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MicroBit Teachers use

You need to open Blank Document in Microsoft Word to answer the questions

Section A

1. Create a flowchart for the program below.

2. Take a screen shot (Print Screen) and paste it inside your word document with the title Emojis.

3. Open MakeCode from the web-browser.

4. Create a program that can show the temperature of the environment automatically.

Item included:
•Battery Pack (optional)

5. Take a screen shot(Print Screen) and paste it inside your word document with the title
Temperature Reader.

6. Create a program that can send Duck Icon from one microbit to another microbit.

Item included:
•2x MicroBit
•Battery Pack

7. Take a screen shot (Print Screen) and paste it inside your word document with the title Duck.
MicroBit Teachers use

Section B

1. Open Tinkercad from the web-browser and login to your account.

2. Create a simple Microbit case using the tools available in the online platform.

3. Take a screen shot (Print Screen) and paste it inside your word document with the title My
Microbit Case.

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