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University of Southampton

Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Electronics and Computer Science

LabVIEW Control System for Slow Light



Yueer Zhong

September 2023

Supervisor: Martin Charlton

Second Examiner: Iain McNally

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the degree

of MSc Electronic Engineering

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The main problem addressed by this project is the establishment of a system for controlling and
automating slow-light experiment instrumentation. The complexity and precision of optical
equipment, the diversity of instrument types, and the variations between instruments from different
companies necessitate the establishment of a control system.

To tackle this problem, project began by acquiring a solid foundation in the necessary knowledge.
This involved in-depth learning about slow-light principles and applications, optical path and
equipment setups, and gaining proficiency in experimental software include trying to design a
control system on a different simplified device, function generator and oscilloscope.

Utilizing graphical programming software, LabVIEW, I created a control system for optical
experiment instrumentation. This control system incorporates various functionalities, such as real-
time control and monitoring of the motion controller, ESP301, a motion controller from the
company Newport Tek. The program can control velocity, position settings of movement platform.
The control system can connect with the spectrometer, collect one-dimensional array data of 2048
points, display, and record spectrometer data. Basic automated testing functions were implemented,
allowing the system to automatically perform tests at specified positions, with configurable velocity
and step sizes. After each movement, the system provides real-time displays of the light intensity
curve from the spectrometer on a graph and saves all data to a .txt file upon test completion.
Additionally, a visual 3D graph was designed for data observation. Due to practical constraints, the
control system was not applied to testing slow-light chips.

The project is organized into several chapters: Chapter One introduces the background of slow-light
research and the establishment of the control system. Chapter Two reviews the literature on slow-
light principles and applications. Chapter Three explains the optical experiment setup and the
principles behind certain instruments. Chapter Four delves into the LabVIEW-based control
system's programming for each block. Chapter Five presents some of the outcomes achieved with
this control system. Chapter Six summarizes the project and outlines potential future work.

Key words: slow light, LabVIEW, control system, automated test

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Statement of Originality

The entire content of this article is the result of my original work and has not been copied from the
research findings, opinions, text, data, or other materials of others. I have strictly adhered to
academic ethics and norms, respecting and citing the sources of others' knowledge and achievements.
I solemnly declare that the program design, charts, results, and data in this article are all true and
credible, without any form of tampering or fabrication. I have a thorough understanding and
command of every part of this research, and I am willing to take full academic and legal
responsibility for any of its contents. And I agree with following statement:

I have acknowledged all sources, and identified any content taken from elsewhere.

I have not used any resources produced by anyone else.

I did all the work myself, or with my allocated group, and have not helped anyone else.

The material in the report is genuine, and I have included all my data/code/designs.

I have not submitted any part of this work for another assessment.

My work did not involve human participants, their cells or data, or animals.

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During completing this research work, I would like to sincerely thank all those who have supported
and assisted me.

Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Martin Charlton. He has provided me
with tremendous help and guidance, both in this project and in my academic pursuits. His dedicated
mentorship during our meetings has enabled me to successfully complete this research and achieve
valuable results. I will always cherish the experience and knowledge I have gained under his

I would also like to thank Wenjie Wang and Stephen Fenner from the laboratory for their assistance
and occasional clarifications. They have been instrumental in providing me with access to the
laboratory and have sometimes helped me overcome challenges. In particular, working with Wenjie
has allowed me to exchange ideas, share findings, discuss issues, and gain valuable insights.

Furthermore, I extend my gratitude to my family and friends, Liying Zheng, Zuqi Pan, Qiyi Ma, and
Liheng Wang, who have provided unwavering support and encouragement during times of academic
challenges and uncertainties. Without their companionship, I would not have been able to complete
this work.

Lastly, I wish to express my appreciation to all researchers who have contributed to this field. Their
work has provided essential references and insights for my research.

I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported and assisted me along
the way. Thank you all!

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Chapter 1 Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 7

1.1 background ...................................................................................................................................................... 8

1.2 application of light ......................................................................................................................................... 8

1.3 slow light ........................................................................................................................................................... 8

1.4 control system ................................................................................................................................................. 8

Chapter 2 Literature Review................................................................................................... 9

2.1 Literature Review of slow light ................................................................................................................... 9

2.1.1 phase and group velocity .................................................................................................................... 9

2.1.2 method of slow light ........................................................................................................................... 10

2.1.3 application of slow light ..................................................................................................................... 11

Chapter 3 Set up for experiment.......................................................................................... 12

3.1 Kerr gate .......................................................................................................................................................... 12

3.1.1 Kerr medium .......................................................................................................................................... 12

3.1.2 Set up of Kerr gate............................................................................................................................... 12

3.1.3 Application of Kerr gate ..................................................................................................................... 13

3.2 Motion controller ESP301 .......................................................................................................................... 13

3.3 BW spectrometer.......................................................................................................................................... 14

Chapter 4 Program of control system ................................................................................. 16

4.1 Introduction of LabVIEW ............................................................................................................................ 16

4.1.1 The introduction of LabVIEW ........................................................................................................... 16

4.1.2 Example ................................................................................................................................................... 16

4.2 Design of the program ............................................................................................................................... 17

4.2.1 Preparatory Subdiagram.................................................................................................................... 17

4.2.2 Main Subdiagram ................................................................................................................................. 18

4.2.3 Auto move function ............................................................................................................................ 21

4.2.4 Data output ............................................................................................................................................ 22

4.2.5 Visualization And 3D graph .............................................................................................................. 22

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4.2.6 Optimizing the Program .................................................................................................................... 22

4.2.7 Abandoned Features........................................................................................................................... 23

Chapter 5 Outcome of this experiment ............................................................................... 24

5.1 Absolute Position Control of the Moving Platform ........................................................................... 24

5.2 Graph................................................................................................................................................................ 25

5.3 TXT file data record ..................................................................................................................................... 25

5.4 3D graph ......................................................................................................................................................... 26

Chapter 6 Discussion and conclusion ................................................................................ 28

6.1 Recommendations for future work......................................................................................................... 28

6.2 My gains from the project ......................................................................................................................... 29

6.3 conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................... 29

Reference ............................................................................................................................... 31

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Table of figures

Figure 2.1: Phase velocity and group velocity waveform ....................................................... 10

Figure 3.1: The simple schematic diagram of set up of an optical Kerr Gate ......................... 13

Figure 3.2: Newport Motion Controller ESP301..................................................................... 14

Figure 3.3: Spectrometer Glacier X from B&W Tek............................................................... 14

Figure 3.4: The schematic diagram of light separation with grating inside spectrometer ....... 15

Figure 4.1: Preparatory subdiagram .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Figure 4.2: Each function inside the Event structure............................................................... 20

Figure 4.3: Spectrometer program of reading data and writing into graph ............................. 21

Figure 4.4: Program diagram of Automove function .............................................................. 22

Figure 5.1: Monitor and physical control platform for Newport motion controller ESP301 .. 24

Figure 5.2: Front panel of control system for Newport motion controller ESP301 ................ 24

Figure 5.3: Real-time spectrometer curve graph after drawing in the same LabVIEW waveform
graph ................................................................................................................................ 25

Figure 5.4: Output data saved in a TXT file named data2d.txt ............................................... 25

Figure 5.5: 3D graph of recorded data with x-position, y-wavelength, and z-intensity .......... 26

Figure 5.6: X-Y graph using same data with the 3D graph, using colour express value of z-
intensity ........................................................................................................................... 27

Figure 5.7: X-Z graph, clear view of position and intensity.................................................... 27

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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 background

Over the past century, semiconductor physics and technology have advanced rapidly, providing
opportunities across various aspects of human society. While the semiconductor industry continues
to evolve and explore new materials and technologies, it faces the slowing of Moore's Law and the
limits it brings. [1][2] Clearly, optical technology emerges as a new alternative, as it offers unique
advantages and prospects in many areas.

1.2 application of light

The speed of light transmission is faster than that of electrical signals, enabling the transmission of
larger data capacities and reduced signal attenuation over long distances. Therefore, research in
optical devices and optical communication technology becomes increasingly important.
Additionally, in the realm of quantum technology, photons are among the candidates for quantum
bits (qubits), the fundamental units of quantum information. Thus, optical research plays a crucial
role in fields like quantum communication and quantum computing. To apply optical technology in
areas such as optical computing, high-speed communication, high-bandwidth data transfer, and
quantum computing, a thorough understanding of light is necessary. The speed of light is typically
measured with respect to the speed of light in a vacuum (299,792,458 meters per second), which
also makes the control of time-domain optical signals difficult. And thus, methods for controlling
speed of light and studying it on relevant timescales must be developed. This leads to the concept
of "slow light."

1.3 slow light

Slow light refers to the significant reduction in the speed of light propagation when it traverses an
optically dense medium, typically associated with the refractive index and dispersion characteristics
of materials. To further understand slow light and harness its applications, we perform slow light
measurements, which constitute a vital method for investigating the variation of light propagation
speed in different medium. In our experiments, photonic crystals are chosen as the medium for

1.4 control system

My objective is to develop a LabVIEW-based control system for measuring the degree of light
slowing in slow-light chips. This LabVIEW control system will integrate various optical instruments
to achieve precise speed measurements. It will feature high-precision parameter adjustment and
measurement capabilities to ensure accurate determination of the slow light propagation speed.
Moreover, the control system will provide real-time adjustment of experimental parameters through
the LabVIEW front panel. It will also include data analysis and visualization capabilities, allowing
the system to output and save spectrometer data for analysis by operators. This system enables

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researchers to gain a deeper understanding of slow light phenomena through data visualization.
Automation of experiments is essential, as the system will automatically execute multiple
experiments and record data for statistical analysis and data modeling.

The implementation of the LabVIEW control system will enable researchers to better test and
understand slow light phenomena and provide support for its applications in different fields.
Furthermore, this system will serve as a solid foundation for future research and innovation, driving
the advancement of optical science and technology.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Literature Review of slow light

Slow light refers to the phenomenon where the speed of light propagation in a medium is slower
than its speed in a vacuum. The speed of light is the highest speed in local reference frame. In
relativity, the highest velocity is defined, but the lowest velocity is not defined. When light
propagates in a medium, its speed decreases. The dispersion principle of a prism is also due to the
speed decrement of light in the medium, which results in different wavelength of light has different
speeds. Thus, the refractive index in the medium varies, leading to the appearance of spectral colors
like red, orange, yellow, and green.

2.1.1 Phase and group velocity

When we talk about the speed of light, we are referring to the group velocity rather than the phase
velocity. Phase velocity is the speed at which the phase of a wave moves in space, and a single wave
can be represented as

𝐸 = 𝐸! cos(𝜔𝑡 − 𝑘𝑧)

For a specific phase with ω₁, its propagation function related to space and time can be expressed as
ωt + kz = ω₁. Taking the derivative of this equation with respect to time yields we can get the velocity,

𝑑𝑧 𝜔
𝑣" = =
𝑑𝑡 𝑘

This velocity is known as the phase velocity.

In reality, light is often not a single wave but a superposition of multiple waves, and the group
velocity is the speed describe that a wave packet formed by the superposition of these waves moves.
Due to the complexity of derivation, we consider only the superposition of two waves, y₁ and y₂,
and the theory of multiple waves is similar:

𝐸 = 𝐸# cos(𝜔# 𝑡 − 𝑘# 𝑧) + 𝐸$ cos(𝜔$ 𝑡 − 𝑘$ 𝑧)

Since the derivation becomes meaningless if E₁ and E₂ differ significantly (only influenced by the
wave with a larger amplitude), we consider E₁ = E₂ for analysis. By using sum and difference
identities, we obtain:

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2𝑡 − 𝑘3𝑧)
𝐸 = 2𝐸! cos(𝜔% 𝑡 − 𝑘% 𝑧) cos (𝜔

2𝑡 − 𝑘3𝑧), considering the impact of the second cosine

First, consider this equation as 𝐸 = 𝐴& cos (𝜔
on the wave. Here, 𝜔 2 = (𝜔# + 𝜔$ )/2, 𝑘3 = (𝑘# + 𝑘$ )/2.Similar to previous derivations, this wave
has a velocity similar to the phase velocity, 𝑣! = 𝑑𝑧/𝑑𝑡 = 𝜔 2/𝑘3 , because the two waves have
similar values of ω and k, this velocity is close to the phase velocity of a single wave. Thus, this
wave can be considered to propagate in space with a phase velocity of v and an amplitude of 𝐴& .

Second, consider 𝐴& = 2𝐸! cos(𝜔% 𝑡 − 𝑘% 𝑧), where 𝜔% = (𝜔# − 𝜔$ )/2 and 𝑘% = (𝑘# − 𝑘$ )/
2. This amplitude can also be viewed as a cosine wave, and its velocity is given by:

(𝜔# − 𝜔$ ) ∆𝜔 𝑑𝜔
𝑣& = = =
(𝑘# − 𝑘$ ) ∆𝑘 𝑑𝑘

Since 𝜔% and 𝜔
2 are the different, when the difference between 𝑣& and 𝑣! is significant, and the
latter is much larger than the former, the light is modulated by the amplitude. The blue line is
confined within the green line's range, which represents the envelope or wave packet, and is also an
image of 𝐴& at that spatial position. Its amplitude and propagation velocity determine the amplitude
and propagation velocity of the wave packet, which is known as the group velocity. It should be
noted that when 𝐴& changes rapidly, the wave packet cannot be considered as a whole, and
discussing the group velocity becomes meaningless.

Because the deviation Group velocity is associated with the refractive index and dispersion. Slow
light utilizes this principle. When there is a high refractive index and high dispersion of medium is
infinitely large, the speed of light becomes zero, which stop the light. However, the challenge is that
high dispersion in a medium can significantly increase its opacity. Therefore, we need to find a way
to control or reduce the opacity.

Figure 2.1: Phase velocity and group velocity waveform

2.1.2 Method of slow light

In 1999, Hau's research team successfully achieved electromagnetic induction transparency by

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cooled a sodium atomic gas to Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) through laser and evaporative
cooling methods. [3] They observed an optical pulse propagation velocity of 17 m/s, which is twenty
million times slower than the speed of light in a vacuum. EIT (Electromagnetically Induced
Transparency), creates a narrow transparent window within a broad absorption profile to eliminate
the medium's impact on the propagating light beam. This technique utilizes quantum interference
between two excitation pathways in a three-level atomic system to achieve transparency. If the
electrons do not move, they do not contribute to the dielectric constant. Therefore, when electrons
are driven by sinusoidal forces with opposite phases, they remain stationary, leading to the
realization of electromagnetic-induced transparency with a low dielectric coefficient. [4]

However, due to the complexity of traditional EIT, which requires low temperatures and optical
pumping, its usage is highly restrictive. Therefore, our laboratory has chosen photonic crystals as
the medium for slow-light experiments.

Photonic crystals represent a new class of composite materials that offer a method for controlling
and manipulating light. By utilizing point defects, line defects, and planar defects to shape the
properties of light, designing the size, shape, and form of defects within photonic crystals allows for
the construction of a periodic array of uniform dielectric matrix crystals. This enables them to
exhibit a band structure similar to conventional semiconductor crystals, influencing light in much
the same way semiconductors affect electrons.[5] Slow light with an extremely low group velocity
holds promise for time-domain processing of light signals. Because the feature of slow light, it also
provides opportunities for spatial compression of light energy, enhancement of both linear and
nonlinear optical effects, and the potential for broadband and non-dispersive propagation.[6] Unlike
slow light generated through the extremely high dispersion of materials, such as EIT, photonic
crystals achieve slow light through structural dispersion. Photonic crystal devices are particularly
attractive for generating slow light because they offer the possibility of on-chip integration and
compatibility with room temperature operation.[6]

2.1.3 application of slow light

Improvements in communication can be achieved using a system that alters the speed of light by a
factor of 20 million. This can significantly reduce noise, enabling more efficient transmission of
various types of information. Furthermore, compared to the switches currently operating various
devices, from telephone equipment to supercomputers, optical switches controlled by low-intensity
light can reduce power requirements by a millionfold. [3]

A system capable of altering the speed of light by a factor of twenty million has the potential to
improve communication significantly. It can effectively reduce noise, facilitating the more efficient
transmission of various types of information. Moreover, in comparison to switches currently used
in various devices, ranging from telephone equipment to supercomputers, optical switches
controlled by low-intensity light have the potential to reduce power requirements by a factor of one
million. [3] The optical transistor which is using gate light to control the source light. Realization
of all-optical transistors is a long-standing goal in optics. [7] The authors introduced the recent
research of the realization of an optical transistor, in which one “gate” photon controls a “source”
light beam. [7] This is significant because electronic devices have switching speeds too slow for
optical devices in terms of optical device throughput. Therefore, slow light holds considerable

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importance for optical switches and can enable the implementation of digital electro-optic switches.
[8] This is crucial for achieving all-optical switch fabrics as well. [9] Slow light technology
contributes to the realization of high-speed, low-power optical memory and plays a significant role
in achieving large-scale optical information processing systems. [10] Furthermore, slow light
technology can also enable the storage of photonic signals in semiconductor storage units,
significantly reducing power consumption. [11]

In summary, slow light has diverse applications, and the areas mentioned represent ongoing research.
In the future, the application of slow light in photon quantum gates and photon entanglement holds
great promise.

Chapter 3 Set up of slow light experiment

3.1 Kerr gate

In our experiment, we used photonic crystals as materials to implement slow light. The main
objective of this experiment was to measure the extent to which photonic crystals slow down light.
We used two laser beams, one passing through slow light chips and the other does not pass the slow
light chips, to compare and determine the effect of slowing down light. We needed to introduce an
optical device called a Kerr gate. The Kerr gate utilizes the Kerr effect to detect and generate results
based on light.

The Kerr effect is a nonlinear optical effect in which the refractive index of a medium changes
with variations in an electric field. When strong, polarized gating light passes through a Kerr
medium, the Kerr medium transitions from being an isotropic material to one with an anisotropic
refractive index. This alteration affects the propagation of another beam of light. Thus, when
gating light is applied, it affects weak signal light to pass through the Kerr medium, which can
then be captured by an analyzer or spectrometer. Therefore, the logic gate operation can be
achieved on the weak light through the use of laser gating light and Kerr material [12], which
makes optical on-chip application possible. Our experiment utilizes the Kerr gate method to obtain
a spectrogram.

3.1.1 Kerr medium

The most commonly used materials for Kerr medium are glass plates. Additionally, crystal-type
materials are frequently employed as Kerr medium, such as oxide crystals, some of which exhibit
significant nonlinear refractive indices. Nakamura and Kanematsu point out that SrTiO3 is a
highly efficient and suitable material for use as a Kerr gate material [12]. Different states of matter
are also used as Kerr medium, including liquid medium, such as liquid benzene, and gases

3.1.2 Set up of Kerr gate

As shown in Fig. 1, this is a Kerr gate setup. In the Kerr device, two beams of light are passed

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through a polarizer into isotropic Kerr material. After passing through the Kerr material, there is
another polarizer. One beam becomes polarized light, known as the signal pulse, as it passes
through a 45-degree polarizer. The other beam serves as the gating pulse. When there is no gating
pulse illuminating the Kerr material, the device remains closed, the material remains isotropic, and
the signal pulse cannot pass through the Kerr material to reach the -45-degree polarizer. When the
gating pulse is applied and effect on the Kerr material, it causes optical anisotropy in the material.
This anisotropy changes the polarization state of the signal pulse from linear, transforming it into
an elliptical pulse that enters the -45-degree polarizer. At this point, the signal pulse can transmit
through the polarizer and be detected. The recorded spectral range, certainly, is subject to the
transmission properties of the optical components and the sensitivity and range of the
spectrometer [15].

Figure 3.1: The simple schematic diagram of set up of an optical Kerr Gate [12]

3.1.3 Application of Kerr gate

Kerr gates has been applied in various experiments, such as studying ultrafast carrier dynamics
and material relaxation processes [16]. They are used to investigate exciton dynamics through
real-time spectroscopy [17]. Kerr effect in glass materials is also utilized for femtosecond time-
resolved luminescence measurements [12].

3.2 Motion controller ESP301

To ensure that the two beams (signal pulse and gating pulse) enter the Kerr gate simultaneously, we
need to extend the optical path. In this experiment, we achieved this by precisely moving a mirror
using a motion controller.

The working principle of motion control is relatively simple. It operates as a three-axis control
system, with several motors configured within it. However, considering its precision, reading the
relevant ESP documents is essential. The instrument has limits with a minimum value of -2 and a
maximum value of 392, which also need to be considered in the code.

Given that the width of the slow light chip is only 1 centimeter, assuming the speed of light is
reduced tenfold, the mirror's movement distance would be 10 centimeters. If we assume the width
of the slow light chip is only 1 millimeter, and the speed of light is reduced by a factor of 100, the
mirror's movement distance would be 100 millimeters.

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Figure 3.2: Newport Motion Controller ESP301

3.3 spectrometer

The BW spectrometer, known as Glacier X, is a type of cooled linear CCD array spectrometer. It
provides spectra over the wavelength range 200–1050 nm with resolution between 0.2nm and 4.5
nm. It features a 2048 element detector, built-in 16-bit digitizer, and USB 2.0 interface.

Figure 3.3: Spectrometer Glacier X from B&W Tek

The spectrometer's fundamental principle is based on separating incoming light into individual its
wavelengths. Using a diffraction grating for separation allows the measurement and analysis of
light’s spectral components as show in Figure 3.4. Different spectrometers use different grate or
prism, resulting in specific wavelengths range being defined as the x-axis of the graph with limited
ranges. In this spectrometer, the unit of Light intensity is watts (W). The spectrometer can change
units of x axis and display methods, the parameter of x-axis, wavelength, wavenumber, Raman shift.
When wavelength is used as the X-axis, it means that the spectrum is plotted with wavelength (in
nanometers) on the X-axis and the light intensity of each wavelength on the Y-axis. This graph
allows operators to observe how the intensity of light varies with different wavelengths.
Wavenumber represents the reciprocal of wavelength and is typically expressed as 1/wavelength (in
units of cm^-1). It can provide information directly related to molecular vibrations and chemical
bond properties. Using Raman shift as the X-axis allows operators to observe and analyze the
characteristics and peaks at different wavelengths in Raman spectra.

BW spectrometer needs three input to ensure the work status, trigger mode, an array to store the
data, and channel. After each reading from the BW spectrometer, the data is stored in an array. This

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array is then input into a graph VI to generate an image of intensity as a function of wavelength.

Figure 3.4: The schematic diagram of light separation with grating inside spectrometer

3.4 Integral setup

As shown in Figure 3.5, this is the overall optical setup of the experiment based on my personal
understanding. In the setup, P1, P2, and P3 represent three polarizers, while "K" denotes the Kerr
medium. Light is generated by a laser source and split into two parallel beams using a beam splitter.
The beam that propagates horizontally is referred to as the "signal light" for the purpose of
explanation in subsequent sections, while the downward-propagating light is referred to as the
"gating light."

The signal light passes through the slow light chip and enters the Kerr gate represented by the blue
box. After passing through P1 polarizer, it becomes polarized light and enters the Kerr medium (K).
Due to different polarization angles set for P2 and P1, the signal light at this point cannot pass
through P2 and is not detected by the spectrometer.

The gating light, controlled by the motion controller whose movement path represented by red line,
reflects off a mirror (M2) and passes through P3 before entering the Kerr medium (K). Since the
gating light has high intensity, it causes the Kerr medium to become nonlinear. As a result, the signal
light, after passing through the nonlinear medium, is no longer a single polarized light. Therefore,
it can pass through P2 and be detected by the spectrometer.

Figure 3.5: Simple schematic diagram of our experiment setup

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Chapter 4 Control system

4.1 Introduction and examples of LabVIEW

As the project is mainly based on the LabVIEW, some basic logic and function of LabVIEW
should be understood. This section will introduce LabVIEW and some functions I have used in

4.1.1 Introduction of LabVIEW

The full name of LabVIEW is Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench, and it is a
system design platform and development environment developed by National Instruments. This
software uses a visual programming language, also known as graphical programming, for coding.
Its features include data acquisition, instrument control, and industrial automation, as in my project
where it controls motion control and a spectrometer, collects data from the spectrometer, and
develops an automation detection program.

The experiment needs a control system because optical experiments involve numerous pieces of
equipment that require fine adjustments. Often, these devices are not from the same manufacturer
or studio. Therefore, individually modifying optical equipment is a cumbersome and inconvenient
process, and it can easily disrupt the optical setup. Hence, using LabVIEW to uniformly control
optical equipment is an excellent approach. Within a single user interface, experimenters can
observe experimental results and make adjustments to optical equipment. Additionally, different
companies produce products with varying logic and languages, making the operation of these
experiments time-consuming. So, when there's a unified user interface, experimenters can more
easily understand the principles, mechanisms, and operations of their work, making it easier to work
in specialized fields.

This LabVIEW control system allows researchers to observe slow light effects instantaneously and
record the result and make induction during experiments. Instead of manual operation, automated
data acquisition and calculation minimize experimental errors and facilitate data analysis. The
visualization platform shows the data, waveform or chart facilitate in-depth analysis and
interpretation of experimental data.

4.1.2 Example of function generator and oscilloscope

For instance, we can connect an oscilloscope and a signal generator to build a control system. Before
establishing my optical LabVIEW control system, I first created a visual instrument associated with
the signal generator. This VI can alter the signal produced by the signal generator, whether it's a sine
wave, square wave, or triangular wave. Additionally, I implemented code to input signals and write
signals with different frequencies and amplitudes to the signal generator. These signals are displayed
in real-time on the oscilloscope, which is connected to the visual instrument. Thus, the oscilloscope's
image also appears on the user interface. If needed, the oscilloscope's data can be collected and
saved for further processing. This is a good idea and application. If there is an opportunity, we can
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attempt to enhance the functionality of this content, such as adding a multi-channel oscilloscope.

4.2 Program design of control system

The entire program uses a timing structure to manage, which called 'flat sequence structure.' It
consists of one or more subdiagrams, or frames, that execute sequentially. Use the Flat Sequence
structure to ensure that a subdiagram executes before or after another subdiagram.

4.2.1 Preparatory Subdiagram

Preparatory Subdiagram can be separate into three parts. And the logic diagram is shown in Figure

Figure 4.1: logic diagram

1. Preparatory tasks involve assigning values to various buttons. The purpose of this step is to
initialize the buttons to their default values, as previous use may have altered the Boolean button
states. The program's execution is controlled and triggered by various control-form buttons.
Initiating the program with incorrect initial values can lead to non-ideal operation.

Figure 4.2: Initialize value of each variable

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2. Initialization of the BW spectrometer. Sets the interval for the x-axis of the graph. Declares an
array with a size of 2048 and a format of 16-bit unsigned integer, consistent with the output size
and format of the BW (Black and White) spectrometer. Sets pixel to wavelength value
conversion. Additionally, during initialization, some variables, images, and arrays can be set to
be either visible or disabled. Variables set to 'hide indicator' act as local variables that control
program execution. In my program, they are used to determine whether to read the
spectrometer's output based on whether there is movement.

Figure 4.3: Initialize BW spectrometer

3. Sets the VISA port of motion controller. Initialize the motion controller. Obtains left and right
travel limits and speed.

Figure 4.4: Connect with ESP301 and Get its limits

4.2.2 Main Subdiagram

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The main body of the program is enclosed in a 'while' loop, encompassing all internal functionalities.
It facilitates the triggering of various functions with each button press and uses the 'stop' button to
exit the 'while' loop. Within this 'while' loop, a 'sequence structure' is used again.

In the first frame, an 'event case structure' is used to trigger conditions for commands. These
commands essential for controlling the motion are list below:

‘Exit’ this command stops a motion in progress using deceleration rate programmed on the specified
axes or all axes if stop all axes=True. As shown in Figure 4.5, Exit function stop movement of the
mirror and set ‘stop’ as true which is the signal to stop every other function.

“Set velocity” this command is used to set the velocity value for an axis. The feature is that execution
is immediate, which means that the velocity is changed when the program is processed, even while
the platform is moving and in progress. The 'Set velocity' command immediately changes the
velocity value for an axis. Since 'Set velocity' is an immediate function, I added a 'read velocity' step
after set the velocity to display the current velocity in an indicator for the better observation,
eliminating the operators need to visually check for changes in motion speed. Due to the immediate
functionality of 'set velocity,' I added a 'read velocity' step immediately following it to display the
current speed in an indicator for the operator's observation, without the need for visual monitoring
of motion changes as shown in Figure 4.5.

'Go' command initiates an absolute motion, moving the selected axis to a specified absolute position
setting by the operator. If the received 'position' variable is not a number and input type is wrong, it
will trigger an error condition. Additionally, in this event, I added a variable called 'move_check',
which controls whether the spectrometer should run in the next sequence. This optimization reduces
the computational cost of running other buttons and speeds up program execution.

'Automove' event structure only sets a parameter, 'Automove', to true. In fact, this button is triggered
only when it is pressed. To prevent additional button presses during 'Automove,' the functionality
of other buttons is disabled, leaving only the 'stop' button active.

Figure 4.5: Logic diagram of function in Event Structure

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Figure 4.2.1 Exit function Figure 4.2.2 GO function

Figure 4.2.2 Set velocity function Figure 4.2.4 Auto move function
Figure 4.6: Each function inside the Event structure

In the second frame, the program sets the waiting time for motion. Since moving the platform to a
specific location takes time, and the program does not wait for the movement to stop (some functions
can be configured while the platform is in motion, such as interrupting movement or setting
velocity), I initially set a wait time to account for movement completion. However, using a fixed
wait time for different distances is not ideal. But in the absence of real-time position feedback, it is
challenging to set a variable time. Real-time position feedback would significantly increase the code
complexity. To address this, I optimized the program by using the 'wait until motion stop' VI, which
is explained later in the optimization section.

In the third frame, shown in Figure 4.8, the program runs spectrometer-related functions. First, it
uses the local variable 'move_check' to determine whether spectrometer data should be read and
output. This uses a case structure. When 'move_check' is false, it skips this frame. When
'move_check' is true, it runs the spectrometer. It inputs an array and channel into the 'trigger mode'
and runs the 'read data' VI, outputting 2048 data points to an array and displaying this array on a
waveform graph. After this code runs, the waveform graph updates with pixel values. And the logic
diagram is shown in Figure 4.7.

In the fourth frame, it reads the position of motion and displays it in the 'current position' indicator.

20 | P a g e
Figure 4.7: Spectrometer read data function

Figure 4.8: Spectrometer program of reading data and writing into graph

Once the basic functionality of controlling both instruments was achieved, continuous movement
was required to collect spectrometer data continuously and detect where the spectrometer would
provide the desired output. For this, I established the 'Automove' feature.

4.2.3 Auto move function

Regarding the implementation of 'Automove,' it uses an occurrence-based approach. When the

'Automove' event is triggered, an occurrence is set. The current 'while' loop pauses execution of the
'Automove' program, which itself runs within a 'while' loop. It reads the positions 'position 1' and
'position 2' and sets the step for movement, which can be adjusted manually. It then reads the current
position and checks if it exceeds the set movement range. If it doesn't exceed the range, it waits until
the movement finishes, reads the spectrometer data, and updates it on a graph. It repeats this process
until the movement reaches the specified range, at which point the movement stops, and the program
exits the 'Automove' loop, returning to the main loop.

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Figure 4.9: Program diagram of Automove function

4.2.4 Data output

For data storage and output, the program sets up 'Data out' within the 'Automove' loop. I explored
two methods: one where data is written to a text file every time spectrometer data is read, and the
other where all data is read outside the 'while' loop and output as a two-dimensional array. In the
first method, a 1D array is saved to a text file each time it is generated, with the 'append' option set
to 'true,' allowing new data to be added with each execution. In the second method, after the 'while'
loop, data is output in the form of a two-dimensional array using the 'Tunnel mode' set to 'Index.'
This array is converted to a text string and written to the specified file, overwriting any previous

For easy visualization and observation on the front panel, maximum and minimum values are
labeled along with their corresponding indices. LabVIEW offers ready-to-use VI functions for
handling arrays, such as 'Array Max & Min,' which conveniently returns the maximum and
minimum values, along with their indexes. These maximum and minimum values are meaningful
for spectrometer data, so I created two indicators to display them.

4.2.5 Visualization And 3D graph

For visual optimization and ease of observation, a 3D graph was created. When no light is received,
the intensity remains around 1000. As light intensity increases, the color representation helps with
visualization. Generating a 3D graph and heatmap using the 'surface graph' or 'color graph' VI aids
in observation. In my setup, the Z-axis represents intensity, the X-axis corresponds to position, and
the Y-axis represents wavelength. The graph's settings can be adjusted for color and perspective.
Peaks in the X-Z graph represent detected light positions, while the Y-Z graph displays real-time
graphs that overlay the waveform.

4.2.6 Optimizing the Program

Utilizing Property Nodes: Property Node gets (reads) and/or sets (writes) properties and methods
on local or remote application instances, VIs, and objects.

Introduction to Debugging Methods:

Highlight Execution: This method significantly slows down the program's execution speed and
annotates the content of various nodes, whether numerical or string data. However, it has its

22 | P a g e
drawbacks, particularly when dealing with large programs. Additionally, changes in timing can
affect the output. For instance, in my experiment involving the movement of a motion controller
and reading its position, this process takes time. Running 'Highlight Execution' successfully does
not guarantee the correctness of the program's results. Nevertheless, using this method can deepen
an experimenter's understanding of the program's logic and provide a visual means to check data

Breakpoints: Breakpoints are placed within the program's data flow, causing the program to pause
when it reaches a specified point. This method greatly expedites the debugging process. Breakpoints
can be employed to determine whether an event occurs before or after a certain point. Moreover,
this functionality can be combined with 'Highlight Execution' to achieve more efficient debugging.
For example, setting breakpoints at problematic or uncertain sections of the program allows normal
program execution until the breakpoint is reached, at which point the program pauses. At this
juncture, 'Highlight Execution' can be initiated to observe the program's slow progression and
annotate the data.

Wait Until Motion Stop: The program pause until the motion control move to the setting position.
There is a problem I met in the program that it is hard to set the waiting time of the movement. After
replacing the waiting time part into this VI, wait until Motion Stop, it makes the program more

4.2.7 Abandoned Features

"Position glissiere," in its essence, represents a control element. The method for implementing this
functionality also involves an event structure. It operates by altering the value of the control to
initiate an event, which, in turn, can move a motion platform. One notable aspect of this functionality
is its triggering condition, which relies not on a simple value change but rather on a "mouse up"
event. This implies that the event is not triggered with every numerical value alteration but only
when the mouse button is released. Drawing inspiration from this functionality, I attempted to
modify the function generator by adjusting the knobs to change the amplitude and frequency.

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Chapter 5 Outcome of this experiment

5.1 Absolute Position Control of the Moving Platform

In the Figure5.1, it is indicated that axis 1 and 2 represent the NO STAGE because this motion
controller is designed for three-dimensional control, but we are only utilizing axis 3. The real-time
position is displayed on the monitor, for example, 119.999 mm. Since we are utilizing the control
system for operation, the instrument's control via buttons is no longer functional. However, in the
gray box in the lower left corner of Fig, there are ENABLE/DISABLE buttons that can be used to
regain control of the ESP 301 instrument via buttons.

Figure 5.2 displays the front panel related to the motion controller. The first item is the "Connected
Port," which allows the operator to select the interface connected to the hardware. The second row
shows the current speed settings and provides an input field for the operator to enter the desired
speed value. After pressing the 'Set' button, the speed changes accordingly. The largest box in the
third row displays the current position of the motion platform. The fourth row contains two
unchangeable values, which represent the maximum and minimum ranges of motion for the
platform, serving as a reminder to the operator to be mindful of the range and avoid damaging the
instrument. The fifth row features both manual movement and automatic movement functions.

Figure 5.1: Monitor and physical control platform for Newport motion controller ESP301

Figure 5.2: Front panel of control system for Newport motion controller ESP301

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5.2 Real-time graph

The spectrometer displays a graph after each movement. As shown in Figure 5.3, after drawing each
curve in the LabVIEW waveform graph. When it is in dark environment, the curve is flat. When the
light has been received by spectrometer, the blue line shows wavy curve.

Figure 5.3: Real-time spectrometer curve graph after drawing in the same LabVIEW waveform

5.3 TXT file data record

The Automove function includes a data recording feature. It performs multiple movements, reads
the data from the spectrometer after each movement, and records the data for each iteration in a txt
file, as shown in Fig. Since the light source was positioned at 3mm in this simulation, the data in
the third column of the array clearly exhibits a significant increase, ranging from 20,000 to 30,000.

Figure 5.4: Output data saved in a TXT file named data2d.txt

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5.4 3D graph

The system has successfully implemented the 3D graph display functionality. It displays the data
from the txt file in a 3D graph, with the color indicating the intensity value on the z-axis. In the
graph, the red regions represent higher intensity values. The x-axis represents the position, while
the y-axis represents wavelength. As the result shown in Figure 5.5, it simulates the light pulse is
detect at position 3, this data that read out of spectrometer shows a high intensity.

Figure 5.5: 3D graph of recorded data with x-position, y-wavelength, and z-intensity

Additionally, the system has successfully implemented two 2D graph display functionalities. As
shown in the Figure 5.6 5.7, the color-coded x-y graph allows for easy identification of the position
and wavelength where the intensity is highest. Furthermore, as depicted in the figures, it is possible
to obtain a separate x-z graph, representing position versus intensity. This graph is particularly
meaningful for our experiment, as it provides a more intuitive visualization of the distance or length
of the optical path when the Kerr gate is open and light enters the spectrometer. Therefore, this
functionality enables researchers to view the 3D graph from different perspectives, facilitating their

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Figure 5.6: X-Y graph using same data with the 3D graph, using colour express value of z-intensity

Figure 5.7: X-Z graph, clear view of position and intensity

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Chapter 6 Discussion and conclusion

6.1 Recommendations for future work

This project has established a control system for optical experiments. Here, I will list the tasks that
can be performed using this system in future work and some features that can be further improved.

6.1.1 iHR320 spectrometer

Firstly, it is regrettable that the spectrometer I control is a BW spectrometer, and it has not been set
up in the optical path of the slow light experiment. The iHR320 spectrometer in the optical path was
not repaired during my tenure. Therefore, if there is an opportunity, I would prioritize implementing
control and data reading for the iHR320 spectrometer. In terms of principles and logic, it should be
similar to the BW spectrometer.

6.1.2 Automatic detection without a slow light

Automatic detection without a slow light chip: Since it is necessary to measure the degree of
slowdown of the slow light chip, an initial value is required. This initial value represents the speed
or time without passing through the slow light chip. The approach we take is to initially route the
signal pulse either bypassing or not passing through the slow light chips in the optical path. After
the setup is complete, execute the detection, which is the "Automove" function. Identify the position
where the spectrometer obtains valid data and record this position for comparison with the results
after passing through the slow light chip.

6.1.3 Automatic detection with a slow light

Automatic detection with a slow light chip: Place the slow light chip from the photonic crystal into
the optical path and then use the "Automove" function in the control system to perform automatic
detection. When the signal pulse passes through the slow light chips, it will obtain valid data at a
position farther away from where no slow light chip data was detected, resulting in a higher intensity
value. Record this position and compare it with the position without a slow light chip to calculate
the degree of slowdown for the slow light chip, which in our experiment is the photonics crystal.

6.1.4 Calculation method

Although the calculation method has not been included in the project's objectives due to the absence
of experimental data, it is not a difficult calculation. The slowdown effect of light can be calculated
by dividing distance by velocity, which gives the time it takes for light to propagate through the
slow light chip. The velocity in this calculation is the speed at which the laser propagates in air.

6.1.5 Data processing

The spectrometer's x-axis is in pixel units, which may not be intuitive for researchers. Therefore, if

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there is a step to convert pixel data into wavelength or wavenumber units, it would make the control
system more intuitive and reasonable. Thus, processing pixel data is another feature that can be

6.2 My gains from the project

I gained an understanding of slow light and some intriguing advanced technologies. This knowledge
was more captivating to me than digital circuitry and analog circuitry. This field contains a plethora
of unknown and complex content, significantly increasing my interest in the broad field of electrical
engineering and the foreseeable future.

My work accomplished the control of the motion controller and the display and output saving of
spectrometer data. The output data file serves as the foundation for the following tasks. Completing
these tasks greatly boosted my confidence. The workload was substantial, and it was in an unfamiliar
field. I learned how to acquire new skills, plan effectively, progress step by step, and seek assistance
from professors, Ph.D. candidates, or even the company when necessary. This experience also
affirmed my competence in the skills I acquired and deepened my interest in the subject matter.

I learned LabVIEW, a graphical programming language similar in logic to most programming

languages. LabVIEW is a fascinating and user-friendly development software, especially suitable
for non-professional programmers like experimentalists. National Instruments provides a substantial
driver library, making it compatible with a wide range of instruments. Major companies also offer
third-party drivers for LabVIEW. This convenient development software has inspired me and given
me greater confidence in applying my specialized knowledge to benefit society.

6.3 Conclusion

This project has gained some experience in establishing the optical instrument control system for
slow light experiments and has provided insights into LabVIEW techniques and the block diagram
of the main program.

The project primarily focuses on the control of the moving platform and the reception of
spectrometer data. It involves setting numerical values to change the position of the moving platform
and recording spectrometer data using a text file. This control system is mainly applied to adjusting
the optical path for the experiment and outputting results. From the output results, it can be seen
that the functionality of moving and acquiring spectrometer data has been achieved. In future work,
this control system with its automatic detection capability should be used to obtain positions where
two optical paths are of equal length. Then, the photonic crystal can be introduced for further
automatic detection, obtaining the length of the optical path with Kerr gate input, and calculating
the slowing effect of the photonic crystal based on this data.

Furthermore, this paper reviews the research on slow light. Although the project did not delve into
more characteristics of slow light, it has provided a basic understanding of the concept and
established a control system for slow light experiments.

Regarding the results of this project, the positions and wavelengths of the spectrometer's acquired
data can be intuitively observed through 3D graphs or different perspectives. The data is recorded

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in a text file for further data processing. However, there is still much work to be done in the future,
such as incorporating data processing into LabVIEW or using other software like MATLAB or
Python for data analysis.

In summary, this project has completed some of its objectives and achieved the functionality of the
control system, but it has not fully realized the goals of the entire experiment due to time constraints
and practical considerations. It's regrettable that I couldn't participate in this fascinating part of the

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