Part 3

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There is a debate about whether governments should promote

prevention over cure. While both aspects are important, I quite

agree that preventing illness is better than curing it.

Many health problems today may be caused by an unhealthy

lifestyle. For instance, many people die from smoking due to lung

damage and diseases such as cancer. Furthermore, if children

spend too much time sitting playing video games, they may not do

enough exercise and become overweight. Also, many people have

office jobs which do not involve any physical activity. As a result,

they aren't active enough. In addition, people may not cook fresh

food anymore because ready meals are easy to buy, they have

become accustomed to junk food, so they do not eat enough

vegetables. Finally, face-to-face activities such as sports are less

popular because many people use social media as a common

hobby nowadays. All of these things can make people less healthy

and are more likely to contract diseases.

However, If the government introduces more disease prevention

measures, it will bring more benefits to people's health. The

government should build more sports grounds, hold more sports

activities and encourage people to exercise regularly. It is often

claimed that exercise keeps people fitter and healthier, and a

recent study has shown that this is true. People who do at least

forty minutes of exercise a week, are less likely to become ill, and

are more likely to live to old age. Moreover, if the government

supplies more fresh food cheaper and less junk food, people will

cook more healthy food at home which is good for their health.

Finally, the government should provide more convenient medical

preventive testing, which allows people to find the disease in time

and cure it as early as possible.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that active prevention is more

important than cure. If people are stronger, the government will

have less pressure on healthcare.

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