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Pres. Diosdado P.

Macapagal Memorial High School

Sta. Cruz, Angat, Bulacan
Summative Test 1 in Philosophy
Name: _____________________Section: ________
I. Identification. Choose the correct answers from the word bank. Write the LETTER of your choice.
A. Holistic Thinking G. Partial Thinking
B. Reflection H. Socrates
C. Metaphysics I. Internal
D. Philosophy J. Framework
E. Karl Jaspers K. Ethics
F. Doubt L. Logic
_____ 1. It is the study or discipline that uses human reason to investigate the ultimate causes, reasons, and principles which
govern all things.
_____ 2. Rene Descartes considers this as a reason why people philosophize.
_____ 3. It is an activity that requires a person to examine his or her thoughts, feelings, and actions and learn from experience.
_____ 4. It is a perspective that focuses on specific aspects of a situation.
_____ 5. It is a perspective that considers the “bigger picture” when looking at problems and situations.
_____ 6. He believes that persons engage in philosophy in order to make sense of difficult life experiences.
_____ 7. The branch of Philosophy which deals with moral questions and dilemmas.
_____ 8. A branch of Philosophy which deals with questions regarding reality and existence.
_____ 9. He was credited with examining a topic by devising series of questions that let the learner examine and
analyze his knowledge.
_____ 10. The branch of Philosophy which deals with correct reasoning.
_____ 11. It refers to a way of thinking about the world and is made up of a person’s views and beliefs.
_____ 12. These are questions that examine personal ideas regarding correctness and values.
II. Analyze the given phrases/statements whether they are holistic or partial perspective. Write H for Holistic and P for
_____ 1. Large scale patterns in system
_____ 2. Specific aspects of situation
_____ 3. Enables the person to look back and consider general aspects of the problem
_____ 4. Individual focuses on certain areas or aspects of a problem in order to understand it
_____ 5. Encourages us to be more considerate in dealing with others
_____ 6. Pauses, reflects and analyzes everything in the situation
_____ 7. Having a fixed mindset on a certain issue

III. Write a simple, serious and deep question for this: Your own future and success. (2 points for each question)

Simple Question: ________________________________________________________________

Serious Question: _______________________________________________________________
Deep Question: _________________________________________________________________

IV. Using holistic perspective, explain the importance of education to your success.


Content and relevance to the topic: 3 points
Organization of thoughts: 2 points

Parent’s Signature: _______________________

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