Federative Republic of Brazil: Futin Buffara Antunes

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FUTIN BUFFARA ANTUNES Sworn Translator Rua Joo Eugnio 1018 Paranagu Paran - Brazil

FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL UBERABA REGISTRY OFFICE Rua Cel. Francisco H. dos Santos Number 1356 Store 01 Phone: 041 267-6654 Jardim das Amricas Curitiba Paran Patricia Lazzarotto Notary Public Aydee Santos Lopes - Clerks Marilene Varchaki Regiane Cleto Miguel


I do Certify that in the book and under the terms mentioned below, is the birth certificate of AMANDA LOUISE LOURENO, female, born on February 20, 1995 at 7:24am, at Maternidade Santa Brgida Hospital, in this Town. Daughter of Andr Loureno and Lucimar Helena Romo, both from Minas Gerais State, he an Industrial Operator and she a Student, 21 years old, both living in this Town, living in Rua Joaquim Amaral, 2039, Jardim das Amricas. Grandparents on the Fathers side Jos Loureno and Manoela de Souza Loureno. Grandparents on the Mothes side Joaquim Romo Pinto and Maria Benedita Romo. Declared by the Father. Witnesses Maristela Lada, 32 years old, Divorced and Marcia Elisabete Alves Pereira, 26, single, both living in this Town. Both Notary Assistants.

I witness to the truth.

FUTIN BUFFARA ANTUNES Sworn Translator Rua Joo Eugnio 1018 Paranagu Paran - Brazil

Curitiba, Uberaba, February 23, 1995. Book A-90 Page 244 Term. 30046

Signed By Marilene Varchari Notary Public It bears the Stamp of Uberaba Registry Office. Patricia Lazzarotto: Official Aydee Santos Lopes and Eliane Kern Clerks Marilene Varchary

Paranagu, May 23, 2011

Futin Buffara Antunes

Tradutora Pblica Sworn Translator

FUTIN BUFFARA ANTUNES Sworn Translator Rua Joo Eugnio 1018 Paranagu Paran - Brazil

Corrobative Statement of Income DECORE (Resolution CFC number 872, of March 23rd, 2000 DOU on April 6th, 2000 Section 1) Beneficiary: Name: Jaime Oliveira Penteado Tax Roll: 837.220.768-20 I.D. 4.358.031-0 - PR Issued by: SSP Address: Rua dos Beija Flores 51 Neighborhood: Alphaville Graciosa City: Pinhais Paran State Proved Income: Nature: Pro-Labore Profit Distribution Period: January, February, March; January, February, March. Amount: R$1.625, 00 + R$151.150, 15=R$ 152.775,15 (One Hundred fifty two Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy five Reais and Fifteen Centavos.) Base Recording: Book-Keeping Source of Income: Name: Vanzin e Penteado Lawyers Tax Roll/CNPJ: 02.383.299/0001-36; 02.383.299/0001-36 Position: Partnership - Manager Declarant Professional Name: Lindomar Miranda Gomes Record CRC: PR- 052328/0-0

FUTIN BUFFARA ANTUNES Sworn Translator Rua Joo Eugnio 1018 Paranagu Paran - Brazil Category: Accountant Institution: J. Mainhardt Joinville S/S Ltd CAD. CRC PR 006229/F

DECLARATION We do declare To Whom It May Concern, in order to have the right of the American VISA, under the Law and article 299 of the Brazilian Penal Code, paragraph XIII of Article 24 of the General Ruling of the Accounting Council Resolution CFC number 960/2003, that the information above mentioned is true. Regional Accountancy Council PR Declaration of Professional Qualification DHP PR/2011/00014745 CRC: PR- 052328/0-0 Accountant Lindomar Miranda Gomes R IRM GARD Wagner de Frana, number 31 Tax Roll: 006.588.059-59 81450-026 Curitiba PR Valid until: March 31, 2012

Curitiba Paran State, May 10th, 2011 This Document bears the signature of Jaime Oliveira Penteado and Lindomar Miranda Penteado Accountant - PR - 052328/0 - 0 To confirm this document existence, issued by the Professional, on the web Page WWW.crcpr.org.br CPF 0006.588.059-59 Control: 1958.4096.6292.8175 Paranagu, May 17, 2011 Futin Buffara Antunes Public Translator - Sworn

FUTIN BUFFARA ANTUNES Sworn Translator Rua Joo Eugnio 1018 Paranagu Paran - Brazil

CAIXA Caixa Econmica Federal Agency: Comendador Arajo, 187 80.420-000 Curitiba PR Official Letter number 065/2011/Agency: Comendador Arajo

Curitiba, May 3, 2011 Dear Sir, Mr. Jaime Oliveira Penteado Rua dos Beija-Flores, 51 83.327-157 Pinhais PR

Subject: Financial Information Dear Sirs, As requested, we do inform that Dr. Jaime Oliveira Penteado, Tax Roll 837.220.76820, has funds deposited in this bank (Caixa), enough to pay his financial debts of US$ 9.190,00. In case of doubts, please do contact us.

Sincerely, Jose Amilcar de Lucca Junior General Manager - Comendador Agency This document bears the signature of Jose Amilcar de Lucca Junior.

Paranagu, May 17, 2011 Futin Buffara Antunes

FUTIN BUFFARA ANTUNES Sworn Translator Rua Joo Eugnio 1018 Paranagu Paran - Brazil Public Translator - Sworn COLGIO III MILNIO INDIVIDUAL RECORD HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION COLGIO III MILNIO HIGH SCHOOL PARAN STATE SECRETARY OF EDUCATION City: Curitiba Address: Av. Visconde de Guarapuava Phone Number: (041) 322-0233 Number: 2.943 - Centro 80.010-100

Maintained by Sociedade de Ensino III Milenio Ltd. Work Permit number: Res 1.360/94 of March 30, 1994 Acknowledged by Resolution 593/93 of March 16 1993 Student: Thiago Domingues Penteado Gender: Male Number: 90035/MG 2 Date of Birth: August 7, 1984 Curitiba Paran Brazilian Name of the Father: Jaime Oliveira Penteado Mother: Zilna Hoffmann Domingues 1st Grade Subject Portuguese and Literature Arts Physical Education Mathematics Physics 65 87 88 67 88 160 40 80 160 160 360 80 240 360 400 Grade Hours Total n. of hours per Subject ID: 7.695.698-7/PR

FUTIN BUFFARA ANTUNES Sworn Translator Rua Joo Eugnio 1018 Paranagu Paran - Brazil Chemistry Cont . Subject Grade Hours Total n. of hours per Subject 82 120 400

Biology History Geography English Social-Philosophical Fundaments 4 5

75 70 78 79 90

120 80 80 80 40

280 320 240 200 80

100 70

40 40

Year: 1999 School: Colgio III Milenio City: Curitiba Pr - Secondary Education Law : 9394/96 Total Number of Hours per Subject: 3400 Result: Pass 2nd Grade Subject Portuguese and Literature Arts Physical Education Mathematics Physics Chemistry 69 83 69 65 67 160 40 80 160 120 120 360 80 240 360 400 400 Grade Hours Total n. of hours per Subject Total n. of Hours: 2833 - 1200

FUTIN BUFFARA ANTUNES Sworn Translator Rua Joo Eugnio 1018 Paranagu Paran - Brazil

Cont . Subject Subject Biology History Geography English Social-Philosophical Fundaments 6 7 78 76 40 40 Grade 67 69 69 83 90 Hours 120 120 120 40 40 Total n. of hours per 280 320 240 200 80

Year: 2000 School: Colgio III Milenio City: Curitiba Pr - Secondary Education Law: 9394/96 Number of hours: 1200 Result: Pass 3rd Grade Subject Subject Portuguese and Literature Arts Physical Education Mathematics Physics Chemistry 81 70 81 76 80 120 160 120 240 360 400 400 70 120 360 Grade Hours Total n. of hours per

Cont .

FUTIN BUFFARA ANTUNES Sworn Translator Rua Joo Eugnio 1018 Paranagu Paran - Brazil Subject Subject Grade Hours Total n. of hours per

Biology History Geography English Sciences Lab Communication Lab

76 79 70 70 76 70

120 120 80 80 80 40

280 320 240 200 320 120

Year: 2001 School: Colgio III Milenio City: Curitiba Pr - Secondary Education Law: 9394/96 Total number of hours: 1160 Result: Pass Observation: Adaptations made in 2001. 4 Virtual Physics 5 Ethics and Citizenship 6 Geoprocessing 7 Philosophy


FUTIN BUFFARA ANTUNES Sworn Translator Rua Joo Eugnio 1018 Paranagu Paran - Brazil We do Certify that the student above mentioned, concluded in this Educational Institution, the Secondary Education, according to the Law 9394/96 and to the rulings of the Educational System of Education. Place and Date: January 16, 2002 Signed by the Secretary: Vera Gomes dos Santos Designation 02/98 Signed by the Director: Sergio Luiz F.Almeida - Designation 01/99

Observations: Colgio Terceiro Milnio Evaluation System Years: 1st and 2nd 50 100=Pass 00 49= Fail The student is considered passed if the attendance is equal or higher than 75% and grades equal or higher than 70. According to the article 89 and ruling number 006/96.

Paranagu, May 17, 2011 Futin Buffara Antunes Public Translator - Sworn

FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL Paran State District of Curitiba Municipality Curitiba Civil Registry Office RICARDO AUGUSTO DE LEO

FUTIN BUFFARA ANTUNES Sworn Translator Rua Joo Eugnio 1018 Paranagu Paran - Brazil Official of Civil Birth Record, Marriage and Death Certificates, Registrar of the 1st Notary Public in Curitiba District, Capital of Paran State. Peculiar to the Record of Birth Certificates, Injunctions and Divorce Sentences. Alameda Dr. Murici, 1009 Phone: 232-2765 Corner of Augusto Stellfeld. Rosicler do Rocio Coradin Clerk Rosane Marie de Leo Clerk


I do certify that in pages 80 of the book number 612 is the birth certificate of ARTHUR MILDEMBERG KUMINEK, male, born on July 3, 1995 at 7:30 am, at Maternidade Nossa Senhora do Pilar Hospital, in this Town. Son of Nelson Kuminek and Maria de Lourdes Mildemberg, both from this State and living in this Town. Grandparents on the Fathers side Jos Kuminek and Maria Gloria Santos. Grandparents on the Mothes side Roberto Mildemberg and Delfina Pereira Mildemberg. Declared by the Father. Witnesses Debora Rodrigues and Margareth Leo Heuko I witness to the truth. Curitiba, July 6, 1995.

Signed by Rosicler do Rocio Coradim Clerk. It brings the Stamp of Ricardo Augusto de Leo Notary

Paranagu, May 25, 2011

FUTIN BUFFARA ANTUNES Sworn Translator Rua Joo Eugnio 1018 Paranagu Paran - Brazil Futin Buffara Antunes Public Translator - Sworn

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