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Physics for Scientists and Engineers A

Strategic Approach 4th Edition Randall

D. Knight
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Student Workbook for Physics for Scientists and

Engineers A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics
Randall D. Knight

Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern

Physics 4th Edition Douglas C. Giancoli

Physics for scientists and engineers an interactive

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College physics : a strategic approach 4th Edition

Stuart Field
Physics for scientists and engineers an interactive
approach 2nd Edition Peter J. Williams

Fortran for Scientists and Engineers 4th Edition

Stephen J. Chapman

Thermal Physics Thermodynamics and Statistical

Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers 1st Edition
Robert Floyd Sekerka

Physics for Scientists and Engineers with modern

Physics Volume I -Technology Update 10th Edition R.A.
Serway And J.W. Jewitt

Modern Physics with Modern Computational Methods: for

Scientists and Engineers 3rd Edition John C. Morrison


APPROACH 4/E RANDALL D. KNIGHT California Polytechnic State
University San Luis Obispo with modern physics

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Knight,
Randall Dewey, author. Title: Physics for scientists and engineers : a
strategic approach with modern physics / Randall D. Knight,
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Description:
Fourth edition. | Boston : Pearson Education, Inc., [2015] | ?2017 |
Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN
2015038869 | ISBN 9780133942651 | ISBN 0133942651 Subjects:
LCSH: Physics--Textbooks. | Physics--Problems, exercises, etc.
Classification: LCC QC23.2 .K65 2015 | DDC 530--dc23 LC record
available at ISBN 10: 0-133-94265-
1; ISBN 13: 978-0-133-94265-1 (Extended edition) ISBN 10: 0-134-
08149-8; ISBN 13: 978-0-134-08149-6 (Standard edition) ISBN 10:
0-134-39178-0; ISBN 13: 978-0-134-39178-6 (NASTA edition) ISBN
10: 0-134-09250-3; ISBN 13: 978-0-134-09250-8 (Books A La Carte
edition) 12345678910—V311—

About the Author Randy Knight taught introductory physics for 32

years at Ohio State University and California Polytechnic State
University, where he is Professor Emeritus of Physics. Professor
Knight received a Ph.D. in physics from the University of California,
Berkeley and was a post-doctoral fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian
Center for Astrophysics before joining the faculty at Ohio State
University. It was at Ohio State that he began to learn about the
research in physics education that, many years later, led to Five Easy
Lessons: Strategies for Successful Physics Teaching and this book, as
well as College Physics: A Strategic Approach, co- authored with
Brian Jones and Stuart Field. Professor Knight’s research interests
are in the fields of laser spectroscopy and environmental science.
When he’s not in front of a computer, you can find Randy hiking, sea
kayaking, playing the piano, or spending time with his wife Sally and
their five cats.

d A research-driven approach, fine-tuned for even greater ease-of-

CHAPTER ORGANIZATION allows instructors to more easily present
material as needed to complement labs, course schedules, and
different teaching styles. Work and energy are now covered before
momentum, oscillations are grouped with mechan- ical waves, and
optics appears after electricity and magnetism. Unchanged is
Knight’s unique approach of working from concrete to abstract, using
multiple representations, balancing qualitative with quantitative, and
addressing misconceptions. NEW! MORE CALCULUS-BASED
PROBLEMS have been added, along with an icon to make these easy
to identify. The sig- nificantly revised end-of-chapter problem sets,
extensively class-tested and both calibrated and improved using
MasteringPhysics® data, expand the range of physics and math
skills students will use to solve problems. 60. || A clever engineer
designs a “sprong” that obeys the force law Fx=-q1x-xeq2 3 , whe re
xeq is the equilibrium position of the end of the sprong and q is the
sprong consta nt. For simplicity, we’llletxeq =0m.ThenFx = -qx 3 . a.
What are the units of q? b. Find an expression for the potential
energy of a stretched or compressed sprong. c. A sprong-loaded toy
gun shoots a 20 g plastic ball. What is the launch speed if the
sprong constant is 40,000, with the units you found in part a, and
the sprong is compressed 10 cm? Assume the ba rrel is frictionless.
NEW! ADVANCED TOPICS as optional sections add even more f
lexibility for instructors’ individual courses. Topics include rocket
propulsion, gyroscopes and precession, the wave equation (including
for electromagnetic waves), the speed of sound in gases, and more
details on the interference of light. 11.6 advanced topic Rocket
Propulsion Newton’s second law F u =ma u applies to objects whose
mass does not change. That’s an excellent assumption for balls and
bicycles, but what about something like a rocket that loses a
significant amount of mass as its fuel is burned? Problems of varying
mass are solved with momentum rather than acceleration. We’ll look
at one important exa mple. FIGURE 11.29 shows a rocket being
propelled by the thrust of burning fuel but not influenced by gravity
or drag. Perhaps it is a rocket in deep space where gravity is very
weak in comparison to the rocket’s thrust. This may not be highly
realistic, but ignoring gravity allows us to understand the essentials
of rocket propulsion without maki ng the mat hematics too
complicated. Rocket propulsion with gravity is a Challenge P roblem
in the end-of-chapter problems. The system rocket + exhaust gases
is an isolated system, so its total momentum is conserved. The basic
idea is simple: As exhaust gases are shot out the back, the rocket
“recoils” in the opposite direction. Putting this idea on a
mathematical footing is fairly st raightforward—it’s basically the
same as a nalyzing a n explosion—but we have to be extremely
careful with signs. We’ll use a before-and-after approach, as we do
with all momentum problems. The FIGURE 11. 2 9 A before-and-
after pictorial represent ation of a rocket burning a small amount of
fuel. Before: After: Relative to rocket m+dm vex mfuel vx+dvx m vx
. , FIGURE 9 .1 A system-environment perspective on energ y.
System Environment Environment Heat Work Heat Kinetic Potential
Thermal Chemical Work Energy removed Energy added Energy can
be transformed The system has energy Esys

Built from the ground up on physics education research and crafted

using key ideas from learning theory, Knight has set the standard for
effective and accessible pedagogical materials in physics. In this
fourth edition, Knight continues to refine and expand the
instructional techniques to take students further. NEW AND
text’s emphasis on modeling—analyzing a complex, real-world
situation in terms of simple but reasonable idealizations that can be
applied over and over in solving problems. These fun- damental
simplifications are developed in the text and then deployed more
explicitly in the worked examples, helping students to recog- nize
when and how to use recurring models, a key critical-thinking skill.
educational psychology concept of an “advance organizer,” have
been reconceived to address the questions students are most likely
to ask themselves while studying the material for the first time.
Questions cover the impor tant ideas, and provide a big-picture
overview of the chapter’s key principles. Each chapter con- cludes
with the visual Chapter Summary, consolidating and structuring
understanding. a u Mathematically: Limitations: Model fails if the
particle’s acceleration changes. Model the object as a particle moving
in a straight line with constant acceleration. For motion with
constant acceleration. v u Parabola s si t The slope is vs. Horizontal
line as 0 t The acceleration is constant. Straight line vs vis t The
slope is as. vfs=vis+as∆t vfs 2=vis 2+2as∆s sf=si+vis∆t+ as1∆t22 1
2 Constant acceleration MODEL 2.2 Exercise 16 MODEL 6.3 Friction
The friction force is parallel to the surface. ■ Static friction: Acts as
needed to prevent motion. Can have any magnitude up to fs max =
ms n. ■ Kinetic friction: Opposes motion with fk = mk n. ■ Rolling
friction: Opposes motion with fr = mr n. ■ Graphically: Push or pull
Friction Motion is relative to the surface. f Push or pull force Static
friction increases to match the push or pull. Kinetic friction is
constant as the object moves. Kinetic Static The object slips when
static friction reaches fs max. Rest Moving fsmax = msn mkn 0 152
CHAPTER 6 Dynamics I: Motion Along a Line SUMMARY The goal of
Chapter 6 has been to learn to solve linear force-and-motion
problems. GENE RAL PRINCIPLES Two Explanatory Models An object
on which there is no net forceis in mechanical equilibrium. • Objects
at rest. • Objects moving with constant velocity. • Newton’s second
law applies with a u =0 u . An object on which the net force is
constant undergoes dynamics with constant force. • The object
accelerates. • The kinematic model is that of constant acceleration. •
Newton’s second law applies. A Problem-Solving Strategy A four-part
strategy applies to both equilibrium and dynamics problems. MODEL
Make simplifying assumptions. VISUA L IZE • Translate words into
symbols. • Draw a sketch to define the situation. • Draw a motion
diagram. • Identify forces. • Draw a free-body diagram. SOLVE Use
Newton’s second law: F u net=a i F u i=ma u “Read” the vectors
from the fre e-body diagram. Use kinematics to find velocities and
positions. ASSESS Is the result reasonable? Does it have correct
units and significant figures? equilibrium model constant-force model
flat-earth approximation weight co efficient of static friction, ms
coefficient of kinetic friction, mk rolling friction coefficient of rolling
friction, mr drag coefficient, C terminal speed, vterm TERMS AND
NOTATION A falling object reaches terminal speed vterm = B2mg
CrA APPLICATIONS Mass is an intrinsic property of an object that
describes the object’s inertia and, loosely speaking, its quantity of
matter. The weight of an object is the reading of a spring scale when
the object is at rest relative to the scale. Weight is the result of
weigh- ing. A n object’s weight depends on its mass, its acceleration,
and the strength of gravity. An object in free fall is weightless.
IMPORTANT CONCEPTS Specific information about three important
descriptive models: Gravity F u G = 1mg, downward2 Friction f u s =
10 to ms n, direction as necessary to prevent motion2 fu k = 1mkn,
direction opposite the motion2 fu r = 1mrn, direction opposite the
motion2 Drag F u drag = 11 2 CrAv2, direction opposite the motion2
Newton’s laws are vector expressions. You must write them out by
components: 1Fnet2x = aFx = max 1Fnet2y= aFy= may The
acceleration is zero in equi- librium and also along an axis
perpendicular to the motion. Fnet=0 u u a u Go back and forth
between these steps as needed. d y x Fn et u F1 u F3 u F2 u FG
Terminal speed is reached when the drag force exactly balances the
gravitational force: a = 0. u u u Fdrag u 6 The powerful thrust of the
jet engines accelerates this enormous plane to a speed of over 150
mph in less than a mile. Dynamics I: Motion Along a Line IN THIS
CHAPTER, you will learn to solve linear force-and-motion problems.
How are Newton’s laws used to solve problems? Newton’s i rst and
second laws are vector equations. To use them, ■ Draw a free-body
diagram. ■ Read the x- and y-components of the forces directly of
the free-body diagram. ■UseaFx=maxandaFy=may. How are
dynamics problems solved? A net force on an object causes the
object to accelerate. ■ Identify the forces and draw a free-body
diagram. ■ Use Newton’s second law to ind the object’s acceleration.
■ Use kinematics for velocity and position. ❮❮ LOOKING BACK
Sections 2.4 –2 .6 Kinematics How are equilibrium problems solved?
An object at rest or moving with constant velocity is in equilibrium
with no net force. ■ Identify the forces and draw a free-body diag
ram . ■ UseNewton’s secondlawwith a = 0 to solve for unknown
forces. ❮❮ LOOKING BACK Sections 5.1 –5 .2 Forces What are mass
and weight? Mass and weight are not the same. ■ Mass describes an
object’s inertia. Loosely speaking , it is the amount of matter in an
object. It is the same everywhere. ■ Gravity is a force. ■ Weight is
the result of weighing an object on a scale. It depends on mass,
gravity, and acceleration. How do we model friction and drag?
Friction and drag are complex forces, but we will develop simple
models of each. ■ Static, kinetic, and rolling friction depend on the
coefficients of friction but not on the object’s speed. ■ Drag depends
on the square of an object’s speed and on its cross-section area. ■
Falling objects reach terminal speed when drag and gravity are balan
ced. How do we solve problems? We will develop and use a four-part
problem-solving strategy: ■ Model the problem, using information
about objects a nd forces. ■ Visualize the situation with a pictorial
represent ation. ■ Set up and solve the problem with New ton’s
laws. ■ Assess the result to see if it is reasonable. Fnet u y x a u Fr
ictio n fs u Normal n u Gravity FG u FG u Fsp u v u Kinetic friction
23, . 3. . ,


SOLVING SKILLS AND CONFIDENCE With a research-based 4-step
problem-solving framework used throughout the text , students
learn the importance of making assumptions (in the MODEL step)
and gathering informa- tion and making sketches (in the VISUALIZE
step) before treating the problem mathemati- cally (SOLVE) and
then analyzing their results (ASSESS). The REVISED STUDENT
WORKBOOK is tightly integrated with the main text–allowing
students to practice skills from the text’s Tactics Boxes, work through
the steps of Problem-Solv- ing Strategies, and assess the
applicability of the Models. The workbook is referenced throughout
the text with the icon . Detailed PROBLEM-SOLVING STRATEGIES for
different topics and categories of problems (circular-motion
problems, calorimetr y problems, etc.) are developed throughout,
each one built on the 4-step framework and carefully illustrated in
worked examples. TACTICS BOXES give step-by-step procedures for
developing specific skills (drawing free-body diagrams, using ray
tracing, etc.). PROBLEM-SOLVING STRATEGY 10.1 Energy-
conservation problems MODEL Deine the system so that there are no
external forces or so that any external forces do no work on the
system. If there’s friction, bring both surfaces into the system. Model
objects as particles and springs as ideal. VISUALIZE Draw a before-
and-after pictorial representation and an energy bar chart. A free-
body diagram may be needed to visualize forces. SOLVE If the
system is both isolated and nondissipative, then the mechanical
energy is conserved: Ki+Ui=Kf+Uf where K is the total kinetic
energy of all moving objects and U is the total potential energy of all
interactions within the system. If there’s friction, then
Ki+Ui=Kf+Uf+∆Eth where the thermal energy increase due to
friction is ∆Eth = fk ∆ s. ASSESS Check that your result has correct
units and signiicant igures, is reasonable, and answers the question.
Exercise 14 TACTICS BOX 2 6 .1 Finding the potential from the
electric field ●1 Draw a pictu re and identify the p oint at which you
wish to find the potential. Call this position f. ●2 Choose the zero
point of the potential, often at ininity. Call this position i. ●3 Establish
a coordinate axis from i to f along which you already know or can
easily determine the electric ield component Es. ●4 Carry out the
integ ration of Equation 26.3 to find the potential. Exercise 1 30-8
chapter 30 • Electromagnetic Induction 18. The graph shows how
the magnetic field changes through a rectangular loop of wire with
resistance R. Draw a graph of the current in the loop as a function of
time. Let a counterclockwise current be positive, a clockwise current
be negative. a. What is the magnetic flux through the loop at t = 0?
b. Doesthisflux changebetweent = 0 and t = t1? c. Is there an
induced current in the loop between t = 0 and t = t1? d. What is the
magnetic flux through the loop at t = t2? e. What is the change in f
lux through the loop between t1 and t2? f. What is the time interval
between t1 and t2? g. What is the magnitude of the induced emf
between t1 and t2? h. What is the magnitude of the induced current
between t1 and t2? i. Does the magnetic field point out of or into the
loop? j. Between t1 and t2, is the magnetic flux increasing or
decreasing? k. To oppose the change in the flux between t1 and t2,
should the magnetic field of the induced current point out of or into
the loop? l. Is the induced current between t1 and t2 positive or
negative? m. Does the flux through the loop change after t2? n. Is
there an induced current in the loop after t2? o. Use all this
information to draw a graph of the induced current. Add appropriate
labels on the vertical axis. PSS 30.1

+U s. . 30 • Electromagnetic Induction 0? 0 ? 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? t, t, t ? ?
PRELECTURE VIDEOS address the rapidly growing movement toward
pre-lecture teaching and flipped classrooms. These whiteboard-style
animations provide an introduction to key topics with embedded
assessment to help students prepare and profes- sors identify
student misconceptions before lecture. NEW! LEARNING
CATALYTICSTM is an interactive classroom tool that uses students’
devices to engage them in more sophisticated tasks and thinking.
Learning Catalytics enables instructors to generate classroom
discussion and promote peer-to-peer learning to help students
develop critical-thinking skills. Instructors can take advantage of
real-time analytics to find out where students are struggling and
adjust their instructional strategy. NEW! ENHANCED END-OF-
CHAPTER QUESTIONS offer st u- dents instructional suppor t when
and where they need it, including links to the eText, math
remediation, and wrong-answer feedback for homework
assignments. ADAPTIVE FOLLOW-UPS are personalized assignments
that pair Mastering’s powerful content with Knewton’s adaptive
learning engine to provide individualized help to students before
misconceptions take hold. These adaptive follow-ups address topics
students struggled with on assigned homework, including core
prerequisite topics. NEW! DYNAMIC STUDY MODULES (DSMs) con-
tinuously assess students’ performance in real time to provide
personalized question and explanation content until students master
the module with confidence. The DSMs cover basic math skills and
key definitions and relationships for topics across all of mechanics
and electricity and magnetism. MasteringPhysics

viii Preface to the Instructor This fourth edition of Physics for

Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach continues to build on
the research-driven instructional techniques introduced in the irst
edition and the extensive feedback from thousands of users. From
the begin- ning, the objectives have been: ■ To produce a textbook
that is more focused and coherent, less encyclopedic. ■ To move key
results from physics education research into the classroom in a way
that allows instructors to use a range of teaching styles. ■ To
provide a balance of quantitative reasoning and con- ceptual
understanding, with special attention to concepts known to cause
student diiculties. ■ To develop students’ problem-solving skills in a
systematic manner. These goals and the rationale behind them are
discussed at length in the Instructor’s Guide and in my small
paperback book, Five Easy Lessons: Strategies for Successful Physics
Teaching. Please request a copy from your local Pearson sales
representa- tive if it is of interest to you (ISBN 978-0-805-38702-5).
What’s New to This Edition For this fourth edition, we continue to
apply the best results from educational research and to tailor them
for this course and its students. At the same time, the extensive
feedback we’ve received from both instructors and students has led
to many changes and improvements to the text, the igures, and the
end-of-chapter problems. These include: ■ Chapter ordering changes
allow instructors to more easily organize content as needed to
accommodate labs, schedules, and diferent teaching styles. Work
and energy are now covered before momentum, oscillations are
grouped with mechanical waves, and optics appears after electricity
and magnetism. ■ Addition of advanced topics as optional sections
further expands instructors’ options. Topics include rocket propul-
sion, gyroscopes, the wave equation (for mechanical and
electromagnetic waves), the speed of sound in gases, and more
details on the interference of light. ■ Model boxes enhance the text’s
emphasis on modeling— analyzing a complex, real-world situation in
terms of simple but reasonable idealizations that can be applied over
and over in solving problems. These fundamental simpliications are
developed in the text and then deployed more explicitly in the
worked examples, helping students to recognize when and how to
use recurring models. ■ Enhanced chapter previews have been
redesigned, with student input, to address the questions students
are most likely to ask themselves while studying the material for the
irst time. The previews provide a big-picture overview of the
chapter’s key principles. ■ Looking Back pointers enable students to
look back at a previous chapter when it’s important to review
concepts. Pointers provide the speciic section to consult at the exact
point in the text where they need to use this material. ■ Focused
Part Overviews and Knowledge Structures con- solidate
understanding of groups of chapters and give a tighter structure to
the book as a whole. Reworked Knowledge Struc- tures provide
more targeted detail on overarching themes. ■ Updated visual
program that has been enhanced by revis- ing over 500 pieces of art
to increase the focus on key ideas. ■ Significantly revised end-of-
chapter problem sets in- clude more challenging problems to expand
the range of physics and math skills students will use to solve
problems. A new icon for calculus-based problems has been added.
At the front of this book, you’ll ind an illustrated walkthrough of the
new pedagogical features in this fourth edition. Textbook
Organization The 42-chapter extended edition (ISBN 978-0-133-
94265-1 / 0-133-94265-1) of Physics for Scientists and Engineers is
intended for a three-semester course. Most of the 36-chapter
standard edition (ISBN 978-0 -134-08149-6 / 0-134-08149-8),
ending with relativity, can be covered in two semesters, although the
judicious omission of a few chapters will avoid rushing through the
material and give students more time to develop their knowledge
and skills. The full textbook is divided into eight parts: Part I:
Newton’s Laws, Part II: Conservation Laws, Part III: Applications of
Newtonian Mechanics, Part IV: Oscillations and Waves, Part V:
Thermodynamics, Part VI: Electricity and Magnetism, Part VII:
Optics, and Part VIII: Relativity and Quantum Physics. Note that
covering the parts in this order is by no means essential. Each topic
is self-contained, and Parts III–VII can be rear- ranged to suit an
instructor’s needs. Part VII: Optics does need to follow Part IV:
Oscillations and Waves, but optics can be taught either before or
after electricity and magnetism. There’s a growing sentiment that
quantum physics is quickly becoming the province of engineers, not
just scientists, and that even a two-semester course should include a
reasonable introduction to quantum ideas. The Instructor’s Guide

Preface to the Instructor ix a couple of routes through the book that

allow most of the quantum physics chapters to be included in a two-
semester course. I’ve written the book with the hope that an
increasing number of instructors will choose one of these routes. ■
Extended edition, with mode rn physics (ISBN 978-0 -133- 94265-1 /
0 -133 -94265 -1): Chapters 1–42 . ■ Standard edition (ISBN 978-0-
134 -08149-6 / 0 -134-08149-8): Chapters 1-36 . ■ Volume 1 (ISBN
978-0 -134 -11068 -4 / 0 -134 -11068 -4) covers mech anics , wave
s, and thermodynamics: Chapters 1 –21. ■ Volume 2 (ISBN 978-0
-134 -11066 -0 / 0 -134 -11066 -8) cove r s e lectricity and
magnetism and optics , pl us relativity: Chapters 22–36 . ■ Volume 3
(ISBN 978-0 -134 -11065 -3 / 0 -134 -11065 -X) covers rel ativity
and quantum physics: Chapters 36 –42 . The Student Workbook A
key component of Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic
Approach is the accompanying Student Workbook. The workbook
bridges the gap between textbook and home- work problems by
providing students the opportunity to learn and practice skills prior
to using those skills in quantitative end-of-chapter problems, much
as a musician practices tech- nique separately from performance
pieces. The workbook exer- cises, which are keyed to each section of
the textbook, focus on developing speciic skills, ranging from
identifying forces and drawing free-body diagrams to interpreting
wave functions. The workbook exercises, which are generally
qualitative and/or graphical, draw heavily upon the physics educa-
tion research literature. The exercises deal with issues known to
cause stu- dent difficulties and employ tech- niques that have proven
to be effective at overcoming those difficulties. New to the fourth
edition workbook are exercises that provide guided practice for the
textbook’s Model boxes. The workbook exercises can be used in
class as part of an active- learning teaching strategy, in recitation
sections, or as assigned homework. More information about effective
use of the Student Workbook can be found in the Instructor’s Guide.
ForceandMotion . CHAPTER5 9. a. 2m b. 0.5m Usetriangles toshow
fourpoints fortheobjectof mass 2m, then drawalinethrough thepoints.
Use squares forthe objectof mass 0.5m. 10. A constant force applied
to objectA causes Ato accelerate at5 m/s2. The sameforceapplied to
objectB causes an accelerationof 3m/s2. Applied to objectC, it
causes an accelerationof 8m/s2. a. Which objecthas thelargestmass?
b. Which object has the smallest mass? c. Whatis theratioof mass
Ato mass B?(mA/mB) = 11.Aconstant force applied to an object
causes the object to accelerate at 10 m/s2. What will the
acceleration of this object beif a. Theforceis doubled? b. The massis
doubled? c. Theforceis doubled andthe mass is doubled? d.
Theforceis doubled andthe mass is halved? 12.
Aconstantforceapplied to an objectcauses theobjectto accelerate at8
m/s2. Whatwillthe acceleration of this object beif a. Theforceis
halved? b. Themassis halved? c. Theforceis halved and themass is
halved? d. Theforceis halved and themass is doubled? 13. Forcesare
shown ontwo objects. Foreach: a. Drawandlabelthe netforce
vector.Do this righton thefigure. b. Belowthe figure, draw and
labeltheobject’sacceleration vector. x y 012 Force(rubberbands) A c c
e l e r a t i o n 34 Thefigure shows an acceleration-versus -
forcegraphfor an objectofmass m. Datahavebeenplotted as individual
points, and aline has been drawnthroughthe points. Draw and label,
directly on thefigure, the acceleration- versus-forcegraphsforobjects
ofmass Instructional Package Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A
Strategic Approach, fourth edition, provides an integrated teaching
and learning package of support material for students and
instructors. NOTE For convenience, most instructor supplements can
be downloaded from the “Instructor Resources” area of
MasteringPhysics® and the Instructor Resource Center
( Name of Supplement Print
Online Instructor or Student Supplement Description MasteringPhysic
s with Pearson eText ISBN 0-134 -08313 -X ✓ Instructor and Student
Supplement This product features all of the resources of
MasteringPhysics in addition to the new Pearson eText 2.0 . Now
available on smartphones and tablets, Pearson eText 2.0 comprises
the full text, including videos and other rich media. Students can
configure reading settings, including resizeable type and night-
reading mode, take notes, and highlight, bookmark, and search the
text. Instr uctor’s Solutions Manual ISBN 0-134 -09246-5 ✓
Instructor Supplement This comprehensive solutions manual
contains complete solutions to all end- of-chapter questions and
problems. All problem solutions follow the Model/
Visualize/Solve/Assess problem-solving strategy used in the text.
Instr uctor’s Guide ISBN 0-134 -09248-1 ✓ Instructor Supplement
Written by Randy Knight, this resource provides chapter-by-chapter
creative ideas and teaching tips for use in your class. It also contains
an extensive review of results of what has been learned from physics
education research and provides guidelines for using active-learning
techniques in your classroom. TestGen Test Bank ISBN 0-134
-09245-7 ✓ Instructor Supplement The Test Bank contains over
2,000 high-quality conceptual and multiple-choice questions. Test
files are provided in both TestGen® and Word format. Instr uctor’s
Re source DVD ISBN 0-134 -09247-3 ✓ ✓ Instructor Supplement
This cross-platform DVD includes an Image Library; editable content
for Key Equations, Problem-Solving Strategies, Math Relationship
Boxes, Model Boxes, and Tactic Boxes; PowerPoint Lecture Slides
and Clicker Questions; Instructor’s Guide, Instructor’s Solutions
Manual; Solutions to Student Workbook exercises; and PhET
simulations. Student Workbook Extended (Ch 1–42) ISBN 0-134-
08316 -4 Standard (Ch 1–36) ISBN 0-134-08315-6 Volume 1 (Ch 1–
21) ISBN 0-134 -11064-1 Volume 2 (Ch 22–36) ISBN 0-134 -11063-3
Volume 3 (Ch 36–42) ISBN 0-134 -11060-9 ✓ Student Supplement
For a more detailed description of the Student Workbook, see page
x Preface to the Instructor Acknowledgments I have relied upon
conversations with and, especially, the written publications of many
members of the physics education research community. Those
whose inluence can be seen in these pages include Wendy Adams,
the late Arnold Arons, Stuart Field, Uri Ganiel, Ibrahim Halloun,
Richard Hake, Ken Heller, Paula Heron, David Hestenes, Brian Jones,
the late Leonard Jossem, Jill Larkin, Priscilla Laws, John Mallinckrodt,
Kandiah Manivannan, Richard Mayer, Lillian McDermott and members
of the Physics Education Research Group at the University of
Washington, David Meltzer, Edward “Joe” Redish, Fred Reif, Jeffery
Saul, Rachel Scherr, Bruce Sherwood, Josip Slisko, David Sokoloff,
Richard Steinberg, Ronald Thornton, Sheila Tobias, Alan Van
Heuleven, Carl Wieman, and Michael Wittmann. John Rigden,
founder and director of the Introductory University Physics Project,
provided the impetus that got me started down this path. Early
development of the materials was supported by the National Science
Foundation as the Physics for the Year 2000 project; their support is
gratefully acknowledged. I especially want to thank my editors,
Jeanne Zalesky and Becky Ruden, development editor Alice Houston,
project manager Martha Steele, art development editors Kim Brucker
and Margot Otway, and all the other staff at Pearson for their
enthusiasm and hard work on this project. Rose Kernan and the
team at Cenveo along with photo researcher Eric Schrader get a
good deal of the credit for making this complex project all come
together. Larry Smith, Larry Stookey, and Michael Ottinger have done
an outstanding job of checking the solutions to every end-of-chapter
problem and updating the Instructor’s Solutions Manual. John
Filaseta must be thanked for carefully writing out the solutions to the
Student Workbook exercises, and Jason Harlow for putting together
the Lecture Slides. In addition to the reviewers and classroom
testers listed below, who gave invaluable feedback, I am particularly
grateful to Charlie Hibbard for his close scrutiny of every word and
figure. Finally, I am endlessly grateful to my wife Sally for her love,
encouragement, and patience, and to our many cats, past and
present, who are always ready to suggest “Dinner time?” when I’m
in need of a phrase. Randy Knight, September 2015 Reviewers and Classroom Testers Gary B.
Adams, Arizona State University Ed Adelson, Ohio State University
Kyle Altmann, Elon University Wayne R. Anderson, Sacramento City
College James H. Andrews, Youngstown State University Kevin
Ankoviak, Las Positas College David Balogh, Fresno City College
Dewayne Beery, Bufalo State College Joseph Bellina, Saint Mary’s
College James R. Benbrook, University of Houston David Besson,
University of Kansas Matthew Block, California State University,
Sacramento Randy Bohn, University of Toledo Richard A. Bone,
Florida International University Gregory Boutis, York College Art
Braundmeier, University of Southern Illinois, Edwardsville Carl
Bromberg, Michigan State University Meade Brooks, Collin College
Douglas Brown, Cabrillo College Ronald Brown, California Polytechnic
State University, San Luis Obispo Mike Broyles, Collin County
Community College Debra Burris, University of Central Arkansas
James Carolan, University of British Columbia Michael Chapman,
Georgia Tech University Norbert Chencinski, College of Staten Island
Tonya Cofey, Appalachian State University Kristi Concannon, King’s
College Desmond Cook, Old Dominion University Sean Cordry,
Northwestern College of Iowa Robert L. Corey, South Dakota School
of Mines Michael Crescimanno, Youngstown State University Dennis
Crossley, University of Wisconsin–Sheboygan Wei Cui, Purdue
University Robert J. Culbertson, Arizona State University Danielle
Dalafave, The College of New Jersey Purna C. Das, Purdue University
North Central Chad Davies, Gordon College William DeGrafenreid,
California State University–Sacramento Dwain Desbien, Estrella
Mountain Community College John F. Devlin, University of Michigan,
Dearborn John DiBartolo, Polytechnic University Alex Dickison,
Seminole Community College Chaden Djalali, University of South
Carolina Margaret Dobrowolska, University of Notre Dame Sandra
Doty, Denison University Miles J. Dresser, Washington State
University Taner Edis, Truman State University Charlotte Elster, Ohio
University Robert J. Endorf, University of Cincinnati Tilahun Eneyew,
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University F. Paul Esposito, University of
Cincinnati John Evans, Lee University Harold T. Evensen, University
of Wisconsin–Platteville Michael R. Falvo, University of North Carolina
Abbas Faridi, Orange Coast College Nail Fazleev, University of Texas–
Arlington Stuart Field, Colorado State University Daniel Finley,
University of New Mexico Jane D. Flood, Muhlenberg College Michael
Franklin, Northwestern Michigan College

Preface to the Instructor xi Jonathan Friedman, Amherst College

Thomas Furtak, Colorado School of Mines Alina Gabryszewska-
Kukawa, Delta State University Lev Gasparov, University of North
Florida Richard Gass, University of Cincinnati Delena Gatch, Georgia
Southern University J. David Gavenda, University of Texas, Austin
Stuart Gazes, University of Chicago Katherine M. Gietzen, Southwest
Missouri State University Robert Glosser, University of Texas, Dallas
William Golightly, University of California, Berkeley Paul Gresser,
University of Maryland C. Frank Griin, University of Akron John B.
Gruber, San Jose State University Thomas D. Gutierrez, California
Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Stephen Haas,
University of Southern California John Hamilton, University of Hawaii
at Hilo Jason Harlow, University of Toronto Randy Harris, University
of California, Davis Nathan Harshman, American University J. E.
Hasbun, University of West Georgia Nicole Herbots, Arizona State
University Jim Hetrick, University of Michigan–Dearborn Scott
Hildreth, Chabot College David Hobbs, South Plains College Laurent
Hodges, Iowa State University Mark Hollabaugh, Normandale
Community College Steven Hubbard, Lorain County Community
College John L. Hubisz, North Carolina State University Shane
Hutson, Vanderbilt University George Igo, University of California,
Los Angeles David C. Ingram, Ohio University Bob Jacobsen,
University of California, Berkeley Rong-Sheng Jin, Florida Institute of
Technology Marty Johnston, University of St. Thomas Stanley T.
Jones, University of Alabama Darrell Judge, University of Southern
California Pawan Kahol, Missouri State University Teruki Kamon,
Texas A&M University Richard Karas, California State University, San
Marcos Deborah Katz, U.S . Naval Academy Miron Kaufman,
Cleveland State University Katherine Keilty, Kingwood College Roman
Kezerashvili, New York City College of Technology Peter Kjeer,
Bethany Lutheran College M. Kotlarchyk, Rochester Institute of
Technology Fred Krauss, Delta College Cagliyan Kurdak, University of
Michigan Fred Kuttner, University of California, Santa Cruz H. Sarma
Lakkaraju, San Jose State University Darrell R. Lamm, Georgia
Institute of Technology Robert LaMontagne, Providence College Eric
T. Lane, University of Tennessee–Chattanooga Alessandra Lanzara,
University of California, Berkeley Lee H. LaRue, Paris Junior College
Sen-Ben Liao, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dean
Livelybrooks, University of Oregon Chun-Min Lo, University of South
Florida Olga Lobban, Saint Mary’s University Ramon Lopez, Florida
Institute of Technology Vaman M. Naik, University of Michigan,
Dearborn Kevin Mackay, Grove City College Carl Maes, University of
Arizona Rizwan Mahmood, Slippery Rock University Mani
Manivannan, Missouri State University Mark E. Mattson, James
Madison University Richard McCorkle, University of Rhode Island
James McDonald, University of Hartford James McGuire, Tulane
University Stephen R. McNeil, Brigham Young University–Idaho
Theresa Moreau, Amherst College Gary Morris, Rice University
Michael A. Morrison, University of Oklahoma Richard Mowat, North
Carolina State University Eric Murray, Georgia Institute of Technology
Michael Murray, University of Kansas Taha Mzoughi, Mississippi State
University Scott Nutter, Northern Kentucky University Craig Ogilvie,
Iowa State University Benedict Y. Oh, University of Wisconsin Martin
Okafor, Georgia Perimeter College Halina Opyrchal, New Jersey
Institute of Technology Derek Padilla, Santa Rosa Junior College
Yibin Pan, University of Wisconsin–Madison Georgia Papaefthymiou,
Villanova University Peggy Perozzo, Mary Baldwin College Brian K.
Pickett, Purdue University, Calumet Joe Pifer, Rutgers University Dale
Pleticha, Gordon College Marie Plumb, Jamestown Community
College Robert Pompi, SUNY-Binghamton David Potter, Austin
Community College–Rio Grande Campus Chandra Prayaga, University
of West Florida Kenneth M. Purcell, University of Southern Indiana
Didarul Qadir, Central Michigan University Steve Quon, Ventura
College Michael Read, College of the Siskiyous Lawrence Rees,
Brigham Young University Richard J. Reimann, Boise State University
Michael Rodman, Spokane Falls Community College Sharon Rosell,
Central Washington University Anthony Russo, Northwest Florida
State College Freddie Salsbury, Wake Forest University Otto F.
Sankey, Arizona State University Jef Sanny, Loyola Marymount
University Rachel E. Scherr, University of Maryland Carl Schneider,
U.S . Naval Academy

xii Preface to the Instructor Bruce Schumm, University of California,

Santa Cruz Bartlett M. Sheinberg, Houston Community College
Douglas Sherman, San Jose State University Elizabeth H. Simmons,
Boston University Marlina Slamet, Sacred Heart University Alan
Slavin, Trent College Alexander Raymond Small, California State
Polytechnic University, Pomona Larry Smith, Snow College William S.
Smith, Boise State University Paul Sokol, Pennsylvania State
University LTC Bryndol Sones, United States Military Academy Chris
Sorensen, Kansas State University Brian Steinkamp, University of
Southern Indiana Anna and Ivan Stern, AW Tutor Center Gay B.
Stewart, University of Arkansas Michael Strauss, University of
Oklahoma Chin-Che Tin, Auburn University Christos Valiotis,
Antelope Valley College Andrew Vanture, Everett Community College
Arthur Viescas, Pennsylvania State University Ernst D. Von Meerwall,
University of Akron Chris Vuille, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Jerry Wagner, Rochester Institute of Technology Robert Webb, Texas
A&M University Zodiac Webster, California State University, San
Bernardino Robert Weidman, Michigan Technical University Fred
Weitfeldt, Tulane University Gary Williams, University of California,
Los Angeles Lynda Williams, Santa Rosa Junior College Jef Allen
Winger, Mississippi State University Carey Witkov, Broward
Community College Ronald Zammit, California Polytechnic State
University, San Luis Obispo Darin T. Zimmerman, Pennsylvania State
University, Altoona Fredy Zypman, Yeshiva University Student Focus
Groups California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Matthew Bailey James Caudill Andres Gonzalez Mytch Johnson
California State University, Sacramento Logan Allen Andrew Fujikawa
Sagar Gupta Marlene Juarez Craig Kovac Alissa McKown Kenneth
Mercado Douglas Ostheimer Ian Tabbada James Womack Santa
Rosa Junior College Kyle Doughty Tacho Gardiner Erik Gonzalez
Joseph Goodwin Chelsea Irmer Vatsal Pandya Parth Parikh Andrew
Prosser David Reynolds Brian Swain Grace Woods Stanford
University Montserrat Cordero Rylan Edlin Michael Goodemote II
Stewart Isaacs David LaFehr Sergio Rebeles Jack Takahashi

The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is

comprehensible. —Albert Einstein The day I went into physics class
it was death. —Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar Let’s have a little chat
before we start. A rather one-sided chat, admittedly, because you
can’t respond, but that’s OK. I’ve talked with many of your fellow
students over the years, so I have a pretty good idea of what’s on
your mind. What’s your reaction to taking physics? Fear and
loathing? Uncertainty? Excitement? All the above? Let’s face it,
physics has a bit of an image problem on campus. You’ve probably
heard that it’s difficult, maybe impossible unless you’re an Einstein.
Things that you’ve heard, your experiences in other science courses,
and many other factors all color your expectations about what this
course is going to be like. It’s true that there are many new ideas to
be learned in physics and that the course, like college courses in
general, is going to be much faster paced than science courses you
had in high school. I think it’s fair to say that it will be an intense
course. But we can avoid many potential problems and difficulties if
we can establish, here at the beginning, what this course is about
and what is expected of you—and of me! Just what is physics,
anyway? Physics is a way of think- ing about the physical aspects of
nature. Physics is not better than art or biology or poetry or religion,
which are also ways to think about nature; it’s simply different. One
of the things this course will emphasize is that physics is a human
endeavor. The ideas presented in this book were not found in a cave
or conveyed to us by aliens; they were discovered and developed by
real people engaged in a struggle with real issues. You might be
surprised to hear that physics is not about “facts.” Oh, not that facts
are unimportant, but physics is far more focused on discovering
relationships and patterns than on learning facts for their own sake.
For example, the colors of the rainbow appear both when white light
passes through a prism and— as in this photo—when white light ref
lects from a thin film of oil on water. What does this pattern tell us
about the nature of light? Our emphasis on relationships and
patterns means that there’s not a lot of memorization when you
study physics. Some—there are still definitions and equations to
learn—but less than in many other courses. Our emphasis, instead,
will be on thinking and reasoning. This is important to factor into
your expectations for the course. Perhaps most important of all,
physics is not math! Physics is much broader. We’re going to look for
patterns and relation- ships in nature, develop the logic that relates
different ideas, and search for the reasons why things happen as
they do. In doing so, we’re going to stress qualitative reasoning,
pictorial and graphical reasoning, and reasoning by analogy. And
yes, we will use math, but it’s just one tool among many. It will save
you much frustration if you’re aware of this physics–math distinction
up front. Many of you, I know, want to find a formula and plug
numbers into it—that is, to do a math problem. Maybe that worked
in high school science courses, but it is not what this course expects
of you. We’ll certainly do many calculations, but the specific numbers
are usually the last and least important step in the analysis. As you
study, you’ll sometimes be baffled, puzzled, and confused. That’s
perfectly normal and to be expected. Making mistakes is OK too if
you’re willing to learn from the experience. No one is born knowing
how to do physics any more than he or she is born knowing how to
play the piano or shoot basketballs. The ability to do physics comes
from practice, repetition, and struggling with the ideas until you
“own” them and can apply them yourself in new situations. There’s
no way to make learning effortless, at least for anything worth
learning, so expect to have some difficult moments ahead. But also
expect to have some moments of excitement at the joy of discovery.
There will be instants at which the pieces suddenly click into place
and you know that you understand a powerful idea. There will be
times when you’ll surprise yourself by successfully working a difficult
problem that you didn’t think you could solve. My hope, as an
author, is that the excitement and sense of adventure will far
outweigh the difficulties and frustrations. Getting the Most Out of
Your Course Many of you, I suspect, would like to know the “best”
way to study for this course. There is no best way. People are
diferent, and what works for one student is less efective for another.
But I do want to stress that reading the text is vitally important. The
basic knowledge for this course is written down on these pages, and
your instructor’s number-one expectation is that you will read
carefully to ind and learn that knowledge. Despite there being no
best way to study, I will suggest one way that is successful for many
students. 1. Read each chapter before it is discussed in class. I
cannot stress too strongly how important this step is. Class atten-
dance is much more efective if you are prepared. When you irst read
a chapter, focus on learning new vocabulary, dei- nitions, and
notation. There’s a list of terms and notations at the end of each
chapter. Learn them! You won’t understand Preface to the Student
From Me to You xiii

xiv Preface to the Student what’s being discussed or how the ideas
are being used if you don’t know what the terms and symbols mean.
2. Participate actively in class. Take notes, ask and answer
questions, and participate in discussion groups. There is ample
scientiic evidence that active participation is much more efective for
learning science than passive listening. 3. After class, go back for a
careful re-reading of the chapter. In your second reading, pay closer
attention to the details and the worked examples. Look for the logic
behind each example (I’ve highlighted this to make it clear), not just
at what formula is being used. And use the textbook tools that are
designed to help your learning, such as the problem-solving
strategies, the chapter summaries, and the exercises in the Student
Workbook. 4. Finally, apply what you have learned to the home-
work problems at the end of each chapter. I strongly encourage you
to form a study group with two or three classmates. There’s good
evidence that students who study regularly with a group do better
than the rugged individualists who try to go it alone. Did someone
mention a workbook? The companion Stu- dent Workbook is a vital
part of the course. Its questions and ex- ercises ask you to reason
quali- tatively, to use graphical infor- mation, and to give
explanations. It is through these exercises that you will learn what
the concepts mean and will practice the rea- soning skills
appropriate to the chapter. You will then have ac- quired the baseline
knowledge and confidence you need before turning to the end-of-
chapter homework problems. In sports or in music, you would never
think of performing before you practice, so why would you want to
do so in physics? The workbook is where you practice and work on
basic skills. Many of you, I know, will be tempted to go straight to
the homework problems and then thumb through the text looking
for a formula that seems like it will work. That approach will not
succeed in this course, and it’s guaranteed to make you frustrated
and discouraged. Very few homework problems are of the “plug and
chug” variety where you simply put numbers into a formula. To work
the homework problems successfully, you need a better study
strategy—either the one outlined above or your own—that helps you
learn the concepts and the rela- tionships between the ideas. Getting
the Most Out of Your Textbook Your textbook provides many
features designed to help you learn the concepts of physics and
solve problems more efectively. ■ TACTICS BOXES give step-by-step
procedures for particu- lar skills, such as interpreting graphs or
drawing special diagrams. Tactics Box steps are explicitly illustrated
in sub- sequent worked examples, and these are often the starting
point of a full Problem-Solving Strategy. ■ PROBLEM-SOLVING
STRATEGIES are provided for each broad class of problems—
problems characteristic of a chapter or group of chapters. The
strategies follow a con- sistent four-step approach to help you
develop conidence and proicient problem-solving skills: MODEL,
VISUALIZE, SOLVE, ASSESS. ■ Worked EXAMPLES illustrate good
problem-solving practices through the consistent use of the four-step
problem-solving approach The worked examples are often very
detailed and carefully lead you through the reasoning behind the
solution as well as the numerical calculations. ■ STOP TO THINK
questions embedded in the chapter allow you to quickly assess
whether you’ve understood the main idea of a section. A correct
answer will give you conidence to move on to the next section. An
incorrect answer will alert you to re-read the previous section. ■
Blue annotations on figures help you better understand what the
figure is showing. They will help you to in- terpret graphs; translate
between graphs, math, and pictures; grasp dif- ficult concepts
through a visual analogy; and de- velop many other impor- tant
skills. ■ Schematic Chapter Summaries help you organize what you
have learned into a hierarchy, from general principles (top) to
applications (bottom). Side-by-side pictorial, graphical, tex- tual, and
mathematical representations are used to help you translate
between these key representations. ■ Each part of the book ends
with a KNOWLEDGE STRUCTURE designed to help you see the forest
rather than just the trees. Now that you know more about what is
expected of you, what can you expect of me? That’s a little trickier
because the book is already written! Nonetheless, the book was
prepared on the basis of what I think my students throughout the
years have expected—and wanted—from their physics textbook.
Further, I’ve listened to the extensive feedback I have received from
thousands of students like you, and their instructors, who used the
irst three editions of this book. You should know that these course
materials—the text and the workbook—are based on extensive
research about how stu- dents learn physics and the challenges they
face. The effective- ness of many of the exercises has been
demonstrated through extensive class testing. I’ve written the book
in an informal style that I hope you will find appealing and that will
encour- age you to do the reading. And, finally, I have endeavored
to make clear not only that physics, as a technical body of knowl-
edge, is relevant to your profession but also that physics is an
exciting adventure of the human mind. I hope you’ll enjoy the time
we’re going to spend together. I The current in a wire is the same at
all points. I = constant

xv Detailed Contents Chapter 4 Kinematics in Two Dimensions 80 4.1

Motion in Two Dimensions 81 4.2 Projectile Motion 85 4.3 Relative
Motion 90 4.4 Uniform Circular Motion 92 4.5 Centripetal
Acceleration 96 4.6 Nonuniform Circular Motion 98 SUMMARY 103
QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS 10 4 Chapter 5 Force and Motion 110
5.1 Force 111 5.2 A Short Catalog of Forces 113 5.3 Identifying
Forces 115 5.4 What Do Forces Do? 117 5.5 Newton’s Second Law
120 5.6 Newton’s First Law 121 5.7 Free-Body Diagrams 123
Dynamics I: Motion Along a Line 131 6.1 The Equilibrium Model 132
6.2 Using Newton’s Second Law 134 6.3 Mass, Weight, and Gravity
137 6.4 Friction 141 6.5 Drag 145 6.6 More Examples of Newton’s
Chapter 7 Newton’s Third Law 159 7.1 Interacting Objects 160 7.2
Analyzing Interacting Objects 161 7.3 Newton’s Third Law 164 7.4
Ropes and Pulleys 169 7.5 Examples of Interacting-Object Problems
Newton’s Laws OVERVIEW Why Things Change 1 Chapter 1
Concepts of Motion 2 1.1 Motion Diagrams 3 1.2 Models and
Modeling 4 1.3 Position, Time, and Displacement 5 1.4 Velocity 9 1.5
Linear Acceleration 11 1.6 Motion in One Dimension 15 1.7 Solving
Problems in Physics 18 1.8 Unit and Significant Figures 22 SUMMARY
27 QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS 28 Chapter 2 Kinematics in One
Dimension 32 2 .1 Uniform Motion 33 2.2 Instantaneous Velocity 37
2.3 Finding Position from Velocity 40 2.4 Motion with Constant
Acceleration 43 2.5 Free Fall 49 2.6 Motion on an Inclined Plane 51
2.7 ADVANCED TOPIC Instantaneous Acceleration 54 SUMMARY 57
QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS 58 Chapter 3 Vectors and Coordinate
Systems 65 3.1 Scalars and Vectors 66 3.2 Using Vectors 66 3.3
Coordinate Systems and Vector Components 69 3.4 Unit Vectors and

xvi Detailed Contents Chapter 8 Dynamics II: Motion in a Plane 182

8.1 Dynamics in Two Dimensions 183 8.2 Uniform Circular Motion
184 8.3 Circular Orbits 189 8.4 Reasoning About Circular Motion 191
8.5 Nonuniform Circular Motion 194 SUMMARY 197 QUESTIONS AND
PROBLEMS 198 Part I Newton’s Laws 204 Part II Conservation Laws
OVERVIEW Why Some Things Don’t Change 205 Chapter 9 Work
and Kinetic Energy 206 9.1 Energy Overview 207 9.2 Work and
Kinetic Energy for a Single Particle 209 9.3 Calculating the Work
Done 213 9.4 Restoring Forces and the Work Done by a Spring 219
9.5 Dissipative Forces and Thermal Energy 221 9.6 Power 224
Interactions and Potential Energy 231 10.1 Potential Energy 232
10.2 Gravitational Potential Energy 233 10.3 Elastic Potential Energy
239 10.4 Conservation of Energy 242 10.5 Energy Diagrams 244
10.6 Force and Potential Energy 247 10.7 Conservative and
Nonconservative Forces 249 10.8 The Energy Principle Revisited 251
STRUCTURE Chapter 11 Impulse and Momentum 261 11.1
Momentum and Impulse 262 11.2 Conservation of Momentum 266
11.3 Collisions 272 11.4 Explosions 277 11.5 Momentum in Two
Dimensions 279 11.6 ADVANCED TOPIC Rocket Propulsion 281
Conservation Laws 292 Part III Applications of Newtonian Mechanics
OVERVIEW Power Over Our Environment 293 KNOWLEDGE
STRUCTURE Chapter 12 Rotation of a Rigid Body 294 12.1
Rotational Motion 295 12.2 Rotation About the Center of Mass 296
12.3 Rotational Energy 299 12.4 Calculating Moment of Inertia 301
12.5 Torque 303 12.6 Rotational Dynamics 307 12.7 Rotation About
a Fixed Axis 309 12.8 Static Equilibrium 311 12.9 Rolling Motion 314
12.10 The Vector Description of Rotational Motion 317 12.11 Angular
Momentum 320 12.12 ADVANCED TOPIC Precession of a Gyroscope

Detailed Contents xvii Chapter 16 Traveling Waves 420 16.1 The

Wave Model 421 16.2 One-Dimensional Waves 423 16.3 Sinusoidal
Waves 426 16.4 ADVANCED TOPIC The Wave Equation on a String
430 16.5 Sound and Light 434 16.6 ADVANCED TOPIC The Wave
Equation in a Fluid 438 16.7 Waves in Two and Three Dimensions
441 16.8 Power, Intensity, and Decibels 443 16.9 The Doppler Effect
Superposition 455 17.1 The Principle of Superposition 456 17.2
Standing Waves 457 17.3 Standing Waves on a String 459 17.4
Standing Sound Waves and Musical Acoustics 463 17.5 Interference
in One Dimension 467 17.6 The Mathematics of Interference 471
17.7 Interference in Two and Three Dimensions 474 17.8 Beats 477
and Waves 488 Part V Thermodynamics OVERVIEW It’s All About
Energy 489 Chapter 18 A Macroscopic Description of Matter 490 18.1
Solids, Liquids, and Gases 491 18.2 Atoms and Moles 492 18.3
Temperature 494 18.4 Thermal Expansion 496 18.5 Phase Changes
497 18.6 Ideal Gases 499 18.7 Ideal-Gas Processes 503 SUMMARY
Chapter 13 Newton’s Theory of Gravity 336 13.1 A Little History 337
13.2 Isaac Newton 338 13.3 Newton’s Law of Gravity 339 13.4 Little
g and Big G 341 13.5 Gravitational Potential Energy 343 13.6
Satellite Orbits and Energies 347 SUMMARY 352 QUESTIONS AND
PROBLEMS 353 Chapter 14 Fluids and Elasticity 357 14.1 Fluids 358
14.2 Pressure 359 14.3 Measuring and Using Pressure 365 14.4
Buoya ncy 369 14.5 Fluid Dynamics 373 14.6 Elasticity 378
Applications of Newtonian Mechanics 388 Part IV Oscillations and
Chapter 15 Oscillations 390 15.1 Simple Harmonic Motion 391 15.2
SHM and Circular Motion 394 15.3 Energy in SHM 397 15.4 The
Dynamics of SHM 399 15.5 Vertical Oscillations 402 15.6 The
Pendulum 404 15.7 Damped Oscillations 408 15.8 Driven Oscillations
and Resonance 411 SUMMARY 413 QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS 415

xviii Detailed Contents Chapter 19 Work, Heat, and the First Law of
Thermodynamics 515 19.1 It’s All About Energy 516 19.2 Work in
Ideal-Gas Processes 517 19.3 Heat 521 19.4 The First Law of
Thermodynamics 524 19.5 Thermal Properties of Matter 526 19.6
Calorimetry 529 19.7 The Specific Heats of Gases 531 19.8 Heat-
Transfer Mechanisms 537 SUMMARY 541 QUESTIONS AND
PROBLEMS 542 Chapter 20 The Micro/Macro Connection 548 20.1
Molecular Speeds and Collisions 549 20.2 Pressure in a Gas 550 20.3
Temperature 553 20.4 Thermal Energy and Specific Heat 555 20.5
Thermal Interactions and Heat 558 20.6 Irreversible Processes and
the Second Law of Thermodynamics 561 SUMMARY 565 QUESTIONS
AND PROBLEMS 566 Chapter 21 Heat Engines and Refrigerators 570
21.1 Turning Heat into Work 571 21.2 Heat Engines and
Refrigerators 573 21.3 Ideal-Gas Heat Engines 578 21.4 Ideal-Gas
Refrigerators 582 21.5 The Limits of Efficiency 584 21.6 The Carnot
Thermodynamics 600 Part VI Electricity and Magnetism OVERVIEW
Forces and Fields 601 Chapter 22 Electric Charges and Forces 602
22.1 The Charge Model 603 22.2 Charge 606 22.3 Insulators and
Conductors 608 22.4 Coulomb’s Law 612 22.5 The Electric Field 616
STRUCTURE Chapter 23 The Electric Field 629 23.1 Electric Field
Models 630 23.2 The Electric Field of Point Charges 630 23.3 The
Electric Field of a Continuous Charge Distribution 635 23.4 The
Electric Fields of Rings, Disks, Planes, and Spheres 639 23.5 The
Parallel-Plate Capacitor 643 23.6 Motion of a Charged Particle in an
Electric Field 645 23.7 Motion of a Dipole in an Electric Field 648
Gauss’s Law 658 24.1 Symmetry 659 24.2 The Concept of Flux 661
24.3 Calculating Electric Flux 663 24.4 Gauss’s Law 669 24.5 Using
Gauss’s Law 672 24.6 Conductors in Electrostatic Equilibrium 676
Electric Potential 687 25.1 Electric Potential Energy 688 25.2 The
Potential Energy of Point Charges 691 25.3 The Potential Energy of a
Dipole 694 25.4 The Electric Potential 695 25.5 The Electric Potential
Inside a Parallel- Plate Capacitor 698 25.6 The Electric Potential of a
Point Charge 702 25.7 The Electric Potential of Many Charges 704

Detailed Contents xix Chapter 26 Potential and Field 714 26.1

Connecting Potential and Field 715 26.2 Finding the Electric Field
from the Potential 717 26.3 A Conductor in Electrostatic Equilibrium
720 26.4 Sources of Electric Potential 722 26.5 Capacitance and
Capacitors 724 26.6 The Energy Stored in a Capacitor 729 26.7
Chapter 27 Current and Resistance 742 27.1 The Electron Cur rent
743 27.2 Creating a Current 745 27.3 Current and Current Density
749 27.4 Conductivity and Resistivity 753 27.5 Resistance and Ohm’s
28 Fundamentals of Circuits 766 28.1 Circuit Elements and Diagrams
767 28.2 Kirchhoff’s Laws and the Basic Circuit 768 28.3 Energy and
Power 771 28.4 Series Resistors 773 28.5 Real Batteries 775 28.6
Parallel Resistors 777 28.7 Resistor Circuits 780 28.8 Getting
Grounded 782 28.9 RC Circuits 784 SUMMARY 788 QUESTIONS AND
PROBLEMS 789 Chapter 29 The Magnetic Field 796 29.1 Magnetism
797 29.2 The Discovery of the Magnetic Field 798 29.3 The Source
of the Magnetic Field: Moving Charges 800 29.4 The Magnetic Field
of a Current 802 29.5 Magnetic Dipoles 806 29.6 Ampère’s Law and
Solenoids 809 29.7 The Magnetic Force on a Moving Charge 815
29.8 Magnetic Forces on Current-Car rying Wires 820 29.9 Forces
and Torques on Current Loops 823 29.10 Magnetic Properties of
30 Electromagnetic Induction 836 30.1 Induced Currents 837 30.2
Motional emf 838 30.3 Magnetic Flux 842 30.4 Lenz’s Law 845 30.5
Faraday’s Law 848 30.6 Induced Fields 852 30.7 Induced Currents:
Three Applications 855 30.8 Inductors 857 30.9 LC Circuits 861
868 Chapter 31 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves 876 31.1 E or B?
It Depends on Your Perspective 877 31.2 The Field Laws Thus Far
882 31.3 The Displacement Current 883 31.4 Maxwell’s Equations
886 31. 5 ADVANCED TOPIC Electromagnetic Waves 888 31.6 Proper
ties of Electromagnetic Waves 893 31.7 Pola rization 896 SUMMARY
899 QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS 900 Chapter 32 AC Circuits 905
32.1 AC Sources and Phasors 906 32.2 Capacitor Circuits 908 32.3
RC Filter Circuits 910 32.4 Inductor Circuits 913 32.5 The Series RLC
Circuit 914 32.6 Power in AC Circuits 918 SUMMARY 922
QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS 923 Part VI Electricity and Magnetism

xx Detailed Contents Part VII Optics OVERVIEW The Story of Light

929 Part VIII Relativity and Quantum Physics OVERVIEW
Contemporary Physics 1021 Chapter 36 Relativity 1022 36.1
Relativity: What’s It All About? 1023 36.2 Galilean Relativity 1023
36.3 Einstein’s Principle of Relativity 1026 36.4 Events and
Measurements 1029 36.5 The Relativity of Simultaneity 1032 36.6
Time Dilation 1035 36.7 Length Contraction 1039 36.8 The Lorentz
Transformations 1043 36.9 Relativistic Momentum 1048 36.10
Relativistic Energy 1051 SUMMARY 1057 QUESTIONS AND
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strength of the Republican party lay in the alliance between Virginia
and Pennsylvania. So long as these two central States, with their
forty members of Congress, remained harmonious, nothing could
shake Jefferson’s power; but any discord which threatened his
control of Pennsylvania caused him anxiety. Hardly had Burr’s
schism been checked in New York by a succession of measures as
energetic as De Witt Clinton could persuade Jefferson to adopt,
when a schism, that threatened greater mischief, broke out in
In this State no social hierarchy existed such as governed New
England, nor were rich families with political followings to be found
there, as in New York; but instead, Duane’s “Aurora” shone without
break or bar over one broad democratic level. Duane was
represented in Congress by Michael Leib; while over the State
Legislature his influence was complete. In Jefferson’s Cabinet
Pennsylvania was represented by Gallatin, who had little sympathy
with the “Aurora,” and began his administration of the finances by
resisting Duane’s demand for Federal patronage.
“The thirst for offices,” to use Gallatin’s own words,[126] “too much
encouraged by Governor McKean’s first measures, created a schism
in Philadelphia as early as 1802. Leib, ambitious, avaricious, envious,
and disappointed, blew up the flame, and watched the first opportunity
to make his cause a general one. The vanity, the nepotism, and the
indiscretion of Governor McKean afforded the opportunity. Want of
mutual forbearance among the best-intentioned and most respectable
Republicans has completed the schism. Duane, intoxicated by the
persuasion that he alone had overthrown Federalism, thought himself
neither sufficiently rewarded nor respected; and possessed of an
engine which gives him an irresistible control over public opinion, he
easily gained the victory for his friends.”
In the spring of 1803 the “Aurora” began to attack Gallatin and
Madison, under cover of devotion to the President; and from this
beginning Duane went on to quarrel with Governor McKean and
Alexander J. Dallas, the district attorney.
The impeachment of Judge Pickering in Congress followed and
in some degree imitated an impeachment by the Pennsylvania
Legislature of Judge Addison, one of the five president judges of the
Common Pleas. With the help of Dallas and Governor McKean, the
Legislature in January, 1803, removed Judge Addison; then, inspired
by Randolph’s attack on Justice Chase, they turned against their
Supreme Court,—at one sweep impeaching three of the judges, and
addressing the Governor for the removal of H. H. Brackenridge, the
fourth, because he insisted on making common cause with his
associates. The alleged ground of impeachment was the arbitrary
committal of a suitor for contempt of court; the real motive seemed
rather to be a wish for legal reforms such as society was too unskilful
to make for itself, and lawyers were slow to begin. Throughout
America the bar was a sort of aristocracy, conservative to a degree
that annoyed reformers of every class. Jefferson and his party raised
one Republican lawyer after another to the bench, only to find that
when their professions of political opinion were tested in legal form,
the Republican judge rivalled Marshall in the Federalist and English
tendencies of his law. The bar chose to consider the prejudice of
society against their caste unreasonable; but the bar was itself
somewhat unreasonable to require that an untrained and ill-led body
of country farmers and local politicians should say precisely what
legal reform they wanted, or know exactly what was practicable.
No sooner did the Pennsylvania Legislature begin to pull in
pieces the judicial system of the State, and persecute the legal
profession, than Dallas, McKean, and all the educated leaders of the
Republican party broke from the mass of their followers, and
attempted to check their violence. Governor McKean stopped with
his veto certain measures which the Legislature had approved, and
he declined to remove Judge Breckenridge when the Legislature
asked him to do so. Dallas became counsel for the impeached
judges. Duane and Leib raged against McKean and Dallas; a large
majority of Pennsylvania Republicans followed the “Aurora;” Gallatin
lost control over his State, and saw himself threatened, like his friend
Dallas, with ostracism; while the outside world, roused by the noise
of this faction-fight, asked what it meant, and could not understand
the answer. The Federalists alone professed to explain the mystery
which perplexed people less wise than themselves; they had said
from the beginning that the democrats had neither virtue nor
understanding to carry on the government, and must bring about a
crisis at last.
After the excitement of Burr’s intrigues and Hamilton’s death
subsided, leaving the politics of New York in comparative repose, the
autumn elections in Pennsylvania began to disturb Jefferson’s
“Thank Heaven!” wrote Dallas to Gallatin, in October,[127] “our
election is over! The violence of Duane has produced a fatal division.
He seems determined to destroy the Republican standing and
usefulness of every man who does not bend to his will. He has
attacked me as the author of an address which I never saw till it was
in the press. He menaces the Governor; you have already felt his
lash; and I think there is reason for Mr. Jefferson himself to apprehend
that the spirit of Callender survives.”

A struggle took place over the re-election of Leib to Congress,

which the “Aurora” carried by a few hundred votes. Republicans of
Dallas’s kind, who would not support Leib, were nicknamed “Quids”
by Duane, after the tertium quid, which was worth not even a name.
At least three fourths of the Republican party followed the “Aurora,”
and left the “Quids” in the solitude of deserted leaders.
Jefferson’s social relations were wholly with Gallatin, McKean,
and Dallas, but his political strength depended on the popular vote,
which followed Duane and Leib. At one moment he wanted to reason
with Duane, but by Gallatin’s advice gave up this idea. At length he
temporized, became neutral, and left Gallatin and Dallas to their own
“I see with infinite pain,” he wrote to Dr. Logan,[128] “the bloody
schism which has taken place among our friends in Pennsylvania and
New York, and will probably take place in other States. The main body
of both sections mean well, but their good intentions will produce great
public evil. The minority, whichever section shall be the minority, will
end in coalition with the Federalists and some compromise of
principle. Republicanism will thus lose, and royalism gain, some
portion of that ground which we thought we had rescued to good
The idea that “royalism” could in any case gain support among
the factions of Pennsylvania democrats was one which could have
occurred only to Jefferson, who saw monarchy, as the New
Englanders saw Antichrist, in every man who opposed him in politics.
Apart from this trick of words, Jefferson’s theory of his own duties
failed to satisfy his followers. Dallas was disgusted at the situation in
which he found himself left.
“It is obvious to me,”[129] he wrote to Gallatin soon after the
schism broke out, “that unless our Administration take decisive
measures to discountenance the factious spirit that has appeared;
unless some principle of political cohesion can be introduced into our
public councils as well as at our elections; and unless men of
character and talents can be drawn from professional and private
pursuits into the legislative bodies of our governments, Federal and
State,—the empire of Republicanism will moulder into anarchy, and
the labor and hope of our lives will terminate in disappointment and
wretchedness.... At present we are the slaves of men whose passions
are the object of all their actions,—I mean your Duanes, Cheethams,
Leibs, etc. They have the press in their power; and though we may
have virtue to assert the liberty of the press, it is too plain that we
have not spirit enough to resist the tyranny of the printers.”
This last sharp sentence aimed at the President, who displeased
Dallas by showing too evident a wish not to offend Duane. “The duty
of an upright Administration,” Jefferson told Dr. Logan,[130] “is to
pursue its course steadily, to know nothing of these family
dissensions, and to cherish the good principles of both parties.” Had
the President followed this duty in the case of Burr, the triumph of De
Witt Clinton and Cheetham would have been more difficult than it
was; but the President feared Burr the less because Burr’s
newspaper, the “Morning Chronicle,” was respectable, while the
“Aurora” was unscrupulous, and to cherish Duane’s principles,
whether good or bad, was the only way of escaping the lash of his
tongue. Jefferson chose the path of caution in refusing to sustain
Dallas and the “Quids” against the party and the Legislature; but
during the rest of his term he was forced to endure Duane’s
attachment, and to feel that Madison and Gallatin were sacrificed to
his own safety. Duane never hesitated to assert that he was in
Jefferson’s confidence and was acting in his interests,[131] and
commonly he or some of his friends could show a recent letter in the
President’s handwriting which gave color to their assertion.
The Pennsylvania schism was not serious. Governor McKean
and Dallas were alarmed when they saw the democratic system
blundering in its rude way, without taking sound advice or heeding
trained lawyers; but only the Federalists believed in a crisis. Society
went undisturbed to its daily duties in spite of Duane’s outcries and
Dallas’s grumbling. The only result of the Pennsylvania schism was
to check the aggressive energy of the democratic movement by
alarming a few of the older leaders and causing them to halt. From
the day of Jefferson’s inauguration this tendency toward reaction had
begun, and it developed in party schisms which could not fail to hurry
the process. The symptom, however unpleasant to old political
leaders such as Jefferson, McKean, and Dallas, who liked the quiet
enjoyment of power, was healthy for society at large; but no one
could fail to be struck by the contrast which in this respect was
offered by the two great sections of the country. While the mobile,
many-sided, restless democracy of New England, New York, and
Pennsylvania exhibited its faults, and succeeded, with much
personal abuse, in thrusting out the elements foreign to its character
which retarded its movement, the society of the Southern States was
classically calm. Not a breath disturbed the quiet which brooded over
the tobacco and cotton fields between the Potomac and Florida. A
Presidential election was taking place, but the South saw only one
candidate. The State legislatures quietly chose electors to vote for
Jefferson and Clinton. From the St. Mary’s to the Potomac and the
Ohio, every electoral voice was given to Jefferson. With some
surprise the public learned that Maryland gave two of eleven votes to
C. C. Pinckney, who received also the three votes of Delaware. This
little State even went back on its path, repudiated Cæsar A. Rodney,
and returned to its favorite Bayard, who was sent by a handsome
majority to his old seat in the House of Representatives. Broken for
an instant only by this slight check, the tide of democratic triumph
swept over the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York,
and burst upon Connecticut as though Jefferson’s hope of dragging
even that State from its moorings were at length to be realized. With
difficulty the Connecticut hierarchy held its own; and with despair
after the torrent passed by, it looked about and found itself alone.
Even Massachusetts cast 29,310 votes for Jefferson, against 25,777
for Pinckney.
Rarely was a Presidential election better calculated to turn the
head of a President, and never was a President elected who felt
more keenly the pleasure of his personal triumph. At the close of four
years of administration, all Jefferson’s hopes were fulfilled. He had
annihilated opposition. The slanders of the Federalist press helped
to show that he was the idol of four fifths of the nation. He received
one hundred and sixty-two of one hundred and seventy-six electoral
votes, while in 1801 he had but seventy-three in one hundred and
thirty-eight; and in the Ninth Congress, which was to meet in
December, 1805, barely seven out of thirty-four senators, and
twenty-five out of one hundred and forty-one representatives, would
oppose his will. He described his triumph, in language studiously
modest, in a letter to Volney:[132]—
“The two parties which prevailed with so much violence when you
were here are almost wholly melted into one. At the late Presidential
election I have received one hundred and sixty-two votes against
fourteen only. Connecticut is still Federalist by a small majority, and
Delaware on a poise, as she has been since 1775, and will be till
Anglomany with her yields to Americanism. Connecticut will be with us
in a short time. Though the people in mass have joined us, their
leaders had committed themselves too far to retract. Pride keeps them
hostile; they brood over their angry passions, and give them vent in
the newspapers which they maintain. They still make as much noise
as if they were the whole nation.”
Such success might have turned the head of any philosopher that
ever sat on a throne. Easily elated, unwilling to forebode trouble,
devoid of humor, and unable to see himself in any but the heroic
light, President Jefferson basked in the sunshine of popularity and
power as though it were no passing warmth such as had led scores
of kings into disaster, but shone by virtue of some democratic law
which rested on truth that could never change. The White House
was filled with an atmosphere of adulation. Flattery, gross as any
that man could ask, was poured into the President’s ear, but was as
nothing compared with the more subtle flattery of the popular vote.
No friend stopped him to ask how such a miraculous success had
been brought about. Four years had not passed since Jefferson and
his party had clamored against attempts to give energy to
government; and no one could ever forget that they claimed and
received power from the people in order to defend State-rights,
restrict Executive influence, and correct strained constructions of the
Constitution. Who upheld State-rights in 1804, and complained of
Executive influence and strained constructions? Certainly not
Jefferson or his friends, but the monarchical Federalists, who were fit
inmates for an asylum. Whenever Jefferson had occasion to discuss
the aims and opinions of the two parties, he did not allude to the
principles set forth in 1798; not a word was said of “strict
construction.” The only theories opposed to his own which he could
see in the political horizon were those of a few hundred
conservatives of the colonial epoch.
“What, in fact,” he wrote,[133] “is the difference of principle
between the two parties here? The one desires to preserve an entire
independence of the executive and legislative branches on each other
and the dependence of both on the same source,—the free election of
the people. The other party wishes to lessen the dependence of the
Executive and of one branch of the Legislature on the people, some
by making them hold for life, some hereditary, and some even for
giving the Executive an influence by patronage or corruption over the
remaining popular branch, so as to reduce the elective franchise to its
After nearly four years of Executive authority more complete than
had ever before been known in American history, Jefferson could
see in himself and in his principles only a negation of Executive
influence. What had become of the old radical division of parties,—
the line between men who wished the national government to
exercise inherent powers of sovereignty and those who held to a
strict observance of powers expressly delegated by the people of the
Jefferson said with truth that the two old parties were almost
wholly melted into one; but in this fusion his own party had shown
even more willingness than its opponents to mix its principles in a
useful, but not noble, amalgam. His own protests in regard to the
Louisiana purchase and the branch bank at New Orleans were
recorded. With such evidence on their side, the moderate Federalists
who in the election of 1804 gave to Jefferson the nineteen electoral
votes of Massachusetts and the seven of New Hampshire, could
claim that they had altered no opinion they ever held; that the
government had suffered no change in principle from what it had
been under President Washington; that not a Federalist measure,
not even the Alien and Sedition laws, had been expressly
repudiated; that the national debt was larger than it had ever been
before, the navy maintained and energetically employed, the national
bank preserved and its operations extended; that the powers of the
national government had been increased to a point that made blank
paper of the Constitution as heretofore interpreted by Jefferson,
while the national territory, vastly more than doubled in extent, was
despotically enlarged and still more despotically ruled by the
President and Congress, in the teeth of every political profession the
Republican party had ever made. Had this been the work of
Federalists, it would have been claimed as a splendid triumph of
Federalist principles; and the good sense of New England was never
better shown than when Massachusetts and New Hampshire flung
aside their prejudices and told Jefferson that they accepted his
inaugural pledge to be a Federalist as they were Republicans.
Every Federalist who came over and every State that joined the
majority weakened the relative influence of Virginia, and helped to
dilute the principles of the pure Virginia school. The new democrats
in New England, New York, and Ohio were Federalists in disguise,
and cared nothing for fine-spun constitutional theories of what
government might or might not do, provided government did what
they wanted. They feared no corruption in which they were to have a
part. They were in secret jealous of Virginia, and as devoted as
George Cabot and Stephen Higginson to the interests of commerce
and manufactures. A majority of the Northern democrats were men
of this kind. Their dislike of Federalists was a social rather than
political feeling, for Federalist manners seemed to them a wilful
impertinence; but the Varnums and Crowninshields of
Massachusetts cared as little as De Witt Clinton or Aaron Burr for the
notions of Speaker Macon and John Randolph. As orators and
leaders the Northern democrats made a poor figure beside the
Virginians; but their votes weighed more and more heavily with every
succeeding Congress, and both Randolph and Macon were
becoming suspicious that these votes were too apt to be cast against
the wishes of Virginia.
The second session of the Eighth Congress met on the first
Monday in November, as provided by a law passed in view of Judge
Chase’s impeachment. The President’s Message, sent to Congress
Nov. 8, 1804, was as usual toned to cheerful harmony. The income
had reached eleven millions and a half of dollars; more than three
million six hundred thousand dollars of the public debt had been
discharged within the year, more than twelve millions since 1801;
and the revenue was still increasing. Difficulties had risen with
foreign nations, but no disturbance of the peace was to be expected.
The Indians were quiet. Gunboats were in course of construction. No
increase of the army was called for. Congress had only to inquire
whether anything remained to be done for the public good.
The Federalists were reduced to showing that Jefferson’s political
success had not chastened his style; for the Message contained a
number of sentences that exaggerated his peculiar faults of
“The war which was lighted up in Europe a little before our last
meeting has not yet extended its flames to other nations, nor been
marked by the calamities which sometimes stain the footsteps of war.”
The Federalists reasonably objected to the figure of a war which
not only extended flames but also made footsteps and marked them
by calamities which stained. Jefferson went on to say that he had
bought from the Delaware Indians the country between the Wabash
and the Ohio:—
“This acquisition is important not only for its extent and fertility, but
as fronting three hundred miles on the Ohio, and near half that on the
Wabash. The produce of the settled country descending those rivers
will no longer pass in view of the Indian frontier but in a small portion,
and with the cession heretofore made by the Kaskaskias nearly
consolidates our possessions north of the Ohio in a very respectable
breadth from Lake Erie to the Mississippi.”
Produce passing in view of a frontier in a portion and
consolidating possessions in a breadth did not suit fastidious
Federalists; nor were they satisfied with the President’s closing
exhortation, requesting the Legislature to inquire “whether laws are
provided in all cases where they are wanting.” They enjoyed their
jests at Jefferson’s literary style; but with the public the matter of the
Message was more weighty than its manner. No kind of criticism had
less political value than that wasted on the style of a public
Yet one thing was certainly wanting in this Message. No hint was
given that Congress stood in danger of overstepping the limits of its
powers, or would do well to return within them. This silence was not
accidental; it marked the moment of separation between Jefferson
and the old Republicans of 1798. Speaker Macon, John Randolph,
and Joseph Nicholson soon showed that they meant to take no such
view of their duties.
Hardly had legislation begun, when Randolph, November 26,
made a report against the remission of duties on books imported for
the use of schools and colleges. The Constitution, he said, was a
grant of limited powers for general objects; its leading feature was an
abhorrence of exclusive privileges; impost must be uniform; if
Congress could exempt one class of the people from taxes, they
might exempt other classes; and although the practice had been
different, and philosophical apparatus for the use of schools was
actually exempt by law, he believed that law to be unconstitutional.
The doctrine, which if carried to its ultimate conclusions would have
left hardly a tax on the statute-book, was accepted by the same
House which had supported Randolph in defending the Louisiana
purchase by arguments that, in President Jefferson’s opinion, left no
Constitution at all. Two days afterward Randolph repeated the
lesson, and his friends Macon and Nicholson came to his support. A
Bill was before the House authorizing the corporation of Georgetown
to construct a dam or causeway from Mason’s Island to the shore of
the Potomac, in order to scour the channel and improve navigation.
Randolph affirmed that the Potomac was the joint property of
Maryland and Virginia, over which Congress had no right to legislate;
that the Bill authorized the corporation of Georgetown to lay a tax
which would be unequal and oppressive, because all Georgetown
property would not be equally benefited by deepening the harbor;
and finally, “he hoped a prompt rejection of the Bill would serve as a
general notice to the inhabitants of the District to desist from their
daily and frivolous applications to Congress.” Macon, Nicholson, and
a number of the Virginians spoke earnestly in the same sense. “So
long as I have the honor of a seat in the House,” said Nicholson, “I
will hold up my hands against any measure like the present, which
would go to affect the rights of any of the States. If Congress have a
right to interfere in the least with the free navigation of the Potomac,
they have a right to stop it altogether.” In reply to these exhortations
the House passed the Bill by a vote of sixty-six to thirty-eight; and
more than enough Republicans voted for it to have passed it without
Federalist help.
The reason for this sudden decline of Randolph’s influence was
not far to seek. He was undertaking to act without concert with the
President. While he and his friends argued on the State-rights theory
at one end of Pennsylvania Avenue, Jefferson at the other end said
openly, to Federalists and Republicans alike, that such arguments
were mere metaphysical subtleties which ought to have no weight.
[134] The next subject in debate left no longer a doubt of the cleft
opening between the old Republicans of 1798 and the Republicans
of the future, with Jefferson and Madison at their head. That
Randolph had determined to fight for control of the party and for the
principles upon which it had come into office was clear; but the
reason for the suddenness and violence of his emotion was found in
the once famous story of the Yazoo Claims, which from his youth
acted on his passionate temper with the force of a point of honor.
As already told, Congress seemed about to settle these claims as
early as April, 1802, when the six commissioners made their Report.
[135] John Randolph and his friends were then supreme. Dec. 30,
1803, a few days before the Federalists were startled by Randolph’s
demand for the impeachment of Judge Chase, the Northern
democrats and the friends of Madison were surprised by a
Resolution offered by Randolph excluding claimants under the
Georgia grants of 1795 from any share in the proposed settlement. A
few weeks later, Feb. 20, 1804, Randolph withdrew this Resolution,
in order to introduce a series of declaratory Resolves, which, after
reciting the story of the Georgia grants, affirmed the right of Georgia
to rescind them, and forbade the appropriation of money to the
settlement of claims derived from them. March 7, 1804, he made a
long and earnest speech on the subject; and after a sharp struggle in
a House nearly equally divided, he succeeded in defeating action on
the Bill. On the final vote of postponement, March 12, 1804, he
carried fifteen members of the Virginia delegation with him. Of the
three Republicans from Virginia who rejected his lead, one was John
G. Jackson, brother-in-law of the Secretary of State.
From that moment Randolph’s energies quickened in sympathy
with old Republican principles; and when he returned to Congress in
November, 1804, he and his friends began at once to take extreme
ground as champions of State-rights. He lost no chance of enforcing
his theories, whether in regard to exemptions from taxes, or in
denying to government power to improve navigation within the
District of Columbia, or in reproving the people of Georgetown for
proposing to lay a general tax on their property for the betterment of
their river front. He found the Administration opposed to him. “Mere
metaphysical subtleties,” said Jefferson. The influence of Madison
was strong in favor of the Yazoo Compromise, and the Northern
democrats supported the Secretary. A struggle for supremacy was
imminent, and its consequences were soon felt. The impeachment of
Judge Chase was Randolph’s measure, and received no support
from Madison. The Yazoo Compromise was Madison’s measure, and
its defeat was Randolph’s passionate wish.
The three branches of government were likely to be at variance
on a point of deep concern. No one who knew Chief-Justice Marshall
could doubt that he, and the Supreme Bench with him, would hold
that the State of Georgia was bound by its contract with the Land
Companies. The Administration had taken the ground that the State
was not bound in law, but that the United States should nevertheless
make an equitable compromise with the claimants. Randolph was
bent on forcing Congress to assert that a State had the right to
repudiate its own acts where it was evident that these acts were
against common morality or public interest; and that its decision in
such a case should be final. The conflict was embittered by the
peculiarities of Randolph’s character. In his eyes, when such
questions of honor were involved, every man who opposed him
seemed base. Unfortunately the New England Mississippi Company
secured the services of Gideon Granger, the Postmaster-General, as
their agent; and Randolph’s anger became intense when, at the
close of the year 1804, he saw the Postmaster-General on the floor
of the House openly lobbying for the passage of the Bill.
At length, at the end of January, 1805, the House went into
committee on the Georgia claims, and Randolph for the first time
displayed the full violence of his temper. Hitherto as a leader he had
been at times arrogant; but from this moment he began the long
series of personal assaults which made him famous, as though he
were the bully of a race course, dispensed from regarding ordinary
rules of the ring, and ready at any sudden impulse to spring at his
enemies, gouging, biting, tearing, and rending his victims with the
ferocity of a rough-and-tumble fight. The spectacle was revolting, but
terrific; and until these tactics lost their force by repetition, few men
had the nerve and quickness to resist them with success.
“Past experience has shown,” he cried, “that this is one of those
subjects which pollution has sanctified.” He treated the majority of
the House as corruptionists, “As if animated by one spirit, they
perform all their evolutions with the most exact discipline, and march
in a firm phalanx directly up to their object. Is it that men combined to
effect some evil purpose, acting on previous pledge to each other,
are ever more in unison than those who, seeking only to discover
truth, obey the impulse of that conscience which God has placed in
their bosoms?” He fell upon Granger: “Millions of acres are easily
digested by such stomachs. Goaded by avarice, they buy only to
sell, and sell only to buy. The retail trade of fraud and imposture
yields too small and slow a profit to gratify their cupidity. They buy
and sell corruption in the gross.” He hinted that the Administration
was to blame: “Is it come to this? Are heads of executive
departments to be brought into this House, with all the influence and
patronage attached to them, to extort from us now what was refused
at the last session of Congress?” He closed by asserting that this
was the spirit of Federalism, and that Republicans who yielded to it
were false to their party: “Of what consequence is it that a man
smiles in your face, holds out his hand, and declare himself the
advocate of those political principles to which you are also attached,
when you see him acting with your adversaries upon other principles
which the voice of the nation has put down, and which I did hope
were buried, never to rise again in this section of the globe?” He
maintained that the Federalist administrations had done no act so
corrupt: “If Congress shall determine to sanction this fraud upon the
public, I trust in God we shall hear no more of the crimes and follies
of the former Administration. For one, I promise that my lips upon
this subject shall be closed in eternal silence. I should disdain to
prate about the petty larcenies of our predecessors after having
given my sanction to this atrocious public robbery.”
The tirade could have no other result than a personal quarrel and
a party schism. Madison and the Administration had done nothing to
deserve the attack, and of course could not trust Randolph again.
The question whether the claimants had rights which the government
would do well to compromise was for the law to decide, and was
ultimately settled by Chief-Justice Marshall in their favor. The
question of morality, in regard to sanctioning fraud, though a much
wider issue, was not to be settled ex parte, but must abide by the
answer to the question of law. Only the State-rights difficulty
remained; and even on that delicate ground, although the right of
Georgia to repudiate her own pledges under the plea of her own
corruption were conceded, the State-rights theory could not insist
that this act must bind other States, or affect any sovereignty except
that which was directly involved. After the property in question had
been sold to the United States government, Georgia need not
prevent the purchaser from doing what it would with its own.
Randolph could not make State-rights serve his whole purpose in the
argument, and was obliged to rely on the charge of sanctioning
corruption and fraud,—a charge irrelevant to the claim of innocent
third parties like the New Englanders, unless he could prove their
complicity, which was not in his power.
Randolph’s harangue struck at the credit of Madison; and the
conduct of the Postmaster-General in acting as claim-agent cast a
shadow of corruption over the whole government. Madison’s friends
were obliged to take up the challenge; and his brother-in-law, John
G. Jackson of Virginia, replied to Randolph in a speech which was
thought to bear evident marks of Madison’s hand. Some of
Jackson’s retorts carried a sting. Randolph had dwelt much on the
silence and discipline of the majority. “When unprincipled men,” said
he, “acquire the ascendency, they act in concert and are silent.”
“Silence and concert, then,” retorted Jackson, “are to him proofs of
corrupt motive. Is this always a correct position? Does the gentleman
recollect that measures were adopted a few years past without
discussion, by my political friends in conjunction with him, who were
silent and united?” Throughout Jackson’s speech ran a tone of
irritating disregard for his colleague, “whose influence in this House
is equal to the rapacity of the speculator whose gigantic grasp has
been described by him as extending from the shores of Lake Erie to
the mouth of the Mobile.” Whether Madison meant it or not, an
impression prevailed in the House that in Jackson’s speech the
Secretary of State took up Randolph’s challenge with a defiance
equally strong.
Randolph returned to his charges, attacking Granger bitterly, but
not yet venturing to take the single step that remained to create a
Virginia feud; he left Jackson and Madison alone. He bore with
something like patience the retorts which his violence drew upon
him, and his self-esteem made him proof to the insults of democrats
like Matthew Lyon, who thanked his Creator “that he gave me the
face of a man, not that of an ape or a monkey, and that he gave me
the heart of a man also.” After a long and ill-tempered debate, Feb.
2, 1805, Randolph closed by an allusion to Madison and Gallatin
which implied hesitation. “When I first read their Report, I was filled
with unutterable astonishment, finding men in whom I had and still
have the highest confidence recommend a measure which all the
facts and all the reasons they had collected opposed and
unequivocally condemned.” Prudence restrained him from making a
final breach with Madison; and perhaps he was the more cautious
because he felt the danger of pressing too far his influence over
Virginia sentiment which to this point supported his opposition. When
the House divided, a majority of sixty-three to fifty-eight sustained
the compromise, and ordered the committee of claims to report a
Bill; but in the minority Randolph found by his side every Republican
member of the Virginia delegation except two, one of whom was
Jackson. Even the two sons-in-law of President Jefferson voted
against the Yazoo claims. So strong was the current of opinion in
Virginia, that Senator Giles went about Washington[136] asserting
that Jefferson himself would lose an election there if he were known
to favor the compromise, and that Jackson would certainly be
defeated. For the moment Randolph might fairly suppose that in a
contest for supremacy with the Secretary of State, his own hold on
Virginia was stronger than Madison’s. In spite of the majority against
him, he succeeded in postponing action on the Bill.
Perhaps his temper was further restrained by another motive.
The trial of Judge Chase was near at hand. Within a few days after
the close of the Yazoo debate, Randolph was to open the case for
the managers before the Senate; and he had reason to fear that the
Northern democrats were beginning to doubt the wisdom of this
Virginia scheme.
The schisms which characterized the last year of President
Jefferson’s first term increased the difficulty of convicting Justice
Chase. Burr was still Vice-President, and was sure not only to
preside at the trial, but also, unless conciliated, to encourage
rebellion against the Virginians. He had warm friends even in the
Senate; and he was observed to cultivate close social relations with
John Smith, the senator from Ohio, whose vote was likely to be
necessary for conviction. Although the two senators from New York
were no friends of Burr, one of them, Dr. Samuel L. Mitchill, was
known to oppose impeachment; and not only he, but also his
colleague, another John Smith, when members of the House, voted
against Randolph’s motion for a committee of inquiry. Senator
Bradley of Vermont privately talked with earnestness against the
Pickering impeachment, and never favored that of Chase. His
colleague, Israel Smith, shared his doubts. Twenty-three votes were
required to convict, and the Republicans had but twenty-five
senators against nine Federalists. A defection of three Republican
senators would be fatal; but the votes of at least five were in doubt.
Randolph’s attack on the Yazoo Republicans and on the friends
of Madison took from them all desire to strengthen his influence;
while, as though to complicate confusion, his assault on his own
party was cheered by Duane and the “Aurora,” until the
Pennsylvania schism seemed about to join with a Virginia schism for
the overthrow of the judiciary in the first place, and of Madison and
Gallatin afterward. A collapse of the Republican party was to be
feared. In the success of impeachment, the interests of Duane and
Randolph were closely connected, and Duane controlled
Pennsylvania as Randolph ruled Virginia. Everything tended to show
that Chase’s conviction would add to the power already in the hands
of these two men; and hands less fitted to guide a government or
less trusted by moderate Republicans could hardly be found in either
Duane’s support of Randolph was the warmer because his own
attack on the judiciary failed. The Pennsylvania judges were brought
to trial in January, 1805. The managers for the Legislature, knowing
no law themselves and unable to persuade any competent
Pennsylvania lawyer to act as counsel, sent for Cæsar A. Rodney
from Delaware to conduct the case. So important did Randolph and
Nicholson at Washington think the success of the Pennsylvania
impeachment, that at the end of December, 1804, they allowed
Rodney to drop his work as member of Congress and manager of
Chase’s trial, in order to hurry to Lancaster and do battle with Dallas,
Jefferson’s district attorney, who was defending the judges. After a
long struggle, Jan. 28, 1805, the Senate at Lancaster came to a
vote, and Rodney was beaten. Thirteen senators declared the
judges guilty,—three less than the required two thirds.
This defeat of the impeachers occurred the day before Randolph
attacked Granger and the Yazoo claims in Congress. During the
week that preceded Chase’s trial, Randolph’s bad management or
ill-luck seemed accumulating disasters on his head. He roused
needless hatred against himself in Congress; his alliance with Duane
was unsuccessful; he exhausted his strength in fighting the Yazoo
Bill, and was in no condition of mind or body to meet the counsel of
Judge Chase.
Neither the Administration nor his Virginia friends failed to
support Randolph. They made efforts to conciliate Burr, whose
opposition to the impeachment was most feared. Jefferson
appointed J. B. Prevost of New York, Burr’s stepson, a judge of the
Superior Court at New Orleans; James Brown, who married Mrs.
Burr’s sister, was made secretary to the Louisiana Territory and sent
to govern St. Louis, solely on Burr’s recommendation; James
Wilkinson, one of Burr’s most intimate friends and general-in-chief of
the army, was made governor of the Louisiana Territory,—an
appointment directly opposed to Jefferson’s theories about the union
of civil and military authority.[137] Besides these conciliatory
compliments the President repeatedly invited Burr to dinner, and
treated him with more attention than ever before;[138] both Madison
and Gallatin kept up friendly relations with him; while Senator Giles
of Virginia drew an Address to Governor Bloomfield of New Jersey,
and caused it to be signed by all the senators who could be induced
to let their names be used, requesting that a nolle prosequi should
be entered on the indictment against Burr found by the grand jury of
Bergen county.
The Virginians closed their quarrels for the moment in order to
support the impeachment. William B. Giles, who came to the Senate
in place of Wilson Cary Nicholas, acted as Randolph’s
representative in shaping the Senate’s rules.[139] He canvassed its
members, and dealt with those who doubted, laboring earnestly and
openly to bring senators to the Virginia standpoint, as fixed by him in
a speech intended to serve as guide in framing rules for the
proceedings about to begin. This speech, made Dec. 20, 1804,[140]
maintained that the Constitution put no limit on impeachment, but
said only that the Senate should try all impeachments; and therefore,
while any civil officer convicted of treason, bribery, or other high
crimes and misdemeanors should be removed from office, in all
other cases not enumerated the Senate might at its discretion
remove, disqualify, or suspend the officer. Thus Judge Pickering had
been removed, said Giles, though undoubtedly insane and incapable
of committing any crime or of making his defence. “So the
assumption of power on the part of the Supreme Court in issuing
their process to the office of the Secretary of State, directing the
Executive how a law of the United States should be executed, and
the right which the courts have assumed to themselves of reviewing
and passing upon the Acts of the Legislature in other cases,” were
matter of impeachment. In arguing this thesis Giles was obliged to
take the ground that the Senate was not a court, and ought to
discard all analogy with a court of justice;[141] impeachment need
imply no criminality or corruption, and removal was nothing more
than a notice to the impeached officer that he held opinions
dangerous to the State, and that his office must be put in better
hands. He induced the Senate to strike out the word “court” where it
occurred in the proposed rules;[142] and at length went so far as to
deny that the secretary of the Senate could administer the oath to
witnesses, or that the Senate had power to authorize the secretary to

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