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Second Term Examination

Form 2 Integrated Science
Marking Scheme
Date: :12 March 2009 Name:_________________________
Time allowed :60 minutes
Total no. of pages:2 Class:_________ Class no.: ______

Full Marks :100 Mark:_______________/ 100_______

Section A: Multiple choice questions (22%, @2%), please write the letter for the suitable answer.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Section B Fill-in-the-blanks (20%, @2%), fill in the blanks with the most suitable words..
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
length series conductor circuit diagram resistance
6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
ampere rheostat is blown open current

Section C: Matching ( 20%, @2%), write down the letter of each answer.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
j a e c b i f g d h

Section D Short questions ( 18%)

1. (6%)
a) To detect the presence of carbon dioxide. (2%)
b) The process is respiration. (1%) When the grasshopper respires, it gives out carbon dioxide
which turns the hydrogencarbonate indicator solution yellow. (2%)
c) The grasshopper will die because all the oxygen will be used up.(1%)

2) (5%)
a) Tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide. ( 3%, @1%)
b) Nicotine. ( 1%)
c) Carbon monoxide.(1%)

0809 Second Term Examination Form 2 Integrated Science Marking Scheme P.1 / 2
3) (3%)
When the contact is at position C, the bulb gives the max. brightness (2%)
because the length of the wire is the shortest at C so the resistance is the smallest. (1%)

4) ( 4%)
a) Reading of ammeter Z = 0.3-0.2 = 0.1 A (2%)
b) The upper branch with ammeter Y has the lower resistance. (1%)
It is because there is a bigger current flows (1%)

Section E : Long questions (20%)

1. (10%)
a) Bulb X (1%)
b) Bulb Y (1%)
c) Bulbs X and Y (2%)
d) Parallel circuit (1%)
e) Bulbs X and Y (2%)
f) Series circuit (1%)
g) None (2%)

2) ( 10%)
a) It is because fault in one branch will not affect the other branched (2%)

b) When there is an electric leakage, current will flow to the ground through the earth wire(1%),
current will not flow through our body. (1%)

c) i) Do not pull the cable to remove the plug from a socket (2%);
ii) Do not remove the plug with wet hands (2%) ;
iii) Do not use the electrical appliances of which the wires are torn. (2%)
(or other reasonable answers)

- End of Paper-

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