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For the Vietnamese, their coffee culture is much more than a quick boost of energy to get through a

hard day at work or school. For them, it is an integral part of their daily life. Numerous coffee shops can
be found lining up on the streets of Saigon and Hanoi, as well as on many small-town roads. And no
matter the time of day, they are always a great place to unwind or socialize. More and more coffee
shops are opening in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, partly due to the growing number of young people
willing to spend money on quality coffee. It is also partly because of the influence of Western culture on
Vietnamese society. As more foreigners visit or live in Vietnam, they bring with them their love of coffee.
the growth of Vietnam’s coffee industry is the country’s rapidly growing middle class. More people have
disposable income to spend on luxuries like gourmet coffee. This growing demand has led to an increase
in specialty coffee shops and a proliferation of instant coffees and other packaged coffees targeting the
middle-class consumer.

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