

The utility checks to see if the manufacturer is

suitable in general, for instance, if they have tech-
nical support, enough resources to produce the
assets, or how long spare parts are available for.

Suitable Unsuitable

With a documented procedure, a com-

parison of assets from different manufac-
turers will be achieved. All assets have to
Step 3: Product check according to
undergo the same tests and the best one
the specification sheet
will be selected from a technical point of
view. The tests in a prequalification pro- The manufacturer returns the necessary docu-
cedure can be developed in a way which ments (including features of the product, test
allows most parts to be used directly for results, etc.). Using a ranking system given by the
any of the assets (same type of asset). This specification sheet, the utility rates the product.
leads to shorter test times with compa-
rable results.
Suitable Unsuitable
Additional benefits
This enhanced process can be applied
to any type of asset used by a utility.
It decouples the prequalification from
Step 4: Further product tests
the tender and can be out-sourced to a
certification institute. Both of these things For new manufacturers, the utility can initiate
alleviate time pressure. Whilst manufac- further tests according to:
turers and their new assets must undergo
numerous tests, this approach guarantees › Commissioning guidelines of the utility
that only devices which are suitable for › IEC 60255-121
the utility are offered during the ten- › IEC 61850
dering process. On the other hand, the › Critical faults from the past
manufacturer can use an official prequali- › Influence of CT saturation
fication certificate document for market- › Performance with relays of other manufacturers
ing issues.

Suitable Unsuitable

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 11

With 18 training centers across the to get the most out of their test sets and With customers in more than 160 coun-
globe, training activities often take place expand their knowledge of assets and tries, there is probably a training course
simultaneously in different time zones at applications. Even a short training course going on somewhere right now in a
one time of the day. We help participants thus generates long-term benefit. classroom or on site.

9:00 p. m. (UTC +7)

Hong Kong, China

In Hong Kong, a pleasant
evening with a walk in the
city closes an interesting
and inspiring training day.

8:00 a. m. (UTC –6)

Mexico City, Mexico

Participants still have time
for another coffee at the
hotel before the two-minute
walk to the training center
in Mexico.

8:00 a. m. (UTC –6)

Houston, USA
At the same time in Houston,
participants are about to
start their day in the fully
equipped indoor substation,
our “playground for test
12 engineers”.
2:00 p. m. (UTC +0)

Stafford, United Kingdom

In Stafford, participants are
performing hands-on testing.
They practically apply the new
skills they have learned in the

3:00 p. m. (UTC +1)

Klaus, Austria
Meanwhile at OMICRON’s
development center in Klaus,
the trainer explains special
application functions in front
of our power transformer.

4:00 p. m. (UTC +2)

Manama, Bahrain
Simultaneously in Manama,
participants are engaged in
discussions with the trainer
and other delegates where
they enjoy learning from
each other.

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 13

CT Analyzer – a well-known system with
new functionalities

CT operators make high demands on CT test sys-

tems. They should be safe, accurate, mobile, fast,
reliable and flexible.

The CT Analyzer was designed as a unique,

lightweight, multi-functional instrument to meet
the highest standards for performing excitation,
ratio, polarity, winding resistance and burden
impedance measurements on all types of conven-
tional current transformers (CTs).

With the latest release, the CT Analyzer now has

new PC software, improved features, new acces-
sories and a rework of the front panel, making
the device better than ever for CT testing.

Improved functionality
CT Analyzer’s sensitivity and its application range
have been improved. You can now perform ac-
curate excitation characteristics measurements of
CTs with a wide knee-point range between 0.1 V
and 40 kV. This makes the CT Analyzer an even
better tool to test all different types of CTs, from
small metering devices to large protection CTs
typically installed in power equipment such as
power transformers.

«With the latest release,
the CT Analyzer now
has new PC software,
improved features,
new accessories and a
rework of the front pa-
nel, making the device
better than ever for CT

The front panel of the CT Analyzer has also been

modified to comply with the latest design stan-
dards ensuring easy readability of buttons and
improved usability.

New operating software CT Analyzer Suite

The new CT Analyzer Suite is a complete rede-
sign of the operating software supporting you
through every single step of the testing process.
During test preparation, you can make the neces-
sary test and asset-related entries in the struc-
tured software form. Before test execution, wir-
ing diagrams help you check the correct wiring
of your measuring setup. Immediately after the
tests you get an overview of the test results and
an automated assessment of the CT condition.

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 15

Customized CT assessment
To date the CT Analyzer allowed a CT assessment
to be carried out according to all CT-relevant
international standards. In order to carry out an
assessment which goes beyond the international
standards (IEC, IEE), the new CT Analyzer Suite
offers you the flexibility to define and use local
national standards (for example Canadian or
British standard) as well as your own corporate
standards or assessment rules for all important CT
parameters (such as ratio error, phase displace-
ment, transient parameters, dynamic current
range and burden-dependent CT performance).

Additionally, OMICRON offers the facility to

create such individual assessment rules based
on your own requirements.

New accessories
The CT Analyzer also gets some new, helpful
accessories for transport and operation.

The new multi-functional trans-

port case is a heavy-duty option
with wheels and serves as a “sturdy
outer housing”. All control elements
of the CT Analyzer are on the front,
allowing the device to be left in the
case while testing. The lid is designed
to be raised for use as a bench for a
laptop while the CT Analyzer stays in the
case. Attachable end plates can be used
for mouse control or technical documents
and offer further space for accessories.

The new backpack is a smaller and lighter

carrying option with wheels, extendable
handle and shoulder straps. It is designed
for simple mechanical protection.

Go with the best and get the

improved CT Analyzer!

Leading transmission system
operator picks CIBANO 500 to
test all types of circuit breakers
with one system

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 17

Founded in 1998, TenneT is a leading Software-supported condition
European electricity transmission diagnosis
system operator (TSO) with its main “Regarding measurements on high-
activities in the Netherlands and voltage CBs, I really appreciate the
Germany. With over 22,000 kilome- fact that after testing, CIBANO 500
tres of high-voltage connections it and PTM supply me with more infor-
ensures a secure supply of electricity mation than I ever had in the past
to 41 million end-users. when using other devices for the
same measurements,“ Roel van Hees
TenneT discovered CIBANO 500 recounts. The PTM software supports
while looking for new ways to ap- the user during diagnostic testing
proach proper circuit breaker main- and the condition assessment of var-
tenance and repair. ious primary assets, including CBs. It
provides a well-structured database
State-of the-art circuit breaker for managing all asset-related data
testing used for obtaining a comprehensive
“I am constantly looking for innova- overview of the asset’s condition.
tive approaches to testing that can
offer added value,” says Roel van “After a DRM measurement, the
Hees, who works for TenneT as a graph produced by PTM really gives
technical specialist for primary assets me a lot of valuable information
in the Southern part of the Neth- about a CB’s contacts,” Roel van Hees
erlands. “So, in 2016 after I heard describes. “The PTM software is also
about OMICRON’s circuit breaker very easy to use and I can adjust all
test set CIBANO 500, I was given a of the parameters for each specific
product presentation. Regarding measurement. After the measure-
high-voltage circuit breakers (CBs), ments, I have an extensive array
we mainly perform timing measure- of options for analyzing the test
ments. However, I was amazed to results,” he explains. “This helps me
see that this device can also measure detect the actual condition of a CB.”
the static contact resistance of all
the phases of a CB simultaneously,” Testing HV breakers and GIS with
he continues. “What I liked even one system
more was that without any change “When performing a condition
in the measuring setup, a dynamic assessment on CBs, the flexibility
contact resistance measurement of CIBANO 500 is very beneficial
(DRM) of all the phases can be per- to me,” Roel van Hees confirms.
formed. What finally convinced me ”As every measuring parameter is
to buy a complete CIBANO 500 test adjustable, I can use the system
set was how easily a measurement for measurements on different CB
can be set up and performed with brands and types. This is important
the Primary Test Manager™ (PTM) when you have a large network
software,” he summarizes. with a multitude of different CBs

«I really appreciate the fact that
like TenneT has,” Roel van Hees says
after testing, CIBANO 500
smiling. “CIBANO 500 really meets
all of my expectations for test-
and PTM supply me with
ing HV CBs.”
more information than I ever
“In mid-2017, I read about the new
CSM feature for timing measure-
had in the past when using
ments on GIS circuit breakers in
the OMICRON newsletter. I ordered
other devices for the same
a CSM Upgrade Option, because
I really liked the idea of safe timing
measurements where both sides of
the breaker are grounded through-
out the entire measurement,” says
Roel van Hees. “Now we have a
complete test set for performing all
kinds of measurements on a wide
variety of CBs,” he concludes.
Roel van Hees
The best support Technical Specialist, TenneT
“Another reason for choosing an
OMICRON device is the amazing
support you receive,“ Roel van Hees
is convinced. “If there is any kind
of problem with a device
or a measurement it will
be addressed and solved
quickly by OMICRON’s
technical support team. In
general, it’s really great that
OMICRON actively responds
to their customer’s wishes.
Many of our wishes have
already been granted.”

DRM screen with results graph

and some typical information
you can get from it.

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 19

Our CCSS team faces new challenges with
every logistics job

The “Central Customer Care & Sales Support” (CCSS) Nadja and her colleague need to attend a refresher
team faces new challenges almost every day. “We are course and take a subsequent exam every two years.
responsible for an order from the moment it’s placed Nadja has many anecdotes from her time at OMICRON:
until it’s delivered to the customer,” explains Nadja “A powerbank, for example, is a bad choice for a give-
Wozasek, coach of the 10-person CCSS team in Klaus, away because these can only be sent through the post
Austria. “In addition to creating the order confirma- according to strict rules, such as a maximum of two
tions, delivery notes and invoices we also take care of pieces per package. Due to these restrictions, shipping
the payment terms and customs formalities as well small gifts rapidly becomes unprofitable.”
as the organization of the shipments themselves.”
Around 40 packages are dispatched to destinations Experience counts
around the world by OMICRON every single day. Knowing what can be shipped worldwide and what
cannot comes with experience. After all, there is no
Hazardous goods checklist that the team can refer to if needed. Also, they
One particular challenge is the growing number of ship- often receive no insight into local regulations or import
ments containing hazardous goods, which is mainly due quotas. “We work closely with our legal team to clarify
to the increasing use of batteries. At the moment, one legal requirements. But that does not always help us
other team member aside from Nadja has the relevant get any further. In some countries, a lot depends on the
certification to commission the dispatch of hazardous goodwill of local officials,” explains Nadja. “We then
goods. In order to retain their certified status, both creatively look for legal ways to make it easier to import

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 21

The joint intercultural training helped all participants to understand
and learn from each other.

the goods.” Previous experiences are also stored in the inter- new offices across the world – which is not always a straight-
nal administration system for individual orders or for different forward process. Trade fairs and exhibitions are another
countries. “Of course, you always have to bear in mind that major challenge for the team: “In some countries, we have to
what was allowed yesterday may be banned today, and vice clearly declare which materials will be left on site and which
versa,” emphasizes Nadja. will be sent back. If brochures left over after a trade fair are
quickly packaged up and sent back without being declared, it
Personal responsibility can lead to fines of several thousand euros,” says Nadja.
In addition to product exports, 15 test sets are imported every
day, such as units that need to be calibrated. Nadja and her Intercultural exchange
team are personally responsible for any errors that may occur The work of the CCSS team also requires a certain level of
in customs clearance. “Assuming we have not acted negli- sensitivity and understanding when it comes to intercultural
gently, the company would reimburse us for any fines that we differences. Every year the responsibility for particular sales
would incur. However, we would have to bear personal respon- regions is reassigned within the team. This can sometimes
sibility for any actions resulting in convictions,” adds Nadja. lead to challenges for the team members. “For example,
people from different countries often have different ways
Complicated logistics of working and appreciate personal exchanges. That’s the
Apart from the export and import of test sets, the CCSS team first thing that I had to get used to when I began working
also deals with shipping office furniture and IT equipment to in this team,” Nadja recalls. “The internal ‘Intercultural

«For example, people
from different countries
often have different
ways of working and
appreciate personal

Nadja Wozasek
Coach Central Customer
Care & Sales Support,

Training’, which I highly recommend to my colleagues,

has helped me a lot. And through these contacts I
have also learned a lot about myself.” Her awareness
of world politics has also changed thanks to her job.
“Today I know that changes in diplomatic relation-
ships will have consequences for my job,” she explains.
“It makes you worry if you can still complete an order
before the legal requirements change.”

In 2017, the CCSS team processed more than

11,000 orders with 34,000 individual items. Our goal
is for all of our customers to receive their orders as
quickly as possible. “Sometimes, especially if authori-
ties or banks get involved, this is unfortunately no
longer in our hands,” concludes Nadja.

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 23

Elia, the transmission system opera-
tor in Belgium, is busy completing
a large-scale expansion of its high-
voltage power grid in Flanders called
the Stevin project. One phase of this
project was to add four buried cable
circuits, each comprizing three 380 kV
cables over a distance of 10 kilometers
(6.21 miles) between two substations.

Ensuring reliable operation

“The Stevin project is critically im-
portant for strengthening the high-
voltage grid in Belgium,” says Pieter
Leemans, Elia’s Asset Manager for MV
and HV cables, “so we must guarantee

the functionality and stability of the
new cable links. The best way for us to
do this is through real-time monitor-
ing of the dielectric condition.”

DISTANCE “Not only did we need a partial

discharge (PD) monitoring system to
perform a site acceptance test on the
high-voltage cable dielectric to be sure
that the cable links were PD-free before
MONCABLO helps to detect commissioning,” he explains, “we also

and locate insulation defects need the same system to continuously

assess PD activity during operation of
along several kilometers of the entire cable system.”

power cable
solution because it provided the best
match for our criteria for a cable
monitoring system. Most importantly,
we were impressed with OMICRON’s
flexibility, structured organization and
detailed explanation of how it would
meet our system requirements and
implementation milestones.”

Multiple monitoring points

The MONCABLO PD monitoring system
was installed on all four 3-phase cable

circuits, covering 24 outdoor termina- Localizing defects thresholds. This enables quick, detec-
tions and 132 buried connections, “The MONCABLO system is designed tion-based responses and will help us
making a total of 156 monitoring to detect and identify the exact loca- reduce maintenance needs.”
points. “Each monitoring point has tion of PD-related defects along the
three high-frequency current trans- entire length of each cable,” says Pieter An intuitive web interface
formers (HFCTs) to collect PD signals Leemans, “but the system can also “We can swiftly access stored PD data
at the grounding connections of each inform us by e-mail when PD activity from any remote location using the
phase, which are connected to a data exceeds pre-set warning and alarm MONCABLO software’s intuitive web
acquisition unit to pre-process the
data,” clarifies Mario Sarens, the Elia
Project Leader responsible for on-site «The MONCABLO system has a flexible
installation. “Multiple data acquisition
units are connected in a daisy chain by design that was successfully customized to
a fibre optic cable to a data collection
match our cable system layout and special
unit, which then sends the data to our
central server and SCADA system in installation requirements.»
Brussels,” he adds.

Solving installation challenges

“The MONCABLO system has a flex-
ible design that was successfully
customized to match our cable system
layout and special installation require-
ments,” he explains. “For example, the Mario Sarens
groundwater level is high in this part Stevin Cable Project Leader, Elia
of Flanders, so we installed the buried
monitoring components at the cable
joints in sealed cement containers,
and the HFCT sensors were immersed
in gel to keep them dry and maintain
their integrity.”

“An additional challenge was how to

power the buried monitoring equip-
ment. In the end, we installed a low-
voltage power cable alongside the
high-voltage cables over their entire
length,” Mario Sarens describes. “This
solution was the result of collaboration
between OMICRON’s and Elia’s techni-
cal experts to produce the best design
for the LV cable that keeps HV interfer-
ence to a minimum while also ensuring The cement boxes protect the HFCT sensors and data acquisition unit against
ground water and dust.
personal safety,” he concludes.

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 25

interface,” he continues, “we can view «The MONCABLO system is designed
the PD status of each monitored acces-
sory as well as real-time and historical to detect and identify the exact lo-
trend curves for each phase of every
cation of PD-related defects along
cable circuit. Various automated features
enable us to conveniently evaluate the the full length of each cable. It can
PD data. OMICRON’s unique 3PARD dia-
gram and automatic cluster separation
be extended to monitor other pa-
allow us to separate external noise from rameters in order to reduce our
PD signals and determine the phase of
signal origin,” he describes.
future maintenance activities on our
380 kV cable system.»
Correlation with other monitoring data
“As well as PD monitoring, MONCABLO’s
software can be expanded to cover
other parameters, such as verifying the
functionality of cross-bond joints and
detecting cable sheath faults,” says
Pieter Leemans. “The data from multiple
monitored parameters can be displayed Pieter Leemans
on a single graph for a full insulation Asset Manager for MV and
diagnosis.” HV Cables, Elia

MONCABLO’s software simultaneously

shows the PD status of all monitored
cable accessories.

› Synchronous PD data acquisi-
› tion at all cable
Synchronous PDaccessories
data acquisi-
› tion for all defect
Advanced cable accessories
› along the cable’s
Advanced entire length
defect localization
› along the cable’s
Integration entire length
with third-party
› sensors andwith
Integration SCADA systems
sensors and SCADA systems

How to include security in networked
protection engineering

Protection engineering and IT – do they really Until now, the IT of the protection system had
belong together at all? Although their interaction been an area where the IT department had delib-
is based on the same technology, there are vast erately handed over administrative responsibili-
differences between them when you actually ties to the protection engineering department.
look at the details. This poses great challenges to Not least because it involves data and protocols
companies, especially when it comes to the topic that do not fall within the normal scope of activi-
of cyber security. ties of IT and are therefore difficult to control
and monitor with the means available. Therefore,
This situation has been exacerbated around the managing all technical equipment and software
world by the introduction of new guidelines and continued to be the responsibility of the protec-
statutory regulations, as IT is now responsible tion engineering department alone. This does
for all information systems used in the business not merely include the relevant assets and their
environment. This also includes the information firmware and software, but also the test sets and
systems supporting the protection system as well their operating system and application software.
as the rest of the entire energy supply.

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 27

«An attack is less likely to be success- North America too has its agenda to
safeguard energy provision against

ful if employees within the company unauthorized attacks and the result-
ing problems from it. There is a whole
range of guidelines for this purpose,
are aware of the individual steps of a covered by NERC CIP (North American
Electric Reliability Corporation – Critical
potential attack.» Infrastructure Protection).

Ultimately the implementation of the

The expertise of the protection techni- amended the special provisions in guidelines remains the responsibility of
cians is now mostly focused on the the German Energy Act [Energie- the operators and their partners. The
secure operation of the substation and wirtschaftsgesetz]. Therefore, opera- problem here is that the networking of
less on the administration of IT systems tors of energy supply networks have infrastructures of various power supply
and their complex infrastructure and until January 31, 2018 to implement companies as part of the smart grid is
functionality – not to mention the and certify an Information Security based largely on existing components
associated security aspects that are Management System (ISMS) pursuant and protocols from the IT sector.
anything but trivial. to ISO/IEC 27001. An integrated ap-
proach is required here, which should Turning your back on communication
And let’s not forget the public and be continuously reviewed with regards media such as Ethernet is however not
political attention, which is moving to its performance and effective- very advisable, as has been demon-
the issue of IT security for critical ness, and which should be modified strated by analyses of attacks and
infrastructures into the limelight, not as necessary. As a minimum require- faults. Underlying data connections
least through incidents from recent ment, the ISMS must include EDP and that are not even considered to be
history. Stuxnet, for instance: not telecommunication systems used for vulnerable are also often affected.
something anyone will forget in a controlling the network and those
hurry. But there have also been two that are required for secure network Awareness
other successful attacks: in 2015 and operation – as per the IT Cybersecurity The first step to be taken towards
2016 on Ukraine’s power supply, Act (ITSiG). security is the permanent and on-
where around 230,000 people were going training of personnel with
suddenly left without power. Since August 2016, a guideline (NIS regard to the awareness of threats.
Directive) has been in force through- An attack is less likely to be success-
This motivated politicians to act out the rest of the EU for network ful if employees within the company
as quickly as possible and draw up and information security. EU member are aware of the individual steps of a
guidelines or statutory regulations for states have 21 months in which to potential attack. Employees are usu-
operators of critical infrastructures – incorporate this directive into appro- ally always involved, but are largely
including energy provision. priate national legislation, which unaware. Malware gets into the
presumably won’t be too different network through the careless opening
Regulations and guidelines from the ITSiG. It’s the same story of e-mail attachments, links in e-mails,
What form do the abovementioned in Switzerland, which has dedicated external media such as USB thumb
changes or tightening take? Up until itself to this issue with the “National drives, insecure WiFi connections, un-
now, every region has done its own Strategy to Protect Switzerland protected installation of routers (con-
thing. In Germany, the legis lator has Against Cyber Risks” (NCS). necting USB sticks or laptops, etc.).

When prompted to open an attach-
ment or to click on a link, it is always
better to first confer with the person
sending the request. Removable
storage devices belonging to protec-
tion engineers must never leave the
assigned area of activity. This ensures
that malware from less protected com-
puters cannot accidentally be installed.
Removable storage devices that have
been given as a gift or have been
found must be tested by the IT security
department prior to use, preferably
in a sandbox. In case of the latter, it
would even be best to destroy them
straight away. Since the malware is
under supervision here, it can go wild
without posing a risk to the company.

Secure test PC
Contrary to some of the rumors within
the sector, let’s be clear about one
thing: every computer that can be ac-
cessed on a public network is usually
vulnerable, no matter how “hardened”
it is. The likelihood of an external at-
tack can nevertheless be significantly
minimized by deactivating any un-
necessary Windows functions that are
not needed for work in the protection
engineering sector. Much could surely
be gained by the constructive coopera-
tion between the IT and protection en-
gineering department to draw on the
in-depth knowledge of the IT experts.

Security can be increased even further

if computers that are used to para-
meterize the testing and maintenance
of the protection engineering are
strictly limited to this use and have
no contact whatsoever with office IT
or the Internet. This could be a test

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 29

PC that is installed in the respective A station firewall can be set up as an wall systems that can handle the pro-
system, or a laptop that is exclusively additional security level that moni- tocols used in engineering substations.
used for protection engineering. tors communication between the PC A tool like this also allows the logs to
Alternatively, it could be possible to and the protection devices or the test be used to determine if unauthorized
have virtual machines on the comput- sets, thereby preventing unauthorized access was attempted.
ers that basically function in the same access in extreme cases. This is very
way as separate computers and strictly possible with the OMICRON test sets in Cyber security with OMICRON
separate the individual areas. particular. Meanwhile, there are fire- For some years, OMICRON has been
actively addressing the issue of cyber
security and its impact on the day-
to-day work of performing tests in
energy installations. These initiatives
Control system
were expanded in 2016. The activities
include technical aspects in product
development projects and also a
company-wide initiative on the issue of
cyber security by OMICRON’s executive
OMICRON test sets already provide a
Station firewall

high level of security. Connecting to

Interface for Network switch the test computer via USB disconnects
test PC it completely from the data communi-
cation network of the substation, thus
making the transmission of malware
virtually impossible. The same security
is also offered by both Ethernet inter-
Test set faces in the CMC, which are not inter-
Test PC connected. Therefore, the substation
network connected to it is on a differ-
A station firewall monitors communication between the PC and the protection ent network from the test computer
devices or the test sets, thereby preventing unauthorized access in extreme cases.

and the CMC does not transmit any
packages from the “insecure” computer
to the substation network.

An even bigger step towards security

is to set up a so-called demilitarized
zone. This means fully separating
the protection engineering IT from
the usual office IT. The standalone
data management system ADMO
allows such an infrastructure zone
to be set up in the station network.
ADMO is specifically tailored to meet
these requirements in the protection
engineering sector, thereby avoid-
ing unnecessary functions that would
make the system unclear and slow. This
not only simplifies the daily processes,
but also administration. All necessary
data is collected and compiled here
and then securely transferred to the
relevant test or engineering comput-
ers. Now none of the documents are
in an un-trusted zone like the office IT
zone. Data received externally for the
protection devices must nevertheless
continue to be checked to ensure it is
safe. No matter if it's new firmware,
security updates, data transmission or
the like – all of this can bring about
undesirable effects.

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 31

Pavel Andrle from GFTC s. r. o. on what it means to be
a reliable partner

GFTC s. r. o. was founded in 2007 What are the hot topics for the energy electromobility adoption on one side
by Karel Andrle in Litomyšl, Czech supply market at the moment? and decreasing electricity generation
Republic. Their main focus is providing The main topic at the moment is the due to the closure of aging coal power
consultancy services for glass fiber pro- lack of electricity generation beyond plants on the other. There are no new
duction. At the beginning of 2017 the 2022 when the closure of some old traditional plants under construction
company also became an OMICRON coal power plants are expected, but at the moment. We are also yet to see
sales partner for the Czech market and new generation wouldn’t be able to who is going to pay for the ecological
it is represented by Pavel Andrle. cover that even if construction started disposal of photovoltaic panels when
today. One of the options is construct- their efficiency drops off.
How is the energy grid structured? ing one additional block at each one of
Pavel Andrle: Czech energy grid is our nuclear power plants (Temelín and Thank you for the interview.
structured into 5 voltage levels. The Dukovany) which is being discussed at
transmission level has 400 kV and the moment.
220 kV lines operated only by Czech
TSO (company ČEPS). The distribution What kind of challenges are your
level consists of 3 voltage levels 110 kV, customers facing?
22 kV and 400 V operated by 3 DSOs. A low electricity price doesn’t justify
ČEZ is the largest one which operates the construction of additional nuclear
a distribution grid in northern and reactors at the moment. Our TSO ČEPS
central areas excluding Prague. E.ON faces difficulties in managing the flow
operates a distribution grid in southern of electricity generated in the north
Bohemia and Moravia while PRE oper- of Germany to south Germany and
ates one in Prague. Austria at the time when generation
in wind parks is peaking. A decision to
What resources are being used to install phase shifting transformers was
generate power? made. Additionally requirements for
The electricity generation in the Czech cyber security are more stringent for
Republic is still dominated by fossil TSO and DSOs.
fuels which accounted for 58.8% of
the electricity generated at the end When looking towards the future,
of 2016. The Czech Republic has two where do you see the biggest
nuclear power plants which together challenges in the power sector and Pavel Andrle
generate 19.9% of the electric- in general? Technical Sales Representative,
ity. Renewables account for 10.8% One of the big challenges will defini- GFTC s.r.o.
and hydro generation accounts for tely be finding a balance between an
another 10.5%. increased demand for electricity due to



› Capital: Prague
› Inhabitants: ~10 million
› Currency: Czech Crown
› Language: Czech
› National dish: Pork, dumplings
and cabbage
› National drink: Beer
› National sport: Ice hockey


› Drink Czech beer and
› Try traditional Czech goulash.
› Visit Prague and Český
› Don’t say Czechslovakia!
› Don’t go to restaurants near
tourist areas.

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 33

Daily challenges faced by a service
provider during diagnostic testing

Protección Control y Medición (PCM) is Speed is the key
a leading service provider in Guatemala, The most time-consuming task is One impressive day of testing
providing their customers with electri- the testing of power transformers. In April 2017, PCM Guatemala had
cal engineering services for primary “Within a 12-month period, we test scheduled a transformer testing job
and secondary equipment. The 12-man on average about 120 transformers for one of their customers. Manuel
team specializes in the commissioning and auto-transformers between 1 MVA Martínez was pleasantly surprised
and maintenance of electrical power and 50 MVA, and rated from 4.16 kV while working with TESTRANO 600:
substations and generation plants, and to 230 kV,” states Manuel Martínez. “I have been working for PCM for
has vast experience in the execution He explains that considerable time is almost eight years now and through
and interpretation of electrical tests on needed to setup the tests, re-connect my work have come into contact with
various assets. between the different test jobs and for various devices. But I have never been
the measurement itself. “It takes for able to test eleven power transformers
Manuel Martínez, test engineer at PCM example about four hours to com- within one day.”
Guatemala reports about his business, pletely test a power transformer with
the daily challenges he faces and one 69 kV and 10 MVA.” “We started testing at 7 o’clock in the
recent, completely new experience morning and had to test power trans-
that meets these challenges. Since speed is the key in this business, formers with 10 MVA and 22 kV includ-
PCM Guatemala requested a live dem- ing the de-energized tap changer
Transferred responsibility onstration when they discovered the (DETC),” he continues. “Numerous
”We have to verify that each asset was new time-saving three-phase power parameters were measured such as
tested and that the results are satisfac- transformer test system TESTRANO 600 power/dissipation factor, capacitance,
tory,” explains Manuel Martínez. The on our website, which they then short-circuit impedance, excitation
responsibilities have been transferred purchased. “We were impressed by the currents, turns ratio, and DC winding
from the operator to the service provid- test system and its performance from resistance. And in between we also
er, which puts them under considerable the very first day. The device is very had to demagnetize the transformers.
pressure: “We have to ensure that none good, the software very user friendly But at 4:30 p.m., only seven hours later,
of the tested assets will fail and our and the training courses we received we were finished and all eleven trans-
customers will not have any unforeseen after buying our own device were formers were ready to be reconnected
failures in their substations and power excellent.” to the grid.”
plants. We are only successful when
our customers feel satisfied with their
equipment and with our service.” «We are very satisfied
“My typical tasks are to coordinate and
with TESTRANO 600 – it
execute electrical tests in the field, and is easy to use and saves
afterwards to create reports for each of
the performed tests. For us as a service a lot of time in making
provider, one of the biggest challenges
here is to draw conclusions quickly and connections and carrying
in the best way,” says Manuel Martínez.
“Best” in this case means: The results
out measurements.»
obtained must be correct, complete
and detailed enough to allow a com- Manuel Martínez
prehensive condition assessment for Electrical Test Engineer,
each test object. PCM Guatemala

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 35

“I especially liked the demagneti- transformers respectively so quickly an economical perspective, this
zation functionality as it reduces are easily explained. The device opens up entirely new opportuni-
the residual magnetism to almost itself provides a new level of speed ties for PCM: “Due to the usage of
zero,” Manuel Martínez explains. “In with which the measurements can TESTRANO 600, we were able to
consequence, the results of other be carried out. In addition, we were achieve considerable cost savings,
subsequent diagnostic tests become able to save a lot of time due to the which allows us to offer better pric-
more reliable and high inrush cur- three-phase testing capability and es to our clients, which will prob-
rents are avoided when a trans- the easy connection concept. We ably result in new orders,” explains
former is switched back into service.” could carry out almost all required Manuel Martínez.
The effort for demagnetization was tests using the same test setup.”
minimal: No rewiring was needed as Manuel Martínez adds: “And all of “I estimate the investment in
the setup of the previous test could this with the greatest satisfaction.” TESTRANO 600 will be amortized
be used again. It took only five min- in a span of one year.” Thus, PCM is
utes to completely demagnetize the New opportunities and planning to invest in a number of
transformer, and the test team could perspectives additional test sets in the future.
proceed with the next test job. Compared to the four hours it took “I think our customers will also
to test one transformer in the past, appreciate this investment as it
Reasons for being so quick the latest testing experience with also reduces the time their assets
“In my opinion, the main reasons eleven transformers within one are offline.”
why we were able to test so many day set a new benchmark. From

Following the release of the SAA1 The warning lamp is equipped
beeper in 2017, we have further with magnetic holders and a hook.
expanded our range of safety Thus, you can either attach it to any
accessories. construction in the substation or
place it on a tripod as a standalone
The new SAA2 is the successor to version. The system is cascadable,
the warning strobe lamp. The small, so that you can decide whether
lightweight and scalable safety you need one, two, four, or up to
accessory helps you to mark your eight signal lamps to mark your
testing area and warn people that testing area.
the prohibition zone around the
test setup must not be entered. SAA2 can be used with CPC 100/80,
Depending on the status of the test CIBANO 500 and VOTANO 100.
device – in operation, ready to mea- Via the control unit, the SAA2
sure, etc. – the SAA2 shows either can be combined with other
a green or red light. In addition to OMICRON safety accessories, such
the red flashlight, the SAA2 can also as the SAA1 beeper, TRC1 remote
give an audible signal if a measure- control, SAB1 safety box and the
ment is ongoing. It also offers an remote safety switch.
emergency button to stop the mea-
surement immediately, if needed.

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 37

Our new customer portal has been online for
about a year now, offering more space and pos-
sibilities for addressing our customer’s needs.
Daniel Corn, Online Marketing Manager at
OMICRON, took the time to talk to us about the
customer portal.

Daniel, the customer portal is still quite new.
What has changed compared to what we
had before?

Daniel Corn: The customer area used to be a
part of our website, meaning that we only had a
limited scope to make changes. The new stand-
alone customer portal offers more opportunities
for personalized content. Furthermore, the por-
tal is now optimized for mobile devices too. For
Our online customer portal – example, now it’s possible to download and read
personalized information user manuals on site while taking measurements.

at a glance You have already spoken about personaliza-

tion. Can you explain a bit more about that?
Our customers can keep personal information,
such as addresses and telephone numbers,
constantly up to date. They are also able to
decide which information is displayed on the
so-called “dashboard”. By using this function,
you can instantly see what is new and relevant,
what events and training courses are taking
place nearby, news about products used by the
customer, application reports for interesting
application areas, and much more.

Throughout the development of the customer

portal, a lot of emphasis has been placed on
the topic of “sharing knowledge”.
Exactly. Our knowledge library contains more
than 2,800 documents in 17 languages. Our
customers can filter the content of this library
according to their interests and display the
results on the dashboard. Furthermore, we have
recently published a terminology database, in
which 1,500 terms relating to the field of “energy
technology” are explained and described.

Which areas of the portal are used the most?

At the moment, the software downloads are
the feature being used most frequently, but

our library of test templates is becoming more
popular too. This library contains more than
380 templates that are available to our custom-
ers for free.

Can you give us a quick summary of your

future plans?
Naturally it is our aim to make the customer
portal even more adaptable to better suit the 14,000+ 380+
needs of our customers. Therefore, we want to members test templates

provide even more personalized information in

the future, such as calibration certificates for
customer’s products. We are also planning to
revise the user forum, in order to make it even
easier for our customers to interact with us and 2,800+ documents in 17 languages
available in our knowledge
with each other. In general, we are very happy library
with the feedback and requests we’ve received
for new functions. Customers can submit these
at any time using the feedback form in the por-
tal or on the website. Top 3 member countries:

Thank you for the interview. USA

1 Australia
«The portal is now opti-
mized for mobile devices
too. It’s now possible to
conveniently download
user manuals to your
65+ GB of available software

6,000+ 3,500+
software downloads document downloads
Daniel Corn
per month per month
Online Marketing Manager,

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 39


A software-supported, automated solution with

Primary Test Manager™ software and HGT1
When grounding systems are software, all the necessary tests select an area of an online map. If
tested, the fall-of-potential is can be performed and the asset a GPS signal is available, the cor-
measured in order to determine “grounding system” can also be responding geo coordinates are
the ground impedance and ground managed in PTM. In order for all stored for each measuring point.
potential rise. Step and touch volt- this to happen, PTM simply needs The measuring points can also be
ages must also be recorded to pro- to be installed on a tablet com- entered manually by tapping on
vide direct evidence about safety puter: “We have created a testing the map. Determining the distance
for individuals at the measuring system that is extremely mobile. to the reference point used to be a
locations in question. Thereby, The voltage measurement for time-consuming and cumbersome
standards must be observed, which determining the ground imped- process but now it can be estab-
clearly specify how to perform the ance can be performed directly on lished automatically in both cases.
measurement and analyze the data the probe outside of the substation “We are convinced of the added
that has been collected. very easily,” explains Moritz Pikisch, value that this option creates. The
Product Manager at OMICRON. measurements can of course still
Mobile testing solution be performed without using maps
With the HGT1, we are now GPS-supported logging or selecting images,” says Moritz.
offering a software-supported The process of logging and record-
measurement for ground imped- ing measurements has also been Standard-based assessment
ance and step and touch volt- simplified thanks to this new de- The PTM can also perform an
ages. By combining it with the vice combination. In PTM, the user automated assessment of step
Primary Test Manager™ (PTM) can either upload an image file or and touch voltage measurements

based on EN 50522 and IEEE 80 using Fast Fourier Transformation
standards. Each standard specifies (FFT). These results are transferred
a different input impedance – 1kΩ to PTM for automatically acquiring
in accordance with EN 50522 or the measured values, and then the
a high-ohmic input impedance in values at nominal frequency are
accordance with IEEE 80. Depend- determined through interpolation.
ing on the standard selected in The HGT1 also has a special detec-
PTM, the relevant specifications tion algorithm, which identifies the
are transferred to the HGT1 recurring current injection of the
and automatically recorded source and therefore it only records
for each measurement point. the relevant data. Incorrect mea-
“This clearly shows that a surements such as those resulting
test has been performed in from the test probe that have come
accordance with the rel- into contact with the test object,
evant standards,” under- can thus be excluded.
lines Moritz. The values for
the input impedance can When it comes to large grounding
be changed manually at any systems, such as those in substa-
time if needed. tions, the CPC 100 combined with
the CP CU1 coupling unit is a suit-
Measurement without able system for injecting the test
interference current. Maximum safety is ensured,
The test current is injected at fre- as the CP CU1 provides galvanic iso-
quencies that differ from the nomi- lation between the user and the line.
nal frequency in order to suppress
interference; typically at 30 Hz, The lightweight, battery-powered
70 Hz, and 90 Hz for two seconds COMPANO 100 test set can be used
at a time. The frequency-selective as an injection source for ground-
measurement of the voltage is then ing systems with small dimensions,
determined directly in the HGT1 such as high-voltage pylons.

HGT1 with tablet: In Primary Test Manager™, the measurement results are recorded
and assigned to specific measuring points using GPS coordinates.

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 41


How our MBB1 measurement balanced

bridge helps you enhance noise reduction
for single-phase partial discharge testing

Partial discharge (PD) measurement ity also means a greater susceptibility says Ole. “In addition, our unique
in the test lab is important for quality to disturbances, which can affect the method of multi-spectral PD measure-
assurance in the development, pro- measurement results.” ment with three adjustable digital
duction and service of high-voltage filters helps you to effectively separate
(HV) assets. It is a widely accepted “Since PD measurements often can- different PD sources from noise.”
method for assessing the integrity of not be carried out in shielded areas,
electrical insulation to ensure reli- noise suppression and source separa- In addition to these advanced tech-
able equipment operation. However, tion techniques are very important to niques, differential PD measurement
interference in the test field can pose ensure reliable results in both test labs using a measurement balanced bridge
measurement challenges. and in the field,” Ole explains. is commonly used for further reducing
interference during single-phase PD
Noise compromises measurement Reduce interference testing as specified by IEC 60270.
results “With the MPD 600, you already have
“The signals emitted during PD activity several methods of electrical noise “In a differential PD balanced bridge
can have a very low intensity, therefore suppression. For example, freely- measurement, the PD signals are mea-
using highly sensitive PD measurement selectable filtering options allow you sured at two positions in the circuit
equipment, like our MPD 600, is crucial to adjust the center frequency and with a shared reference potential,” Ole
to reliably detect it,” says Ole Kessler, bandwidth to achieve a high signal- explains. “These include the Device
MPD product manager. “However, to-noise ratio and low background Under Test (DUT) branch and the sec-
high measurement system sensitiv- noise level for reliable PD analysis,” ond PD-free Device Under Test (DUT 2)




DUT 1 DUT 2 or Ck


CPL 542 MBB1 CPL 542
t Coupling Coupling t
device (CD2) device (CD1)
MPD 600
Fiber optic
HV area

Safe area

Single-phase PD test setup with CPL 542

PC with MBB1 measurement impedances, MBB1 and the
MCU 502 and MPD software MPD 600 PD measurement system.

or coupling capacitor (CK) branch. The plays a key role in test environments balanced and subtracted within the
impact of conducted disturbances, with heavy interference,” says Ole. measurement bridge. The MBB1 con-
which couple into the PD test setup “Used together with a single-channel tains a circuit that adjusts and combines
as a common mode signal, is reduced MPD 600 PD measurement system and the signals of the two measurement im-
by using the difference of the mea- two CPL 542 measurement impedances, pedances,” he adds. “Noise suppression
surement signal of both branches in a the MBB1 forms a balanced bridge mea- can be achieved due to the superposi-
balanced setup.” surement system to perform differential tion of the external interference in both
PD measurements.” branches. The combined signals are then
Bridging the gap transferred to the MPD 600 where they
“This is where our computer-controlled “The signals are decoupled with are further processed for evaluation.”
MBB1 measurement balanced bridge the measuring impedances and are

«The combination of differential

PD measurement and a digital
PD measuring system leads
to a significant reduction in
The MBB1 can be used for AC and DC test setups both in the
laboratory and on site for various HV assets.
Ole Kessler The MBB1 can be used for AC and DC test setups both in the
Product Manager, OMICRON
laboratory and on site for various HV assets.

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 43

NO Intelligent
as set ma n a g e m e n t with ADMO

When it comes to ensuring a reliable systems? How can they foster their tive protection systems and distur-
power supply, the proper functioning reputation and trust with their partners, bance analysis. This rather holistic per-
of protection systems is indispensable. and guarantee growth and develop- spective allows for a strategic risk and
This requires regular testing and main- ment for their company, while provid- reliability management for protection
tenance of assets. However, today’s ing a safe and reliable power supply? systems. Furthermore, the long-term
utilities face a number of complex evaluation of the effects of investment
challenges – such as the integration of A holistic approach towards manag- decisions must not only be evaluated in
distributed energy resources, increasing ing the assets of a protection system terms of a single variable, but rather in
end-customer expectations, operational The standard ISO 55000 defines asset relation to the total life-cycle costs.
efficiency objectives set by authorities management as a coordination task
and related changes in energy policy. for organizations that enables them to Data management that supports
maintain the value of their assets. As- clever decision-making
Taking all these demands into account, set management includes maintenance The foundation for these decision-mak-
how can utilities ensure future-proof planning, the evaluation of individual ing processes all comes down to solid,
risk management for their protection assets, the setting data of the respec- well-established data management.

All data needs to be up-to-date and › When are the next maintenance are limited. Larger utilities frequently
available in a way that supports all of tests scheduled for? use modules from an ERP system, but
the functions in the asset management › Where are the test reports for the these are usually not adapted to the
process. But in practice, it is often diffi- individual assets? needs of utilities.
cult to stay on top of all the data since › What is the current test and mainte-
test plans, test protocols, manuals etc. nance status of the whole facility? As a worldwide leading provider of
are often saved in different locations. › Are all relevant test templates testing solutions for protection systems
This increases the organizational and test plans always on site and we have acknowledged the needs of
effort and complicates the access to available? utilities and developed ADMO, an in-
documents, when it comes to essential novative data management solution.
questions, such as: Smaller utilities often use common
spreadsheet programs to manage all ADMO allows users to plan and man-
› When did each operating of the data. But they can become slow age all testing and maintenance activi-
resource last undergo testing or and unstable if they exceed a certain ties in centralized protection systems. It
maintenance? size and the options for reliable backup facilitates the seamless documentation

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 45

of all maintenance tasks and offers
easy access to all relevant documents.
Thanks to pre-defined asset catego- Easy “InSight” into your
ries all relevant type-specific data
and nominal values can be tracked. asset data
With InSight, the new ADMO dashboard for analyzing substa-
ADMO’s client-server architecture tion and asset data, users can optimize investment and human
enables multiple users to work in resources planning.
parallel on the asset data base. In the
field, test engineers work offline and InSight supports you by providing different widgets that help
access the test data they need. The you while making decisions related to asset life cycle manage-
clear structure offers helpful guid- ment. The InSight widgets draw, process and visualize their data
ance when performing tests. In the from ADMO.
office, engineers and managers can
enter asset data, plan maintenance Thanks to flexible filters you can focus your widget data on
activities and analyse test results. specific areas of interest. For example, filter by locations, voltage
This way, all the participants involved levels, asset types, feeders, or a specific time frame. Aside from
in the asset management process our standard widgets, we also offer customized widgets.
are always up to date and can
collaborate efficiently.


The 2nd Annual Canada Protection

Symposium was held on December 5–6,
2017 in downtown Toronto. There were
attendees from 51 different companies and
21 expert speakers making presentations.
Topics covered a wide variety of subjects
including protection, automation, and con-
trol testing, IEC 61850, end-to-end testing,
microgrids, distribution automation, the
integration of DERs onto the grid, and much
more! Attendees were also given a factory
tour of G&W Electric in Brampton Ontario.

Plans are already underway for the

3rd Annual Canada Protection Symposium Bing Young, Vice President, Engineering at Hydro One
was keynote speaker.
to be held from December 3–5, 2018.

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 47


OMICRON has finished its disembarkment plan With more than 80 attendees interested in our
in Brazil by participating in the SNPTEE event, the solutions, we have enhanced our direct presence in
largest and most important event in the Brazilian the Brazilian market by giving fast and informative
electric sector. answers that meet the needs of our clients.

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 47


Knowledge sharing is a core principle at OMICRON diagnostic measurements on transformers, diagnostic

and our annual UK event is a perfect example of how measurements on rotating machines, diagnostic mea-
we strive to connect with our customers. Last year’s surements on circuit breakers and partial discharge test-
event proved to be very popular, focusing on diagnostic ing and analysis.
measurements of primary assets and welcoming a total
of 48 participants from as far afield as Denmark, Saudi Participants’ comments were very positive and we plan to
Arabia, Korea, and across the UK and Ireland. repeat this primary focused event in 2019.

The event took place from October 17–19, 2017 at Crewe

Hall in the midlands, where state-of-the-art conference
«Excellent in every aspect!»
facilities provided the back drop for a full conference day
of in-depth papers delivered by both OMICRON special-
«I found the case studies in the
ists and industry peers from UK Grid Solutions, ABB, ESB
presentations very interesting.»
International, SSE, BCDIAGNOSYS and the University of
Manchester. The conference covered many aspects of
«Second time I have been to this event
diagnostics on primary assets, including the condition as-
sessment of power transformers, DFR tests on transform-
and I will recommend it again to
ers and bushings, partial discharge on rotating machines any transformer engineer.»
and medium and high voltage circuit breaker diagnostics.

A day of workshops followed in which delegates could Save the Date: OMICRON Protection Testing
choose to focus on their specific areas of interest. These Conference & Workshop (PTCW)
workshops enabled users to receive hands-on experi- Crewe Hall | UK
ence with our products and explore the following topics: October 16–18, 2018

Magazine | Issue 1 2018 47

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Magazine | Issue 1 2018 47

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