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SEMESTER 2 2023/2024

LECTURER: Prof. Dr. Zalilah Mohd Shariff




In the context of stunting and obesity, provide your feedback on how the SDGs
can contribute to the prevention of these forms of malnutrition. (SDG 9)

SDG 9, one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, focuses on "industry, innovation,

and infrastructure." This goal includes efforts to enhance engineering and construction
resilience, bolster urban resilience, and develop dependable and sustainable
infrastructure solutions that support economic development while ensuring financial
accessibility (GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, n.d.). In relation to
combating stunting, SDG 2 aims to eradicate hunger, achieve food security, and
enhance nutrition. Specifically, SDG 2.2.1 targets the reduction of stunting among
children under 5 years of age. SDG 9 can indirectly aid this objective by advocating for
the creation of dependable and sustainable infrastructure solutions that bolster
economic growth while ensuring financial feasibility within agriculture and food systems.
For instance, investments in irrigation, storage, and transportation infrastructure can
fortify food security and enhance access to nutritious foods, thereby contributing to the
prevention of malnutrition in all its forms (SDG Target 2.2 Malnutrition, 2024; Global
Nutrition Report, 2017). Lastly, by improving infrastructure in rural areas where stunting
prevalence is often high, such as through better access to clean water and sanitation
facilities, SDG 9 can directly support efforts to combat stunting.

Regarding obesity, SDG 2 also strives to eliminate all forms of malnutrition, including
achieving, by 2025, the internationally agreed targets on stunting and wasting in
children under 5 years of age (SDG Target 2.2 Malnutrition, 2024; Global Nutrition
Report, 2017). Obesity represents a risk factor for NCDs, and reducing obesity rates
can contribute significantly to achieving this goal. SDG 9 can indirectly aid in the
reduction of obesity by encouraging innovation in agriculture and food systems. This
can lead to the development of novel technologies and practices that enhance the
nutritional quality and safety of food, as well as reduce food loss and waste (SDG Target
2.2 Malnutrition, 2024).Additionally, SDG 9 can support the reduction of obesity by
promoting access to physical activity infrastructure, such as parks, recreational facilities,
and safe urban spaces, which can encourage active lifestyles and help combat
sedentary behavior, a major contributor to obesity.

1- SDG Target 2.2 Malnutrition. (2024, March 1).

2- Global Nutrition Report. (2017). Global Nutrition Report 2017. [PDF file]. Retrieved

3- GOAL 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure. (n.d.). UNEP - UN Environment

SDG 9, one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, is about "industry, innovation

and infrastructure." It aims to build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable

industrialization and foster innovation. The goal includes striving for resilience in

engineering and construction, urban resilience, and developing reliable and sustainable

infrastructural solutions that support economic development while ensuring financial

affordability (Environment, 2017).

SDG 9, which focuses on industry, innovation, and infrastructure, may not directly

address the prevention of obesity and stunting. However, it can indirectly contribute to

these goals by promoting sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation in

various sectors, including agriculture and food systems.

SDG 9 can indirectly support the prevention of obesity and stunting by promoting the

development of reliable and sustainable infrastructural solutions that support economic

development while ensuring financial affordability in agriculture and food systems. For

example, investing in infrastructure for irrigation, storage, and transportation can help

ensure food security and improve access to nutritious foods, which can contribute to the

prevention of malnutrition in all its forms (2.3 the State of Nutrition: Progress towards

Global Nutrition Targets, 2023).

In addition, fostering innovation in agriculture and food systems can help promote the

development of new technologies and practices that can improve the nutritional quality

and safety of food, as well as reduce food loss and waste. This can help ensure that

more nutritious food is available and accessible to all, which can contribute to the

prevention of malnutrition, including obesity and stunting (Nourishing the SDGs, n.d.)

Prevention strategies for obesity and stunting include promoting healthy diets and

physical activity for both children and adults, implementing guidelines for young

children's physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep , addressing the intertwined

causes of undernutrition and overweight/obesity (Aguayo et al., 2020), integrating

overweight and obesity prevention into national nutrition plans, regulating food

marketing, integrating nutrition into school curricula, and improving maternal diet and

infant feeding practices (Jaacks et al., 2017).

These strategies can be implemented in various settings, such as schools,

communities, and health systems, and involve various stakeholders, including

policymakers, health professionals, teachers, and service providers. A systems

approach that engages with all relevant areas of influence, including policies, financing,

management, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, is important for effective


Therefore, while SDG 9 may not directly address the prevention of obesity and stunting,

it can indirectly contribute to these goals by promoting sustainable industrialization and

fostering innovation in agriculture and food systems

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