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Spoken English Course

Buying things in a store 店⾥购物


Buying things in a store 店⾥购物


A: Is there anything I can help you B: Is there a cheaper option?

A: How about this one? It has most of

B: Hi, I’m looking for an office chair. the same features, but it’s half the
A: This model is one of our top

sellers. B: I’ll take it!

B: How much is it? 源 A: Great! If you’re not satisfied you

can return it for a full refund within 30

A: It’s usually 499, but it’s currently on days.
sale for 450.

Buying things in a store 店⾥购物


1. Is there anything I can help you with? 6. Is there a cheaper option? 有更便宜的
有什么我能帮你的吗? 选择吗?

2. I’m looking for an office chair. 我在找⼀ 7. How about this one? 这个呢?

8. It has most of the same features, but
3. This model is one of our top sellers. 这 it’s half the price. ⼤部分的功能⼀样,

款是我们卖的最好的之⼀ 但价格只要⼀半

4. How much is it? 多少钱? 源

5. It’s usually 499, but it’s currently on
9. I’ll take it! 就买这个吧!

10. If you’re not satisfied you can return it

sale for 450. ⼀般是499,但⽬前打折只 for a full refund within 30 days. 不满意
要450 的话,30天之内可以退款

Buying things in a store 店⾥购物


A: Is there anything I can help you B: Is there a cheaper option?

A: How about this one? It has most of

B: Hi, I’m looking for an office chair. the same features, but it’s half the
A: This model is one of our top

sellers. B: I’ll take it!

B: How much is it? 源 A: Great! If you’re not satisfied you

can return it for a full refund within 30

A: It’s usually 499, but it’s currently on days.
sale for 450.

Buying things in a store 店⾥购物


Buying things in a store 店⾥购物


1. Is there anything I can help you with? 6. Is there a cheaper option? 有更便宜的
有什么我能帮你的吗? 选择吗?

2. I’m looking for an office chair. 我在找⼀ 7. How about this one? 这个呢?

8. It has most of the same features, but
3. This model is one of our top sellers. 这 it’s half the price. ⼤部分的功能⼀样,

款是我们卖的最好的之⼀ 但价格只要⼀半

4. How much is it? 多少钱? 源

5. It’s usually 499, but it’s currently on
9. I’ll take it! 就买这个吧!

10. If you’re not satisfied you can return it

sale for 450. ⼀般是499,但⽬前打折只 for a full refund within 30 days. 不满意
要450 的话,30天之内可以退款

Buying things in a store 店⾥购物




• Read the ten sentences out loud five times each 把重点的句⼦各朗读5遍

• Optional: read both parts of the dialogue out loud three times 可选:把对话朗


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