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A. Multiple-choice Questions.

Choose the best answer for each item by cross A, B, C, or D!

1. What is the correct word equation for photosynthesis ……

A. Water + Carbon dioxide + Oxygen → Glucose
B. Carbon dioxide + Oxygen → Glucose + Water
C. Water + oxygen → Glucose + Carbon dioxide
D. Carbon dioxide + water → Glucose + Oxygen

2. Choose the reactants in photosynthesis.

A. Glucose C. Urea
B. Oxygen D. Carbon dioxide and water

3. As there are same number of electrons and protons in an atom, atomic number can also
be called ……
A. Electron number C. Nucleon number
B. Proton number D. Mass number

4. Most metal such as those elements in Group 1 are …….

A. Occur naturally in gas form
B. Liquid on room temperature
C. Shiny and good conductors
D. Low in boiling and melting point than non metals

5. Which of the following not the elements of Group 7 ……

A. Flourine C. Manganese
B. Chlorine D. Bromine

6. Which of these is the correct equation to calculate density. Give one letter ……
A. Density = weight x volume C. Density = volume / mass
B. Density = mass / volume D. Density = weight / volume

7. What unit do you use to measure a mass and volume …..

A. Gram or Kilogram (g or kg) and Cubic metre (m3)
B. Milimetres and Kilogram
C. Gram and Milimetres
D. Gram or kilogram (g or kg)

8. Two beakers, X and Y, contain water.

Beaker X contains 50 cm3 water at 60 ˚C.
Beaker X contains 50 cm3 water at 60 ˚C.
Which statement are true ……..
A. The temperature and heat of water in each beaker is different.
B. The temperature and heat of water in each beaker is the same.
C. The temperature of water in each beaker is different but the heat is the same.
D. The temperature of water in each beaker is different but the heat is the same.

9. Match the type of thermal energy transfer to the way it works.

Type of thermal energy transfer How it works

A. Conduction 1. Particles vibrate more, take up

more space and decrease the
B. Convection density of the substance

2. Particles vibrate more, collide

C. Radiation
with particle beside them, making
these particles also vibrate more

3. Type of wave thate does not

require particles to transfer thermal

Which of the following is the corect answer …….

A. A-1,B-2,C-3 C. A-3, B-1, C-2

B. A-2, B-1, C-3 D. A-2, B-3, C-1

10. How does water leave a plant …….

A. Through pores in the leaves
B. Through phloem cells
C. Through root hair cells
D. By active transport

11. What is the definition of transpiration ……

A. The evaporation of water from leaves into the air
B. The movement of water from the soil to the plant
C. Production of glucose from carbon dioxide and water
D. The movement of water from low to high concentration

12. Which of the following will not increase the rate of transpiration …..
A. Humidity C. The movement of air
B. Light intensity D. Temperature
13. Which plant material are transpored in the xylem ……
A. Water and oxygen C. Glucose and oxygen
B. Glucose and minerals D. Water and mineral

14. Where do plants get the material they need for healthy grow ……
A. From the air only C. From the soil only
B. From the air and soil D. From the shops

15. What is the name of the root structure that increases the ability of roots to absorb water
and minerals ….
A. Phloem C. Capillary
B. Guard cell D. Root hair cell

16. What is the main function of the excretory system …..

A. To collect and remove wastes from the body
B. To strenghten skeletal muscles
C. To protect nervous system
D. To bring oxygen to body cells

17. In which excretory organ is urea produced …..

A. Skin C. Kidney
B. Liver D. Lungs

18. The process of removal of the body’s wastes is called ...

A. Gas exchange C. Excretion
B. Respiration D. Filtration

19. Which excretory organ eliminates water and some chemical wastes in perspiration …..
A. Lungs C. Liver
B. Skin D. Kidneys

20. Which of the following nutrients provides energy to the body ……..
A. Carbohydrates C. Water
B. Vitamins D. Mineral

21. A guitar is a musical instrument with strings. Which one of these is needed to
make a sound from the guitar …….
A. The guitar is made from wood
B. The guitar strings vibrate
C. There is air inside the guitar
D. There are metal parts on the guitar
22. Rachel is playing the guitar by describes a way that Rachel can make the sound
louder …..
A. Pluck the string with more force
B. Pluck the string with less force
C. Make the string tighter
D. Make the string looser

23. Which of these can not sound travel through ……

A. Solid C. Gas
B. Liquid D. Vacuum

24. Which statement describes what happens to a sound to make an echo?

A. The pitch of the sound increases
B. The pitch of the sound decreases
C. The sound gets reflected
D. The sound gets louder

25. Which one of these will give the bst echo in a room. All of the materials have the
same area ……
A. Soft curtains C. Thick carpet
B. Glass window D. Wool blanket

26. Ana has an empty room where she can practise playing her drums. Which one of
these materials could put on the walls to stop echos when she plays ……
A. Flat wood sheets C. Soft thick curtains
B. Shiny metal sheeets D. Large flat mirrors

27. Which the most non-metal common in the Earth's crust …..
A. Silicon C. Oxygen
B. Aluminium D. Iron

28. Which tectonic plate do you live on ……

A. Caribbean plate C. Arabian plate
B. African plate D. Eurasian plate

29. What happen when tectonic plates drift away from each other?
A. Subduction C. Earthquake
B. Volcano D. Fold mountains
30. Which word is used to describe the strength of an earthquake …..
A. Force C. Magnitude
B. Energy D. Destruction

31. Which of these describes how a solar eclipse happens ……

A. The Sun comes between the Moon and the Earth
B. The Earth comes between the Moon and the Sun
C. The Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth
D. The Moon comes between the Earth and the Mars

32. Which of these describes how a lunar eclipse happens …….

A. The Sun comes between the Moon and the Earth
B. The Earth comes between the Moon and the Sun
C. The Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth
D. The Moon comes between the Earth and the Mars

33. When ice melts its particles ...

A. lose energy and begin to move.
B. gain energy and begin to move.
C. move very far apart and gain energy.
D. come close together and lose energy.

34. The chemical symbol "Ca" represents which of the following elements?
A. Carbon C. Copper
B. Calcium D. Sulfur

35. When reading the volume of water in a graduated cylinder

A. you must read between the top and bottom of the meniscus
B. you must read the bottom of the meniscus
C. place a sheet of dark paper behind the graduated cylinder
D. you must read the top of the meniscus

36. Complete these sentences about egg cells and sperm cells. Choose from the

Cytoplasm Egg Female Fertilisation Gametes Male

Nucleus Sperm Swimming

Egg cells and sperm cells are specialised cells called _______
Egg cells are ________ and sperm cells are _______
A sperm cell can join with an egg cell in a process called _____
All ____ cells contain one X cheomosome, but _______ cells can
Contain an X chromosome or a Y chromosome

37. Write a sentence, in your own words. using each of the words. Try to include some
scientific information in each sentence.
a. Chromosome

b. Gene

c. DNA

38. Jade investigation variation in bean pods. The drawing shows 20 pea pods, opened
to show the seeds inside.
A. Copy this result table. Use Jade’s result to complete it.
(1) Number of beans in a pod
(2) Tally
(3) Number of pods

B. Calculate the mean and median number of beans in a pod. Show how you worked
out your answer.
C. Draw a bar chart to show Jade’s results.

39. Explain, in your own words, what happen when chromosome of mother join with an Y
chromosome from the father.

40. Write your short answer.

a. What is an antibiotic
b. Doctors advise that we should not use antibiotics unless we really need them.
We should save them for when people have serious illness. Suggest an
explanation for this advice.

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