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Solsona National High GRADE

TEACHER/ Charles A. Ventura LEARNING MAPEH (Health)


Demonstrates understanding of factors that influence cigarette and
A. Content Standards
alcohol use and strategies for prevention and control
Demonstrates personal responsibility in the prevention of cigarette and
B. Performance Standards
alcohol use through the promotion of a healthy lifestyle
C. Most Essential
Identify Hazards and Risk (TLE_ICTIL7/8 OS-0h-1)
Learning Competency
LO 1: Identify Negative Health Impacts of Drinking Alcohol

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. analyze the negative health impacts of drinking alcohol

D. Session Objectives o describe the harmful short-term and long-term
effects of drinking alcohol;
o interpret blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in
terms of physiological changes in the body; and
2. explain the impact of drinking alcohol on the family and
community (H8S-IVg-h-32).

This lesson on health impacts of drinking alcohol will helps the learners
E. Values infused reflect and realize on the side effects of alcoholic drinks to their family,
environment, and community.
II. CONTENT Negative Health Impacts of Drinking Alcohol
A. References Module in MAPEH (Health) 8
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
CBLM II ( part 1) Technical Drafting Module I -2008. pp.2-12, 25-29
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials (Technical Drafting) Quarter 1–Module 7: Practice
from Learning Occupational Health and Safety Procedure (OS)- pp.7-15
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning
C. Other Instructional
PowerPoint Presentation, laptop
*Game-based Learning *Collaborative Learning
*Differentiated Learning
V. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS  What are the short-term and long-term effect of drinking
 What is alcohol blood concentration?
 What are the factors that affect blood alcohol concentration?
 How does alcohol affect alcohol and communities?

VI. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Good morning, Grade 8! Good morning, sir!

Kindly arrange your chairs and pick

up the pieces of paper under your

Before we start, may I request the

class secretary or class monitor to
please check the attendance, thank

Let me remind to you again our

Preliminary Tasks
classroom rules that you need to
observe. We have here the three (3)
Ls which stand for: Look, Listen,
and Learn.

Is that clear class? Yes, Sir!

Thank you! If you have any

questions just raise your right hand
for permission to speak.

Are you all ready to listen and Yes Sir.

Before we formally start our lesson,
may we recall our lesson last
meeting, and it’s all about what?
It’s about cigarette smoking, sir.
Very good! What is all about
cigarette smoking? Cigarette smoking sir is bad in
A. Reviewing the our health, we discussed the
previous lesson or short-term and long-term effect
presenting the new lesson of cigarette smoking, sir. And
(ELICIT) also, the three types of smokes
which are the firsthand smoke,
secondhand smoke, and thirdhand
Exactly! What else?
We talked about the impacts of
cigarette smoking, sir, the impact
on family, environment, and to
the community.
Very good! Give yourselves a big
round of applause!

Before we proceed, I prepared here

a simple activity called pick me up.
Direction: Pick a number from the
box, every number corresponds to a
simple quest.

Each quest has different mission to


Okay let’s now start, I’ll just be the

first one to count, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5!

Okay. Mr. Agustin pick your

number. Number 4, sir.

Okay, this is you task. Open the

box/envelop and can now start
accomplishing the task, but before
B. Establishing a purpose that give me a number from 1 to 10.
for the lesson 1 sir.
(ENGAGE) Nicole! Pick a number from 1 to 3
2 sir.
Okay, you can now get your box
and start answering your quest.
Give me a number from 3 to 10. 5 sir.

Ryle, pick your number, 1 or 3? 1 sir!

Okay, when your finish please

present in front your output.

Okay, all are now finish, you may

now present it in front. (students presenting their
D. Discussing new From the quest you’ve
concepts and practicing accomplished who can give me or
new skills (EXPLORE) tell me what’s our topic for today?
Sir, I think our topic for today is
about drinking alcohol
Exactly! Our topic for today class is
the negative health impacts of
drinking alcohol.

Can someone read the presentation?

Yes, Michael. May I, sir

The negative impacts of drinking
alcohol, alcohol is not essential to
diet and provides zero nutrition to
the body. Our body does not need
So if you hear someone saying that alcohol to stay health.
drinking alcohol is healthy even in
moderation it’s not true because
alcohol only gives us temporary joy
and happiness.

Can someone read the short-term

effects of drinking alcohol?

Sir, initial effects of drinking

alcohol include: headaches,
elated emotions, talkative, and
drowsiness. while the effects for
several hours of drinking alcohol
includes: vomiting, slurred
speech, distorted vision and
hearing, loss of consciousness,
So, if we say the initial effects, and blackout.
you’re drinking alcohol for about an
hour, the tendency you might feel
elated emotions where it gives you
the courage to drink more up until
you can no longer feel the time.
Some people say that after they
drink alcohol, they don’t remember
what they did, actually that is true
when you drink too much alcohol.

So, let us now proceed to the long-

term effect of drinking alcohol,
please read it, Lyka.

Excessive consumption of
alcohol for a long time will
eventually leads to development
of chronic diseases as well as
permanent damage to the internal
organs. Long-term effects are as
follows: stroke, comatose, heart
Long-term effects mean you’ve disease, obesity etc.
been drinking alcoholic beverages
for 5 or more years, and in that
duration, you’re probably now
feeling an irregular heartbeat,
obesity, and damage to your liver.

Alcohol binge drinking refers to

continuous drinking of alcoholic
beverages for several hours.
Binge drinking can be drinking
large amounts of the same alcoholic
beverages or mixing several
alcoholic brands into a concoction.

Any questions about alcoholic binge


So, let’s now proceed to blood

alcohol concentration (BAC), would None, sir.
you mind reading it, Angel?

Blood alcohol concentration

Thank you! The more alcohol a
(BAC) refers to the percentage of
person drinks, the more alcohol
alcohol in the drinker’s blood
stays in the bloodstream, making it
more difficult for the body to
process and remove the alcohol.

The liver is the primary organ

responsible for the detoxification of
alcohol. Liver cells produce the
enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase
which breaks alcohol into ketones.
Understood, class?

Very good! So, what are the factors

affecting BAC or blood alcohol
Yes, sir.
concentration? First is… please
read, Jamaica.

Food intake, eating food before

drinking alcohol helps reduce the
Thank you very much! So, class rate of absorption of alcohol in
eating food before drinking alcohol the stomach and intestines.
is highly encouraged, but then I do
not encourage you to try drinking
alcohol. Fatty food is found to be
good in slowing down the
absorption of alcohol.

Next is, body size and sex, please

read, Alaiza!

Body size and sex, massive

people have more blood and
Thank you! Male bodies also water in their bodies making
generally have more water in them, them to handle the alcohol better
which makes them handle alcohol than people with smaller bodies.
better than females.

Next is water intake, would you

mind reading it, June?

Class, this is the main reason why Water intake, having more water
people who drink more water do not in the body lessens the effects of
get intoxicated quickly. As I said alcohol in the blood.
earlier alcohol can be released
through urine and when you drink
more water, the tendency is that you
release urine within a short period
of span.
Understood, class?

The next factor is the number of

drinks, please it, everybody! Yes, sir!

Very good! The same as through The more alcoholic beverages a

with the content of alcohol you person drinks, the higher the
drink, if it is mixed concoctions the BAC levels rise.
higher the proof is, the more
intoxicating it is.

How about the age? Would you

mind reading it, Hannah?

As the person ages, his or her Age, older people have a slower
body’s ability to break down metabolism than younger ones.
alcohol slows down. This can lead
to prolonged time of intoxication
due to increased BAC levels.

Lastly, medications, please read,


Medications, drinking alcohol

Thank you very much!
while taking medication or drugs
can intensify the effects of
Moving on, how does alcohol affect intoxication.
families and communities? Any

Sir, when you drink alcohol

there’s a tendency you can hurt
Precisely! other people due to the
So, here are the impacts of alcohol toxification you can no longer
drinking on the family, please read know what you are doing.
it, Gerald!

The impacts of alcohol drinking

on the family
Okay, thank you! When your 1. Neglect of duties in the family,
alcoholics most likely you will alcohol impairs reasoning and the
disregard your duties as parent or ability to prioritize family.
son because you’ll be prioritizing
drinking alcohol than spending time
with your loved ones.
Next, would you mind reading it,

2. increased domestic violence,

drinking alcohol may lead to
higher chances of committing
Thank you very much! Yes, there domestic violence which
are some instances that alcohol may includes, harassment, rape, and
leads to rape, just like for example abuse of family members.
from the news, a lesbian was raped
by her friends due to excessive
alcohol she intake she was not able
to recognize what her friends did to
her. So that’s how alcohol affects
your consciousness.
Next is financial losses, please it,

3. financial losses, since alcoholic

dependent and alcoholic will
prefer alcohol over family, they
Yes, very good! Alcoholic may have greater tendencies to use
even commit petty thefts inside the money intended for family needs
house or sell items in exchange for to purchase alcoholic beverages.
some drinks of alcohol.
Lastly, is the marital problems,
would you mind reading it, James!

4. marital problems, alcoholism

often leads to marital problems
Thank you!
and eventual separation and
Let us now proceed to the impacts divorce of couples, and broken
of alcohol drinking on the families.
community. First, negligence at
work, please read, Renz!

Impacts of alcoholic drinking on

the community
1. negligence at work, alcoholism
Thank you! There is what we so can lead to tardiness, absences,
called hang-over right? You will poor performance, and injuries in
experience this after alcohol binge school and work.
Next one is the effects of
alcoholism on the community,
please read, everybody!
2. Indulging oneself to alcoholic
beverages may lead to alcoholism
Thank you! This will likewise have and lose great opportunities to
complete studies and fulfill
a negative impact on the national
dreams and aspirations for the
economy as children under the future.
influence of alcohol become social
Next one, would you mind reading
it, Jhon!

3. increased budgets on
government health services, the
government will need more
budget for an information
campaign against alcohol
Thank you! And lastly, alcoholism drinking and alcoholism and for
and crimes, please read it, the allocation of treating
alcoholism disorder.

4. alcoholism and crimes, there is

a string connection between
drinking alcohol and aggressive
Thank you! Do you observe class, behavior, especially in places
that most of crimes have always where alcohol is sold and
with the involvement of alcohol?
It’s because alcohol can make you
Understood, class?
Are there any questions or
Yes, sir!

None, sir!
E. Developing mastery (leads ACTIVITY: COMPLETE ME!
to Formative Assessment)
(EXPLAIN) DIRECTION: complete the statement in the left box by selecting
appropriate answer in the right box.
Column A Column B
Short-term effects: *Loss of consciousness
1. headaches 3. ___________ * Slurred speech
2. vomiting 4. ___________ * Stroke
__________ refers to the *Alcohol binge drinking
continuous drinking of alcohol for *Alcohol blood concentration
several hours?

___________ and __________ *Male

people have more blood and *Massive
water in their bodies. *Petite


3-2-1- CHART
Using the 3-2-1 chart, let me hear
the 3, words you have learned from
our topic today?

3- words of information that I learned about the word alcohol

you have learned binge drinking sir, it’s all about
G. Making drinking alcohol continuously in
generalizations and several hours.
abstractions about the
Very good! Anymore? Sir, I also learned about the
lesson (ELABORATE)
alcohol blood concentration, and
it’s all about the percentage of
alcohol in the blood stream.

Precisely! Who else? Sir, I also learned that males and

fat people have more blood and
water in their bodies.

2- things that impressed you

with the lesson So far, all of our topic today sir,
it’s kind a amazing.

1- question that bothers your

mind None, sir.

very good! So, I presume you’re

now ready to take the short quiz!
Bring out your answer sheets.
H. Evaluating learning DIRECTION: choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
(EVALUATE) answer in your answer sheet.
1. Which of the following is a long-term effect of drinking alcohol?
A. drowsiness
B. headache
C. liver cirrhosis
D. talkativeness

2. A man drank three bottles of beer. After an hour, he felt elated. What
does this mean?
A. He experiences extreme depression.
B. He suddenly feels happy and optimistic.
C. His lungs are having difficulty breathing.
D. His heart beats fast and he is sweating.

3. Which of the following statements describes a blackout?

A. decrease in blood cell count
B. increased chances of unconsciousness
C. long-term damages to brain cells and tissues
D. short-term memory lapse caused by overdrinking

5. Which of the following is described as the disorder that stems froms

consuming alcoholic beverages during pregnancy?
A. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
B. Fatal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder
C. Infant Alcohol Sickness Disorder
D. Pregnancy Period Alcohol Disease

6. Which of the following activities refers to continuous drinking of

alcoholic beverages for several hours?
A. party drinking
B. Binge drinking
C. alcohol addiction
D. alcohol dependency

7. Which of the following signs of alcohol poisoning is life-threatening?

A. confusion
B. hypothermia
C. nausea
D. vomiting

8. Which organ in the body metabolizes alcohol?

A. brain
B. heart
C. liver
D. stomach

9. Which of the following refers to the percentage of alcohol in a

person’s bloodstream?
A. Body Alcohol Condition
B. Blood Alcohol Conclusion
C. Blood Alcoholic Continuum
D. Blood Alcohol Concentration

10. Who among these people will likely be intoxicated faster?

A. A young woman who drinks two bottles of beer every 30 minutes
B. A man who had his dinner before attending the drinking session
C. A young man who drinks a bottle of beer every 60 minutes
D. These three individuals will get drunk at same time

11. Why should a person avoid drinking alcohol if he or she is under

A. The alcohol will make the medicine useless and ineffective.
B. The ill-effects of both substances may greatly affect the person.
C. The medicine will counter the effects of alcoholic beverages.
D. There are still no known studies about the drug interaction.

12. How does water reduce the rate of alcohol intoxication of a person?
A. Water dilutes the alcohol in the blood.
B. Water absorbs the alcohol that enters your stomach.
C. Water increases the concentration of alcohol in the stomach.
D. Water acts as a catalyst to speed up the process of detoxification in
the liver.

13. Mr. A was reprimanded by his employer because he went to work

under the influence of alcohol. Which of the following effects of
alcoholism is described in this scenario?
A. negligence at work
B. alcohol drinking and crimes
C. effects of alcohol on the economy
D. increased budgets on government health services

14. Mrs. B was a heavy drinker during her younger years and was later
diagnosed with cancer of the liver and heart disease. She was
undergoing treatment in a government medical facility. Which of the
following effects of alcoholism is best described in the scenario?
A. negligence at work
B. alcohol drinking and crimes
C. effects of alcohol on the economy
D. increased budgets on government health services

I. Additional activities for

application or
After the discussion the students will acquire knowledge and
VII. REMARKS understanding about the difference of hazard and risk in Technical

Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed by:


MMSU-CTE (Intern) Master Teacher I

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