Science 10 Bread Group

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Bread Group


In the economy of the modern society, demands are rising and resources are depleting. In a world
where not everyone can obtain what they need, reservation is one of the many solutions that have
spread far and wide. There are many things people can preserve. One of them is food.

Ever since ancient times, people have found ways to preserve food for times where supply is scarce,
and conditions are harsh. Now that factors such as global warming are on the rise, and resources are
growing scarce due to climate change, we are entering a new age of survival. This study is conducted to
spread awareness of food preservation and its importance in the world today.

Various factors cause food spoilage, making items unsuitable for consumption. Light, oxygen, heat,
humidity, temperature, and spoilage bacteria can all affect both safety and quality of perishable foods.
When subject to these factors, food will gradually deteriorate.

Most of these factors have become increasingly recurrent, with issues like climate change and
global warming being the main cause. Along with these, resources have grown scarce and prices have
increased. All these factors combined can cause economic crises and food problems around the world.

Food preservation is the process involved in protecting food against microbes and other spoilage
agents to permit its further consumption. The preserved foods should retain a palatable appearance,
flavour, and texture, as well as its original nutritional value.

The aim of food preservation is to minimize the growth of microorganisms during the storage
period, thus promoting the longer shelf life and reduce hazard from eating the food, like animal

This study is conducted to observe different preservation methods on food (specifically bread). It
aims to show which method is most effective, and if and how the food used in the study is preserved.

The materials used in this study are five pieces of bread, ginger, chilli oil, salt, five plastic containers,
and a freezer.

Each piece of bread was dabbed with the other materials and was placed in five plastic containers
with an entrance in which air can pass through. These were then stored in a place within room
temperature where they sat for one week for the first effects to take place.

After which they were taken out and were opened for observation. After taking note of all changes,
they are once again placed in a place with room temperature where they once again sat for another
week. Then, they were once again opened to observe any changes. After noting all changes, all pieces
were compared to one another and were evaluated, drawing a conclusion.

When analyzing the data, changes such as smell, color, taste, texture and others were noted down.
External factors that entered through the air’s passageway such as microbial organisms were also taken
into consideration. After a week, the pieces of bread are compared through their smell, taste, texture,
and others. After two weeks, the same thing is done, and we can either conclude the subject has been
preserved or not and how it has been preserved and we evaluate which methods are more effective and
more convenient than the others.

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