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1. The ____________ is used widely by chemist and physicists.

a. cgs system b. mks system
c. SI system d None of these
2. 1 dyne = __________
a. kg-m/s2 b. ib-ft/s2
c. g-cm/s2 d. None of these
3. An adiabatic process is characterized by which of the following?
a. The entropy change is zero b. It is isothermal
c. The heat transfer is zero d. it is reversible
4. carrier mobility depends on:
a. resistivity b. recombination rate
c. conductivity d. temperature and the regularity
of the crystal structure
5. Ions are formed when
a. electrons are displaced from atoms or molecules by bombardment of high energy
b. a salt forms in an acid-base neutralization reaction.
c. a salt crystal forms from the reaction of elemental sodium and chlorine
d. all of the above
6. The dimension of “acceleration x Mass” is the same as that of
a. Power b. Length
c. Work d. weight
7. In a steady flow system, the mass of the working substance is
a. always conserved b. always greater
c. always ceased d. none of these
8. In mechanics, if mass M, length L, and time T, are selected as primary units, force F
will have the following equation
a. F = MLT b. F = MT2L-1
c. F = MLT2 d. F = ML-1T2
9. An instrument for measuring specific gravity of fluids:
a. flowmeter b. hygrometer
c. clinometer d. hydrometer
10. The pressure reading of 35 psi in Kpa is:
a. 427.3 b. 724
c. 273.4 d. 342.72
11. An instrument for measuring high temperature gases:
a. atmometer b. altimeter
c. odometer d. pyrometer
12. In the SI system of measurement, the base unit for mass is:
a. kilogram b. kilogram/m3
c. joule d. Newton
13. The standard acceleration due to gravity (English unit)
a. 32.2 ft/s2 b. 980 ft/s2
c. 58.33 ft/s d. 35.3 m/s2
14. The ideal, reversible Carnot cycle involves four basic process. What type of processes are
a. all isentropic b. two adiabatic and two isentropic
c. all isothermal d. two isothermal and two isentropic
15. What is the expression for the heat of vaporization
hsubg = enthalpy of the saturated vapor
hsubf = enthalpy of the saturated liquid
a. hsubf b. h2subg
c. hsubg d. shubg-hsubf
16. What is the origin of the energy conservation equation used in flow system
a. First law of thermodynamics
b. Second law of thermodynamics
c. Newton’s Second law of motion
d. Newton’s First law of motion
17. One joule of work is done by a force of Newton acting through a distance of:
a. one meter b. a foot
c. one inch d. one cm
18. The first derivative of kinetic energy with respect to time is:
a. power b. momentum
c. work d. force
19. An adiabatic process with no work done is:
a. isometric b. throttling
c. isobaric d. polytropic
20. The increase in enthalpy of a substance when it undergoes some phase change at a constant
pressure and temperature
a. heat of fusion
b. heat of vaporization
c. heat of transformation
d. heat of crystallization
21. Which of the process where work done is zero?
a. isentropic b. polytropic
c. isometric d. isobaric
22. A process has a pressure range of 0.001-1 atmosphere. A pressure measuring instrument to
register the pressure measuring instrument to register the pressure at all times, the instrument
needed for the job is:
a. mercury manometer
b. metallic diaphragm
c. water manometer
d. Bordon pressure gauge
23. the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature one lb of that substance one degree
Fahrenheit is:
a. BTU b. latent heat
c. specific heat d. relative heat
24. The temperature of air has gone through an adiabatic saturation process:
a. Kelvin temperature b. boiling point
c. dew point temperature d. wet bulb temperature
25. The study of the properties and behavior of atmospheric air is known as:
a. gas dynamics b. thermodynamics
c. psychrometrics d. atmospheric
26. The system is said to be in thermodynamic equilibrium:
a. When there is no tendency towards spontaneous change
b. when all its parts are at the same temperature
c. if it has no tendency to undergo further chemical reaction
d. when the system is not accelerating
27. The equilibrium temperature that a regular thermometer measure if exposed to atmospheric
air is:
a. wet bulb temp b. dry bulb
c. dew point d. oC
28. At constant temperature , the absolute pressure of the gas varies
inversely as its volume:
a. Charles Law b. Boyle’s Law
c. Newton’s Law d. Avogadro’s Law
29. The sum of three types of energy at any point in the system is called:
a. pressure heads b. Bernoulli’s equation
c. enthalpy d. internal energy
30. Momentum = force x_____________
a. velocity2 b. ½ velocity
c. velocity d. time
31. The impulse and momentum principles is mostly useful for solving problems involving:
a. velocity, acceleration, and time
b. force, acceleration, and time
c. force, velocity and time
d. force, velocity and acceleration
32. Entropy is the measure of ______________
a. the change in enthalpy of a system
b. randomness of disorder
c. the heat capacity of a substance
d. the internal energy of gas
33. When a thin bore, hollow glass tube is inserted into a container of mercury, the surface of the
mercury in the tube:
a. is below container surface due to adhesion
b. is below the container surface due to cohesion
c. is the level with the surface of the mercury in the container
d. is above the container surface due to cohesion
34. Absolute viscosity is essentially independent of pressure and is primarily dependent on:
a. temperature b. density
c. specific gravity d. velocity

35. A leak from faucet comes out in separate drops. Which of the following is the main cause of
this phenomenon?
a. surface tension b. air resistance
b. gravity d. viscosity of fluid
36. Law states that  the acceleration of the particular body is directly proportional to the
resultant force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass :
a. Avogadro’s Law b. Charles Law
c. Boyle’s Law d. Newton’s Law
37. What is the latent heat of fusion required to turn ice to liquid?
a. 2256 kj/kg b. 970 Btu Btu/bm
c. 334 kj/kg d. 166 Btu/lb
38.The second law of thermodynamics states that:
a. entropy cannot neither created nor destroyed
b. heat energy cannot be completely transformed into work
c. there is no tendency towards spontaneous change
d. mass is indestructible
39. It is a process in which water vapor is added to the air stream by adiabatic evaporation.
a. sensible cooling b. none
c. evaporative cooling c. humidifying
40. What is the standard temperature in the US.
a. Fahrenheit b. Rankine
c. Celsius d. Kelvin
41. Which statements is true?
a. Entropy always decreases
b. Entropy increases up to the critical temperature, then it decreases
c. theoretically, entropy may be zero at a low enough temperature
d. is one which enthalpy remains unchanged
42. A system wherein matter may flow and crosses its boundaries in and
out so with the energy:
a. Open system b. Closed system
c. Extensive property d. Intensive property
42. An adiabatic process
a. allows heat transfer into the system but not out of the system.
b. allows heat transfer out of the system but not into the system
c. may be reversible
d. is one which enthalpy remains unchanged
43. What is the English unit of gravitational attraction constant?
a. 1.0313 x 10-12slug-ft2/lb2
b. 2.3475 x 10-12slug-ft2/lb2
c.1.634 x 10-12slug-ft2/lb2
d. 3.234 x 10-12slug-ft2/lb2
44. Convert 1.818 x 10-4 grams/cm-s to lb/ft-s
a. 1.222 b. 1.444
c. 1.333 d. 1.555

45. What is the gauge used to measure 0.001 to 1 atm pressure?

a. barometer b. psychrometer
c. mercury manometer d. hydrometer
46. The study of motion without reference to the force which causes motion is known:
a. kinetics b. acceleration
c. motion d. none of the above
47. The first derivative of kinetic energy with respect to time is:
a. motion b. energy
c. power d. work
48. If one end of the manometer is open to the atmosphere, it is called
a. open manometer b. closed manometer
c. differential manometer d. all of these
49. One Btu equals 778.2 ft-lb of mechanical energy is called:
a. mechanical equivalent of heat b. calorie
c. refrigerating effect d. latent heat of fusion
50. The boiling point of H2 in K
a. 0 b. 373
c. 456 d. 273
51. What is the law applied to the mass flow of fluid?
a. mass law b. energy law
c. law of conservation of mass d. mass flow equation
52. Sound travels fastest in
a. air at 0oF and 1 atm b. air at 70oF & 0 psi
c. air at 70 F and 1 atm d. steel at 70oF
53. Cryogenic ranges in temperature from
a. 50 to 150oF b. -50 to -100oF
c. -150 to -300oF d. -250 to -459oF
54. A collection of substances within a prescribed boundary:
a. System b. Working substance
c. Thermodynamics d. Surrounding
55. Pressures measured with respect to atmosphere pressure are known as
a. atmospheric pressure b. absolute pressure
c. gage pressure d. None of these
56. Is the weight of fluid per unit volume
a. Specific weight b. specific density
c. specific volume d. None of these
57. Exhibit viscosities that decrease with an increasing velocity gradient.
a. plastic fluid b. viscous fluid
c. pseudoplastic fluids d. none of these
58. Is the ratio of absolute viscosity to mass density
a. dynamics viscosity b. kinematics viscosity
c. Reference viscosity d. none of these
59. Liquids near their boiling point or that vaporize easily are said to be __________
a. volatile liquids b. fragile liquids
c. saturated liquid d. none of these

60. Occurs when the liquid temperature is increased to the point that the vapor pressure is equal
to local ambient pressure.
a. Boiling b. freezing
c. superheated d. None of these
61. Is usually considered to be a non-linear function of temperature only.
a. vapor pressure b. saturated pressure
c. superheated pressure d. none of these
62. Those that are dependent to the mass of the substance:
a. Intensive property b. Open system
c. Closed system d. Extensive property
63. The membrane of “skin” that seems to form on the free surface of a liquid is due to the
intermolecular cohesive forces known as
a. Buoyancy b. Surface tension
c. Surface reaction d. None of these
64. Is a special case of diffusion in which molecules of the solvent move from one fluid to
another in one direction only.
a. Reversal diffusion b. Osmosis
c. Solidification d. None of these
65. Is the fractional change in the volume of a fluid per unit change in pressure in a constant
temperature process
a. Compressibility b. Expansionability
c. Fissionability d. None of these
66. Is a simple method of determining the static pressure in a pipe or other vessel
a. Draft tube b. Piezometer tube
c. Pitot tube d. None of these
67. When both ends of the manometer are connected to pressure sources
a. Open manometer b. Straight manometer
c. Differential manometer d. None of these
68. Is the pressure a fluid exerts on immerse object or container walls
a. gage pressure b. atmospheric pressure
c. hydrostatic pressure d. none of these
69. Is an upward force that acts on all objects that are partially or completely submerged in fluid.
a. Bouyant force b. Lift force
c. Liquid force d. None of these
70. Are the special application of the conservation of energy concept.
a. Bernoulli’s equation b. Steady flow energy equation
c. A and B d. None of these
71. Is the sum of the kinetic and pressure energy
a. Internal energy b. Impact energy
c. Flow work d. None of these
72. Represents the height the fluid will rise in a piezometer pitot tube when the fluid has been
brought to rest
a. Impact head b. pressure head
c. Velocity head d. None of these

73. It is considered as the energy in motion:

a. Potential Energy b. Kinetic energy
c. Internal energy d. Enthalpy
74. Is a dimensionless number interpreted as the ratio of inertia forces to viscous forces in the
a. Reynold’s number b. Fraudt’l number
b. Inertia number d. None of these
75. Is the total energy with respect to the channel bottom, consisting of pressure and velocity
energy terms only.
a. Internal energy b. Specific energy
c. Kinetic energy d. None of these
76. Is a frictional force which acts parallel but opposite to the direction of motion.
a. Drag b. friction
c. lift d, none of these
77. Is an internally reversible process of a substance during which the pressure remains constant:
a. Isothermal process b. Isometric process
c. Isobaric process d. Isentropic process
78. Is the pressure a fluid exerts on immerse object or container walls.
a. gage pressure b. atmospheric pressure
c. hydrostatic pressure d. Non of these
79. Are the special applications of the conservation of energy concept.
a. Bernoulli’s equation b. steady flow energy equation
c. A and B d. None of these
80. States that one form of energy maybe converted into another.
a. First Law of Thermodynamics
a. Law of Conservation of Energy
c. Gravitational Potential Energy
d. Kinetic Energy
81. The equation s = cp ln (T 2/T1) determine the change in entropy for a reversible ideal-gas
which is:
a. Adiabatic b. Isobaric
c. Isothermal d. All of the above
82. At the same pressure and temperature, equal volumes of all gases contain equal number of
molecules. This is known as:
a. Faraday's Law b. Avogadro’s Law
c. Lenz' Law d. Charles Law
82. Two bodies, each in thermal equilibrium with a third body, are in thermal equilibrium with
each other is a statement referred to :
a. First Law of Thermodynamics b. Second Law of Thermodynamics
c. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics d. Law of corresponding state
83. If n = 1 in a polytropic process for an ideal gas means that the process is :
a. Constant pressure b. Constant volume
c. Isothermal d. Isentropic

84. Dew point is which of the following?

a. adiabatic saturation temperature
b. temperature of grains of moisture per lb of bone dry oil
c. temperature of 50% RH
d. wet bulb temperature
85. When a substance in gaseous state is below the critical temperature, it is called
a. vapor
b. cloud
c. moisture
d. steam
86. Is the condition of pressure and temperature at which a liquid and its vapor are
a. critical point b. dew point
c. absolute humidity d. relative humidity
87. If the temperature is held constant and the pressure is increased beyond the saturation pressure,
we have a
a. saturated vapor b. compressed liquid
c. saturated liquid d. subcooled liquid
88. Form of energy associated with the kinetic energy of the random motion of large number of
a. internal energy b. kinetic energy
c. heat of fusion d. heat
89. In a P-T diagram of a pure substance, the curve separating the solid phase from the liquid phase
a. vaporization curve b. fusion curve
c. boiling point d. sublimation point
90. The volumetric change of the fluid caused by a resistance is called of the fluid caused by a
resistance called
a. volumetric change b. volumetric change
c. compressibility d. adhesion
91. Number of molecules in a mole of any substance is a constant called
a. Rankine cycle b. Avogadro’s number
c. Otto cycle d. Thompson constant
92. The locus of elevation is
a. critical point b. hydraulic gradient
c. energy gradient d. friction gradient the fact
93. The static friction is
a. always greater than the dynamic friction
b. always less than the dynamic friction
c. always equal to the dynamic friction
d. either greater or more than the dynamic friction
94. At critical point the latent enthalpy of vaporization is
a. temperature dependent
b. zero
c. minimum
d. maximum
95. The internal combustion engines never work in.
a. Rankine cycle
b. Diesel cycle
c. Dual combustion cycle
d. Otto cycle
96. Isentropic flow is
a. perfect gas flow
b. ideal fluid flow
c. frictionless reversible flow
d. reversible adiabatic flow
97. Volumetric efficiency of a wall designed engine may be in the range of
a. 75 to 90% b. 650 to 75%
c. 30 to 50% d. below 30%
98. The constant pressure gas turbine works on the principle of
a. Carnot cycle b. Rankine cycle
c. Dual cycle d. Brayton cycle
99. A Bell-Coleman cycle is a reversed
a. Stirling cycle b. Joule cycle
c. Carnot cycle d. Otto cycle
100. Brayton cycle has
a. two isentropic and two constant volume processes
b. two isentropic and two constant pressure
c. one constant pressure, one constant volume and two adiabatic processes
d. two isothermal, one constant volume and one constant pressure processes

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