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[This question paper contains 4 printed pages.

171 Your Roll No.

61 31jc;h'11cfi ............. .

B. Ed. - 1st Year : Annual Examination 2023
Unique Paper Code: F .1

Educati on in Contem porary India

Time : 3 Hours Maximu m Marks : 70

~ 3fcFi" : 7 0

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately

on receipt of this question paper.)

(-w ~-1:pjf ~ ~ -tt ~ ~ w f.tufITTr

~ W arrR/' Jlj¢h 'I/en tAfi'ql( I)

Note :- Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi;

but the same medium should be used throughout the

f2cqifn: - "W ~- r:pjf cfiT '3rT( ~ 7:/T ~ FciRft' ~ "1f1W ~

!/Ml(; Hfit>rf ~ ~ cfiT 7flt?pf ~ tf7' 5RT ii/Ml( I

Attemp t five question s in all.

All question s carry equal marks.
Questio n 1 is compul sory.
Each question carries 14 marks.

~ Pl€11cfi{ 'tlfa ~ cfiT ~
cfi1: I
~ ~ ~ ij' iM 3lcfi ~
~l '14Plcll4 i I Sl~cfi ~ 14 3lcfi cfiT i I

1. E du ca ti on as an In st ru
m en t of so ci al ju st ic e
In di an C on st itu tio n. C ri in th e
tic al ly comment.

\\R d\ l\ ~ ~ ~
ij\'ilm=ttfi ~ cfiT ~
~ ii
311J\=t.t-1l€-'\cfi Q:cq01\ cfi1:I

2. 'E du ca ti on acts as an
in te gr at iv e force in so ci
E lu ci da te w it h re sp ec t et y. '
to RTE 2009.

'fm:rr ij'il\l\ ~ ~ ~ct\~€1 :tlfcffi ~ m- ~ ~ ~ t! ' 3lR.

it. i. 20 09 ~ ~ ~ ~

3. "D if fe re nt So ci al Refor
mers pl ay ed a pi vo ta l ro
cr ea tin g sp ac es for Wom le in
en in th e field of Ed uc at
E la bo ra te w ith su ita bl e io n. "
examples .

" ~ ij'il\l\ ~ ~
fue=rr ~ ~ ~ '1~clldlf ~ ~ ~
~ ~- '1 6~ q' 4 \:fp\cfil ~
l " Jqqcffi J~l6{0fl ~
c:-- c:--
...:, ~ ~( kt l{

4. W ha t ar e th e m er it s
an d de m er it s of K ot
C om m is si on ( 19 64 -1 96 ha ri
6) to w ar ds tr an sf or m at
the education system in Indi io n of
a? Discuss its recommenda
171 3
~ ~ fm:rr S1om~ tfi" qf«4J..i cfil" 1m ~ cilo1~ HT
(1964- 1966) tfi" "TT 3fu: ffi ~ ~? ~ fftq;,R~n' "9"{ ~

5. Mid-d ay Meal Schem e aims to overco me the proble m

of classro om "hung er" which is a major obstac le in
the path of effecti ve and efficie nt educat ion system .
Comm ent on the statem ent?

cfifil t W~ ~ cfi:ll~~
man siom~ ~ "iITTT ~ ~ ~.
~ t, ~ "9"{ fe.cqJil cfit?

6. Based on the report s of variou s comm ittees and

comm ission s , list the signif icant featur es of
develo pment of vocatio nal educat ion in India.

~ ijM@41. ~ dil41iri ~ fNta ~ m ~ mIB ~

641q~lf4cti maTI ~ fctctilij ctr '16tq'i0l fctmtStdld« ctr ~ cil~l~4 I

7. India being a multili ngual countr y, langua ge diversity

in classro oms has been a social proble m in our
educat ional history . Discus s the statem ent and the
initiati ves taken by t4e govern ment in the light of
educat ional policy, commissions and committees.

171 4

'+IRtf ~ ~ hr t, cfiWaff ~ \lTl'i{f fctfcn.@r ~ ~

~R\t;R-t ~ ~ ~ffifl~cfi ~1'1ft41 ~ t1 ~ ~ , 311<Tiin' aft'{

tt~Rt~' cfi 611Mlcfi ~ ~ 3ttt tf(cfil{ aRT ctl' l1l ~ lR

~ 'cfitl

8. Evaluate the role of key central educat ional institu tions

for instanc e. NCTE , NCER T, CBSE on the format ion
and structu ring of policy and educat ion discou rse?

.fila- ~ ~ ~ cfi Pt'fY01 ~ ij{-£4'11 'tR ~ ~-sf)~

~~ ~ , 3Gi6{01 cfi ~ ~-1~tl{, ~'1~{3TI<tt, ~~~ij{

ctl' ~ cfiI cfiT "1~ lcfi'1 'cfit I

9. Discus s the social and educat ional contrib ution of any

two of the follow ing :

f..i9blf{qa ~ "ij' fch.:t}' <n cfi ttl'il~cfi 31k ~~ <TI"IGl'1 'tR

~w :
(a) Jyotib a Phule
"'41R'latl 1llR

(b) Pandit a Ramab ai

9~dl <'ilatl{

(c) Dr. B. R. Ambe dkar

if. ~- 3TR. 31~sch<

(d) Mahat ma Gandh i

'16lf'fl lTIUf
[This question paper contains 8 printed pages.]

172 Your Roll No.

B.Ed. - 1st Year : Annual Examination 2023

Unique Paper Code: F .2

Human Development, Diversity and Learning

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70


(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately

l on receipt of this question paper.)

(W 'fTR"-'l:f r$" filHd it "3i'W ~ w ~

'P-IFf W .3fTRT J/1¢ "IIE/J fHf?ql( I)

Note :- Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi;

but the same medium should be used throughout the

!2'4Jfl:- w 'fTR"-~ cnT 3rf( a,wJt 7:/1 ~ Fcmft- ~ ~ ~

cft&il(; HRhr/ ~ ~ cnT 7f'/t"lf1f ~ ~ 6RT illffl<! I

All questions are compulsory.

All questions; except Q.1, have an internal choice.

17 2
~~ 31 f.:l q1 qt I
~ 1 cfiT m?cfi<, ~ ~ ~ al,aRCfi '4cfic-<4 t,

1. (a) The re are mul tipl e childhoods and adolescenc

es in
Ind ia. Ref lect on the given statement based on
theo ries of learning and development that you hav
stud ied. (8)

(b) Dis cus s sui tab le pra ctic es teac her s can
to add ress stud ent div ersi ty for ens urin g the
optimal"development and learning of all children in
sch ool. (6)

(cfl) ~ ~ ~- ai,~,q~~ ~· f4:i~rf<lq~~ t1 ~ em ~

~ f4cfiR1 ~ ~ cfi" ~ Ri~lffi. cfi" 3UUR ~ ~
~~~~ ctl~~I

(~) '4t1,H4 ~ «l<q~ ~ ~cfilti

cfiT ~Plft-q a ~ cf>" ~
~ ~ ~ ijcfi~ ~ ~ Uh41cfiHl4\ ~ ~
cfi1~4 I

2. (a) Discuss the educational implications stemming

Pia get 's con stru ctiv ist view of chi ldre n's thinking
. (5)
and 1ear nin g.
172 3

(b) For Vygotsky, 'the sociocultural experiences shape

the course of cognitive development in a child'.
Elaborate. (5)

(c) Explain Piaget and Vygotsky's views about the

nature of knowledge, learner and learning process.

(en) ~ ~ m;, ~ @{q~ ~ fqiu'1\ ~ rir;yffiql~ J4141'1

~ Jc<tni ~ ri~ctl~ cfiT ~4ili1 cfi'tNI~ I

(~) ql~JTI~ ~ ~ ' ~-tji~Rlch ~ ~ ~

ij#lii11€'ttcfi ~cfiRI ~ ~ "cfiT ~ >IGR ~ t1
~!ll~cfi{OI cfi'tNI~ I

(rr) ~ ctT ~ , ~ ~ ~ SfRh41 ~ ~ ~

fq~,'1\ ~ qp~JTIR<:fil ~ ~ill{i "cfiT ~ cfi'tNI~ I


(a) How does Bronfenbrenner's theory facilitate your

understanding about human development? How
relevant this theory is in addressing the
developmental concerns of school going children
in diverse Indian society? (7)

172 4
. 17
(b) Discuss any two of the following with rece
rence 11
to the theory of psycho-social development as
given by Erikson :

(i) Emergence of Self

(ii) Search for Identity

(iii) Individual's relationship with others

(~) ~ fc\q-;1~ 'ctt ~ ~ ~ ~'1~-~'1< cfiT lfi4H1

~ W-fiR ~
t? '1Rdlit ~ ij'ifot ~

fct tllcl~ ~ elm ~ cfi' ftjcJilij ~ ~ ij{ICfil{l° ci,-

~ ~ ~ ~ R14t~ f<¼i~HI ~ t?

(~) ~R"cf~:M eRr ~ lTq ~qilij cfi' '1.flij'tl8'cfi Rt -ii.1--a ~

~ ~ Pt+.-1R;tRckt ~ ~ fcfi;.g) 'iff ~ W ~ -

(i) ~ qif ~

(ii) ~~di~~

(iii) oqfcffi cfi' ~ ~ ~ ~

3. Priya is a 12 year old girl. Her teacher realiz_es ~ha~

she always shares novel ideas · h d iver
wit · gent thmkmg,
she is not bound by limits and expectat wn' and has
hts . She is also not
originality and flexibility in thoug
re on implication.
interested in facts and focuses mo

(a) Identify Priya' s special ability? (2)

Ho w wo uld you as a teacher facilitate the teaching-

learning process for her? (6)

to give to Priya's
(c) What suggestions would you like
at home?
parents for facilitating her learning

Nm 12 ~ ~ . t1 Jijcfil mrcn 1mffi cfi{

ffl t ~W ~
I 'R@;r cfi" ~ ~ ~~ l{f cfi1" ~ ~ t1 W ff l
Jq ijl{

~ amnau ~ ~ zjmrr ~ ~ ~
'flfBcfia1 ~
qi) ~au
<1"tfl<114'1 fflm ti cf6 ~ ~ ~ rfITT ~ t ~ ~jM~JI

1R 3TIUcfi ~ ~ t1

('cfi) film cfil mJTif ~J~dl cITT ~ cfitl

T- ~~ cn l"
(\9) ~~~~~ 3f ltr ~O O TO

~ cJ1- ~ fw:Jr ~
('~) ~ 1R ~ ~ en) ~

~ c f i l 3{ ltf cf llf ~t .= fr ~?

O R (~ )

P. T. 0 .
From se greg ation to integration to inclusion , th e
strategies for the education of children with special
needs have undergone considerable changes. Why do
you think this was necessary? Also how do you see
inclusion as a more appropriate approach for dealing
with most children in regular classrooms? Support your
view with suitable examples. (14)

1r~¾{OI ~ ~.fticfic-1-1; ~.ftlcfic-1"1 ~ ~.Jtltj~H ~ ~ ~ ~

~,q~4cfia1 ~ ~ ctl- fmu ~ ~ <0 141Ri4i q4fca qRqJ..i
~ ~ ~ ~
t1 ~ fcl-i4R ~ ~ ~ ~lq:f4cfi ?.TI? <f6

~ ata1~2l ~ 3Titf ~ m ~.Jtltj~H "cfi1' f44fila 'cfi'allj)= ~

~ ~ ~ ~ o'-lq6Ri~ ~ Jqgcffl Jq1,11.Jt 'lfFffi

t? JqScffl J~l6<ari aRT am ~ ctl- ~ cfi1~2t 1

4. (a) 'The content of Social media and TV programmes

is important concern in the process of cognitive
development for a teacher who believes in
Bandura's theory of Learning.' Discuss the given
statement with suitable examples. (7)

(b) Discuss with examples any four pedagogical

possibilities emerging from the Social Learning
Theory of Bandura. (4)
17 2 7
nis tic
( c) Dra win g upo n you r und ers tan din g of Hu ma
app roa ch to lea rnin g, dis cus s any thre e lea rnin
stra teg ies tha t ma y be use ful 1n the lea rnin g
you r sub jec t. (3)

(en) ~ ~ \jfl" ~ cfi" iji'11Mi:h ~ Rl41 .:a ~ ~:1c11~

Hc:1~11 t cfi" ~ ttl:tle1 ~~l fl ~ it.~. ~ ~tSflf iji'i lil

~.fli.=tlfttc:fi ~c:filij ~ Sfrnilfl cfi" ~ '16fc14UT

ij<fcfiR t,
~ d<;l6(0TI. ijIB d ~ ~ ~ ~ ci4RoQI

((Cf) ~ ~ ijl'11Mch ~ Rl41.:a ~ ~ Fch~· ~

ffi~ Ol:t ll~l f ~~ ~ ~ cfilM4,

('11") ~{q;;l cfi" '11--icldlctlcfl 341.11'1 ~ ~ ~ cfi" 3nU R 1R

Fch.-tl ~ ~ (Ol~@lff ~ ~~-it911 c:6lM4 \jfl" 6ilqch7

FcitSflf ~ ~(q;;l ~ 3qioJil "ITT ijcfiffi t1

O R (~ )

roa ch
(a) Ho w Co gni tive info rma tion pro ces sin g app
to lea rnin g is diff ere nt from tha t of Beh avi our isti
app roa ch to lea rni ng?

gic al
(b) Dis cus s wit h exa mp les any thr ee ped ago
pos sib ilit ies em erg ing fro m Co gni tive info rma
pro ces sin g app roa ch to lea rnin g.

P.T .0.
p a

( c) Accor d1ng to you wha t wou ld be the essent·
feat ures O f a clas sroo m bas ed on the Soc·
Constructivist App roac h? (7)

(cli) (l}{qrf cfil 'ij,ill'11f'icfi ~-€4'11 Sli;fi+iOI J91Jl'f ~{q;)- cfi

oqqt;IF41¥f 391Jl+i ~ ~ WfiR ~ °t?
(~) ~{q rf ~ 'ij,ill'1lf'icfi ~-€4'11 Sli;fi+iOI J91Jl+i ~~~
-aA" fir~ ~11~4 ~3 TT ctr JGl6 {uff ~ ~

cfl1M4 t
("lf) ~ ~ ~l+ilfulcfi Ptf'ffac418} J91Jl+i 1l( ~~
cfil 3i Rc414 ~ mlSkil ~ cflfT 1ITlIT I

5. Discuss any two of the foll owi ng : (7+7)

(a) Edu cati ona l imp lica tion of Ste nbe rg's theo ry of
Inte llig enc e

(b) Gill igan 's crit ique s of Koh l ber g's theo ry of mor
dev elop men t

( c) Alte rnat ives to pun ishm ent in beh avio rism

H'""iHRqa ~ ~ Fch.:il. en 1l( ~ cfil~?t -

('cf>") tc:4~JT ~ ~ ~ Rt~l .:ft ~ ~ 3lm< f

('{cf) cfil6cl~JT ~ 4@cfi ftjcfim ~ Rt~,~ ctTI fltRlJ1-1 gRf

311 (il-i:Fif

[This questio n paper contain s 4 printed pages. ]

173 Your Roll No.

B.Ed. - 1st Year : Annual Examination 2023

Uniqu e Paper Code: F .3

Conce ptual Found ations of Educa tion

Time : 3 hours Maxim um Marks : 70

~3f cfi" :70

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately

on receipt of this question paper.)

(w RTrr- ~ "ffi" fi:lc1J "!I- ~ ~ w- ~

~ W JPFll" 3/j~ Jfli:h fWiq(/ I)

Note :- Answe rs may be written either in English or jn Hindi;

but the same medium should be used throughout the

f214tli}: - W RTrr- ~ "ffiT "Jr« Jmiifr c/T ~ ~ ~ i1TlW" t

;f}{J,'t; JRhr1 ~ 3rlif "ffiT 7flt7/1f ~ ft iRJ- illld'<! I

Attem pt two questi ons from Sectio n A, two

from Sectio n B, and one from Sectio n C.
All questi ons carry equal marks .

P.T.O .
173 2

~ ~ ~ 3rcfi' ij'ii~ t,

Secti on A ~ at)

I. Is there a relati onshi p betwe en activi ty, disco very and

dialogue, or are they indep enden t? Discu ss based on
the ideas of the think ers you have studie d.

~ .. ,Rt~fu, • , ~~~~ emf ~ t, ~ ~ ~ci-;4

t? 3lltA" m- f'cl-i.lRcfif cf>T 3ttAli~ ~ ~ d~cfi f'cl-i.ll{i cfi' 311tlR

"CR ~ "cfRI

2. Discu ss the impo rtanc e of incul cating value s in an

increasingly dynamic and polarised society. How would
you addre ss this matte r?

3. During your B.Ed. progr am, how have you come to

under stand educa tion and teach ing? Supp ort your
answ er with the help of exam ples.
173 3

~ ~-~- cfil%'i ~ ~ ~ ftre1T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

t? 3~16{0TI ~ tj614di ~ 3ftA" "3W cfiT ~ "ctRI

Section B (ffi' ~)

I. Write a critical note on the relationship between

education and social change. Justify your answer with
three suitable examples.

men ~ ~,'f,Mch qf<qJ~ ~ ~ ~ "tR ~ 311(11-i:H,flicfi

f2cqJn ~I ~ 34Scffl 3~16{0TI. ID'{T 3ltA" ~ ct)- 1TilZ


2. Every child brings to the classroom his/her reality.

How would you give space to these realities within
classroom proce_sses as a teacher?

!.f~ch ~ cfiW ~ ~ qjttifqi:fial ~ 3l@T t1 ~ fmrcn

~ ~ ~ auq cfiW cffi" !.fRti41dff ~ ~ cm:-afqi:fia,dll ~ ~

~~ ~7
3. 'The curriculum and pedagogy of our institutions must
develop a deep sense of respect towards the
Fundamental Duties and Constitutional values among
the students'. Discuss this vision of the New
Education Policy 2020 and the role of a teacher in
achieving it.
173 4

Section C ~ ~)

I. Which Indian thinker 's ideas inspire you as an

educato r, how and why? Discuss with referen ce to
the aims of educatio n and pedagog ic practice s.

~ Me-tch cfi" ~ ~ ~ \fRffill ~-ql{q, cfi" ~I{ 311qqi) ~

cfiffl" t ~ ~ fcfi;t- q,l{OI -a? fmlr cfi" d~~q)· ~ ~atfulcti
Sl~ldfl. cfi" ~ ~ ~ cfitl

2. 'In differen t educatio nal context s, choosin g differen t

ideas of differen t thinkers can be more effectiv e in
achievin g aims of educati on' - Do you agree with
this stateme nt? Give reasons in suppor t of your
answers .

' ~ ~ch ~ ~' ~ fcl-ii1<ci)" cfi" ~ Fcl-ii,<i cffi"

"9,-i-il rnau ~ ~ qiJ ~ ~ ~ 3t~cti ~ m(ictidl
t' - cfllT 3IJtr ~ cti14.-f ~ ij5'1d t? ffl ~ cfi" ij'1~.-f ~
~ ara1l),

[This question a r contains
p pe 4 printed ges.]
17 9
Your Ro ll No .
···· ···· ······
B.Ed -1st Yea r : Annual Examination 2023

Unique Paper Code: F.4

Gend er, School and Society

~' ~~ ~'ifof

Time : 2 Hours Maximum Marks : 35

~ 3 T cf i: 3 5

(Write yo ur Ro ll No. on the top
on receipt of this question pape

tf ,-
(w ~ -~ cf i" ~ "e f/ -~ ~ 7f V f. tu ff
P-TR" W JPRT" .j/j}h Jflch Affq(!

n either in English or in Hindi;

No te :- An sw ers may be writte
used throughout the
bu t the same medium should be
pa pe r.

cfiT 3r l( ~ 7/T ~ ~
% ~ ~
/2a,u'iJ:- w ~-~
JW,q; &Rh ➔ ~ ~ cfiT 7flt 7{1 f % -Gt m wtw,
tem pt th re e qu es tio ns in all . Ql is compulsory.

~ ~(1icfH ~ ~ 6 R cfit I~~ 1 di~cU4 i I

P.T .O .
179 2

1. "Social change cannot be effected overnight".

Critically comment on this statement from the
perspective of gender. Explain how does school as an
institution play a crucial role in transforming social
institutions vis-a-vis gender. (11)

"ijl'ilmtcfi qRcfJ.=t ~ 'Uff ~ ~ mlff ~ ijcfidl" I ~ ~

i~ch)o1 ~ ~ ~ 1R" ~IMl-i.1.-tlf'icfi fecqull 'cfitl ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~cfilisf~ ijl'il~cfi ~3U ~

isl e("f ;:t ~ ~ '16 6:1 qC'scrf \fC's~ cfil ~ 't I o!.f R&U cfit I

2. Which feminist theory, do you think, is most relevant

in today's context? Justify your stance with the help
of illustrative examples. (12)

~ 3f-;:) ffl m ..i,{l~,~ m;gia ~ cfi 'ffi ~ ~

~ !Alfffllcfi t? 3Gl6(0TI ~ ij5f~a, "ij"


ffl'lo1 ~


3. Critically reflect on the challenges and injustice faced

by the trans gender people in our society. Discuss the
instrumenta l role education can play in ensuring
equality and justice for the trans community . (12)
179 3

~ ij.Jil1J1 ~ Fclini< (~,ij~·s<) ~ ~ ; : R T ijl'f-11 ~~

cfTR ~ ~ :g4l faqr °tit 31 IRl-i4..f if'1 c:fi SI fa ~~'1 cfit I Pcti"1{

ij1a1ll ~ m ij.Jif-1dl ~ ~ ~Pl~a ~ ~ fue:rr '16fcf'l?i

\ifilcfil f.:f,:rr ijcfiff}
t °tit ~ cfitl

4. School textboo ks can be an instrum ent of reinforcing

gender stereot ypes as well as bringin g about a
transfor mation in society vis-a-vi s gender. Discuss
with the help of suitable exampl es from school
textboo ks you have referred to. (12)

cfiT 41&-Nfdc
fi. ~ ~faql~dl

ch1" '11J1dtd
cfiB ~ ~- ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ij.JiflJ't ~ ataHlq 'c1'R" qif ~ mu;r oT ijcfiffl

t, 3lN ~ GRT ~ fctic:--Hl q1~3tacif ~ 349,cffl Jat5<un·

cfil ijSlllcll ~ ~ cfitl

5. Critical ly commen t on any two of the followin g :

(a) Intersec tion of gender and disabili ty

(b) Hidden Curricu lum and gender

( c) Gender in Media

P.T.O .
179 4

F\i-riR!f<qa ~ ~ fch~' en ~ 3ilHl-q'1lf'icfi flcq~ cffi: :

(en) ~ ~ {tjcficti~1a1 cfiT 3fa~aiu

((Cf) ~ 416~~'1 3ik ~

(~) ~ffi41 ~~

nte d pa ge s.]
[T his qu est ion pa pe r co nta ins 4 pri

Yo ur Ro ll No.
18 0

tion 2023
B.Ed. - 1st Year : Annual Examina

Un iqu e Pa pe r Co de : F.5

Su bje cts
Kn ow led ge , Di sci pli ne s an d Sc ho ol

Ma xim um Ma rks : 35
Tim e : 2 ho urs
~ 3rq , : 35

(Write yo ur Ro ll No . on the top im
on rec eip t of this question pa per .)

(w "JT Fr -~ "ffi" filc-1J it~~ w ~

~ W JflR T" J/j# , Jt/cfJ fRR qq


in English or in Hi nd i,·
No te :- An sw ers ma y be written either
d throughout the
bu t the sam e medium sho uld be use
pa pe r.

amef/' ZIT ~ 'fi1RfJ' ~ "1f1YIT ~

f2U/u'fl : - W "JTFr- ~ cfiT 3fW

!JIJiq; JR,;.-, ~ 3r1 iJ' cfiT 7fl tW ~ '!/' -iR, ill@(! I

A is co mp uls ory .
Ple ase no te tha t Q. 1 in Se cti on
s fro m Se cti on B.
Ki nd ly sel ec t an y thr ee Qu est ion

P .T .O .
180 2

~ un;,~~~ (at)~~ 1 31f.:tq14 t I

~~ (~)~~~~~¥1

Section A

I. Write short notes on any one of the following : (5)

(a) Conceptualization of Knowledge in the Context of

NEP 2020

(b) Integrated Curriculum Approach

(c) Indian Knowledge Systems in the Curriculum

916-ifsti'f ~ \il{ffilf ~ !,IOIIJl

(d) Role of Work Experience in Education

180 3

Section B

1. Discuss the social perceptions and stereotypes related

to disciplinary streams along with the changing
perceptions in the present context in India. (10)

'qJ«f ~ qd'il-1 ~ ~ at~c-ta-1 URUTTan cfi' ~-~ 6H~lltt•·m·•P:fi


URT3ll ~ ~ ~ til'ilru:tcfi URUTT31T ~ ~f4q1rua1 ~ cfitl

2. School timetable is not only a tool of arranging different

subjects in a sequence but conveys a great deal about
the principles of knowledge organization . Critically
reflect on this statement. ( 10)

~ ~ cfiT ~ 34cfi{UI t , at~ ~ ~<116--i ~ Rl~iJi

~~~~~ a.a1dl t, ~ ~ ~ ~e-tlfiiq-i ~'1:fl ~,

3. "Interdiscip linary and multidiscipl inary learning does

not minimize the importance of disciplines, rather it
complemen ts the various disciplines" . Explain this
statement with suitable examples. (10)

"3ia":fcttsill 3TI( ~- fcttsillch ftreu fcttsiqi· ~ '16~ cfil cfllf .:ml

ch<al t, at~ ~ Fctfctu fcltsiqi· cfiT ~ t" 1 ~ ~ ~
3c;1s<or1 ~ tW-l ~ <tlru:tQ 1

P.T.O .
180 4
4. In the context of knowledge construction, when the
learner is intrinsically motivated it triggers inquiry and
curiosity. Give illustrative examples. ( 10)

~ P1+1to1 ~ ~ ~, ~ fu~ di1aRcti ~ ~ ~ imr

t "fil ~ ~~~01 3TI'{ Rito111~1 cfiT 3€1Ra cfITTfT t1 ~~,8l~a
3~16{orf ID'U ~ cfi{I

5. Differentiate between 'Curriculum' and 'Syllabus'.

Why is it essential for any teacher to have a conceptual
understanding regarding these two aspects? ( 10)

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6. Discuss the significance of indigenous knowledge

systems and their contribution in knowledge creation.
Critically comment taking an example from one subject
area. (10)

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