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Quickstart Rules

-Beta Test-
The Name of the Model
The Number of Crystals a model costs to take
in your Party
On the back of a model’s card are the
Attack(ATK) the number of dice you roll for a basic attack, or a special commands it may perform
command calling for an ATK roll. in place of a basic attack, or passive
Defense(DEF) the number of dice you roll to defend against benefits it may receive. For 1 Crystal
an ATK roll. and 2 Crystal models, a limited
Magic(MAG) the number of dice you roll to attack or defend
number of these are selected, rather
against a command calling for a MAG roll.
Item(ITM) the total value of Item cards this model can be
than receiving all the listed abilities.
equipped with.
Move(MOV) the number of squares this model can move in
the Move Phase
Jump(JMP) the number of height levels a model may ascend
during the Move Phase
Health Points(HP) The amount of damage from attacks that a

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model can suffer before dying/being removed from the table.
Magic Points(MP) Some Commands have an MP cost which
is deducted from the model’s total when it performs these
special actions.
Each model has a special ability which is listed here, this may
be a passive that affects its basic attack, or an alternate action it
can perform to a normal Turn.
The Name of the Model
The Number of Crystals a model costs to take
in your Party
On the back of a model’s card are the
Attack(ATK) the number of dice you roll for a basic attack, or a special commands it may perform
command calling for an ATK roll. in place of a basic attack, or passive
Defense(DEF) the number of dice you roll to defend against benefits it may receive. For 1 Crystal
an ATK roll. and 2 Crystal models, a limited
Magic(MAG) the number of dice you roll to attack or defend
number of these are selected, rather
against a command calling for a MAG roll.
Item(ITM) the total value of Item cards this model can be
than receiving all the listed abilities.
equipped with.
Move(MOV) the number of squares this model can move in
the Move Phase
Jump(JMP) the number of height levels a model may ascend
during the Move Phase

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Health Points(HP) The amount of damage from attacks that a
model can suffer before dying/being removed from the table.
Magic Points(MP) Some Commands have an MP cost which
is deducted from the model’s total when it performs these
special actions.
Each model has a special ability which is listed here, this may
be a passive that affects its basic attack, or an alternate action it
can perform to a normal Turn.
Setup Deployment
A normal play area is at least a 15” x 15” grid. Players will pick opposite edges of the table to
You can easily find RPG game mats at gaming be their Deployment area in a basic game, players
stores or build your own boards with 1” squares. will have the first 5 rows from their table edge to
Tactical RPGs have multilevel battlefields, where deploy their models.
the elevation of certain squares can change a
battle. If you are designing your own map, make Game Turn
sure to include changes in elevation. Using a dry First Initiative
erase/wet erase marker on a square, you can mark On the first turn, place your cards in the order
the height of the square if you are unable to build you wish to play them from left to right. Both
a three dimensional battlefield. players will roll a number of dice equal to the
MOV value of the first card. Each player receives
Party Design a ‘success’ for each die that has a 4, 5, or 6 (written
For a standard battle, players will select a in the rest of these rules as “4+”) The player that
number of models whose total Crystal Cost comes has more successes has the initiative and plays
to 10C. You can play with larger parties, but you first (reroll if there is a tie). The player will then
will want to increase the board size so that there is take a turn with their first model in the order they
enough room for models to maneuver and provide placed their cards and then the opposing player
interesting tactical play. will do the same. The first player will then take a
turn with their second card, and so on.
Command Selection
Once you have selected your Party members, Subsequent Initiatives/Order Shift
any 1C or 2C models must select their Commands. After the first turn, at the Initiative phase,
1C models select 2 Commands from the back of each player may move a single card forward or
their card, and 2C models select 4 Commands. backward a single place in their initiative order.
Card sleeves and a dry erase marker make it easy The players will now roll initiative again based
to mark which Commands your model is taking. on the MOV of the first card in their order. This
Models with 3C or higher have a fixed list of “Order Shift” can be made once during each
commands and are able to use all of them during initiative, before rolling for turn order.
You may not understand the utility of each Model Turn
Command to start with, but as you play battles you When a model’s turn comes up there are a
will better understand how certain abilities work number of actions you can perform. During a single
together, or how to create synergy between your turn a Model may always Move and Perform one
party members. Strategy and experimentation other Action. Move is always performed BEFORE
will help you design a good party. another action. Some models may have special
abilities or commands that override this restriction,
Item Selection allow a model to move again, or replace both the
Each Starter pack comes with a variety of Move and Act phase of a model’s turn. Refer to a
Item cards. These can be equipped to individual model’s card for any changes.
models but only up to the ITM limit on the model.
Some items cost more than 1 point of ITM so make Move - The Model may move up to its MOV
sure to count them up correctly. Some items are value in squares in any direction. In a single
also labeled unique, this means that only one can square of movement it may go up a number of
be taken in your party. “Consume” and “Break” height levels equal to its JMP value. A model may
Items do not need to be shown to your opponent go down any number of height levels. Diagonals
until you use them. Place these cards face down count as 2 squares of movement.
under the model they are equipped to. “Equip” Act - There are three options for the act phase
Items are shown face up as their effects are always that a model may take. Unless an ability allows
in play. otherwise, a Model may only perform one of these.
Basic Attack - Make an ATK roll against an Death
adjacent square. Many passive abilities modify When a model is reduced to 0 HP, it is removed
the range, or area of effect of this action. from play. Remove its card from the turn order.
Command - The commands on the back of
a model’s card allow alternate actions to be Ending a Game
taken. Some may call for a basic attack after A game can run for a number of turns (Usually
doing something else, Some are passive and 5+d6 turns) or until the game’s objective is
are not required to be used with this action. completed. In a basic skirmish game, play can
Others have an MP cost which reduces the continue until one party is killed. If you play with
current MP of the model. If you do not have limited turns, after the final turn is over, each
enough MP, you cannot use the Command. player totals the Crystal Cost of enemy models
RNG - Some commands have a RNG value they killed. The player that slew more Crystals
listed with them, these commands can be used wins the match.
on a target up to that many squares away. If a
RNG is not listed, you can only target adjacent Advanced Rules
squares. You may have noticed some extra notations
Use Item - Reveal a Consume item equipped on the abilities, such as Stop[1], or Around 1. The
to the model and apply its effects to the model
tags indicate status effects, area of effect, and other
or to an adjacent square. quirks of the abilities. In the full rules these are
detailed, making each ability unique.
Combat Rolls You will also find the effect of elemental Blood,
ATK Roll - Each model has an ATK value listed the Facing of your models and height advantage in
on its card. When an ATK roll is called for by a the core rules. If the play style here interests you,
basic attack, or a Command, roll a number of make sure to check out the full Endless: Fantasy
dice equal to the ATK value. Each 4+ counts as a Tactics Rulebook.

DEF Roll - When the target of an ATK roll, a

model rolls a number of dice equal to its DEF. Each
5+ counts as a success. Each successful DEF blocks
a successful ATK. The remaining ATK successes
deal damage to HP, or apply another effect as
detailed by the Command.

MAG Roll - MAG acts as both ATK and DEF

for magical attacks. When targeted by a MAG
command, the defender rolls their MAG instead
of DEF. MAG rolls require the same 4+ to attack,
5+ to defend as ATK/DEF.

ATK+MAG - A combined physical and magical

attack. The attacker rolls a number of dice equal
to the total of their ATK and MAG values. The
Defender may choose EITHER their DEF or MAG
to defend against the attack.

ATK x2/ MAG x2 - Roll attack and defense as

normal. The final number of successes are then
doubled, dealing twice the damage.
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