A New Approach in Temporal-Spatial Reconstruction and Synoptic Analysis of Cold Waves in The Northwest of Iran

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Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2019) 137:341–352



A new approach in temporal-spatial reconstruction and synoptic

analysis of cold waves in the northwest of Iran
Mehdi Aalijahan 1 & Bromand Salahi 2 & Yousef Ghavidel Rahimi 3 & Manuchehr Farajzadeh Asl 3

Received: 2 August 2017 / Accepted: 15 August 2018 / Published online: 23 August 2018
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature 2018

The present paper intends to reconstruct temporal-spatial patterns of below − 15 °C cold waves in the northwest of Iran and carry
out a synoptic analysis of the patterns of these cold waves. Carrying out research on this topic can assist researchers and the state
authorities in solving problems of different spheres of society, such as agriculture, economics, public health, etc., since cold
waves can affect health problems in society and frosts can inflict severe damages to the agricultural crops and thereby lead to
serious economic losses. For the purpose of this paper, a data corpus related to a period of 142 years from 1871 to 2012 was
obtained from the relevant twentieth-century data banks of NOAA. Having sorted out the relevant data, cold waves of − 15 °C as
well as cold waves of below − 15 °C were identified in the first place. Then, the identified cold wave patterns were classified and
synoptically analyzed. The results revealed that, at the sea level, high-pressure waves from Siberia, west and northern regions
coupled with the atmospheric blockings and the northern airflow in the upper levels of the atmosphere, led to transition of cold
waves from northern latitudes to the northwest regions of Iran, resulting in very intense and long-lasting cold waves.

Keywords Extreme temperature . Temporal-spatial reconstruction . Cold waves . Northwest of Iran . NOAA data

1 Introduction economic losses. (Coville 1920; Meehl et al. 2000; Huynen

et al. 2001; Kirch et al. 2005; Gaskin et al. 2008; Montero
A cold wave is defined as a temperature drop below the et al. 2010; Datla & Shama 2010; Medvigy et al. 2012; Parry
threshold of a cold temperature with duration of cold and frost et al. 2013.)
for two consecutive days or more (Smith 2006; Diaz & Incidence of severe cold weather has been abundantly oc-
Muranane 2008; Barnett et al. 2014). Cold waves can influ- curred in different parts of the world since the ancient times
ence health problems in society and frosts can inflict severe (Takahashi 1990; Yi et al. 1996; Prieto et al. 2002; Prieto et al.
damages to the agricultural crops and thereby cause serious 2004, Ryoo et al. 2005; Kysely 2008; Cony et al. 2008;
Hankes & Walsh 2011; Radinovic & Curic 2012; Peterson
et al. 2013; Parey & Hoang 2016; Van-Oldenborgh et al.
* Bromand Salahi 2015; Mo et al. 2016; Ceccherini et al. 2015) and various
atmospheric causes and factors leading to this phenomenon
have attracted the attention of many climatologists and mete-
Mehdi Aalijahan
mehdi_alijahan@yahoo.com orologists (Vera et al. 2002; Ashcroft et al. 2009; Metz et al.
2013; Luo et al. 2014; Park et al. 2014; Piotrowicz et al. 2016).
Yousef Ghavidel Rahimi
Tannehill (1928) investigated the cold waves of Texas and
showed that the main factor causing cold wave incidence in
Manuchehr Farajzadeh Asl the shores of Texas was cold winds that blew from higher and
colder latitudes to the shores of Texas. Simons and Richter
University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran (2000) studied the synoptic cold events. They compared
2 Melbourne and Perth winter and summer cold events and
Department of Physical Geography, University of Mohaghegh
Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran showed that the most common synoptic system leading to
3 this phenomenon is the passage of cold front from the city
Department of Physical Geography, Tarbiat Modares University,
Tehran, Iran and transition of Antarctica air to that area. Domonkos et al.
342 M. Alijahan et al.

(2003) investigated temperature changes in the south and cen- examined the long-term trends of wind blow in KOSHAVA
tral parts of Europe during the twentieth century and analyzed between 1949 and 2010 and concluded that the negative trend
the relationship between these changes and large-scale circu- of winds in KOSHAVA was mostly accompanied by synoptic
lation patterns. They found that the northern and eastern winds circulations, temperature variations, and the weakening of
as well as the meridian and anticyclonic positions provided Siberian anticyclone and the Western Mediterranean cyclone.
favorable conditions for extreme cold temperatures. This research attempts to identify patterns of cold waves
According to Prieto et al. (2004), although synoptic phenom- with a minimum temperature of − 15 °C and less during the
ena play an important role in the occurrence of extreme winter 142-year period (1871 to 2012) in the northwest regions of
temperatures in the Spanish Peninsula, they are not the only Iran through an analysis of the synoptic factors leading to this
decisive factor. Having studied different synoptic patterns phenomenon. Due to the unavailability of long-term data, no
leading to the lowest extreme temperatures in Barrow comprehensive research has been carried out on this topic in
(Alaska), Cassano et al. (2005) correlated deformations of Iran so far. The results of the present study can therefore pro-
the minimum extreme temperatures with patterns producing vide the interested researchers with a comprehensive view of
northern rainfalls. According to Cony et al. (2008), the rela- cold waves and the effects of atmospheric patterns leading to
tively weak anticyclone of the Atlantic and North Europe, this phenomenon.
consecutive low pressures in the west and center of Europe,
west winds, barometric conditions in the Mediterranean re-
gion, and low-pressure waves of Lithuania and Estonia 2 Data and methodology
which settle cold conditions in the center of Europe, are the
main causes of cold waves in Europe. Unkasevic and Tosic The study area is located between north latitude of 34° to 39°
(2015) considered the cold flows coming from the north and and east longitude of 44° to 50° in the northwest of Iran
north-east of Europe as the cause of severe Serbian colds. (Fig. 1). The data for this study came from a relevant corpus
Few studies have been carried out in Iran on the minimum of upper levels of atmosphere and the Twentieth Century
extreme temperatures and cold waves, including the works Reanalysis data available at the time of data collection for this
done by Ahmadi & Ghavidel-Rahimi (2011), Karimi et al. research at the following address: https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/
(2012), and Ghavidel-Rahimi et al. (2016). Alijani and psd/data/gridded/data.20thC_ReanV2.html. Compared to
Houshyar (2008) showed that western high-pressure patterns, ordinary data, NOAA’s Twentieth Century Data have a
Ural low pressure, orbital pattern, and high pressure of the better temporal-spatial resolution, therefore, better and more
Ararat play a major role in the occurrence of severe colds in acceptable accuracy. For the data of upper levels of the atmo-
the northwest of Iran. Lashkari (2008) showed that the sphere, the study draws upon geopotential height
Siberian high pressure is one of the main factors which cause (geopotential meter), sea surface pressure (hPa), zonal and
severe drop in temperature and the produce cold waves in Iran. meridional winds (m/s), the 2-m surface temperature data
Ghavidel-Rahimi (2009) believes that the minimum extreme (°C), and the upper atmosphere temperature data (°C). The
temperatures occur when high-pressure pattern is created on time series data encompass the years 1871–2012, totaling
the surface of the earth, and trough is formed at the upper 142 years of official data. Due to the lack of synoptic stations
levels of the atmosphere. Masoudian and Darand (2011) con- in Iran to cover this time series, no data from land stations
sidered extreme cold temperatures in Iran to be the result of were used, and we had to use only the 2-m data of minimum
the following five circular patterns: (1) Siberian-European surface temperature and upper atmosphere levels to identify,
high-pressure pattern, (2) Iceland-Siberian high-pressure pat- classify, and extract cold waves with a minimum temperature
tern, (3) Siberian high-pressure pattern, (4) North Caspian- of − 15 °C. The data were observed four times in days (00, 06,
Siberian high-pressure pattern, and (5) high pressure of the 12, and 18 Z) with a spatial resolution of 2° in longitude and
North Caspian Sea. According to the respective studies, the 2° in latitude, and consist of 24 pressure levels ranging from
dominance of high-pressure systems at the surface of the 10 to 1000 hPa. The use of high-resolution data would have
earth, meridional airflow in the upper atmosphere, and trans- been very useful, but the big problem in Iran is the unavail-
mission of air at high-latitudes are the major factors which ability of atmospheric data with a resolution higher than 2 × 2°
result in the occurrence of cold waves. Extreme values of .Synoptic research carried out in Iran mostly draws on the data
meteorological elements and climatic phenomena have be- of 2.5 × 2.5° resolution provided by the NOAA organization;
come a major problem in human life and their activities today drawing on the data of 2 × 2° resolution data is a new ap-
(Radinovic and Curic, 2014). Radinovic and Curic (2013) proach adopted in the present research. Meanwhile, due to
believe that the integration of threshold scales and the the limited number of station data (which has been registered
related units in identifying undesirable climatic phenomena since 1951 in 17 synoptic stations in the country), it is not
can help better understand and measure these undesirable possible to study long-term atmospheric phenomena. Hence,
climatic phenomena all over the globe. Romanic (2015) due to the lack of higher resolution atmospheric data, NOAA’s
A new approach in temporal-spatial reconstruction and synoptic analysis of cold waves in the northwest of... 343

Fig. 1 Map of the study area

Twentieth Century Data with 2 × 2° resolution encompassing 3 Results and discussion

a time series of 142 years were used in this research for its
higher resolution. Having run the intended script for the temperature data re-
For the purpose of the present study, cold waves with a lated to the heights of at least 2 m above the surface level,
minimum temperature of − 15 °C with a continuity of 2 days cold waves with severity of − 15 °C and below with a con-
or more during 142 years of the sample period were extracted tinuity of 2 days and more were extracted. The results re-
from a minimum of 2-m surface temperature data. The rele- vealed that during the study period of 142 years, the north-
vant data were then categorized according to frequency, se- west of the country witnessed 180 cold waves of − 15 °C or
verity, duration, and spatial extent. For the purpose of valida- severer temperatures with a minimum settlement of 2 days
tion of accuracy of the data, the extracted data were monitored and/or more. Based on the results of the data analysis, the
to the point where they matched the land station time series. year 1992 ranked first in terms of the number of waves with
However, due to problems with availability of the data, the eight recorded cold waves. The severity of recorded cold
limited time series of the ground station data and the difficulty waves during the 142 years was between − 15 °C and −
of extracting the temperature values recorded from NOAA 34.5 °C (Table 1).
data, validating the used data with the ground station data Recorded waves belong to December, January, February,
were performed only at Tabriz station as the northwest index and March. Among these months, January witnessed the
meteorological station in Iran. To carry out a synoptic analy- biggest number of 88 waves and March witnessed the low-
sis, the coldest waves for each month were used. For this est number of two waves. Regarding the continuity of
purpose, composite maps of surface pressure, geopotential waves during the study period of 142 years, the continuity
height and vector wind at 500-hPa level, thickness map, tem- of cold waves varied from 2 to 23 days. Two-day-long
perature map, and 2-m surface minimum temperature maps waves occurred 60 times and 23-day-long waves occurred
were used. only once in 1887. On the other hand, Fig. 2a shows the
344 M. Alijahan et al.

Table 1 Characteristics of the cold waves, consisting of coldest day of waves and its temperature (C°) feature and durability of cold waves (day)

R Coldest day Coldest T (C°) Durability R Coldest day Coldest T (C°) Durability
(day) (day)

1 1874 Jan 21 − 19.5 5 91 1951 Dec 25 − 19.5 2

2 1875 Jan 18 − 18 7 92 1953 Dec 28 and 29 − 24 4
3 1876 Jan–Feb 31J and 3F − 21 9 93 1954 Jan 15 − 30 6
4 1880 Jan–Feb 3F and 4F − 25.5 14 94 1957 Jan 22 − 24 2
5 1880 Jan 18 and 19 − 15 2 95 1957 Jan 7 and 9 − 18 6
6 1882 Jan 22 and 23 − 16.5 5 96 1957 Feb 6 − 21 3
7 1882 Feb 11 − 16.5 2 97 1959 Feb 21 − 25.5 9
8 1882 Feb 15 and 16 − 15 2 98 1959 Feb 28 − 21 2
9 1883 Jan 14 − 19.5 3 99 1964 Jan 11 − 21 10
10 1883 Jan 21 − 21 2 100 1964 Jan 19 and 20 − 33 13
11 1883 Feb 5 − 16.5 2 101 1965 Jan 17 and 18 − 18 4
12 1885 Jan 7 and 8 − 25.5 6 102 1967 Jan 22 and 23 − 16.5 2
13 1885 Jan 14 − 22.5 3 103 1967 Feb 2 − 25.5 7
14 1887 Jan–Feb 27 J − 31.5 23 104 1967 Feb 27 − 16.5 2
15 1888 Dec 28 − 19.5 2 105 1968 Jan 18, 19, and 20 − 16.5 3
16 1889 Jan–Feb 1F − 18 2 106 1968 Jan 23 − 18 2
17 1889 Jan 17 − 19.5 2 107 1968 Feb 8 − 19.5 2
18 1889 Jan 21 and 22 − 18 3 108 1969 Jan–Feb 2F − 25.5 5
19 1889 Jan 10 and 11 − 15 2 109 1969 Jan 6 and 7 − 16.5 3
20 1889 Dec 31 − 21 4 110 1969 Jan 12 − 16.5 2
21 1890 Jan 5 and 1 − 19.5 7 111 1969 Jan 17 − 18 2
22 1890 Jan 22 − 22.5 2 112 1969 Feb 14 − 16.5 2
23 1891 Jan 4 − 22.5 2 113 1970 Dec 22 − 18 3
24 1891 Jan 8 − 19.5 2 114 1971 Feb 12 − 16.5 2
25 1891 Feb 6 − 19.5 4 115 1971 Dec 17 − 18 6
26 1893 Feb 3 − 21 3 116 1972 Jan–Feb 1F − 19.5 3
27 1894 Jan 23 − 21 6 117 1972 Jan 20 − 28.5 4
28 1896 Jan 30 − 27 5 118 1972 Jan 5 − 24 8
29 1896 Feb 6 − 22.5 5 119 1972 Feb 11 − 31.5 6
30 1896 Feb 13 − 16.5 2 120 1972 Feb 23 − 31.5 6
31 1897 Dec 27 − 16.5 2 121 1972 Dec 25 − 24 8
32 1897 Dec 31 − 16.5 2 122 1973 Jan 4 − 22.5 5
33 1898 Jan 3 − 21 3 123 1973 Jan 19 − 28 4
34 1898 Jan 19 − 27 9 124 1973 Feb 2, 3, and 6 − 18 6
35 1898 Jan 30 and 31 − 18 3 125 1974 Jan 30 − 22.5 2
36 1898 Feb 28 − 18 2 126 1974 Feb 3 − 24 5
37 1901 Jan 23 and 26 − 18 6 127 1975 Feb 12 and 13 − 15 2
38 1903 Jan 24, 25, and 26 − 21 10 128 1976 Jan 12 − 16.5 3
39 1904 Jan 8 − 18 3 129 1976 Feb 14 − 18 2
40 1904 Jan 16 − 16.5 3 130 1976 Feb 18 − 19.5 4
41 1905 Jan–Feb 28 J − 19.5 8 131 1976 Feb 23 − 18 2
42 1905 Jan 22 − 22.5 3 132 1977 Jan 10 − 21 4
43 1905 Feb 24 and 25 − 15 2 133 1977 Jan 25 − 21 4
44 1905 Dec 23 − 27 10 134 1980 Jan–Feb 1F − 22.5 4
45 1907 Jan 25 − 27 8 135 1983 Jan 27 − 22.5 3
46 1907 Feb 5 − 24 3 136 1983 Jan 7 − 19.5 2
47 1908 Jan 20, 21, and 22 − 15 3 137 1985 Mar 2 − 22.5 4
A new approach in temporal-spatial reconstruction and synoptic analysis of cold waves in the northwest of... 345

Table 1 (continued)

R Coldest day Coldest T (C°) Durability R Coldest day Coldest T (C°) Durability
(day) (day)

48 1909 Jan 8, 9, and 10 − 19.5 3 138 1985 Feb 23 − 31.5 3

49 1910 Jan 13 − 27 7 139 1986 Jan 23 and 24 − 16.5 2
50 1911 Jan 25 − 27 8 140 1988 Dec 30 and 31 − 16.5 4
51 1911 Jan 29 − 30 4 141 1989 Jan 4 − 24 12
52 1911 Feb 14 − 34.5 4 142 1989 Jan 31 − 16.5 2
53 1916 Feb 3 − 16.5 2 143 1989 Feb 3 and 6 − 21 6
54 1920 Jan–Feb 5F − 19.5 10 144 1989 Feb 17 − 18 2
55 1921 Jan 27 − 19.5 3 145 1990 Jan 11 and 12 − 19.5 5
56 1924 Dec 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31 − 19.5 6 146 1990 Jan 26 − 19.5 3
57 1925 Jan–Feb 27 J − 34.5 18 147 1991 Feb 10, 11, and 12 − 15 3
58 1925 Feb 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 − 15 5 148 1992 Mar 12 − 25.5 12
59 1925 Feb 10 and 11 − 18 2 149 1992 Jan 6, 8, 9, and 11 − 18 8
60 1927 Feb 17 and 18 − 24 7 150 1992 Jan 28 − 24 5
61 1927 Dec 8 − 25.5 4 151 1992 Jan 16 − 18 2
62 1931 Jan 25 − 19.5 3 152 1992 Feb 9 − 27 3
63 1931 Dec 25 and 26 − 22.5 3 153 1992 Feb 28 − 16.5 3
64 1932 Jan 29 − 18 2 154 1992 Feb 15 and 16 − 15 2
65 1932 Feb 9 − 22.5 4 155 1992 Dec 29 and 30 − 19.5 5
66 1933 Dec 5 and 6 − 15 2 156 1993 Jan 15 and 17 − 27 10
67 1934 Jan 27 − 21 3 157 1993 Jan 1 − 19.5 2
68 1935 Jan 11 − 19.5 4 158 1993 Feb 17 and 18 − 22.5 4
69 1937 Jan 1 − 19.5 3 159 1993 Feb 23 − 21 2
70 1937 Jan 28 − 19.5 2 160 1994 Feb 19 − 19.2 2
71 1937 Feb 4 and 5 − 19.5 3 161 1994 Dec 7 − 28.5 8
72 1938 Feb 12 − 18 2 162 1997 Jan 28 − 16.5 2
73 1940 Jan 13 − 24 5 163 1997 Feb 7 and 8 − 16.5 3
74 1942 Jan 6 − 19.5 4 164 2000 Jan–Feb 9F − 22.5 13
75 1944 Jan 18 − 16.5 2 165 2001 Jan 30 − 18 3
76 1944 Feb 3 − 16.5 2 166 2002 Jan 10 − 24 3
77 1946 Jan 28 and 29 − 18 3 167 2002 Dec 27 − 34.5 9
78 1947 Feb 4 − 16.5 2 168 2002 Dec 14 − 16.5 2
79 1947 Dec 26 − 16.5 2 169 2005 Feb 14 − 24 3
80 1948 Dec 28 − 16.5 2 172 2006 Jan–Feb 31 − 24 4
81 1948 Dec 31 − 21 2 170 2006 Jan 16 and 17 − 21 3
82 1949 Jan 7 − 21 5 171 2006 Jan 22 − 22.5 2
83 1949 Jan 1 − 22.5 3 173 2006 Dec 29 − 22.5 4
84 1949 Feb 21 − 21 3 174 2007 Jan 2 − 22.5 3
85 1949 Feb 10 − 18 3 175 2007 Jan 9 − 18 3
86 1950 Jan–Feb 29 − 21 7 176 2007 Jan 17 − 16.5 2
87 1950 Jan 16 − 33 6 177 2008 Jan 16 − 25.5 12
88 1950 Feb 7 − 28.5 5 178 2008 Feb 5 − 16.5 2
89 1950 Feb 19 − 24 2 179 2009 Jan 3 − 21 3
90 1951 Feb 9 − 16.5 2 180 2009 Jan 11 and 12 − 22.5 5
346 M. Alijahan et al.

Fig. 2 a Number of cold waves in 1 year and their linear regression. b Frequency of cold waves with a duration of 2 to 23 days. c Number and percentage
of cold waves in the studied seasons

number of cold waves occurring in the 142 years. records of time series of atmospheric data (since 1951). The
According to the slop of the regression line, it can be said results of the validation of the minimum temperature regis-
that the number of waves occurring during the 142 years tered by Tabriz synoptic station and that of the 2-m above of
increased with a coefficiency of 0.0429. The results of the the Earth’s surface provided by NOAA the twentieth century
recorded waves are given in Fig. 2. of are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. According to Fig. 4, it can be
To validate the data, drawing on time series data from said that the data indicate a reliable correlation with the data
Tabriz synoptic station were preferred over all other stations provided by Tabriz synoptic station in terms of the time series
in the northwest region of Iran due the availability of long encompassing 1951–2012 and the recorded temperatures. The

Fig. 3 Comparative graph of the time series of minimum temperature recorded by Tabriz synoptic station and NCEP data encompassing 1951 to 2012
A new approach in temporal-spatial reconstruction and synoptic analysis of cold waves in the northwest of... 347

Fig. 4 Scatterplot diagram and

correlation between ground
station data and NCEP

a b

c d

Fig. 5 Composition map of sea level pressure (colored), 500-hPa geopotential height and wind vector (Time 00z). a February (14.02.1911). b January
(27.01.1925). c March (12.03.1992). d December (27.12.2002)
348 M. Alijahan et al.

a b

c d

Fig. 6 Thickness of the atmosphere (500 to 1000 hPa) (Time 00z). a February (14.02.1911). b January (27.01.1925). c March (12.03.1992). d December

correlation between the two datasets is 71% which is signifi- (Fig. 5). Also, at the upper levels of atmosphere, formation
cant at 95% confidence level, confirming validity of the data of atmospheric blocking at the geopotential height of
used in the study. 500 hPa coupled with the conversion of zonal flow of west-
For the purpose of the synoptic analysis of cold waves in ern wind to the meridian flow and transition of very cold
the northwest of Iran, the coldest wave in each of the 4 months weather from western latitudes to the north west of Iran are
was selected and analyzed. The choice was based on the fre- some of the clear characteristics of the study days. In
quency and multiplicity of the waves during the 142 years December, at the surface level of the ground, the Siberian
under study, so December 27 in 2002, January 27 in 1925, high pressure and western high pressure are active in the
February 14 in 1911, and March 12 in 1992 were the right area. The low pressure formed in the center of Russia
dates to choose for our purpose. completely surrounded by the Siberian high-pressure system
leads to a change in the direction of zonal wind to the me-
3.1 Sea surface pressure map, geopotential height, ridian wind. This system regarded as an obstacle in front of
and wind blowing in 500-hPa level western air mass. This low-pressure system intakes high-
pressure air around the surrounding areas and this leads to
Based on the extracted maps of the days studied, the major the formation of an anticlockwise flow, which ultimately
phenomenon on the surface level of the ground in the north- leads to the flow of cold air to the northwest of Iran at lati-
west of the Iran is the dominance of high-pressure systems tudes over 70°. On the other hand, this cold polar air
A new approach in temporal-spatial reconstruction and synoptic analysis of cold waves in the northwest of... 349

a b

c d

Fig. 7 Temperature advection map of 500 hPa (Time 00z). a December (27.12.2002). b January (27.01.1925). c February (14.02.1911). d March

combined with Arctic cold weather flowing toward the re- formation of a blocking at the 500-hPa level in Central Asia.
spective area at latitudes of 65°, 60°, and 55° impose very By formation of the blocking, western wind flow changed to
cold weather on the northwest of Iran. meridian and it flooded very cold and dry climate of Siberian
On January 27, we observed the activity and complete and Arctic from latitudes above 70° to the northwest of the
dominance of Arctic system over the weather conditions in Iran. The combination of these two high-pressure systems
northwest of Iran. On this day, the Siberian high-pressure and the air flowing from latitudes more than 70° led to a
system was partially active and dominated over controlled sharp drop in temperature and settlement of this condition
the low-pressure system of northern Russia and its center. for some days in the northwest of Iran. In March, we also
Weakening of Siberian high pressure provided the basis for observed the integration of two high-pressure Siberian and
the expansion and penetration of very cold air of Arctic from western systems. The existence of relatively low-pressure
the northern Europe to northwest of Iran. The mentioned air systems in the south of Iran and high-pressure systems in
flow was completely meridian and in latitudes of 70° and the north led to the rush of very cold temperatures of high
higher entered the northwest of Iran, and due to long-term pressure toward the south. The mentioned high-pressure sys-
transition from dry lands, it imposed very cold weather on tem at the upper levels of the atmosphere led to the formation
this area. In February, the severity and expansion of the of atmospheric blocking and meridian flow. The created
Siberian high pressure increased. On the other hand, the omega blocking on the north of the Black Sea led to the
western high pressure was also active in the region. The conversion of zonal flow of the western wind to the meridian
combination of these two high-pressure systems led to the flow. On this day, northwest of Iran was exactly in the
350 M. Alijahan et al.

a b

c d

Fig. 8 Minimum temperature at 2-m above ground surface (Time 00z). a December (27.12.2002). b January (27.01.1925). c February (14.02.1911). d
March (12.03.1992)

southeast of the blocking. These conditions imposed a very Thickness maps, in addition to demonstrating the cold and
cold weather with duration of 12 days in the northwest of warm air, also show the displacement of warm and cold air
Iran. masses (Alijani 2002). In these days, the thickness of atmo-
sphere in the northwest of Iran was between 5100–5200 and
3.2 Thickness map 5200–5300 m, indicating the dominance of cold climate.
On the other hand, another phenomenon that is observed
Thickness maps of atmosphere indicate the low thickness of is the meridian flow of the air. This flow is clearly recog-
atmosphere in the study days over the northwest of the nizable in the thickness maps of the atmosphere. This phe-
country (Fig. 6). Considering this important point that the nomenon led to the creation of cold climate in the respec-
thickness of atmospheric layers in the cold weather de- tive area. In December and March, the thickness of atmo-
creases and becomes thicker in warm weather, it can be sphere in the northwest of Iran was between 5200 and
concluded that there should be a good correlation between 5300 m, and in January and February, it was between
thickness of atmosphere and atmospheric temperature. 5100 and 5200 m.
A new approach in temporal-spatial reconstruction and synoptic analysis of cold waves in the northwest of... 351

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