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XI English (Core) HW for Summer Vacation

(Text Books)
1. Describe the author’s grandmother’s character in about 150
2. Do you think the author and the grandmother enjoyed a strong
bond when they lived in the village?
3. The author was very close to his grandmother. What are the
evidences which show this?
4. The poet in the poem ‘A Photograph’ describes her mother’s
photograph. Do you think photographs play an important role
in our life? How?
5. In the present times of technology, people click pics with the
help of their cell phones. What difference do you notice
between the traditional photographs and the pics clicked with
cell phones?
6. The author’s grandmother was not happy with the teaching at
the city school. How would you describe her attitude towards
7. ‘The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse’ is an example of
importance of values in life. Discuss.
8. Imagine that you are Mourad. You have been invited by your
school to deliver a speech in the morning assembly. Draft the
speech in about 150 words.
9. ‘Humans share this planet with numerous species of birds and
animals who need our care.’ Comment. (The Summer…..)
10. Imagine yourself to be Khushwant Singh who has been
invited to deliver a lecture on the topic ‘Aged people and their
role in our life.’ Draft his speech in about 150 words.
11. Imagine that Khushwant Sing’s grandmother and Shirly’s
mother meet in a garden. What will they talk about? Draft a
conversation between them.
Writing Skill
Speech (150 words)
1. ‘Importance of Self Discipline’
2. The problem of mobile addiction among children.
3. The problem of extended screen time in youths
4. Harms of consuming fast food.
5. Problem of rash driving in the city
6. Say no to Plastic and polythene
7. Mushrooming coaching classes in the city
8. Importance of exercising daily
9. Importance of Yoga and meditation in life
10. Importance of playing outdoor games
Debate (150 words)
1. Students should be given pocket money.
2. Only academics are necessary for a bright career.
3. Online shopping is better than traditional shopping.
4. Electronic media will bring an end to print media
5. Computers will completely replace human teachers in school
in future
6. Our large population is not a problem, it’s an asset.
7. Online smart classes are the future of education styles.
8. Homes for the aged is a necessity in India.
9. Social media is beneficial for society
10. Online education is as effective as traditional in person
11. Banning mobiles phones in school is good.
12. Is it ethical for parents to monitor their teenagers’ online
and social media activities?
13. Online working is more productive than in-office
Classified Advertisements
Draft classified advertisements to sell out your-
1. old furniture of your restaurant
2. Newly built house in a posh locality
3. Used bike as you have purchased a car
4. Old Desktop computer
5. Old Refrigerator
1. Say No To Drugs
2. Avoid Fast Food
3. Reduce Screen Time
4. Save Environment Save Earth
5. Clean City; Green City
6. Be Vocal for Local

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