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Spoken English Course

Booking a hotel 预定酒店


Booking a hotel 预定酒店


A: Hi, I'd like to book a room for next A: Great. We need a room for two

Friday. adults and two kids.

B: I'm sorry, but we're fully booked B: We have a room available with two
that day. double beds. Will that work?

A: What about the next weekend? A: That's perfect. Is breakfast


B: We have rooms available for that
B: Yes, the room fee includes

complimentary breakfast for two.

Booking a hotel 预定酒店


1. I'd like to book a room for next Friday. 6. We have a room available with two
我想订下星期五的房间 double beds. 我们有⼀个空房有两个双

2. I'm sorry, but we're fully booked that
day. 对不起,我们那天订满了

7. Will that work? 那样可以吗?

3. What about the next weekend? 下个周 8. That's perfect. 太好了(完美了)

9. Is breakfast included? 含早吗?

weekend. 那个周末我们有房

4. We have rooms available for that
10.Yes, the room fee includes
complimentary breakfast for two. 是

5. We need a room for two adults and 的,房费包含两个⼈的早餐
two kids. 我们需要能住两⼤两⼩的房间

Booking a hotel 预定酒店


A: Hi, I'd like to book a room for next A: Great. We need a room for two

Friday. adults and two kids.

B: I'm sorry, but we're fully booked B: We have a room available with two
that day. double beds. Will that work?

A: What about the next weekend? A: That's perfect. Is breakfast


B: We have rooms available for that
B: Yes, the room fee includes

complimentary breakfast for two.

Booking a hotel 预定酒店


Booking a hotel 预定酒店


1. I'd like to book a room for next Friday. 6. We have a room available with two
我想订下星期五的房间 double beds. 我们有⼀个空房有两个双

2. I'm sorry, but we're fully booked that
day. 对不起,我们那天订满了

7. Will that work? 那样可以吗?

3. What about the next weekend? 下个周 8. That's perfect. 太好了(完美了)

9. Is breakfast included? 含早吗?

weekend. 那个周末我们有房

4. We have rooms available for that
10.Yes, the room fee includes
complimentary breakfast for two. 是

5. We need a room for two adults and 的,房费包含两个⼈的早餐
two kids. 我们需要能住两⼤两⼩的房间

Booking a hotel 预定酒店




• Read the ten sentences out loud five times each 把重点的句⼦各朗读5遍

• Optional: read both parts of the dialogue out loud three times 可选:把对话朗


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