Edutest Practice Test For Year 5-2

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Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

There are 20 questions in this test. We have tried to give you an idea of the
variety of different items you may be presented with in real scholarship or
assessment tests. Please try to answer all the questions. If you do not know
the answer, then at least choose an answer that you think fits best. At the end
of each section you may review your performance, or if you choose, you can
review all your results together at the end.

Please note: Practice tests do not entirely duplicate the
examination material.

• Practice tests contain 20 questions per sub-test and are not


• Scholarship and entrance exam sub-tests contain between 40

and 60 questions and are timed at 30 minutes.

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Verbal Reasoning Practice Test 2

Question 1

Which of the following words is similar to FRUSTRATING?


A annoying

B satisfied

C sufficient

D angry

E furtive

Question 2



A fight

B continue

C give up

D persevere

E survive

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 3

Which of the following words is opposite to DREARY?


A rainy

B exciting

C boring

D dull

E dream

Question 4

What is another word for CUNNING?


A intelligent

B sly

C truthful

D imitate

E honest

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 5

HAPPY is to HAPPIEST as SAD is to:


A sad

B sadder

C saddest

D happier

E happiest

Question 6



A cold

B freezer

C fridge

D drink

E frozen

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 7



A desert

B damage

C rain

D excess

E water

Question 8

GLOVE is to HAND as SOCK is to:


A shoe

B foot

C toes

D leg

E pair

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 9



A stage

B music

C entertainment

D actor

E painter

Question 10

Please select TWO options which together most strongly suggest that:


1: Geoff had yesterday off from school.

2: Yesterday was not Monday.

3: Holly had her dancing concert last night.

4: Geoff does not have to go to school on the weekend.

5: Holly's dancing concert was on the day after Saturday.


A 1&2

B 3&5

C 2&4

D 2&3

E 2&5

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 11

Please select TWO options which together most strongly suggest that:


1: Kelly is happy when she can play with her big sister Susan.

2: Kelly is smiling.

3: Kelly is not sad.

4: Kelly is playing games with Susan.

5: Kelly is not crying.


A 2&5

B 2&3

C 1&4

D 2&4

E 1&5

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 12

Please select TWO options which together most strongly suggest that:


1: Frank's favourite pants are his blue jeans.

2: Frank is wearing a red jumper.

3: Colin is wearing his blue jeans.

4: Colin is wearing a red jumper.

5: Frank is wearing the same pants as Colin.


A 3&5

B 1&5

C 1&2

D 2&4

E 1&3

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 13

Four of the following words are alike in some way.

Which of the following words is the odd one out?


A wet

B damp

C soaked

D sodden

E dry

Question 14

Four of the following words are alike in some way.

Which of the following words is the odd one out?


A mountain

B flat

C hill

D dune

E rise

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 15

Four of the following words are alike in some way.

Which of the following words is the odd one out?


A difficult

B straightforward

C easy

D uncomplicated

E simple

Question 16

Box A is bigger than box C. Box E is smaller than box V but bigger than box

If box P is bigger than box A, which is true?


A Box A is the biggest box.

B Box P is the smallest box

C Boxes E and P are the second and third largest boxes.

D Boxes C and V are the second and third largest boxes.

E Box C is the second smallest box.

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 17

The local swimming complex is 5 km north of Brett's home, and 5 km east of

his friend Julie's house. Brett's grandmother lives 6 kms north of Helen, who
lives 1 km west of Brett.

Whose house is closest to the swimming complex?


A Brett

B Julie

C Brett's grandmother

D Helen

E Helen and Brett's houses are both closest.

Question 18

In a recent soccer training exercise the coach announced that the player to
kick the first goal would receive a prize. Ken kicked a goal before Max but not
before Joey. Billy kicked his goal before Matthew and Luke but not before

Who received the prize?


A Joey

B Billy

C Craig

D Ken

E Matthew

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 19

George is a baker and works at his own bakery. Over the years, he has
noticed that some items sell better than others. That is, doughnuts sell better
than cakes but not as well as meat pies. Sausage rolls sell less well than
doughnuts but better than cakes, and fresh bread sells less well than cakes.
To avoid wasting unsold products he has started baking more of the popular
items and less of the unpopular items.

What product should George bake the most of?


A meat pies

B doughnuts

C sausage rolls

D cakes

E fresh bread

Question 20

Renee has an older sister, a younger sister and a twin brother. All four
children have a bike. The oldest has a green bike, the red bike does not
belong to the twins, the purple bike does not belong to a boy, and the black
bike does not belong to a girl.

What colour is Renee's bike?


A green

B purple

C black

D red

E none of these
Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Numerical Reasoning Practice Test 2

Question 1

The first set of items in this Numerical Reasoning Test are called Number
Series. The idea is to find a pattern when looking at each series of numbers.
In each series, you will find one or more numbers missing, and in place of the
missing number or numbers will be a question mark (?). In your answer, you
will need to indicate which number (or numbers) should be in place of the
question mark.
Find the missing number in this series:
4 200 8 ? 12 100 16 50 20 0


A 150

B 175

C 10

D 11

E 50

Question 2

Find the missing number in this series:

40 ? 38 31 36 29 34


A 39

B 33

C 35

D 37

E 45
Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 3

Find the two missing numbers in this series:

5 6 8 ? 15 20 26 ?


A 11 & 33

B 12 & 33

C 11& 34

D 12 & 34

E 11 & 32

Question 4

Find the two missing numbers in this series:

6 ? 8 5 10 7 ? 9


A 3 & 11

B 4 & 12

C 3 & 12

D 4 & 11

E 4 & 13

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 5

Find the missing number in this series:

Z 6 Y 9 X 12 W ? V


A 12

B 18

C 9

D 15

E 5

Question 6

Find the missing number in this series:

15 13 11 9 7 5 3 ?


A 2

B 3

C 4

D 0

E 1

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 7

Find the missing number in this series:

20 10 18 ? 16 6 14


A 8

B 9

C 7

D 10

E 12

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 8


A 30

B 40

C 50

D 20

E 10

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 9


A 4

B 11

C 12

D 5

E 10

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 10


A 9

B 15

C 17

D 7

E 10

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 11


A 13

B 11

C 15

D 17

E 10

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 12


A 15

B 8

C 11

D 12

E 20

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 13

If Betty cuts a tomato into four pieces, another tomato into eight
pieces and another tomato into ten pieces, how many pieces of
tomato will she have?


A 28

B 18

C 20

D 22

E 24

Question 14

If a certain number plus 4 equals 16 then the value of that certain

number is?


A 9

B 10

C 11

D 13

E 12

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 15

There are three containers of biscuits, each with an equal number of biscuits
each. All together there are nine chocolate biscuits and twelve lemon biscuits.
Container A's biscuits are all the same flavour. Container B has three
chocolate biscuits.

How many lemon Biscuits does Container C have?


A 1

B 4

C 6

D 8

E 7

Question 16

If Beatrice had one more apple she would have three times the amount of
Bella. If she had six fewer apples she would have one less apple than Bella.

How many apples does Beatrice have?


A 11

B 9

C 8

D 5

E 6

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 17

Brett's little brother takes two bites of his food to every one of Jake's bites.

If Jake takes three bites and then one more, how many will Brett's
little brother need to take to keep up?


A 7

B 8

C 6

D 5

E 9

Question 18

Dresses cost $6.

How many dresses can I buy if I have $25?


A 6

B 3

C 5

D 4

E 7

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 19

My office clock is 15 minutes fast.

If my office clock says it is 5pm, what will be the real time be in 5

minutes from now?


A 5.05pm

B 4.50pm

C 5.15pm

D 4.55pm

E 5.00pm

Question 20

A milk chocolate bar costs three times as much as a packet of mixed lollies. I
can buy three packets of chips for the same price as a chocolate bar.

If a packet of chips costs $3, how much will one chocolate bar cost


A $9

B $6

C $12

D $1

E $8

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Mathematics Practice Test 2

Question 1

46 + 62 + 25 =


A 123

B 133

C 233

D 134

E 144

Question 2

How many months in 14 and a half years?


A 174

B 94

C 173

D 163

E 147

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 3

Which is not a unit of length?


A cm

B mm

C kg

D km

E m

Question 4

$18.69 divided by 3 =


A $5.33

B $5.23

C $6.23

D $5.13

E $6.13

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 5

How many hundreds in 596520?


A 59652

B 59650

C 5965

D 5960

E 596.52

Question 6

275 divided into 25 equal parts =


A 12

B 11

C 10

D 9

E 8

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 7

210 - 27 - 56 =


A 137

B 127

C 147

D 117

E 107

Question 8



A 7

B 10

C 8

D 11

E 14

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 9


A 15.6

B 1.56

C 0.156

D 0.0156

E 156.00

Question 10

163 × 4 =


A 553

B 551

C 651

D 653

E 652

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 11

One hundred, four tenths and six hundredths written as a decimal is:


A 104.6

B 10.46

C 100.46

D 1046

E 10.046

Question 12

How many metres in 80000cm?


A 800

B 80

C 8

D 8000

E 880

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 13

Which angle is likely to be 68 degrees?


Question 14


A 64cm

B 108cm

C 84cm

D 98cm

E 87cm

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 15


A 480cm2

B 500cm2

C 580cm2

D 680cm2

E 440cm2

Question 16

7.3 + 2.6 + 3.9 =


A 13.8

B 12.8

C 12.1

D 11.6

E 11.1

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 17

875 divided 25 =


A 335

B 35

C 34

D 36

E 32

Question 18

If $ - 83 = 251 , then $ equals?


A 342

B 242

C 442

D 324

E 334

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 19

/9 -
/3 =


A 1

B 0

C 81

D 10

E 5

Question 20


Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Reading Comprehension Practice Test 2

Question 1

Select the option which will best replace the words underlined in the sentence
to make it correct.

When we went to the supermarket, the man giving us our change.


A gave us our

B give us our

C giving our

D gave them our

E gived us our

Question 2

Select the option which will best replace the words underlined in the sentence
to make it correct.
On the weekend wear gone to the carnival.


A were going

B we're going

C where going

D we're gone

E where gone

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 3

Select the option which will best replace the words underlined in the sentence
to make it correct.
Neil and Tracy has to makes arrange for the party.


A has to makes arrangements

B have to make arrange

C have to make arrangements

D has to make arrange

E have arranging

Question 4

Select the option which will best replace the words underlined in the sentence
to make it correct.

They're is to many people to fit into one car.


A They're are two many

B There is too many

C There are too many

D They're are too many

E Their are too many

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 5

In this section, you are given a sentence. The sentence has then been re-
written, but only the first half of the new sentence has been provided. Choose
the best ending so the new sentence tells us the same thing.

Bill couldn't find the remote when he wanted to change the channel.

If we rewrite the beginning with:

When Bill wanted to change the channel, ...

What will the ending be?


A he lost the remote.

B he couldn't find the remote.

C he couldn't use the remote.

D he could find the remote.

E the remote was missing.

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 6

In this section, you are given a sentence. The sentence has then been re-
written, but only the first half of the new sentence has been provided. Choose
the best ending so the new sentence tells us the same thing.
When the racing cars started their engines, everyone stood up to

If we rewrite the beginning with:

Everyone stood up to watch ...

What will the ending be?


A when the race started.

B when the racing cars started.

C when the engines started.

D when the racing cars started their engines.

E when the cars took off.

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 7

In this section, you are given a sentence. The sentence has then been re-
written, but only the first half of the new sentence has been provided. Choose
the best ending so the new sentence tells us the same thing.
The dog always eats the left-overs after dinner.

If we rewrite the beginning with:

After dinner, the dog ...

What will the ending be?


A always eats the left-overs.

B always eats their dessert.

C sometimes eats all the left-overs.

D eats what is left over from lunch.

E begs for scraps.

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 8

In this section, you are given a sentence. The sentence has then been re-
written, but only the first half of the new sentence has been provided. Choose
the best ending so the new sentence tells us the same thing.
After the rain, our water tank was nearly full.

If we rewrite the beginning with:

Our water tank was nearly full...

What will the ending be?


A when the thunderstorm came.

B after the rain.

C before it rained.

D because it rained in Melbourne.

E when the rains came.

Question 9

In this section, the sentence does not have any punctuation. You need to
choose the correctly re-written sentence.
red blue and pink are the three colours in the box


A Red, blue, and pink are the three colours in the box.

B Red and Blue and Pink are the three colours in the box.

C red, blue and pink are the three colours in the box.

D Red, blue and pink are the three colours in the box.

E Red, blue, and, pink are the 3 colours in the box.

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 10

In this section, the sentence does not have any punctuation. You need to
choose the correctly re-written sentence.
im not allowed outside today because i have been naughty


A I'm not allowed outside today because I have been naughty.

B Im not allowed outside today because I have been naughty.

C i'm not allowed outside today because I have been naughty

D I'm not allowed outside today because i have been naughty.

E Im not allowed outside today because I've been bad.

Question 11

Hunting is an instinctive characteristic of the lion species.

The word instinctive in this sentence means:


A extinct

B distinct

C inborn

D particular

E instant

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 12

Everybody at the party commented that Emily was very vivacious.

The word vivacious in this sentence means:


A A person who is lively.

B A person who is shy.

C A person who is negative.

D A person who is rude.

E A person who dances a lot.

Question 13

Before becoming an astronaut, one must spend many years at university,

then train for years before going into space.

What can you infer from this paragraph?


A Becoming an astronaut is difficult.

B Becoming an astronaut is easy.

C Becoming an astronaut requires hard work and self discipline.

D Astronauts are in high demand.

E Only people who can fly can be astronauts.

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 14

Racing car driving is a popular spectator sport. However, there are many
factors that must be considered when making sure it is safe to drive. For
example, the car has to be safety checked, the driver must wear protective
clothing and a helmet, and special seatbelts must be fastened at all times.

What is the main theme in this paragraph?


A Racing car driving is popular.

B Driving a racing car requires skill and training.

C Without a safety check, a racing car cannot be driven.

D Without the correct safety equipment, racing car driving can be


E Racing car drivers have a death wish.

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 15

The following story leads into the next four questions, it will be
repeated at the start of each of the questions it relates to. Read it
carefully and answer questions 15 through to 18, in relation to this

The Campbelltown triathlon was three weeks away, and Jason decided that he
was going to take part this year. He sent in the registration form and made a
promise to himself that he would do his best to win the race. He knew it was
not going to be easy, understanding he would have to train every day right
up until the race day.

A triathlon is a sport with three events: running, swimming and cycling. Jason
had a regime to train in all three events throughout the week; two days of
cycling, two days of swimming and three days of running. By the end of the
three weeks, he felt as though he was ready to take on his competitors. When
he arrived on race day, he noticed there were many people taking part in the
competition. He began to worry that he would not do so well. However, he
convinced himself that he was just as good, if not better than, the other
competitors, so he prepared himself at the starting line.

"On your marks, get set, go!" he heard from the loud speakers, and before he
knew it, the race had begun. The first leg of this race was the running
component. Jason was a strong runner, so he went well in this leg, finishing
third and not far from the lead. The next leg was the swimming component
and made Jason nervous, as this was his weakest leg of the three. As much
as he tried to keep up, Jason just couldn't keep up with the pack, falling back
to sixth place. Although he was disappointed, he was hoping he could make
up for lost time in the final leg of the race, the cycling. This was Jason's last
chance to get to the front of the pack, so he rode as fast as he could. He
got up to second place with five hundred metres remaining. Although he tried
to pass the leader, he wasn't fast enough so he finished in second place.
Although Jason wanted to win, he wasn't disappointed with the silver medal.
It was his first time in the competition and he figured he could try again next
year, hopefully coming first.
What is the main theme of this story?

Edutest practice test for year 5-2


A Coming second is being the first loser.

B Winning is everything.

C Winning isn't everything.

D Coming second is worse than coming last.

E If you train it is expected that you will win.

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 16

The following story leads into the next three questions, it will be
repeated at the start of each of the questions it relates to. Read it
carefully and answer questions 16 through to 18, in relation to this

The Campbelltown triathlon was three weeks away, and Jason decided that he
was going to take part this year. He sent in the registration form and made a
promise to himself that he would do his best to win the race. He knew it was
not going to be easy, understanding he would have to train every day right
up until the race day.

A triathlon is a sport with three events: running, swimming and cycling. Jason
had a regime to train in all three events throughout the week; two days of
cycling, two days of swimming and three days of running. By the end of the
three weeks, he felt as though he was ready to take on his competitors. When
he arrived on race day, he noticed there were many people taking part in the
competition. He began to worry that he would not do so well. However, he
convinced himself that he was just as good, if not better than, the other
competitors and so prepared himself at the starting line.

"On your marks, get set, go!" he heard from the loud speakers, and before
he knew it, the race had begun. The first leg of the race was this running
component. Jason was a strong runner, sohe went well in this leg, finishing
third and not far from the lead. The next leg was the swimming component
and made Jason nervous, as this was his weakest leg of the three. As much
as he tried to keep up, Jason just couldn't keep up with the pack, falling back
to sixth place. Although he was disappointed, he was hoping he could make
up for lost time in the final leg of the race, the cycling. This was Jason's last
chance to get to the front of the pack, so he rode as fast as he could. He up
to second place with five hundred metres remaining. Although he tried to
pass the leader, he wasn't fast enough so he finished in second place.
Although Jason wanted to win, he wasn't disappointed with the silver medal.
It was his first time in the competition and he figured he could try again next
year, hopefully coming first.

In this story, what is a triathlon?

Edutest practice test for year 5-2


A a bicycle

B swimming goggles

C a training program

D running shoes

E none of these

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 17

The following story leads into the next two questions, it will be
repeated at the start of each of the questions it relates to. Read it
carefully and answer questions 17 & 18, in relation to this story.

The Campbelltown triathlon was three weeks away, and Jason decided that he
was going to take part this year. He sent in the registration form and made a
promise to himself that he would do his best to win the race. He knew it was
not going to be easy, understanding he would have to train every day right
up until the race day.

A triathlon is a sport with three events: running, swimming and cycling. Jason
had a regime to train in all three events throughout the week; two days of
cycling, two days of swimming and three days of running. By the end of the
three weeks, he felt as though he was ready to take on his competitors. When
he arrived on race day, he noticed there were many people taking part in the
competition. He began to worry that he would not do so well. However, he
convinced himself that he was just as good, if not better than, the other
competitors and so prepared himself at the starting line.

"On your marks, get set, go!" he heard from the loud speakers, and before he
knew it, the race had begun. The first leg of the race was this running
component. Jason was a strong runner, sohe went well in this leg, finishing
third and not far from the lead. The next leg was the swimming component
and made Jason nervous, as this was his weakest leg of the three. As much
as he tried to keep up, Jason just couldn't keep up with the pack, falling back
to sixth place. Although he was disappointed, he was hoping he could make
up for lost time in the final leg of the race, the cycling. This was Jason's last
chance to get to the front of the pack, so he rode as fast as he could. He up
to second place with five hundred metres remaining. Although he tried to
pass the leader, he wasn't fast enough so he finished in second place.
Although Jason wanted to win, he wasn't disappointed with the silver medal.
It was his first time in the competition and he figured he could try again next
year, hopefully coming first.

The main character of this story:

Edutest practice test for year 5-2


A had never been in a triathlon.

B had been in a triathlon.

C was a professional runner.

D was a professional swimmer.

E was an Olympic champion.

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 18

The following story leads into the following question. Read it carefully
and answer question 18, in relation to this story.

The Campbelltown triathlon was three weeks away, and Jason decided that he
was going to take part this year. He sent in the registration form and made a
promise to himself that he would do his best to win the race. He knew it was
not going to be easy, understanding he would have to train every day right
up until the race day.

A triathlon is a sport with three events: running, swimming and cycling. Jason
had a regime to train in all three events throughout the week; two days of
cycling, two days of swimming and three days of running. By the end of the
three weeks, he felt as though he was ready to take on his competitors. When
he arrived on race day, he noticed there were many people taking part in the
competition. He began to worry that he would not do so well. However, he
convinced himself that he was just as good, if not better than, the other
competitors and so prepared himself at the starting line.

"On your marks, get set, go!" he heard from the loud speakers, and before he
knew it, the race had begun. The first leg of the race was this running
component. Jason was a strong runner, sohe went well in this leg, finishing
third and not far from the lead. The next leg was the swimming component
and made Jason nervous, as this was his weakest leg of the three. As much
as he tried to keep up, Jason just couldn't keep up with the pack, falling back
to sixth place. Although he was disappointed, he was hoping he could make
up for lost time in the final leg of the race, the cycling. This was Jason's last
chance to get to the front of the pack, so he rode as fast as he could. He up
to second place with five hundred metres remaining. Although he tried to
pass the leader, he wasn't fast enough so he finished in second place.
Although Jason wanted to win, he wasn't disappointed with the silver medal.
It was his first time in the competition and he figured he could try again next
year, hopefully coming first.

Which three events make up a triathlon?

Edutest practice test for year 5-2


A run, dive, bike

B run, swim, drive

C run, swim, ski

D run, swim, bike

E walk, run, jump

Question 19

The following paragraph is to be used to answer the final two

questions, so will be repeated at the beginning of each of the two

Greg and his family took a trip to the zoo. When they arrived, they headed
straight to the reptile handling area where animal experts allowed people to
hold and pat the reptiles. Greg wanted to feed the snakes, and the
zookeeper said he could, as long as he followed some basic rules. Instead of
listening to the zookeeper, Greg grabbed the snake, which turned and bit him
on the arm, giving him a nasty wound.

The main theme of this story is:


A never handle snakes.

B always listen to experts.

C never go to the zoo.

D never listen to experts.

E Greg was an expert.

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Question 20

The following paragraph was presented in the previous question and

is to be used to answer this question.

Greg and his family took a trip to the zoo. When they arrived, they headed
straight to the reptile handling area where animal experts allowed people to
hold and pat the reptiles. Greg wanted to feed the snakes, and the
zookeeper said he could, as long as he followed some basic rules. Instead of
listening to the zookeeper, Greg grabbed the snake, which turned and bit him
on the arm, giving him a nasty wound.

From the paragraph above, which statement does not follow?


A The snake gave Greg an injury.

B Greg wanted to work at the zoo.

C Greg didn't listen to instructions.

D Greg grabbed the snake.

E Greg wanted to feed the snakes.

Edutest practice test for year 5-2

Answer sheet

Verbal Reasoning Practice Test 2


Numerical Reasoning Practice Test 2


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