V-4 Vocab Mod 7-2021-2022 Cutt Edge Upp Intermed

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VOCAB VWO-4 2018-2019


nr. Derivations Definitions / synonyms Opposites

1. mythical (adj.) relating to an ancient story that explains a natural actual, real
or historical event; legendary
myth (n) an idea or story that is believed by many people truth, fact
but that is not true; fable, legend
mythically (adv.)
2. resemblance (n) something that makes one person or thing like difference, discrepancy
another; similarity, correspondence, likeness
resemble (v) to look or be like; to seem like, be the same as
3. distinguish (v) see as different or recognize; tell apart confuse, mistake, mix (up)
distinguishable (adj.) obviously different, recognizable distinguishable
distinguishably (adv.) differently, separately
4. transform (v) to change in composition or structure;
transfigure; change; convert
transformable (adj.)
transformative (adj.)
transformation (n)
5. inaugurate (v) to induct into an office with suitable ceremonies, close (down)
to dedicate ceremoniously; observe formally the
beginning of , to bring about the beginning of;
initiate, launch
inaugural (adj.) marking a beginning; first in a projected series
inauguration (n) an act or ceremony of introducing into office;
induction, installation
6. accompaniment (n) supplement; addition, complement
accompany (v) go together with
7. exhibition (n) a public showing (as of works of art, objects of
manufacture, or athletic skill) ; display, expo,
exhibit (v) to present, to view, to show publicly especially conceal; hide
for purposes of competition or demonstration;
show, expose, unveil
8. retaliate (v) hit back, strike back, avenge, revenge excuse, forgive, pardon
retaliation (n) act of striking back, act of revenge forgiveness; pardon
retaliator (n) one who takes revenge or strikes back
9. sensation (n) a state of excited interest or feeling,
experience, sense
sense (v) feel; perceive
10. celebration (n) festivity, party, merriment
celebrate (v) to observe a holiday, perform a religious
ceremony, or take part in a festival, rejoice,
express joy, glorify
celebratory (adj.) festive
11. battle (n) an extended contest, struggle, or controversy; camaraderie, brotherhood,
competition, challenge, clash fellowship
12. arrival (n) the act of coming to or reaching a place; departure, disappearance,
appearance, coming exit
arrive (v) to reach a destination, to make an appearance; go, leave
appear, show up, turn up
13. monstrous (adj.) having extraordinary, often overwhelming size, tiny, small, insignificant
extraordinarily ugly or vicious;
gigantic, colossal, enormous
14. hurl to throw down with violence, to throw
forcefully ; fling, pitch, throw
15. traditional (adj.) handed down from age to age, based on custom; contemporary, current,
classical, conventional, customary modern
traditionally (adv)
tradition (n) convention, culture, lifestyle
16. climax (n) the most important thing or exciting things that bottom, anti-climax
come at the end of a story or experience;
pinnacle, highlight
17. dedicated (adj.) devoted to a cause, ideal, or purpose, given over disloyal, unfaithful, untrue
to a particular purpose; faithful, devoted, true
dedicate (v) to set apart for some purpose, to commit to a goal
or way of life, to say or write that something (a
book or song) is written or performed as a
compliment to someone
dedication (n) devotedness, faithfulness, loyalty disloyalty, faithlessness
18. achievement (n) a thing that somebody has done successfully; failure
accomplishment, success
achieve (v) accomplish fail
achievable (adj.)
achiever (n)
19. fiery (adj.) hot; burning, blazing, sizzling cold, chilly
20. precious (adj.) of great value; valuable, costly worthless

Word pairs: Make compound or complex sentences with the following word pairs to show their meaning
and their difference. No simple sentences!

retaliate (v) - retaliator (n.) inaugurate (v) – inauguration (n)

achievable (adj.) – achievement (n) dedication (n) - dedicated (adj.)


1. The main purpose of the myth was to show the resemblance between the two distinguishable
characters who transformed into beacons of morality.
2. Two days after his inauguration, the new P.M. opened an exhibit dedicated to a very important artist
who was very proud of his precious artwork.
3. The climax of the battle between the two competing baseball clubs got very interesting after the arrival
of the most valuable player.

Proverb Meaning
1 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. -Eating nutritious food will make you healthier.
2 Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. -One should not concentrate all efforts and resources in one
area as one could lose everything.
3 It’s no use crying over spilt milk. -It is no use being angry over or upset about something that
has already happened and/or you cannot change.
4 One man’s meat is another man’s poison. -Things liked or enjoyed by one person may be distasteful
to another.
5 We never miss water until the well runs -People are not grateful for what they have until they lose it.

Module 7 Derivations Exercise

1.mythical 1. Are ____________ and legends stories that existed in the minds of our ancestors, or were they
based on true events? Jane is just a ____________ suspect whose name appears in the investigative
reports. The story about the Persian hero Rustam is one that is ____________ true.
2. resemblance 2. Harriet bears a striking ____________ to her beautiful mother. In other respects the
palaeotheres ____________ the ancestral horses.

3. The male bird is easily __________ from the female. You can _________ the male by its red
3. distinguish

4. Jolier clothes are either ____________ or reversible. A new color scheme might ____________
4. transform your bedroom into an awesome dancehall. He also believes in the emotional and ____________
power of music.

5. The flight of the space shuttle was postponed due to bad weather. Willliam will be _________
5. inaugurate as president of our club in August. Meanwhile we are very busy preparing for his_____________,
because we expect a lot of guests.

6. This wine makes a good ____________ to fish dishes.

6. accompany
7. Our local artists ________________ their art regularly in Readytex art gallery. The fans were
7. exhibition
treated to an ______________of the footballer’s speed and skill.
8. retaliate
8. The boy hit the girl, who _______________ by punching him in the face. The shooting may
have been in ___________for the arrest of the terrorist suspects. In every fight one must be the
________________ and the other the aggressor.
9. sensation
9. The victim seems to have lost all _______________________ in her left arm.

10. They are giving a party in ___________________ of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. The
10. celebration ________________ dinner will start at 20.00 hours. How will your parents ______________
11. battle
11. A French army under the command of Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated in the
________________ of Waterloo.
12. arrival
12. I was pleased to hear you _______________ home safely. The first __________ at the concert
13. monster will get a full refund of the price of the ticket.

14. hurl 13. he little girl screemed when she saw the _________________ creature.
15. traditional 14. The villain ______ a brick through the window and ran away as fast as he could.

15. They broke with ___________ and got married quietly. The Pagarra estafette takes
___________ place on the last day of the year. Around the 1st of July youngster like to attend
16. climax school in their ___________ dress.
17. dedicated 16. At the age of fifty his career had reached a _________________.

17. She ___________ herself to helping homeless children. She is a _______ teacher who does her
job with passion. Everybody saw the _______________ he had for the game of football.
18. achievement
18. We had finally ___________ success. They were proud of their children’s ___________ . I
like the point about _______ success vs aggressive learning. One should always strive to be an
19. fiery over_______________.

20. precious 19. She has a _____________________ temper; she gets easily angered.

20. Clean water is a __________________commodity in certain parts of the world.

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