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Session: ………………..


Year : ………………..

Rubric for Introduction to Safety Management PHR2293

Group Project –Report Writing (20%)

Lecturer’s Name
Miss Nur Hanim Binti Abu Zarin
1. ………………………………………………………/
Mohammad Haiqal Bin Tahil ……………………………..

2. ………………………………………………………/
Ellysya Azira Binti Mohd Hafiz Azra ……………………………..

Student’s Name & ID 3. ………………………………………………………/

Nurul Syarafana Bjnti Mustapha Kamal ……………………………..

4. ………………………………………………………/
Nik Nur Nabila Binti Mohd Fairul Azlee ……………………………..

5. ………………………………………………………/
Nurul Shafini Binti Zulkafeli ……………………………..

6. ………………………………………………………/ ……………………………..
Group / Section
Group 1 / Section 07


Poor (1)
Excellent (2)
Table of Content
Uncompleted detail in table of
A complete detail in table of content.

Poor (1) Excellent (2)

Introduction is not interesting. Very interesting introduction.

Scale Excellent Good Moderate Poor

(4) (3) (2) (1)
Directly Somewhat relevant. Vaguely related. Totally unrelated
Topic relevant.

The writing is While there may be Frequently errors in Writing contains

essential minor errors, the spelling and numerous
error-free in writing follows grammar distract errors I spelling
terms of normal reader and grammar
spelling and conventions of which interfere
Spelling & Grammar
grammar spelling and with
grammar comprehension
throughout and
has been carefully
Session: ………………..
Year : ………………..
Explore ideas Support most ideas Presents idea in Most ideas
vigorously, with effective general terms, unsupported,
supports examples, support for ideas confusion
points fully references and is inconsistent, between
using a details makes key some distinctions personal and
balance of distinctions need clarification, external
subjective reasoning unclear evidence ,
Development of Ideas
and reasoning
objective flawed
The writer The writer has made The writer decision The purpose
decision good decisions about focus, and focus of
about focus, about focus, organization, style the writing are
organization, organization, style and content not clear to the
style and and content so as sometimes reader
content fully achieve the interfere with the
elucidate the purpose of the purpose of the
purpose and writing writing
keep the
purpose at
the center of
the piece

Supporting Details are Some details are Unable to find

details specific somewhat sketchy. non-supporting to specific details.
Quality of Information
to the topic. Do not support the the topic.
Understanding Complete but not Relevant No discussion of
and detailed thorough discussion discussion of some issues.
Discussion of Issues discussion of of the issues. of the issues in the
all the issues. case.

So clear and Clear, clearly follow Includes ideas not Not stated,
complete as to report discussion, already discussed includes ideas
enhance meaningful in paper, some not already
impact of recommendations. recommendations discussed in
report. not supported in report.
The report Some of the Some of the Has little or no
makes precise conclusions, conclusions, indication that
conclusions however, are not however, are not the report
based on the supported; supported; weak combines the
review of suggestions for suggestions for information or
literature; future research future research. draw
Conclusion suggestions offered. conclusions
for future based on the
research literature; no
offered. suggestions for
future research.
Session: ………………..
Year : ………………..
All sources All sources All sources
identified and identified and identified. Only Some
referenced referenced readily-available weaknesses in
appropriately. appropriately. works included. referencing,
Have more Includes mostly Some weaknesses such as missing
References than five readily-available in referencing, such publisher
references. works. Use five as missing information; use
references. publisher not more than
information. three

Session: ………………..
Year : ………………..

Rubric for Introduction to Safety Management PHR2293

Exhibition (30%)
Lecturer’s Name

1.…………………………………………………………..……...... / …………………………..
2.…………………………………………………………..……...... / …………………………..
Student’s Name 3.……………………………………………………… …..……..... / …………………………..
& ID 4.…………………………………………………………...……..... / …………………………..
5.…………………………………………………………..……...... / …………………………..
6.…………………………………………………………..……...... / …………………………..
Group / Section


(1) (2) (3) (4) GIVEN

Student created a Student created a Student created a Student created a

representation that is representation that is representation representation
somewhat or not at somewhat related to related to assigned directly related to
Display all related to assigned topic. Display topic. Display reflects assigned topic.
Content assigned topic. reflects little to no understanding of Display reflects
Display reflects understanding of topic. topic. complete
student does not understanding of
have an topic
understanding of

Lack of effort on the Work is done with fair The work was done The work was done
learners' part. Work effort, but the quality is with good effort that well to the best of
Work effort is incomplete. still not what the shows what the the learner’s ability.
Learner is capable of learner is capable of. It learner is capable of. Quality time and
doing better. is evident that the work It is evident that time effort was put into
was rushed or done was put into this the presentation.
with lack of effort. display and
Overall, the display is Overall, the display is The display is The display is
not attractive. attractive, but needs attractive with some attractive with good
Diagrams are not improvement. use of color. use of color.
organized or Diagrams are Diagrams are Diagrams are
anatomical structures somewhat organized organized and neatly organized
Visual are not correct. If or anatomical anatomical structures and anatomical
appearance labeling is present, structures are are correct. If structures are
terminology contains somewhat correct. If labeling is present, correct. If labeling
errors. labeling is present, most terminology is is present, all
terminology is spelled spelled correctly. terminology is
correctly. spelled correctly
Session: ………………..
Year : ………………..

Display reflects very Display reflects little to Display reflects some Display reflects a
little to no time was no time was spent in time was spent in great deal of time
spent in creation. creation. Materials creation. Materials was spent in
Materials Materials used were used were not well used were thought creation. Materials
Used not well thought out. thought out in out in advance. used were thought
Materials used advance. Materials Materials used out well in advance.
create confusion or used create confusion create connection to Materials used
are not connected to or little connection to concept or create immediate
topic. concept or knowledge. knowledge. connection to
concept or

Representation was Representation was Representation was Representation was

not creative. somewhat creative. somewhat creative. very creative.
Appearance is only Appearance is neat Appearance is neat, Appearance is
Creativity somewhat neat or but not thought out. thought out, and neat, well thought
not neat at all. Not More time was needed some effort was out, and obvious
thought out or to show effort was made to create effort was made to
evidence of effort made to create representation of create
was not made to representation of topic. topic. representation of
create representation topic.
of topic.

Representation is not Representation is only Representation is Representation is

Group very reflective of somewhat or not very almost a complete direct or complete
Reflection group work. reflective of group reflection of group reflection of group
Evidence of group work. Evidence of work. Evidence of work. Group
functioning as a group functioning as a group functioning as obviously
group is not present group is present or not a group is present. functioned as a
at all. present at all. group.

Organization Audience cannot Audience has difficulty Information is Information is

understand following presentation presented in logical presented in a logical
presentation because because the presentation sequence which and interesting
there is no sequence of jump around and lacks audience can follow. sequence which
information. clear transitions. audience can follow.
Flows well.

Participation Only 1 or 2 group Some group members All group members All group members
members participate participate participate participate equally.

Cooperation Most group members Some group members Most group members Group members help
are hard to understand. speak clearly and are speak clearly and are each other as
easy to understand. easy to understand. needed.
language/ No movement or Very little or descriptive Made movement or Movement seem
poise descriptive gestures, gestures, display mild descriptive gestures, fluids and help
tension or nervousness tension; has trouble make minor mistake, audience visualize
is obvious; has trouble recovering from but quickly recovers display relaxed, self-
recovering from mistakes. from them, display little confident nature
mistakes. or no tension. about self with no

Session: ………………..
Year : ………………..
Additional information
Group Assignment + Exhibition = 50%

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