Summary Notes - Week 2

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The Respiratory System

1. The respiratory system is the system that brings oxygen from the air to our blood so
that it can be transported around the body.
2. Air enters our nose, where the presence of hairs and mucus in the nostrils traps dust,
dirt, or any foreign objects that are present in the air that we breathe in.
3. The trachea is the main air tube that connects the nose and the lungs.
4. The bronchi are the large tubes that connect to your trachea and direct the air you
breathe to your right and left lungs.
5. The lungs are the organs that exchange gas.
6. The bronchioles are the small blood vessels found at the end of the bronchi, where
the alveoli are attached.
7. The alveoli are the tiny air sacs where gas exchange happens.
8. Gas exchange is a process that happens in the alveoli, where carbon dioxide is
removed from the blood and replaced by oxygen.
9. Blood vessels are tube-like structures where blood flows.
10. Carbon dioxide is produced by our body as waste as it undergoes life processes.
11. The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle that helps us breathe.
12. When the diaphragm moves downward, the ribs expand, and the lungs become
bigger, which makes air go inside the lungs.
13. When the diaphragm moves upward, the ribs contract, and the lungs become
smaller, which makes air go out of the lungs.
14. The number of times we breathe in and out in one minute is our breathing rate.

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