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Nowadays motorways are essential for people traveling over long

distances, connecting cities, regions, and even countries. It has

many advantages as well as some disadvantages. This essay will

describe some of the problems of motorways and suggest possible


Firstly, there is a problem with the danger of motorways. High

speeds on motorways increase the severity of accidents, and most

accidents involve multiple vehicles. For example, in Germany, the

speed limit on the motorway is very high, and once an accident

occurs, it is a major traffic accident. If there is terrible weather or

bad vision at night, the probability of accidents will increase. This

problem could be solved in in several ways. It is necessary to

increase the special learning of highway driving for drivers and

educate drivers about safe driving practices. In addition, special

signs can be displayed in bad weather, and suitable lighting

equipment can be installed to make night driving safer. It could

also reduce the speed limit slightly on some accident-prone roads.

On the other hand, motorways can cause some environmental

Impact. For instance, some highways are built through nature

reserves, and some animal habitats are separated by roads. This

caused the death of some animals and plants. When designing

roads to avoid these areas as much as possible, build some

tunnels under roads for wildlife can solve this problem. Moreover,

noise pollution will be caused by vehicles on the motorways that

affects people who live nearby. It could be reduced by putting up

sound-proof fences and changing quieter road surfaces.

In conclusion, while motorways offer convenience, there are also

some problems. Addressing these challenges requires

coordination and planning from multiple departments.

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