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Last September 03, 2023, at about 03:00 in the afternoon this unit received a
complaint of cyberbullying, Emily Diaz a 21-year-old student of St. Teresing Sister
School, Guadalupe, Cebu City. Emily Diaz a popular student with a high grade and a
favorite student of the teacher, she excelled in every way. She didn’t have any problem;
her reputation is so good that would make her appearance to the whole campus as
pretty with a good attitude. One day, she receives back lash from anonymous Facebook
account, Emily didn’t mind that much because she knows that it would not take too
long to stop. But the message and comments she received continues for months, and
there’s a life-threatening message that would make her anxious every time she walked
back home. The anxiety that she experienced affect her performance at school, she
didn’t tell anyone about the situation she’s into. As the bullying continues, Emily decides
to save all the messages and comments from the Facebook user. Later, Emily decides to
report the account to the station, bringing all the evidence to use as reference to the
case. The abuse began with hurtful comments on her social media accounts, but it
quickly escalated to invasive and threatening messages. Emily has suffered severe
emotional distress, leading her to experience depression and anxiety. During the
investigation, Emily showed us the screenshots of messages from the anonymous
sender. From there we can read some hurtful messages that Emily received from the
sender, which contain derogatory comments, threats, and personal attacks.
Furthermore, the anonymous account name under Jcris Mut has been active since the
time that Emily starts to receive messages. Some of the classmates of Emily have come
as witnesses, that they saw Jessica, a friend of Emily once uses the account in the
Computer of the School Library and even asked them not to tell anyone of what they

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