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Jacelyn Kong

Dr. Nash
CRJU 325
November 3, 2020
Chapter 9 Participation 1
1a. Estimated standard error = 3. It provides an estimate of the standard distance between the
sample mean and population mean.
2a. 2
2b. 3
3. Normal distributions (z-score distribution) uses all possible samples of a particular size (n),
therefore it looks more normal. T-distributions, on the other hand, uses df (degree of freedom). If
the degree of freedom is on the smaller end, the T-distribution has more variability and tends to
be more spread out. If the degree of freedom gets very large, the T-distribution will take on the
shape of a normal distribution.
4. T-distribution is used when population standard deviation and variance are not known.
5a. +2.015, -2.015
5b. +1.796, -1.796

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