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[Course Code] [Course Number] [Section Number] [Term] [Year]

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Credit Hours: [credit hours – confirm in the Catalog and Connect Carolina]
Pre or Co-Requisites: [pre or co-requisites – confirm in the Catalog and Connect Carolina]
Target Audience: [target audience – e.g., first-year students, majors only]
Meeting Pattern: [meeting pattern – e.g., MWF 8am-8:50am, TTH 9:30am-10:45am; confirm in Connect Carolina]
Instructional Format: [instructional format – e.g., in-person, remote synchronous, remote asynchronous; confirm in Connect Carolina]
Classroom or Location: [classroom or location – e.g., room & building; any off-campus locations and/or field sites; confirm in Connect Carolina]

Name: [name – some instructors also like to provide specific information about pronouns or how students should address them, e.g.,
they/them/theirs, she/her/hers, he/him/his, Dr., Prof., etc.]
Email Address: [instructor’s official UNC email address]
Office Location: [office location]
Office Hours: [office hours – instructors should hold 3 office hours per week for a standard 3-credit course]
Zoom Room ID: [zoom room ID – if applicable]
Teaching Philosophy: [teaching philosophy – some instructors like to provide information about themselves and/or their teaching philosophy]

Course Description
[Enter your course description here. This can be an expanded version of the official description provided in the Catalog]

Course Texts & Materials

[List required or recommended texts and materials for students, note how they will be made available (e.g., free PDF text posted to Sakai by the
instructor, available for purchase at the UNC student stores, etc.), and any estimated costs associated with purchasing texts and materials]

Class Expectations
[Include a statement outlining expectations for work outside of class and any other class expectations the instructor(s) would like to set]

Course Goals & Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

[It is important for students to understand what they will accomplish by taking this course. Course goals are not simply statements about course
topics; they are descriptions of competencies that students should expect to develop in this course. For instructors, they provide a framework for
organizing and synthesizing the course material. Tips for writing SLOs]
IDEAs in Action General Education Curriculum
[IDEAS in Action Gen Ed #1]
[Each requirement in the IDEAs in Action curriculum has a set of standard student learning outcomes (SLOs). Please follow these instructions for
adding SLOs to your syllabus for approved IDEAs in Action Gen Ed requirements. Please check the Catalog each time the course is offered, as Gen
Eds can change over time.
1. Search for your course in the Catalog or check the Faculty Center in Connect Carolina. Approved IDEAs in Action attribute codes and
descriptions will be listed on your course.
2. For each approved Gen Ed attribute, add the student learning outcomes (SLOs) and questions for students to your syllabus using the
information from the Catalog’s IDEAs in Action Learning Outcomes webpage]
Student Learning Outcomes:
Questions for Students:

[IDEAs in Action Gen Ed #2]

[Repeat steps noted under the IDEAS in Action Gen Ed #1 heading for any additional IDEAs in Action Gen Eds the course has been approved for]
Student Learning Outcomes:
Questions for Students:

[IDEAs in Action Gen Ed #3]

[Repeat steps noted under the IDEAS in Action Gen Ed #1 heading for any additional IDEAs in Action Gen Eds the course has been approved for]
Student Learning Outcomes:
Questions for Students:


Assignment Descriptions
[Assignment/Assessment #1]
[Describe assignment #1, provide due dates, and indicate what percentage the assignment will contribute to the final grade (e.g., 10% of the final
grade). If applicable, consider describing the typical amount of time required to complete work for the assignment]

[Assignment/Assessment #2]
[Describe assignment #2 following the instructions listed under the assignment #1 heading]

[Assignment/Assessment #3]
[Describe assignment #3 following the instructions listed under the assignment #1 heading]

[Assignment/Assessment #4]
[Describe assignment #4 following the instructions listed under the assignment #1 heading]

[Assignment/Assessment #5]
[Describe assignment #5 following the instructions listed under the assignment #1 heading]
Grading Scale & Schema
Late Work
[If applicable, provide information about how late work or missed work/exams will be handled; this is not required, but recommended.]

Grading Rubrics
[If applicable, provide grading rubrics or information for any assignments, like presentations, or student participation. Grading rubrics can serve as
rules that you will use to assign grades]

Grading Scale
[Provide information about converting students’ final averages to letter grades. More information about the grading system is available on the
Registrar’s website. Denote to which decimal place (if any) you will round final grades (e.g., if you will round grades to the tenth or hundredth
decimal). Please note that UNC does not use the A+ or D- letter grades]
Numeric Grade (%) Letter Grade

93.5 and above A

89.5 – 93.4 A-
86.5 – 89.4 B+
82.5 – 86.4 B
79.5 – 82.4 B-
76.5 – 79.4 C+
72.5 – 76.4 C
69.5 – 72.4 C-
66.5 – 69.4 D+
59.5 – 66.4 D
59.4 and below F
Table a: Grading Scale Table

[Insert a weekly or daily schedule. Please add exam dates, assignment due dates, course topics, units/modules, and University Holidays, once
determined. Please note that use of the final exam period is required as instructional hours. Courses with one hour of academic credit may administer
their final exams during the last class period; all others must follow the published Final Examination Schedule]
[Unit/Module #1]
Class (Date/Week) Topic(s) Readings & Assignments Due

Table b: Unit/Module 1 Schedule

[Unit/Module #2]
Class (Date/Week) Topic(s) Readings & Assignments Due

Table c: Unit/Module 2 Schedule

[Unit/Module #3]
Class (Date/Week) Topic(s) Readings & Assignments Due

Table d: Unit/Module 3 Schedule

[Unit/Module #4]
Class (Date/Week) Topic(s) Readings & Assignments Due

Table e: Unit/Module 4 Schedule

[Unit/Module #5]
Class (Date/Week) Topic(s) Readings & Assignments Due

[Final Exam Period] [Final Exam/Assessment] [Final Exam/Assessment]

Table f: Unit/Module 5 Schedule
Academic Policies
University Class Attendance Policy (required statement on syllabi)
University Policy: As stated in the University’s Class Attendance Policy, no right or privilege exists that permits a student to be absent from any class
meetings, except for these University Approved Absences:
1. Authorized University activities: University Approved Absence Office (UAAO) website provides information and FAQs for students and
FAQs for faculty related to University Approved Absences
2. Disability/religious observance/pregnancy, as required by law and approved by Accessibility Resources and Service and/or the Equal
Opportunity and Compliance Office (EOC)
3. Significant health condition and/or personal/family emergency as approved by the Office of the Dean of Students, Gender Violence Service
Coordinators, and/or the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office (EOC).

Honor Code Statement (required statement on syllabi)

All students are expected to follow the guidelines of the UNC honor code. In particular, students are expected to refrain from “lying, cheating, or
stealing” in the academic context. If you are unsure about which actions violate that honor code, please consult

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use Policy (required statement on CAS syllabi)

Instructors should specify the details of AI Use Policies for the particular course, either by indicating that:
Use of generative AI tools of any kind is not permitted in this course. Any use of these tools will be considered an instance of academic dishonesty
and will be referred to the Honor System.
- or -
The following uses of generative AI tools are permitted in this course: Categories of possible permitted use include, but are not limited to: topic
selection, brainstorming and idea generation, research, source validation, outlining and planning, drafting, media creation, peer review, revising,
and polishing.

Syllabus Changes (required statement on syllabi)

The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus including project due dates and test dates. These changes will be announced as early
as possible.

Acceptable Use Policy (recommended statement on syllabi)

By attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, you agree to abide by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill policies related to
the acceptable use of IT systems and services. The Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) sets the expectation that you will use the University’s technology
resources responsibly, consistent with the University’s mission. In the context of a class, it’s quite likely you will participate in online activities that
could include personal information about you or your peers, and the AUP addresses your obligations to protect the privacy of class participants. In
addition, the AUP addresses matters of others’ intellectual property, including copyright. These are only a couple of typical examples, so you should
consult the full Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy, which covers topics related to using digital resources, such as privacy,
confidentiality and intellectual property. Additionally, consult the Safe Computing at UNC website for information about data security policies,
updates, and tips on keeping your identity, information, and devices safe.

Data Security & Privacy (recommended statement on syllabi)

UNC-Chapel Hill is committed to fulfilling its responsibilities of transparency as a state-sponsored institution of higher learning, protecting certain
types of information, and using information Carolina collects only for appropriate purposes. Consult the UNC-Chapel Hill Privacy Statement for
additional information.

Grade Appeal Process (recommended statement on syllabi)

If you have any concerns with grading and/or feel you have been awarded an incorrect grade, please discuss it with me as soon as possible. If we
cannot resolve the issue, you may talk to our director of undergraduate studies or department chair.
Services & Student Support Policies
Accessibility Resources & Services (ARS) (required statement on syllabi)
Accessibility Resources and Service (ARS – receives requests for accommodations, and through the Student and Applicant
Accommodations Policy determines eligibility and identifies reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities and/or chronic medical
conditions to mitigate or remove the barriers experienced in accessing University courses, programs and activities. ARS also offers its Testing Center
resources to students and instructors to facilitate the implementation of testing accommodations.

Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) (required statement on syllabi)

UNC-Chapel Hill is strongly committed to addressing the mental health needs of a diverse student body. The Heels Care Network website is a
place to access the many mental health resources at Carolina. CAPS is the primary mental health provider for students, offering timely access to
consultation and connection to clinically appropriate services. Go to their website or visit their facilities on the third floor of the
Campus Health building for an initial evaluation to learn more. Students can also call CAPS 24/7 at 919-966-3658 for immediate assistance.

Title IX Resources (required statement on syllabi)

Any student who is impacted by discrimination, harassment, interpersonal (relationship) violence, sexual violence, sexual exploitation, or stalking is
encouraged to seek resources on campus or in the community. Reports can be made online to the EOC at or by
contacting the University’s Title IX Coordinator (Elizabeth Hall, or the Report and Response Coordinators in the Equal
Opportunity and Compliance Office ( Confidential resources include Counseling and Psychological Services and the
Gender Violence Services Coordinators ( Additional resources are available at

Policy on Non-Discrimination (recommended statement on syllabi)

The University is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our community and to ensuring that
educational and employment decisions are based on individuals’ abilities and qualifications. Consistent with this principle and applicable laws, the
University’s Policy Statement on Non-Discrimination offers access to its educational programs and activities as well as employment terms and
conditions without respect to race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, genetic information, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation,
gender identity or gender expression. Such a policy ensures that only relevant factors are considered, and that equitable and consistent standards of
conduct and performance are applied. If you are experiencing harassment or discrimination, you can seek assistance and file a report through the
Report and Response Coordinators (email or see additional contact info at or the Equal Opportunity and
Compliance Office at

Diversity Statement (recommended statement on syllabi)

I value the perspectives of individuals from all backgrounds reflecting the diversity of our students. I broadly define diversity to include race, gender
identity, national origin, ethnicity, religion, social class, age, sexual orientation, political background, and physical and learning ability. I strive to
make this classroom an inclusive space for all students. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to improve. I appreciate any suggestions.

Undergraduate Testing Center (recommended statement on syllabi)

The College of Arts and Sciences provides a secure, proctored environment in which exams can be taken. The Center works with instructors to
proctor exams for their undergraduate students who are not registered with ARS and who do not need testing accommodations as provided by ARS.
In other words, the Center provides a proctored testing environment for students who are unable to take an exam at the normally scheduled time (with
pre-arrangement by your instructor). For more information, visit

Learning Center (recommended statement on syllabi)

Want to get the most out of this course or others this semester? Visit UNC’s Learning Center at to make an appointment
or register for an event. Their free, popular programs will help you optimize your academic performance. Try academic coaching, peer tutoring,
STEM support, ADHD/LD services, workshops and study camps, or review tips and tools available on the website.

Writing Center (recommended statement on syllabi)

For free feedback on any course writing projects, check out UNC’s Writing Center. Writing Center coaches can assist with any writing project,
including multimedia projects and application essays, at any stage of the writing process. You don’t even need a draft to come visit. To schedule a
45-minute appointment, review quick tips, or request written feedback online, visit

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