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DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO T.B.C.: XDRE-U-GAP see 1011171 Time Allowed : Two Hours fem ‘Test Booklet Series TEST BOOKLET GENERAL APTITUDE TEST Maximum Marks: 300 a INSTRUCTIONS MATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD: CHECK THAT {4WUS TEST ROOKLET DORS NOT HAVE ANY UNFRINTED OR TOHN Ol MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS. [ENG IF SO, GETIT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET, Ploase note that it is the candidate's responsibility to soeode and fill in the Roll Number and ‘Test Booklet Series Code A, B, C or D carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OME Answer Sheet. Any omission/diserepaney will render the Answer Sheet liable for rejection. You have to enter your Rall Number on the ‘Teot Haoklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet, 4: ‘Thin Test Booklot contains 120 items (questions). Buch item comprises four responses (answers? will wdect the response which yu want to mark on the Anewer Sheet. Ta eaae you foe) thet tore than one correct response, tnark the response which you cunslder the best. In mny cape, choose, ONLY ONE reeponse for each item. 5: You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Anawer Stoel pruvided. See dirertions in the Answer Sheet, 6, All items carry equal marks 7, Bofere you prooced to mark in the Anewer Shest the response to varios items in the Tost Booklet, yon hive torfl in some particulars nthe Answer Sheet ae per inatrctiens samt to you with your ‘Admission Certificate, @ Afer you have comploted filing in all your responses of the! Answer Shget and the examination Bae connhuded, you should hand over to the Inviggilatar ondy the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to jake away with you the Test Raoklet, 0, Sheets for rough work wre appended in the Text Booklet at the end 10. Pennlty for wrong answers? THERE WILL, BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MAREED BY A CANDIDATE. 4 four alternatives ean question, For vs jueation for which m Wrote anerorer : mete ae al al Ue ued tte Hark sarap ia qocetion el be died penalty, tu ite ‘candidate gives rire than one answer i willbe trailed ms = WOME ansives CY ifone of thagiven, Te eae ee he sorroc and there wil beans prnalty a8 bore i thal ques on tui) Wen quontioe is Jofb hank, ii, on anawer ix piven: by the candidate, thre will be m0 penalty for that qocation ‘DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DOSO DRF-U-GAP- (t-6) 1. The: Process of ees Af analysing the syntactic [4 In which of the following situations iv the : Sentences by vorifyiny that it peniaae A Bee ne is-syntactically. correct, and by identifying the a) 1k can be useful when there ia linguistic components und relationships ix Nal ori en ta Internet connectivity or when the user ia not in favour of transferring private : queries ta tha clad. ) Semanti io! 1 Cc i saber tid th) When there is no Internet it returns a (h) Contextual interpretation ea a = answers. eo = {9 When there is no match in the ranking : function which measures the similarity fd) Syntax interpretation between a newly issued query and the queries measured in the past, q When there is an Internet which constantly updates ranking function 2 Which of the it nears eee ee eee based on the bit-to-bit translation. the probabilities and makes the rules themselves; if a dataset consists of unparsed 6G. Which one of the following technologies! platforms is used to make real-time decisions ‘right at the edge without having to deal with: the high latency of communicating with the BB The CYK algorithm cloud and to solve more complex problems ? J The EN algorithm de tees 6) PorStream jah The GES algorithm tp Prismtech Vortex Jaf Cisco Data in Motion 3. Which one of the following is nof un|@, Which one of the following technologies! SOA-based architecture layer io Internet of platforms is used to provide scalable Things ? end-to-end seamless, efficient, secure and timely data-sharing across IoT-supporting 9” Sensing layer devices; edges, gateways, and cloud ? Leh Service layer apr Cisco 10x ub) LocalGrid vRTU icf” Prismtech Vortex (d), Session layer (a7 Cisco Data in Motion ww ADRF-U-GAP (2-0) oe Interfaces layer 4v 7. Iw B# programming language, which of the | 11. following statements aro used to provide support for mjultithreading and aynchronization 7 Jet lock and stare (b) when and cubogin {9 begin and end 4%) break and continue 8 Which one of the following frameworks that merges IoT and cloud in a unified programming model, combines the idoas of actor-model and flow-baced computing ? fo Calvin 12. BP Dripeast F Sinvurgh Ad) PyoT 9. Which one of the following frameworks will not support model driven development of oT. Programming ? . Aa PatRICIA a Oakein . a pete pf Simureh 10, Which one of the following virtual machine architectures is a cloud-oriented solution to integrate heterogeneous monitoring infrastructures (MI) into the cloud, offering services based on the data-centrie and device-centrie madels ? Aa) Californium tb) Clond-aasisted remote sensing. cr 5 er CloudéSens -» Dripcast XORF-U-GAP (3-6) Which one of the following’ statements is not correct for Hertzian dipole ur infinitesimal dipoly? @ hy wo (a) ‘The only non-zero fields-are Ey and Hy, the total electric and magnotic fields are transverse to each other everywhere nod the antenna produces pure linear polarisntion in the B dirpetion The ratio By /H, = Z,.s0 the fields ere in phase and the wave impedarice Is 120 ohms. ‘The field is inversely proportional tor: ‘The fields are all zeto at 6 = 0 and 2, but reach & maximum at =x. If Vifh is the spectrum of the aun-periodie signal vit), ite property is (i> The Fourier transfurm is not « complex fanetion, so |Vif)| im the amplitude apectrum of u(t) and arg Vifi ix the phase spectrum. (h) tevit) is real, then Vi“ @ VED {@ vith is real, then Vip = Vine tf Uf wit) is real, then Vif) =2 V4) Let the signal xit) > A(t=2n), then what is the type of the signal and its power content ? yp) The signal ig periodic and thus it is not of the energy type. The power content of ‘the signal is U3. (The signal is aperiodie and thus it is oat of the eneruy type. The power content of the signal is 1/2, (ef ‘The signal is aperiodic und thus itis not of the energy type. The power content of the signal is 2/3, ‘The signal ia periodic and thus it is not ofthe energy type The power content of the signal is 4/4. 14, In an FM system, the audio frequency is ‘400 He, and the audio frequency voltae in 25 V, the deviation is 5 kHz. If the audig. frequency voltage is 75 V) what is devistion ond the modulation respectively ? je 15k, 12-5 spr 10 kets, A 10 kHz, 12-5, #0 kHz, 105 the new index 15, Which one of the following is mot a correct property of synchronously detected linear modulation with noise ? 6) ‘The mesaage and noise are afditive at the output if they are additive at the detector output, If the predetection noiae spectrum is reasonably fat over the transmission band, then the destination spectrum is essentially constant over the message band. Igy” Relative to (S/N), supprossed-sideband modulation has no particular advantage over double-sideband modulation becauso the coherence property of double sideband compensates for the reduced predetection noise power of single sideband : 447 Making due allowance for the “wasted” power in unsuppresséd-carrier systems, all types of linear modulation have the same performance “a& baseband transmission on the basis of average transmitted power and fixed noise density. XDRF-U-GAp 16, iz 18, (4=C) In the basic computer, whith one of the following phases of the instruction cycle ? 4 2)” Fotch an instruction from memory is met a part Yer Encode the instruction (PY Read the effective nididress front mlemory if the instruction has an indirect 7 wddvess (d) Execute the instruction Which one of the following. instructions provides the programmer with the capability of making a decision a8 to whether ar not to use the interrupt facility ? er TEX oe” ser der” RESET y (@f CLEAR Wf the symbol encountered is not a pseudo instruction, the assembler refers to whieh one of the following tables ? (a) Pseudo instruction table (Wf MREtable (eo) Non:MRU table 3 (d) Address symbol table 49. Which of tho following errors in assembler ig to cheek for possible errors in: the iymbolie eee ee first pass ? ¥ An invalid ‘chine code symbol which is detected by its being absent in the MRI and non-MIRI tables, } The assembler eannot translate the line of eode properly because the binary equivalent of the symbol will, not be found in the address symbol table. ae ‘The assembler cin translate the line of code properly because the binary equivalent, of the symbol will be found in the Pseudo instruction table. ‘A valid machine code ‘symbol which’ is detected ‘by its being absent in the ‘Non-MRI and MRI tables, ww 20. Which one of the following is ite equivalent ‘expression/equation for the following program written using one-address instructions 7). LOAD A AC MIAl ADD B AC AC+MIBL STORE T MITI<-AC LOAD «C AC« MIC] ADD oD ACeAC+MIDI MUL oT Ace AC*MIT STORE X MX}HAC wo X= (A+B) (C+D) X=(A"BI+(C*D) He -X=(A4B)-(C#D) Wh X=iA+BNC+D) : Which one of the following contral daa tegisters: holds the present microinstructo® ‘while the mext-address is commuted and read 2. ‘Consider the following ser af pragesses that arrive at time 0, with the length of the CPU burst given in milliseconds : Process Burst Time PB, 4 Py 3 Py a If the processéa urrive in the order Py. Pa Fy und are served in FOS order, what is the average waiting time? -» ‘AT milliseconds (PF 27 milliseconds 20 milliseconds Pr 80 millisoeonde 28, Consider the following four processes, Wwith the leagth of the CPU burst given in ‘milliseconds ; Process. Arriva) Time Burst Time Py a 8 Fy i 4 Py 2 9 Py, = If the processes arrive at the ready queve at the times shown and need the indicated burst times, then the resulting preemptive SUF schedule is as depicted in the following Gantt chart jn 4 aT Tr i ah aie sare ye Fellas ay 5 10 it 26 Whatis the average waiting time ? from memory ? ats ‘milliseconds . eT Pipeline register 5 Ger 65 milliseconds Stored register a Stack reese ES qq) 10°5 milliseconds j) Sequence remaster (5-0) XDRF-U-GAP Consider the following statements: ‘The Digital Signature Standard was eriticized for being 1. to secret (NSA designed the protocol for using E}Gamal), 2, too slow (10 to 40 timoerYlower than RSA for checking signatures). 3, too new (ElGamal had not yet) been thoroughly analyzed), 4, too inseeure (fixed 12-bit key), Which of the above statements are correct ? a Land 2 only (73 and 4 only . 7@ Vand donly Pints 1,2,3and4 Which one of the following schemes is based on the idea of a one-way hash function that takes an arbitrarily long piece of plsintext and from it computes a fixed-length bit string? Jat Message digest _/#») Non-repudiation AS Security Which one of the following standards is used for Certification Authority and is in widespread use on the Internet if PF 509 X.500 %.200 - x.208 XORF-U-GAP i Ve= 27, In which one of the following modes is the entice IP packet, header and all encapwulated in the. body of a new IP packet with a completely new IP header ? {9} Transport mode (6) Tunnel mode (c}_ Payload mode (4) Sequence mode Which of the following keys are used for “Bluetooth version 2,1 to provide security in multiple layers ? Passkeys ‘Primary keys Encryption keys for Tecer pen. eye If the sampling interval is 125 ps and the first, sample in packet n+ 1 was generated 10 ms ‘after the first sample in packet n, then the number of sampling instants between these two samples is approximately ae cis3) 800 A 240 wa 480 30. ‘The property, with use of bit stuffing, arbitrary bit patterns can be inserted inte the data field ofthe frame is known as ye jh) Signal transparency 45 Vrame transparency ay Data transparency Bit transparency G) 81, What is the Fourier-transform pair of &(:0)? we r wz an a = 3 Boor. : ‘ $2. Which ene’of the: following ts correct for the ‘special function sine (x)? 4G) The function sine) is an odd function of x2. 25 The function sine (x) is an even function of 2x. © Be 33, Which one of the following condition, on periodic signals for the existence of their Fourier series is nof correct ? . (AT For the series to oxist, the Fourier series coefficients ay. a, and b,, must be ‘The sine (x) = 0 fort = 47, t 2m, =O, 4 The sinc (x)= 0 for t= +4, +7/2, £ Srl, on u finite. ae (b) The function g(t) can ‘have only a finite umber of maxima and minima ia one period. 16) For the series to exist, the Fourier series coefficients ty, a,, and b, must be ‘The function g(t) may have only a finite number of finite discontinuities in one 84, ‘The power spectral density function Gif of the periodic signal ie Jat imaginary, even, and negative function offrequency AS real, odd, and non-negative Function of frequency 7 eS ees Function of frequency a imaginary, add, and negative function of frequency : 85, Which one of the following is correct for the balanced slope detector ? (A Amplitude limiting can be provides. Linearity is good when compared to a single tuned slope detector. Jer Iie very difficult to align. Le Negligible distortion in output across RC filter is possible A.25 MHz carrier is modulated by a 400 KEL: signal, If carrier voltage is 4V and the maximum frequency deviation is 10 kis, then what is thé equation for the PM wave? ay epy = 4 Hin (287 * 108 + 50in 45138) eet apa = 28a (87 = 104 + 26 sin 25150) 167 108% + 25 sin. 25150) > epy 742i period. XDRF-U-GAP ie a py 228i (a7 = 10h + 60 sin 45138) =) 87. The dimensi ant mensionality theorem shows that the |S, The error detecting und error carrectin ortor correcting bandwidth of the binary ee bounded by a Le coe bandwidth is obtained when (a) Le E ns x PCM waveform. i sink x bandwidth is obtained when PCM waveform. ft, Ro a ‘zB, z=. > ro ite bandwidth is obtained when “2* type pulse shape is used to generate the PCM waveform. -By Ee R Boo = pe pule shape is used to generaté the POM waveform, In which of the following Hist of algorithms sequence at the output of parsed called phrases, source statistics t é Viterbi algorithm pp. Lompel-fiv algorithm 4S UM algorithm Jas Huffman coding algorithm DAF-U-GAP — oe pulse shape is used ld generate the R Been © =o Sad: seacctonie ‘Wyre pulse shape is used to generate the and minimum and = minimum bandwidth is obtained when Fas type the discrete source into variable-length blocks, which are and does not require the capabilities of a code are related ta 7 tho average distance between the code words r the minimum distance between the code words - rs a aC we vameing distance between the code words the maximom distance between the ende words 7 Comparing decoding complexity, * he maximum likelihood block decoder and Viterbi maximum. likelihood conventional desoder performs which of the following comparisons for every K bite respectively? ee tp7 21K comparisons per bit and tr comparisons per bit yr ji SK comparisons: per hit and a comparisons per bit 49. Qi comparisons per bit and - comparisans per bit oK+1K comparisons per bit and 2+ comparisons per bit 41. Which one of the following theorems provides to mensure the information emerging frow * diserete memoryless source ? a Channel coding theorem 46) Channel capacity theorem. J Souree coding theorem sf Huffman coding theorem (B-c) 42, A km long microwave tink uses two antennas each having 80 4B gain. If the power transmitted by one antenna is 1 W at 8 GHz, the power received by the other antenna is approximately -—@ 366uW nm 768 uw : AT 64 WW . ae 55-2 ww 43. Which one of following conditions is used when a transmission line is distortionless ? eae J) BL=Ge a Jo LG=RC 7 fe RG=LC 44, A rectangular waveguide of. internal dimensions (a = 4 cm and b-= 3 em) is to be operated in TE,, mode, The ‘winimum operating frequency is AST 625 GHz a (Aor 6:25 GHs if 475 GH yr 975 GHa ‘A rectangular airfilled waveguide has # cross-section of 4m * 40 em. The minimum frequency which ean propagate iA the waveguide is a 15 GHe AF 20GHr Ag 25 GH: war $0 GHe XDRF-U-GAP oa = 48, Which one of the following. ‘standardized inediuim access control techniques is used for tuund robin in switeh topology ? oer TERE 802.12 a IER 802.6 rat) or) TREE 802.6 TEER 802.11 47. Consider the following advantages of the 200€ cell technique : ‘The cell maintains a particular coversiee radius, the v-channel interference in the cellular system is reduced since Jarge central bose station is replaced by several lower powered tranamitiers on the edges of the cell. 2, Deereased Gu-channel interference improves the signal quality and also Jeads to an increase im capacity, wi ithout the degradation in trunking efficie caused by sectoring. 3, The cell will not maintain the coverage of radius; the cellular system 15 reduced since a lange central base station is replaced by several lower powered transmitters on the edges of the cell Whieb of the above advantages ifare correct * we ef Zand J only oe {and 2only (irr 1, Bend a Lonly c) O XORF-U-GAP- ud a..) A channel may be slasaivied sither nx a that fading or slow fading channel depending on 7 pe ‘how tupidly the transmitied baseband signal changes as compared to the rate of change of the channel, (the channel in which the frequeney of the delta function variés slower than the rate of change of the transmitted _ bascband signal, the channel in which the amplitude and frequency of the delta function varies slower than the rate of change of the transmitted baseband signal. 7d) the channel in which the amplitude of the delta function varies slower than the rate of change of the transmitted signal. x Which of the following statements is not a feature of Frequency Division Multiple Access? o (a) Ifan FDMA channel is not in use, then it sits idle and cannot be used by other users to inerense or share capacity and it is essentially a wasted resource, FDMA requires left RF filtering to maximize adjacent channel interference. (g The symbol time is large as compared ta the average delay spread and this implies that the amount of inter symbol interference is low and, thus, little or no is required in FDMA narrowband systems. ‘The bandwidths of FDMA channels ace relatively narrow us cach channel supports. only one cireuit per carrier, that is, FDMA is usually implemented in narrowband systems. equalization (10= 7 50. TED, is 12:5 MEY, Byygyg #10 RHE ang B, is 30 kHz, what is the approximate number of channels in an FDM System ? 19) 416 channels 300 channels (to 125 channels tt 945 channels If a normal GSM time slot consists. of 6 trailing bits, $25 guard bits, 26 training bits, and 2 traffic bursts of 58 bite of data, what is the frame efficiency approximately ? 44-54% 7424% 544% JB 80-04% : 52. Which one of the following statements is not correct for user service as per the ISDN guidelines? Be) ee services are classified into six major categories: “ Telephone service means including emergency calling and facsimile, Data may be transmitted using either a transparent mode or non-transparent mode. Supplementary services include the short messaging service. Which one of the following full rate speech and data channels carries user speech which is digitized at a raw data rate of 18 kbps with GSM channel coding added te the digitize! speech, the. full-rate speech channel carries 22:8 kbps 7 TCHFS: TCHIS.6 TCHFAS TCHF2.4 51, c) 54. The output of m speech coder has bits which contribute 10 signal quality with varying degree of importance, Encoding is done on blocks of samples of 20 ms duration (260 bits of coder output), The first 50 of the encnded speech bits (say type 1) im each block are considered to be the most. significant and ‘hence to protect them from channel errors are appended with 10 CRC bits and convolutinnally éneoded with o rate 1/2 FEC coder. The next 182 bits (say type 2) are appended with 5 CRO bits and the last 78 bite (say type 3) are not error protected. What is the approximate gross channel data’ rate achievable ? a 120:75 kbps 8) 1675 kbps A 18725 ips et 395-25 kbps 55. A proposition is called a tautology if and pnly if es is true in all possible worlds. (b)- itis false in all possible worlds. £6 itis false in limited possible worlds. ue it js true in limited possible worlds 56, Which one of the following theorems is needed to derive the arguments in which there are n0 premises ? Fer Completeness tnnoress 46) Holmes theorem —%) Deduction theorem Letos” Modulus theorem XXORF-U-GAP (4 87. Which one of the following is a data structure that can represent the knowledge in semantic net ? er Fraine i Edge Node, i ‘Vertices Which one of the following sssumptions 18 made while using basic noigy-OR gate model ? 58. o ‘asual inhibition eS fren aoa (Br Non-accountability eid) Dependencies 59, In a handwritien symbol of one of the digits 0-8, our sim is to classify the symbol as the digit intended by the writer, Which one of the follawing functions is used to classify the symbol as the digit intended by the writer 2, ‘AT Sigmoid function (765), Softmax function — K ie (ce) Linear activation function Reetified activation function n is the mean of 60, Suppose our output functio normal distribution, and my = 2, 4 = — 4, y= — 8) tog = 5, Suppose further that for 27) hy = 8. Then, particular input hy = 9, hy the mean of the output normal distribution is rw 9 6 8 “w3 4-6) 61. What is the maximum power which can be dissipated at 80°C in a diode with 1W maximum power dissipation at 25°C and a temperature coefficient af 4 mWSC ? @) 1000 mW 780 mW oe 3125 mW ' ah 40000 62. Which one-of the following is nat a valid diode 64. XORF-U-GAP model ? Piecewise linear model \ (Je Simplified mode] Po Ideal diode model Jo Dynamic model ‘The common-emitter is the most widely used amplifier configuration because it has a) avery high input resistance and a very Jow output resistance Ze) wlow input resistance and a high output resistance & a low voltage gain and a very low output resistance a high voltage gain and a high current gain ‘A self-bias circuit stabilizes which one of the following parameters of the circuit against variations in temperature and process parameters ? Current gain Je Base-omitter voltage at Collector current we Buse current 65. For an n-channel icon FET with thickneg, of substrate a =3 x 10°* em and donors 59, cubic meter Nj, = 10 electrons/em, what the pinch-off voltage if the relative dicleen, constant of silicon is 12, magnitude clectronie charge qQ = PG * 107°C ang free permittivity of 8-849 « 10-1? Fim t space iy iy a) 0-68V Y aay 1b6V oe a 1:36 ¥ G6. CNIOS is the most preferred logic family’ ter VLSI and ULSI circuits bedause i a jt is the fastest of all logic families © oe it has better noise immunity (c),Zeall types:of logic cireuits cam be designed et PT steonsumes no static power @7. The gain of an amplifier with feedback is 2” and a varistion of 5% is permissible. Uf the magnitude of return ratio (Ap) is 1000, what ia the minimum value of open loop gain? fH 2000 “6 2000 > te000 Pe 1000 (12-6) 68. ‘The slew rate ofan op-amp is defined as eo output con change without distortion ) the highest rate of change of output voltage with respect to time the slowest rate of change of input voltage allowed ig the Tate of change of bias currentiaf the differential amplifier 68. The current of a BJT frequencies because of Dat the early effet . J07 transistor capacitances LAF, Bidh current effeot in the base Jat parasitic inductive elements 70. Low frequency response of an RO coupled amplifier can be improved hy om ineréasing the coupling capacitor only wf6) increasing the bypass capacitor only. i decreasing the coupling capacitor only oe as bypass capacitor . Ti, De Morgan's law denotes that XDRF-U-GAP- the Highest frequency ut which the drops at high increasing the coupling capacitor as well i ‘Pecimal number 159.613 in equivalent to \_~“which one of the following actal numbers ? Pe 231.406617 AT 291206617 : 231.406507 7 (pat 231,206507 Which one of the following statements is not ‘correct about flip-flops and latches ? a 73, A flip-flop transfers its input to output only on the active clock edge, a latch continuously transfers D to Q while EN is active Ge aki ase luis whereas flops arc'adge sensitive. A latch retains its state while EN inactive. (AT Latches can be used in ripple counters 74. What is the cum-of-products form of the given Boolean function FIA, B, C, D) = 200, 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 1097 oF AB + CDs ABC ot F=An+BD om FCD+BD Po BRLHE + ACD 78. Which one of the following logic families provides the highest speed digital ci integrated form ? TTL (a) ar Bek te «MOS Let CMOS (13-6) 76. A rectangular waveguide has dimensions ‘Lem x 0-5 om, Tts eut-aff frequency is a 15 GHa “6 25GHr 8 o1sGHs on 0-25 GHz 77. A rectangular metal waveguide filled with a diclectric material of relative permittivity <4 has the inside dimensions 3-0 em x 1-2 om. The cut-off frequency for the dominant mode ts AT 0025 GHe Ab O25GHr : eS 25 CH: Au” 25 GHz 78. For a normal mode EM wave propagating ins hollow rectangular waveguide, the relationship between the phase velocity (AST __is greater than the group yelocity is greater than velocity of light in free space . wr iz less than the velocity’ of light in free space {4} may be either greater than or less than the group velocity 80. Ina broadside array af 20 isotropic radiator, equally spaced ata distance-of *, the bea 2 width between the nulls is . ar 513° oh) 11-46" ‘oO Re : a 102-6° ‘The radiation resistance of @ circular loop of one turn i 0-01 0. The radiation resistance of five turns of such a loop is Bh. 0025.0 ar O25 2 ose a 0-05 82, What ié the effective aperture of the antenaz if an antenna in free space receives 2 uWat power when the incident electric field ix 20 mVim rms ? po 14m? ’ es m? | i 885 im er 377m? r 79. ‘The phase velocity of waves propagating in a weguide i hollow metal waveguide is Bk Whit so meee fac titi less than the velocity of light in. free communication? space j equal to the velocity of light in frée ee” 1 kHz to 100 ka are. <6) 100 KHs to MHz o— greater than tho velocity of light in free space - (Jo 10 MH to 30 MH ei ‘equal to the group vélocity A 1 GH 90 OH ‘XKDRF-U-GAP (14-¢) $4, if the diameter of a 3/2 dipole antenna is increased. from 3/100 to 3/50, then its ~ bandwidth increases AT bandwidth decreases ‘7 gain increases {o> gain decreases : 85. ‘The line-of-sight communication requires the transmit and. receive antennas: to face each other, If the transmit antenna is vertically polarized, for best reception, the redeiver antenna should be 8 horizontally polarized PT vertically polarized at 45° with respect to horizontal polarization Os at 45° with respect to vertical polarization a6, A transmitting antenna radiates 25] W isotropically. A receiving antenna, located 100 m away from the transmitting antenna, has an effective aperture of 500 m7. The total power received by the antenna is approximately Ta) 10 4W aes iw ew a 100 :W 87. is + parabolic dish antenna basa conical beam wide, The directivity of the antenga i eae we (15 oo xin) = BB. If the impulke response of a diserete-time System is hin) = 5" uni, then. the system function Hix) is equal to te oe Fo gnnd the system is stable 4 pt [api the system ia stable End the system is unstable and the uystem is unstable 89. A causal LTL system is described by the difference equation Bytn) = egyin — 2) — Bain) — Bin — 1). The system is stable only if gor lol 2 18h <2 2 a [pl >a ja] <2, any value of f be [pl <2.any value of a 1 = i; — |=) ufn), then the region ae ‘convergence (ROC) of its ptransform in the plane is aa ecleia ‘hn Flale ay A c|zl<8 2 St 2 “ar qs q ~¢) 91. Which of the following is of correct for a shift register ? sat An input for clock pulses to synchronie all operations. x 17) A shiftright operation and a. serial input line associated with the shift right. a ae ‘A parallel load operation and n input lines “associated with the parallel transfer. A control state that changes the information in the register when clock pulses are applied. 92, Which one of the fallowing is mof a property of digital logic circuits ? oe Propagation Delay ‘ #F Fan-in and Fan-out ee ‘Power consumption 40) Frequency of Operation 9g. Consider the sequence xia) = {-4—j5, 1412, 44 The conjugate anti-symmetric part of the sequence is at [-A-j25, j2, 4-j25) . por (-§2-6, 1,525) PE -56:52.01 — ' 94, What is the power in the signal sit) = 12 cos (20000-5) +8 sin (80nt)? ast 104 Jr ue ar 208 a6 ‘95. What is the convolution of x{t+ 12) wih impulse fanetion &t 7)? oo xit- 12) x(t + 12) xit—5) xt +5) a oe ce 96. Which one of the following cannot be Fourier series expansion of a periodic signs!’ TH) xi) = 2 contt) +9 cout) (bh) x(t) = 2 cosint) + 7 cos(t) a eit) = cost) +5:4t WAT” salt = 2 con(5 Set) 4 3 costS:Bmt) 4-j25) Yr (4 2, XORF-U-GAP (16-C) 103. If the last-executed statement ofa function ia a recursive call to the function itself, then this call” can he eliminated by reassigning the calling parameters to the values specified in the recursive call, und then repeating the whole function is ealled a Tail recursion A) Bucktracking oka AO Concurrency: 104, Any algorithm that sorts a list of n entries by use of key comparisons must, in ite worst case, perform at least {lg n!] comparisons of keys, and, in the average euse, how many of comparisons of keys should it perform ? ZH Iya + D! comparisons of keys ign! comparisons of keys 07 gn? comparisons of keys Ci Ign — 1)! comparisons of keys 105. Which one of the following tables is to allow many of the different possible keys that might cceur to be mapped to the same location in an array under the action of the index function ? 4G) _ Jagged table Ab) A Radix sort table . I Hash table XDRF-U-GAP- Inverted table al 106, Let xin) = 3) vin), y(n} » xa) and Yeh be the Fourier transform of y(n), then Yip), on o 1 ere ae fo 107, ‘The first five points of the B-point DPT of, real valued sequence are 6, 1 ~j9, 0,9 —y and 3 +4. The last two points of the DFT ay respectively 01-53 } AE 91458 1 +)8,5 18s 4 «The N-point DFT of a sequence xnl Bene Meme ry XIK)= Ly, xinje cea O “O Gikmr 112; A man cycles from Ato B at n distance of 21 km in 1 hour 40 minutes, The road from A is level for 18 kum and then it ts uphill fb B. 410, {xin)), is a real-valued periodic sequence with ‘The man’s average speed on the level road is a period, N. x(n) and X(K) form N-point 15 kan/hr, What isthe average uphill speed ? Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) pairs. The DPT ¥(K) of the sequence fal 45 kine i) Wkohr ie » ya) = > xtrixin+1) ia ie Pe =o : ee [xo]? - ar 10 kean/hr 113, The cost of cultivating « square field at. the rate of © 160 per hectare is © 140 The cost 6 Ly xen of putting n fenes around it at 76 pase Pee x a metre is aay TO = ot 1 = utente #1) eo yey 5 r jae ar 6360 wes dr 6810 (19-6) XORF-U-GAP

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