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A: Hello Angela, how are you?

B: Hi Ivan, how are you?

A: fine, I've been preparing everything for the interview.
B: well, how is everything going?
A: normal in the morning, it usually rains so there were some connection problems, but nothing I
can't solve, how are you feeling?
B: good that you fixed it, in fact, I was nervous before I arrived.
A: don't worry, we are all anxious to hear from you, so feel comfortable.
B: thank you
A: in fact some of our listeners have some doubts.
B: is that right?
A: yes
B: they wrote some of their doubts on our page, do you want to listen to them?
A: of course
B: all right, the first question says: what is your story about?
A: well the story is about Padme she likes one of the most handsome guys in her college so she
decides to follow him to a forest, but she hears screams, thinking Damian might be in danger she
goes to where the screams were coming from and finds out he was a murderer.

B: wow that's strong, what's the name of your movie?

A: the ninth
B: and why did you decide on that name?
A: Well, if we go deeper into the characters of the movie they have something in common, they
are all born on November ninth, that's why the name.
B: Interesting, well the next question from the audience is: Why did you change a love story to a
horror film, it's a good question I also understood it was a young love story.
A: yes, well every time I prepare the script, I usually go to my terrace to drink coffee to clear my
head, when I saw the forest I had a feeling between mystery and fear so with that feeling I started
to write, as the initial part was already written I left it as it was and decided to give a twist to the
B: and that's only because it gives a small view of the forest...
A: yes, in fact, I could see a silhouette of a person entering the forest.
B: that's even more spooky
A: just kidding, but I did have a weird little dream that helped me complete this story.
B: I didn't know that artists took inspiration from such peculiar things.
A: it's quite a mystery
B: yes, well Angela, goodbye, it was nice talking to you.
A: thank you very much for having me, see you next time.
B: bye

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