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English Speaking Conversation (VMK)

1 minggu = 2 pertemuan (1 bulan = 8x)


Rini : 1-3
Zhillan : 7-10

Melliana : 4-6

Shafira : 10-12

Tyas : 13-15

1. Greeting, introducing, and leave taking

2. Expressions of asking and giving information
3. Expressions of Asking and Giving Opinion + Responses of agree and disagree.
4. Expressions of Offering and Asking for Help
5. Expressions of Asking and giving Direction (Where are we go?)
6. Expressing compliment, advice
7. Expressions of sympathy
8. Expressions of congratulating
9. Expressions of inviting someone.
10. Giving instructions
11. Expressions in telephoning

1. Greeting, introducing, and leave taking

2. Expressions of asking and giving information
3. Expressions of Asking and Giving Opinion + Responses of agree and disagree.
4. Asking for Help
5. Suggestion and offering something.
6. Asking and giving Direction (Where are we go?)
7. Expressing compliment
8. Expressions of sympathy
9. Expressions of congratulating
10. Expressions of inviting someone.
11. Giving instructions
12. Expressions in telephoning
13. Asking and giving advice
TOPIC 1: Greeting, introducing, and leave taking

Tujuan pembelajaran:

1. Siswa dapat mengucapkan salam sapaan dan responsnya dalam bahasa Inggris dengan
2. Siswa dapat memperkenalkan diri dan orang lain dengan menggunakan bahasa
3. Siswa dapat mengucapkan salam perpisahan dalam bahasa Inggris dan memahami
konteks penggunaannya.

Materi 1: Greeting
Ungkapan sapaan/salam dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu Formal dan Informal Greeting.
Formal greeting biasanya digunakan pada situasi resmi formal atau belum familiar.
Contoh: ketika bertemu dengan orang yang lebih tua/orang yang disegani, menyapa
dalam situasi formal seperti acara resmi,dll.
Informal Greeting digunakan pada situasi santai, biasanya sudah familiar atau kenal
dengan lawan bicara dan tidak resmi. Contoh: menyapa teman, menyapa orang yang
lebih muda, dll.

Situation Greetings Responses

Formal Hello Hello
Good morning Good morning
Good day/noon Very well, thank you.
Good afternoon
Good evening
What are you doing?
How is it going?
How are you doing?
How do you do?
It is a pleasure to meet you.
It is an honor to meet you.
Good to see you.
Hi Hi
Hey Not much!
Howdy? Pretty good!
What’s up? Excellent!
How are you? Nothing special!
What’s going on? Nothing much! And you?
How are things? Not too bad
How is life? Not much, really.
How do you do? Not bad
How is everything with you? I’m good, thanks!
Long time no see.
Nice to meet you.

Materi 2: Introducing
o Let me introduce myself
o Allow me to introduce myself
o I’d like to introduce myself
Expression of self-introduction:
 Hello. My name is …
 Hi. I’m …
 Nice to meet you. I’m …
 Pleased to meet you. I’m …
 It’s a pleasure to see you. I’m…
 May I introduce myself? I’m…
 How do you do? My name is…
 Let me introduce myself. I’m …
 I’d like to introduce myself. I’m …
 I am……. (Mr. / Miss. / Mrs + family name)
Bisa juga dilanjutkan dengan menyebutkan asal dan tempat tinggal

o I live in …
o My hometown is …
o I’m originally from …
o I come from …
o I was born in …
o I spent most of my life in …
o I grew up in …

Expression of introducing others:

o I’d like to introduce you to…

o Please meet …
o May I introduce you to ….?
o Let me introduce you to …? (John, let me introduce you to Mary.)
o I’d like you to meet …. (John, I’d like you to meet Mary.)
o I don’t think you have met …, do you?
o You haven’t met …, have you?
o Have you met …? (John, have you met Mary?)
o Do you know …?
o This is …. (John, this is Mary. Mary, this is John.)

o Nice to meet you.
o I’m pleased to meet you.
o It’s a pleasure to meet you.
o Glad to meet you.
o (It’s) nice to meet you.
o Happy to meet you.
o Glad to know you.
o How do you do?
o It’s an honor to know you.

Materi 3: Leave-taking
Expression of leave-taking:
o Bye (sampai jumpa).
o Bye-bye (sampai jumpa).
o See you (sampai jumpa).
o Take care (hati-hati).
o Farewell (sampai jumpa/ selamat tinggal).
o I must go now (aku harus pergi sekarang).
o I think I should be going (aku rasa aku harus pergi).
o I think I should be on my way (aku rasa aku harus pergi/ berangkat).
o I think I should be getting on my way (aku rasa aku harus pergi/ berangkat).
o I think I should get going (aku rasa aku harus pergi).
o I’ve got to go now (aku harus pergi sekarang).
o I’ve got to be going now (aku harus pergi sekarang).
o I’ve got to run now (aku harus pergi sekarang).
o I’ve got to get going now (aku harus pergi sekarang).
o I’d better go now (sebaiknya aku pergi/berangkat sekarang).
o I have to go now (aku harus pergi sekarang).
o I need to run now (aku harus pergi sekarang).
o I should get going now (aku harus pergi sekarang).

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