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NBTS cons ar ‘Corporate Office : Ankas!\ Tower, 8. Pusa Road, New Dathl-116005. Phone : 011.47622456 NCERT Booster Program (for NEET-2023) NBTS ~ 03 Topica covered : Systam of Particles & Rotational Motion. Gravilation, Mochan'‘cal Propertias of Solids Physics Ghemistry : The s-Block Elements, The p-Block Elomonts (Group-13 to 14), Redox Reactions, Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principies and Techniques: Botany = Morphology of Flowering Plants, Anatomy of Flowering Plants, Plant kingdom Zoology —: Body Flutes and Circulation. Excretary Products and Ellmination, Locomotion and Moverent. Neural Control and Coordination (up to Reflex action)-1 ) Instructions : (There are two cections In each subjact, .0. Sectian-A & Sectlon-B. You have to attempt all 3§ questions from Sectlon-A & anly 10 questions from Saction-B out af 15, (@)__ Each question carries 4 marks. For avery wrong tesponse 1 mark shall be deducted from tne total score Unanswered / unaltempled questions will bo givan no marks. (ii) Uso bluevblack ballpoint pan only to darken tho appropriate clrclo, (i) Mark should b0 dark ard completely fill the clicla. (¥) Dark only one circle for ench ontry. (+l) Dark tho circle mn tho space pravided only, (i) Rough wark must not ba dono on the Answer sheet and do not use white-fuld or any other rubbing material on the Answer sheet. PHYSICS Choose the correct answor: SECTION - A, a 2 + Three-point masses of mass m, 2m and 3m are (1) Gme places at the comers of an eguilateral triangle cf ame? side @ as shown figure. Moment of inart!a of the (2) me als Is an eysiem about me’ (3) rT 9mei ax a= © seamen one scan CERT Booster Program (NOTA) for NEET-2029 ein, Mt 11g rotating at the rato of 22 rev! \ i 4 8, then angular retardation will 8, 2 Ah comes tornst in 10 bo Ode cy OBE ad's poz endo? = rewist te Fw An automate engine develops powor of 50 kW wher relotng al a speed of 900 revim'a, Tho torace do"vers to ite 359Nm song sphere is reling dawn on a incined plane valle Oto the norgental The acccleratior cf ts centre dows the clone 's 2) a Epsiw 3osine 2 z 3) 2, 4 (3) Zgsino 39sine thie uniform ebeevtar 5 M and radius Rin retatng In a ho-tzenta! plane about an exis Passing through its conta and comendicular to 5 plane with angular valse'ty « Anothar Igontleal Gite IS placed gently cn Ine Ost disc com~axialy. ‘Ths angular velocity of the systom wall ho 20 2) 22 ms a) 2 @ 3 Body ' In pure rolling on ground and its rotatianal rings enorgy Is 40% cf its transiatcnal kinetic, tren tro cody is 1) Rirg (2) Cylinder (4) Solld sphora Wine radius of he earth Is suddenly contracted to 9F0 third of its present valuo, than duration of tho 4) wll Bo ot (Consider mace romalns samo) 8 ty She Mis (3) Hetlew ephero 2 $ hr (6) 2hr NOTE ‘he escape votocity from tha earth's sua et Tho oseape voloily from the surface of mie planot having radius throo timas that af arin 3 snime mass densily Is (2) 4v (a) 2v «ny ay ey Vn A paniela of mass m with @ valochy v ~ 5° from tho arth surfncn (ve = Escape volocity). (R= Radius of ooh) ‘The maxtmum height atave the surface, reaches dy the particte ts a) 2 Bia im on Co) wim @) 10. Two sphorical bedies of masses Mond <4 arc. racii R nnd 2R ara ralansed in free apace wth Initial sepnravon botwean thalr centres equa! to BR. I thoy attract gach otter due 0 grautat ena force only, than the distance covered ey smaver boey before collision i (1) 28 2) ae (3) 55 (8) 3k 41. Infinite number of, masses each of 3 x$ are situated 0 axis at distance +m, 2m, ¢— Fespectively from the orgn, The reso: Srovitational ostential due ta th. mat origin wil be i) 3G (2) -66 @) -36 “)- 12. Tne radi of circular orbits cf nso sate! 8 of earh are 4R and 38 respectively. # s>. Satellite A is 3v, thon speed of sate! (1) By ads 3) Wav (1 VE 8 13. The breaking stoss of a wire does rat desene upon (1) Lonatn of wire (2) Radius of wire 42) Shapa of cross-section (4) Allof those © seamed win En scomer NBTS - 03 5 1 Tho substances among tho folowing posaons the highnet aasticty ix Rubuer (2) Glass. (3) Steet 15) Conner Thora 's ng change 19th waurmo cf wien dua to change ies longth on attetching, Tho polison’s rato ef me matoral a! tho wa i Wty = 8.80 ay 78 A tied sour of corpe: Is drain inte a wire of engi’ Tho constan; force 7 in apling fan exter pon 4 prochced in wie fs proper oral to : 4 oF at Ee eT (aye (2) - 0.50 1a) - 0.28 we 4 sicel wore of length 2 m having cross-sectional area 1 mer hangs from rigid ond. When mass of 3 4g. 6 hung from It then charge in longth wil bo (Gaon Y= 28 10" Ny (1) 08mm (2) 0.25 mm 48 Dem (My Seam OLE she ok modulus of w boll I 8» 10? Nim? To seal copth bolow the sufaco ef the goa should the Dail be taken so as to decrease lis voluma by (2) 10m, (2) 90m Tho expression of stress in terms of enargy stored per unk vclume (é) In a wire having Young's mocuius of matari! ¥, tt) S3EV (2) EY 13) SEY Bes ay 5ytY Ring, sofia cylinder snd hollow sonore roils cows the same inclined plane withost slipping. They are naving same mass and radius and star resi. Then tne body teaznes the ground with maximum volocity is cy 2 31 7 23. 26. a NCERT Booster Progra! (NBTS) for NEET-2023 The ponition of contre of a mings of uniform Le sliaped Leem’na with dimensions 98 shown in faut nla in ad 5,2) (9.3) 5 @ eis ole Tho angular momentum of o pertlsta port: uniter eroular mation Ib Li kinetic energy of panicle |s doublod ane trogunrsy #5 12! angular momentum dacomes ng (ly 2 (ay 3. £ A Bp - te) aL A force +3.8)+3% Is asting at 2 point fs — 3] - BK. Tho value of ee fer wticn an: mrementum is conservec about origin is a) a5 (at () Zer0 4) os MEF ig tho momort of inotia of a holes spnere ‘about an axis parallel ta diameter ot 2 sphere enc at a distance x from iL Which of the following ‘graph reprasonts the voriation of Zwith x? Lek _ x x 1 1 / ° \ « \V 7 1 A parvele is rotating unde- the cenval force, then tho quantity that romains constant ‘s (1) Torque (3) Linear momentum, a (2). Angular momentum (2) Velocity: © Seana wa onenscnner NGERT Booster Program (NBTS) for NEET-2023. 26, The solid sphoro Is placed on the rough horizontal surtaca glven only angular velocity wo. Wiss, 31. A body wolghs 100 N on the surtace oF wane, 4, walght of the body al a helgtt equal to any 4," tho radius of earth ts iro The velactty of contra of mass when It starts pure tn oon (e) son ling Is 5. roiling is , By O5N (4) 56.25. 1) Brag @) FRoo 32, Which one of the following plots reprasent the . vanatlon of gravilatfonal eld at a point at a (3) San, (4) Taig, distance r, duo to thn spherical shell ot radius R 2 a (Fla mansured from the contre of tha spherical 27 Force 4 N acts along na y = x + §. Tho torquo shel) about orlgin Is i (1) 10Nm. (2) 10¥2 Nm (3) 802 Nm (@) 5m a 20 A Nin circular ring of mass Mf and radius r Is feiating about Hts axls wth a constant angular 4 velocity w. Two objects each of mass m are kept gantly to the opposite end of lamater of the ring, (3) ‘The angular velecity of the ring will be (1) Me fa) (Medio 33. The additional kinetls energy to be provided to a aa “ Satelite of mass mm revalving around a planet of 3) (M=am)a Mo ‘mass IM to transfor it from a clrcutar orbit ef radius ° Tra Rio anather radive 2R is 28, The radius of gyration ofa unttorn rod of length & 1) SGMm (2) Shim about an axis passing along its length (mi (s tho 4R? aR Mass of the rod) 3) Sita Cum OF ) via a Be ‘94. Jn which of the following casos, an elastic metal 2 10d will not undego elongation? as (1) Tha rod falls froety L {2) It Is pullod vith constant acceleration on a 3) s ‘smaoth surface a (3) lis pulled with equal and Opposite force an, oe both sida on ‘SMooth surface 20, 4 aH 7 the mass 44 stends at coo end of a (4) Allof these Blank of length L which fies at rest on 35, 7 ? ‘elonloss surface. The man wale fa te ether | 1g et Yous mete of ita A 6 a . wis 270 of the plant. It mass of ths plank is 4 the Yo distance that the man moves relative {0 the Stass ground is 3k 1) at (3) wa & (as 5 oF 8) 3:5 @ — © Seana wa onenscnner NOTS - 03 SECTION -O NCERT Booster Program (HBTS) for NEET-2023 40 A.uniform rod AB of fongth & and mas9 mts trea 36. Asnortion: Stuo! in more olustic than rubbor lo abcut point A, Reg ts released from rust Roason; Doformation In ston ts greater than zontal positon ac shown, the (nll angular tubbor for equal forces, eccoloration of the rod will be: oy a (1) Sot annerion aad fowson sie true and Go oann is carract axplanation of nesnatlon sues] — - oy eae @ PE-E ee \ ys 2 Svan Saat 43. Two of same momen: of inertia retaun: (ny 7 about :ncir regular axls pnasing througn cont end permendiculor to io plane ct diss with atrial (A "Young (I) Matariat (A) has greator Young's modulus angular: vetoes za. broisgh (il) Material (B) has groatar Young's modulus Into contact taco to faze camcicing the ais of (UM) Materiat (A's more duction. rotation ana tha hyo dsc starts rotating with (1) Both (Hand (tl anty (2) ql) nx LH only. fammon angutat velocity, then tho expression fot oss et anergy Is (3) Only () (5) Onty th 1 38, Tho propnetionalty limit of staal is B © 10° Nim? OY Flo tox and Its Yeung’s modulus Is 2 ¥ 10% Nim? Tho maximum olongation of ono moter long steel wlre 2) 210-02 can be given wilnout exceading proportionality « limnit is (3) Hor =: a 2m (2) 4mm f 2) ) the, -0:¥ (3) tiem (4) 8 min 8 8 - © Scanned wit OnE caer NCERT Booster Program (NBTS) for NET: 44, Two rolating bodins A and & of massas m and 2m with moment of inert f, and In (ls > Ja) Neve ‘equal kinetic energy of rotation. If Ly and La bo ngular momonta respectively then th (he (2) Lar 2kn (3) Le> Le (4) Lar bo 45. Alight rod of longth Thos two masses m: and m | 49, attached to Its two ands. The momont of Inertia about an axis perpendicular to the rod and Passing through cantre of mass Is (2) SAMs vim: (3) (am + mye (4) inimgl? 46 A whee! of radius R Is In pure rolling motion an 50. the ground with @ untform velocty v In 4ve x aoe 48, Tho work done 10 ralso a masa surface of the asrth to a Naight to twice the radius of tho earth Is «) mor (2) amg > \ (3) 30k (4) 3 mak ‘A body Is projected vorticnlly from oorth reacties a holght equal fo radius of earth. Tho instartancour power exerted by gravitational force is 2era (1) At tho Instant Just before the body nits ine earth (2) Attha instant just aftor the body Is proJacted (3) At the highost point (4) Nono of thoso The kinetic energies of a orbit around the sun, at po: lane in an elliptical tions A, B and C are cirections. The magnitude of velocity of righimost point Is Ka, Ko and Ke respectively. AC is the major axis ay 2) and SB is perpendicular to AC at the position of nf ‘sua S as shown In the figure. * a> {¢) Zero mT 8 47 Hg satellite takes tme T for revolution, then its Kinetic energy is proportional ta (given radiuc of A Is ° eannis R) - A) Kee Ke < as re on n K > Ke> Ke os et (8) Kes Kae Ke r (A) Ko> Ku> Ke SECTION. : i .. n a 53. Which of th 51, Which of the following oxides is most basic in sabi? we falewng a Wipes ema nature?) (1) Beco: 3 (1) Mg (2) Cao (2} MgCo3 @} S10 Bad {3} Caco; 52. among Cel. MgHe, Bots, Bakz the order of (4) Bacoy ic Character Is 54. Correct order of Slactronogativity of tne ven (1) BoHy> tate > Cetig> Bab, atemants is me oven (2) Bolt « Wight < Calls < Babs MN) Fhe Ges (3) Bele > Catt: > Mgt > Bals ®) G? Go>Pp (4) Bol < Calls < Bats < MgHe 0) as Poo (4) C> Pb> Ge (6) © scamed win onEn canner NCERT Booster Program (NBTS) for NEET-2023 ATP tn pp require an alkaline earth cmosehate Mansfer | 63. Tho corract sta!omentis) regarding inability of Cofactor Mis otal (tt) es the horan ta form 3 ion ie 4 bs 2 a (2) Mg (A) Cu to its loss electronagativty. se i 2 , (6) se (8) Duo to high atocttonogativity of fuesine. Feet the following doas (C) Bue t vallabiity of d-orbitals, boron is tho flame test? "ot man colour to eae Io oxpand He octet % Be (2) Ca (1) A& Cony (2) Ba Conly 37 - = (4) 8a (3) Cony (4) Bonly e 5 le comact Srder Of mobility of the alkatl metal | 64. Which of tho following trhalides does nat exist? 'QUCOUS solution is (1) TFs (2) Thats e UPS NarsRo 2) Narstits Rb @) Ti (4) Tiob 86 ) RO" Nar> Lt (a) Nat Lt = Re 65, The species which doer rot__-nhow Which one of the following superoxide Is most hyperconjugation is stabie? as (2) (7) Koz (2) ROO: 8 Cso, (4) Nazo Aa (4) - 59. Correct ‘order of the thermal stabili of given — hycrogen carbonates is Y of oi 66. Which ofthasa Is least ficoly to act a8 a Levis acid? (1) LIHCOs < NaHCOs < CsHCOs < KHCOs 1) Ble (2) BFs (2) KHCOs < LiHCOs « NaHCOs < CsHCOs (3) BC (4) BB (3) LIHCOs < NaHCO) < KHCO: < CSHCOs 67. Idontity te compound x in tho following reaction (4) CsHCO: < KHCOs < NaHCOs < LIHCOs 3.BaHe+ GNH> —> 3 [BH2 (NHs)e] [BHs] 60. Find x snd y In the given reaction Is ° LINO: 4+ x+y +Li0 Aa (i) X= NO &y=07 (2) x=NO&y<0; (3) x=NOzay=02 (4) x=NO&y=O5 2+ 12H2 1. Which among the following is a salfndicator? (0) BiNsHs (2) BsHtsNy (4) Phonolphthalein (2) Starch (3) BHs ied Biceitle 2 ¥ (3) Cn 07 + MnO 68. The correct increasing order of atomic size is 62. Statement I: LIC! Is deliquescent and crystalises (1) AleIneGaeTl as a hydrate, LICH 2H20, @) Al Lt (a) Nat Lt = Re 65, The species which doer rot__-nhow Which one of the following superoxide Is most hyperconjugation is stabie? as (2) (7) Koz (2) ROO: 8 Cso, (4) Nazo Aa (4) - 59. Correct ‘order of the thermal stabili of given — hycrogen carbonates is Y of oi 66. Which ofthasa Is least ficoly to act a8 a Levis acid? (1) LIHCOs < NaHCOs < CsHCOs < KHCOs 1) Ble (2) BFs (2) KHCOs < LiHCOs « NaHCOs < CsHCOs (3) BC (4) BB (3) LIHCOs < NaHCO) < KHCO: < CSHCOs 67. Idontity te compound x in tho following reaction (4) CsHCO: < KHCOs < NaHCOs < LIHCOs 3.BaHe+ GNH> —> 3 [BH2 (NHs)e] [BHs] 60. Find x snd y In the given reaction Is ° LINO: 4+ x+y +Li0 Aa (i) X= NO &y=07 (2) x=NO&y<0; (3) x=NOzay=02 (4) x=NO&y=O5 2+ 12H2 1. Which among the following is a salfndicator? (0) BiNsHs (2) BsHtsNy (4) Phonolphthalein (2) Starch (3) BHs ied Biceitle 2 ¥ (3) Cn 07 + MnO 68. The correct increasing order of atomic size is 62. Statement I: LIC! Is deliquescent and crystalises (1) AleIneGaeTl as a hydrate, LICH 2H20, @) Al Ge>s>Sn>Bp (2) © > i> Ge> Pb > Sn (3) © > St>Sr>Ge>Pp (8) C>Si> Sn>Sh>Ge 77 Consder tho ‘otlowing stain Buckminst Is about fullerene | (8) Allenton atama are so! hytadisea {b) teontains (¢} itis ihemoaynamica'y most stable of carbon, The corract statement(s} Isinte (1) monty (94, (a9 and (0) ely {3) (Byard fe) only 48) (a), (o)ana (e) 78, The correct IUPAC name c! tie comecuad is NC iwanty-fiva mor-zerea tings. fora ~ 2 itreberzene |) 4 Ethyl —tusre - 2 (2) + - Btn openzene = 2 = nite 1 ~fueronerzero WB = Fuso t= 78. Tne sinte of hyttalzation of C:, 63, C: and Ce of "8 given hycrocarson respactvely we henzes © seamed win onEn camer 22 86. yrs ‘yinien of Te Ing carbncavane bs appar soba mont aiabe? ering co Ho. 10, “Ss 0 se >, no eho i ay A eo ~My 3 : 2 Tho correct atab ty oor of followang rarbar's cH, wf We “© cH, (1) aepre (ey embea @) pears te) amor corger of statily of the glean tre rasticale > chy n= GH, > CI, EM,> BH, renug > aN, cH Em, » OH EH CH, cH, EH cH, > (GH NE> oH, ~ Bh, > OH, 4) pont of the gwen @ ey i Correct crder of elaments bs (4) Be > Co > Sr Be > go Car Se (2) Ste Be» Ong (4) Bu > Sr> Ca Mg The compsurd which shows motamens™ 'S en) Cats CaH0 1 ©: is} CLO Fre numbers ct svuctura! isomers possiote trom thn matoculsr fermmula Case (ie 2 as a) 6 yo thy 8H,>.GH, CH=CH,» (CMY, 85 ar oy. 92, | a. NGERT Benater Pro BGECTION-B Wine ann uf ine teivaning onters I= nga na tha totes of the nin tun? (bs Oder iz) “CN FON (3) -OH » CN {4p ON > OM > -F Voich onn of the foleerny crgure sagging tn afte ofan asta to” cH. ity -Cate>- Chis = crf SCH, on, yc Gate oH New, on, (3) - CH, “om, cn, i Hts cil tO Me inion amang bin Ietowing * arennTs I aM porcuntsge m Pofond vsrrent? (1) AiO (2) Cad @) Si: (2) M90 When of fo folowing we te ecnrique for isntavon, punts’ of ctgaric compound? (1) Crystattsation (2) Dstilates (3) Supumation (4) Chromatog3ory In oalimaton of Nitogen fram 6 of an ergenic e armenia compaung by Kjeldahl: motnod, by 19 mi oft wregon 'n the Samoa (2) a6.67" Oe “volun was rout Tha porsentage (1) 45% 43) 40% (ay 50° NaOH 6 commorciaty prepared ploctro'ys's of NaC! Im Casinar-Keline’ cel eathods and anodo used In Ino elactrciys's procoss rezpoctieaty a” (1) Carvon and copper 2} Garber andlead . Q) Mercury and certon (6) Piotinum an carton The correct structure of 2, J-ditvem ~ 1 ~ FheRy paninee is re are Le? i) © seamed win one comer jnram (NBTS) for NEET-2023 NCERT Boost ™ Which amang tho followin 92 The avorage oxidation stata of bromine In BrsOs | 87. Which among 9 Uys | ‘% most ims. ; soluble n wate 2 n iy (2) 8280. \ aie 2) 4 (1) Mg80. 2) Be! saa (4) 467 8) Gaso« hae Ss. in wnlch of the following eemeourde nitrogen | 98 the passihin ovidation sinte of suinhur in the exhibits tne lowost oxidnt'an sinte? S,0 ionts ane NHOH C ‘ NaH a Ne a2 (2) 0 () Nati 4) NH (a) 4 (4) 6 $5 Whick of tha fottowtng —raactions are the hat! reactions disproportonatien reaction? 99. Standard reduction oatential of the hat react are given botow (a) 24:0; —. 2:0 +0: Fs(o)+20- +2 4-268 te) 26u" — cus cy 7 . Brz (I) + 20" + 28 + 1.06¥ (6) 27+ 204.27. 0) (1) {9} and (b) only (2) (nd, (b) anu (e) Gli (g)+ Ze"-—s 20h - - .30V (3! (bang (e) only () (@) and (c) only ts (5) + 2e- — 2- &.053v 35. Fer the redox -eactior redox ceaction ‘Tho strongest reducing agent Is Bet = COP + a Fee 20 120 () cr (2) Be Ths coves: coetfitionts of the rmactants for the (3) ar balances equation aro . is 100. The oxidation state ef Chlorine i Cho. CIO; Fo CrOF He HGIOs, and HCIO« follow the order ne 1 7 (1) CLO > CO: SHCIOs> HCO, ee 3 1 #2) HCIO> HoIO. > CLO >CIO; Be 1 4 1B) Holo.» HeIOs > C102 > cho a2 2 7 * C10; > CHo> HeIOs > CIO. BOTANY aw” | SOTA | soe. Reed the fotiowing statom th 104, Mates the fattening tynn of neslivatons with thale correctopian mens An select the rect option. Corresponcing examples. —— tatement A: In paviotal placentation, the ovary __Aestivaiion i . . [a ae J |__Exanpia 's one-chamtored but it becomes tivo-snamberog = ca ‘duo to the formation o! false septum Staloment B: tn ity, siemon ie eciemiicus in c A [as nase, ° (BD vermany Te | Galaropis ; Wace (3) Only statement A fs Incorrect PAB-Me-nb, (2) Only aintomont 8 in incotrnct YAMBA uDH (3) Bot statements ato correct (8) Ant, Baw. m1 5 =H 4) Doth atatamonte are incorrect a — — oo ee © seamed win onEn scanner te ent stom Ls a stom muda inte the tallos rai lute * paetcrm phatanyrtneala? (1) Euphorbia (2) Bougarvutea 43) Jastiae. (ay Pict 102 Litazeae shares coma (AY feral syremetty wh Sctanacaae tut ngfase i having the, prazonce ct (BL 1s Corroct onion to (Ap ant (Bi (2) Agyt-retcs, valate aastvaton 5 Actnomorptic, parianth Read the following statenents avd. select the | correct orton, 108. A: Monocots tack pis Statement anshy Statement B: Coripsnion cols ara soosintzod Collencnymatous cots, wich help in marriawing (1) Only (2) Only statginent B is incortéct taame: {4} Both alatements are Munucot stem Is situigt 12 dicet ster In whe ot Ilse fovlowing characienstis0? (1) Having conjatrt coen vassxar bundles {2} Presanen of water cents: 18 ie encocermis (3) Seferenchy-r (¢) Prazonce o! Bor: 5 compases of andarch xy comp!'rentary oss and ony (3) Corplirmnmtary cols anc pectéorm only Secondary cortex, secondary phigom endl secondary xylem (07) for MEET-2022 uras tn net toed 108. synch of hw folowing toa ircob ute during amcorcary gtOmIN? 4) Taste leiing ett boa Ine BROT tuna na and a porten of pnnaycin Bans Te to contnunes 6 rosa tiMh 12) Vaneatar cambayes fs nage tary In on 40) Gamat att tormns seceindary riterr or = fore se arent a canta soundind by aerandany (4) Stee nacetidary jor uf woud BH yal of munis a9 the tot Loaf ot gram differs fe formar navn (1) Defornt sland varcuiat sunsiog Bullforen coil Nor-attoruntated meaonty# Set wnt of stigmata on pol abariat a 1 a) at nut ‘snd adoxial sutace root of turniz an _! helpa in storage of foe. atthe correct option to FF _Botet tho corr 1 2 i Fiprous: o | Advonttioes DP Terui of wotermatan ators trom end of Be. ne tw frm’ is tha rod feation et (1 Loot (2) Stam (3) Pete (a) Stoute 12. Whien of me following pars recresert endoapermic 9 dco! ang 9 monocs #822 raxzoctvah? (1) Pen ona castor (2) Gram and maize i) Grammand beey [8) Baan ara orchid Tor Fibrous 443. Medicinal plants the ana Asnwagandna selong 10 (1) Lsiacene (2) Farocear (3) Soanaceae (2) Brassica ai © seamed win one comer 13 NBTS— 03 NCERT Booster Program (NBTS) fr NEET-2023 114. One Inge and shiela shaped cotyledon In 122 Sutect correct ostion w rt algin. monocot sood le entlag (1) tis silar In structure with amylooestin (1) Aloutone layer (2) Coleoptlo (2) tis obininad fom tod algae (3) Coteamiza (4) Scuterum (9) te peennnt in col wallof phasnprycese 148. Which of the following term ts usad fot united (4 ths no wate: haiding capactty eee 123. An example of simp'e branched Mamentaus form (1) Polynotatous (2) Gamopatalous ct ennielgao le (3) Exrpntaious 2) Garvotnpatous Oh bacco 116 At) of tho fotloving aro tho oxamptas of laura Fodsieenenet (3) Charm (4) Golan (1) Fascicutar vascular enmblum: 124. Stipe, hotdfast and fr are tna terms (2) Inortas:cular vaseu'ar eambium Agee (3) Cork enmbium (1) veto (2) Wotruls (2) intarcalary -netlstem | ta charm (4) daminaria TF W wnen of the tetng locations | 795. Wiveh of tho folowing plant grouns in rufmnd to sclerenchymatous tissu are not found? as Campnti ofthe: Wkngcem"? 6) Frotwat et muss (1) Gynnosponns (Qy Pulp of fruits, bee guava (3) Plendophytes: (3) Petiole of a leat 126, In vantth group Wil you 2° aniant whien do 63° (8) Seed coat of ingumos produce seev> tut female qemetoorytes ave TB Whit of tro following is a epidermal structurn ratnived't hem for vaslabfe periods ano unicehular in nature? (2) Bryophytes: (2) pt ten. 2} Roct hairs (8) Symnospenns —(} Angusners (2) Stomatal apparatus 127. In pteri¢ophytos, Iaaves neanrg sprrurgia aro (3) Lentcel cates (4) Phetocerm (1) Stobi (2) Sporepryins 119, Select the correct pair of plants rapcesonting {9) Conos (4) Spetopnytis: Derigynous and eplgynous flower, respectively 128. Gymnosnerms produce naked sreds as wey lack (1) Ganja! and plum (1) Ovula. (2) Ovary oe (2) Cucumbor and rose (3) Embryo (4) Garoin {3) China rose and mustord 429. Idemfy the hetcrosporous genera tron the (@} Peach and guava following 120, Conjoint type of vascular pundies aro commonly 41} Lycopodium and Solaginetn fendi (2) Eauisetum and Lyzopartium (*) Botn stem and loaves fb belphaihemt lads {2} Both stom and roots . (¢} Equisotum ana Psilotum (3) Both roots and ioaves 16) Onty stem 130. Coralloia roois of gymnosperms: 721, Vihich of the following 00d is lighter in colour 41) Are found tn Phat and nas low density? {2) Are found in Cyeas (1) Autumn wood (2) Spring wood (3) Help in fixation of COz (3) Lato weed (4) Hann wood | __ (4) Are association wth tung ay © seamed win one comer os ~03 132 Which of toscwng sates aro ctrct? (i) Haokants te esc'e 2 son in Sairvayr {i Weve nest axgar genoa are hale some 9 (i) Eusus, an alga s uaptants iv) Bryoonetws araw he (4) are di 12) (bana iwi (2) Wand hy 192 Match (ne fofawing columns uns correct option 14) (ipand (et wd selirct tnt [Peon turn talbvonmpinaee 1) [aavhtanors jb) |Gymnesporms | ah [Gemmoa aresent ‘ej iwanveaa | il [Ine honcotas | ‘and ferns __ [roy terse {ie} |Gametoahyio consists of 880. stages (1) agli), boi). flv). A) 42) ai) BE, ot). CF) 3) «i. et). ot. 12) afd BOD, |fb) eth) of tho faloning staterients 's/at0 Mow ms correct? (a) Free Wwing aporopnytas are present In gymnosperms Ar eng'ospemns. te is dominant m ptoridaphytes. on (B} Sporoph tiie gametaptyto is tne deminant stog exyounytes. {c) in mosses ater fartlazation zygote develops into © gamatoahyto ncepa'ma, tne gamatophylic generavor {Ds In gy « nighly roduzod anc is fitad to few number ofealls mt @2 3) 3 a4 fomata cones or strobil 334 The mala or )) Are foung on separats mala and female trees of Pinus (2) Aro Domo on different troas in yeas (2) Are fund in beyophytas ta) Keo reproductive structure I algae 13) 195 Roots cerming out of Ih 139 Glin 437. 138. 139. A1 of tha givan pia’ NCERT Gonator Prngeen |! Into gntenygnn Mt 22) Meat ur 41) cancer (3) Rhleegtora fy fenant sreTion - 8. £1) Moncoretsnaus wlan tase ms) 2° “ ane te super eremry piers (2) Mpeoaaelainis featianinn, eupiier pamey nt San piiplicney to detent y, ctarnwn, leila prises (3) Polyadolphnu attinforine neury aed aposlte (a) Polyadalgnin Innthinforiar geary nn alto sera ryiew nich of hn totowen asians 4 rod at a of prrinyio? (1) Farmaton af port of watcaar earn dice! root {2) Fermot 9n of lotaral coer mA 9) Fomnt.on ef cork earibiuin i.e =e {8 Formation of lateral r03t yaroch oft follow'ng heao we! (1) Dieat ater ane oct root 2) Monioeot stem and thaw (3) Dicot ate (4) Monocot toot ant manzcat reat twin and gizot root nave fuer octinomorpns eymmatry, axcant (2) thustare (1) Cassio (3) Davee (4) Grin 440. Photosyniholic structure af Australian 2 modification of (1) Lamina (2) Leaf base (3) Potiale (é) dxitnry bud 444. ‘Tho notural syatem of elanaifcation to plants civen by (2) Benthom and Hooker (2) Linnaeus (3) Werttaker (4) anisiante © seamed win one comer GENT Rooster Progeny {NBTB) for MENT 2029. MEA taensony cotta on by Hh une of comm (1) Numerlout tavenomny, 2) Cytatmsonnmny 4 Chin 4a) Pyle vayntven Y40 Prothatioy a @ Ropinannts ganwtognvte of teyaptete " Reprnannte int dopantont eperehyte Vos apo, wid te pwoneeny a ngin, whic’ pred ” an ‘on nyores Weary ciate and fenialy 99x wtgnis called artiaridia an arenegnnia enaerctivaly 144, Morstors of phneoptyeene Ave mney uniltarm Inchedn Fucus, Pamhyrn ans he'pn olga wn bya guint! Intorat ir sire ri four 1 ay a (2) Inckato Befocamus, Blelyotn anit Fucus Tae Hew many of the Following atalorrants. (sin corrvct? {A} Gamatophyta fs bapa in ptorldephytos , (B) Sporophytea i hinpleld In bryophytes, {C) Algne ate Hrapiakd wah plo'd stage sopronanted by zygote. (D} Bryvohjtes produce Uiplo'd spores. ayy 2 3 ae 146. Mow many of the follesing are underground ‘fications of stan? NBS ~ 03 act tin correct option vf tar tayraun Neen 1a7 (o) tut (bh) Cucumber (2) Ronn (a) formate (1) toy and io) onty £3) Only TMi Allo the following nta fing, axcapt (2) Only Ke) {aj tay ani ta) ony fy Patan paresenyma, (2) Vossats (3) Stevo tabo vemen's (8) Companion cate 18 at which of lyn various oursoann? 149 Phioom fe: commarcin (1) Walls of ruts (2) Loaves oftea &3) Sred conts of legumes (8) duta, fax and hemp 190. Match ti column | with cot and sel eorreet opten. coum’ | | cotuman | 14a) | Endaderms | (| Caspnrian sirle of root | fo) | Monmcotteal | (7) | Weter cortairns: cavition }(e} Manoeot stem | (it) | Butitarm cots (w)| Ring arrangement ol vascutar dung ia} | Bicot stam (7) anti), 2th. cts), Fi) AZ) nfs), BEM), Uv), OTD (3) ay), DGD, ef) ty) (4) atte), tftp, ett ZOOLOGY tn) Bub (b) Com fo} Thom (8) Tenaste {o) Sucker {f} Stolen (3) Four (2) Three (3) Five te) Two SECTION -A 451 ‘Act binding sis! nro prosant on wAileh protann? (2) Tropomyenin 44) Globutne netin (1) Troponin (3) Meranyoam ir 182. How many numpen of carats and tarsals are prasont in human boings, tespactwvety? 41) Band (2) Bang? (3) 18 and 14 it) Sands ia) © Scanned wit OnE caer ‘yp 78 = 03 153 Match the fms gen In column | with those In cclume tl and eotect the correct notin, Columnt Column tt 12) Sweat 0 Lacticncis ib) Be (9) Degiadnd etnrola mones Sebum (0) Hydrocarbons Sativa (ho) Niltogesious wastes, aU, Beal) liv), oi aM), BA. c(t, dah aii. Bil, ei, ot) (2) aa, a, ce 184 Or an averaga, how much amount of wos te excceted out in humans per cay? (1) 25-30 kg. 12) 15-20 gm 13) 2- 39m (¢) 25-30em 185. Consider the given stalamentz aid solact the. correct option ‘Statement A: When the har muszic is suddenly damaged by an Inadequate blood supo'y. the condition Is called heart failure, Statement B. CAD 1 often refered to as ororelorosia, (1) Crty statement {2} Only statement 5 is correct {3) Both statements are cortoct (2) Both statoronts ata incatrect 186. A micole tayer of Dood vesse! is eerposed of (1) Smooth muscies and non-oluate fisrow tle fares ls comect {2) Skeletal muscles ano £3) Squamous endothe! {4} Smeeth muceies and clasts fbras 187 Conditions! reabsorption of Ne* and woler tokon >t 3, Dot 12} POT which segmant of rep! (3) Hecle's toon (4) Cotectng duct NCERT Booster Program (NBTS) lor NEET-2029. 188. Complate tna analogy wrt nodal {I inhuman hon SAN . Ups 10 provant i rght comet of rhglt alum ~ AYN (1) Lowe right comar et fnft atrium (2) Upoee {8) Lower tof corres of right attiuer (2) Middlo tlant corner of ight vantricte f cornot of lot: vantncla Incorroct tatomnont wrt humans () A thin, soptum separates Ino right und tof oti: muscular woll called the Intorntsin’ (2) A thickewalion, th ventricular sortum suparates the lett ars the right vortricten (8) Tho atnum and the ventncis of the sane side 10 also oupsrated by a Unk Morous Lesa caitod tie van (4) Hunan heat Is protested by a coublo wall membranous bag ea'ed pereardium. 160. A healthy Indvidue_ haw of haamegiosin in avary 1003 mL. of blood ‘Choose the ostion that correctly 2y fits ts blank. cular eeptuen (1) 120-160 mg (2) 12-16 gms (2) 126-160 gms (3) 4.24.0 ems Match the eatumn | wlth column tl and selsct he corracteption. Golumnt Column! (a) Basedhils () 60-65% (be) Monacytos (@) 05-1% (e) Neutrephils (ul) 2-382 (9) Eosinophits (ey 6 Bt (1) efit), BCD. eff), div) (2) afi, Diy), et), dil) (3) afi, bv, el. (4) af). bf. et. 102, Which of the fotowing ceuses en increase In ‘water reabsorption from DCT of nophron? (4) Increase in ANF (2) Decrease In ADH love's (@) Decrease In aldarterona tovais (8) Iremasa in ADH lavels 05) © Scanned wit OnE caer NBTS~ 0 NCERT Booster Program (NBTS) for NEET-2023 . a 163. Assertion (A). Angisersin tl increases the | 108 Tho saddla fact Sotween thm carpal_ore Glomorutar biond evsnure ang tnareby GFR. retscarpal of twumt Is type of Rengen (R): Arglotonsin il isn poworhul (3) Fiorous paint vasoconsticter. (2) Cartiaginous joict In the (ght of above stalemants, olect tho (3) Synoviat joint corract optics (4) Piva (1) Both (A) nna (RY nto tue and (R) ts tha | +69. Which ona af the following pairs is correctly correct oxsianation of (4) matched? (2) Both (4) aed |R) nto true but (R) Is not the Tia) Taum, pub's, |-) Coral panes (3) ‘eum, pA | correct mxplanation of (4) | fsemtum pectcral giro | (8) (Alls tue, (Rs talse @ | Statens | Fim ine 166 166. (4) (A) is fats, (R) is run Muscles wnlen are prima:ty involved locometory aztlon ana change in bedy postures Is (0) Strintea an involuntary musclon (2) Nemstrattog und voluntary muscies (3) Smooth mascing (3) Seinted end votunimy musclos Tre murcles whieh re involved tn the Wransportation of feos through the digastive tract fre alsa involved In (1) Transzeration et gamete ¢ act (2) Cardiac activity 43) Steaming o! arotoplesmn as in Amoeba (3) Contaction of biceps Protein clstributed at regular Intervals on tho tropomyosin is (2) Troponin (2) Feactia (3) G-actin (4) Moromyonin Coneter the following statemonts and select the conect option, Statement A: Each mb Is a thick flat bono connected dornally ta te vortebral column, Statement B: The 6th, Sth and 10th pairs cf ros Uo nol articutate dlrezty with tho sternum Dut Jala the sovortn rib with the help of o'astic enrtil (1) Gov the statemerts A and B are correct (2) Oniy staterient 4 18 correct (3) Only statamont 8 Is corrcet (4) Both tho atatomenta A and B are Incorroct ‘ough to gonhal | 3 Troponin, Myosin | {0 tropomyosin, || | meromyosin \ 44) | Gling jot knee joint 170. Ammonetwic modo of passing cut nitogesoue wastes Is found tn {1} Many deny Fanos and aquatle amotebinns (2) Many terostial_ampnibean: fshos (9) Repttes ard thas (8) Lao Srratls and aquatic insect Select tho Incorrectly matchee pair excretory structures. ara manera (2) Flame cata = Rotilers (2) Kidnoys = Voran-ates (3) Green gtancs + Prawn (2) Malpighian tubuioz - Amphioxus A fallin glomeratarfitzatlon rato (GFR) activates (1) 26 vats to release renin (2) Csmoreceptors which stimulate the an pituitary gland to release ADH (3; Avrenat medulla 1 reivase aldosterone (8) Justagiommcutar sets to rateasa renin Hislarine ana cerotorin are sectnted by 9 cull direst rate ‘a 173 (3) Phagacytosis {¢) Inferematory renctions 16) © Scanned wit OnE caer ee yet OF Me IIT Connie peor EHSAN plasm into (1) AN ENEVMO COMIN, COMMS YA ak tage (2) Lowey tow 48) RECS IH ha oo (ALAN ONE KE M0 Mio 178 A pons Wall Bod AtoUD AN wis hay (1) Antizons Aan 1 14 pian G1 Only anvgon Aon RecA (3) Antion YS OMIA NG ALN ts pan (8) No antibotos (antied ans amity oa Bonn which vs not aps Vol aval eAyiote ao OF Snkenond (8) Hyoi (A) Fates Comyptote the analogy wrt mpatia Me of mune Tana 0 Atant OY Heene: (2) aitae AF) Moroayanin Hy 5 amare ATE Which port oF region of uray ia tacponalb'a for comalon the tunetionn momey ana communication? {ty Lage regions that ore genaery or malar in function (2) Corebral conan et eerebetum (3) Hypottotnnus along wien ime aystorn (2) Assoerminn areas porton ef the midbran consists of vetly fs tho blank, Ventral Lateril Bormann ep vach san ef sala Mas very comvoluied surface in vant to provide the aatditienal space for mary met routers? 4h) Tha'amus 12) Mid brain (Y) Corezetum (a) Pon — NCEA Booates ny TOL Tine “ MINUTB) fer MEET 2039 Sonapane ie very rider serne wane abo a Nar to gular constuction o 12) Syn € Unth a enamical aynapee 131 fone as one (8) Renter LUZ Wen eset arzes tna Teieon tne raetieg getantia’ ot the siamteyng oF {30 ete ot oeniatam peat atin the taylan? (1) Rapid iacoment of Mat ter 1) Ray Na me ner (2) Rng mayneinnt Gt bro CC (2) Baal mavernnet of KO es ty ch avoglaym te YAR In Ann joe taine, toe afters srroe FC Nes signal fon A and synapton wit the ee prnuton in'B Chasen tne option tet corrmctiy ao~itor A and ww @ At) Maar eng plate Wile mat rd Q) Muncie spins’s | Gay mater ef 9078 cont (3) Mysto wr - (2) Sacolornms Gry ms 46+ Chocse inn ced ene wr tfunetien c! 4) Doves aa Trunsiss:on af et uh a @ Roco'ng st Gonorntion of 485. fre contro whch contto's Me raw ct fas woll ag gactavon of HCI and rers7ope7 aS contatred (2) Myporaats (1) Pons (2) Medataablongaty 48) Coreseie . © seamed wan onenscanner NCERT Boo: Program (NBTS) for NEET.2023 _ SECTION -B 186. Chocno tho Ineorract staterrent (1) Accumulation of uaa in binod ‘8 cnllod upria, {2} The skull region arleuiates with the Inforior Fagion of tne vectebral column, (3) Tetany Is rapid spasms In musctos duo to low Co"? In body uid (¢) Gout is Intammation of Jomnts gue to Accumulation of uric acid erystas, 187. Allof tho fottowing ara cormet for ANF, except (1) Causes vasocttation (2) Doers 1608 the blond prassure (8) Acts as a chock on the raninanglotonsin mochan'em (4) Dectesso in blocs flow to tho aitia of the ‘heart can causi the roleasn of ANF 188. Hepat p {1} A system tonvoen caspl-atary tract and Ivor system is (2) An avaseu'ar connection (3) A system between kidney nnd liver (4) A.unique vascular connection ‘189, The T-wave In a standard ECG representa (1) Dopotarisation of atria (2) Depotarisation of ventricles @) End ef diastole (8) Repetarisation of vertrictes RD, Assortion (A) - ADM pravonts diuresis Reason (R): ADH taciitatos weter reabsorption from the latter parts of the tunvio of a nephron, tatament, select tho fn to ight of above correct option. (3) Both (A) ang (RY aro tra end (R) is the eert0ct exclanation of (A). (2) (A) 15 tus, (R) Is false (2) (A) le fatsa, (R) ic te (2) Both (A) eng (R) are tus but (R) Is not the correct explanation of (A). (18) NETS 03 191. 70-80 percart of oloctrolytos and wiator ary roabeerbed by whlch cegmant of naphron? (2) Cotecting duct (4) eT (1) Henlo’s toop (3) PCT Al are Incorrect waille muscle Stes In comparison to rnd muscle fibros, oxcept 192, 41) Number of mtochondria are more in thom (2) Amoun! of narcoplasmic roliculurn 1s high (3) Possess more quantity of myoglobin (4) Depend onty an agrabls process for energy Solect tho correct statemon! wrt tocamollon in humans, 783, (1) Cronin! bones are 22 in number. (2) Ench limb is made of 60 bonds, (9) Vortebral column is formes ny 26 aortally arranged unite called vartebras and ir vontsally placod (4) The number of cervical vartebrag mrs saver. m almost all mammals inctuting human belngs, SGA Is a specisi senstive region cellular madificatons In tha_A__ and the ‘at Mia iacation of thelr contact. ‘Choose tho option that correctly fil the Blanas, 194, A 8 ) ber Efieront arteriole 2) oct Afferent arteriole (3) Por. Atforert arteriole (@) POT Etferont anorots 195. The frst heart sound is asseciated with the closure of (1) Only treussid valve. (2) Somttunas valves (3) Only mitral vate (8) AV valves ‘196. What percent of increase in the flow ef tice inte 12 vontricios Is seen auring atin! sysio'e? (1) 70 (2) 35 (3) 20 (1 30 © Scanned wit OnE caer 198 1-03 jar. All of tha given structures aro ‘avolved In the regulation of sexual behaviour, exprossion of emotional reactions and motivation, excopt (1) Corevetlum (2) Hypothalamus (3) Amygdala {4) Hippocampus Road the given statements and choase the correct option. Statement A: Unmyolinated nerve fibres ore not oncissnd by the Schwann cell in autonomous noural systems. Statoment B: The autonomic neural systom NCERT Booatar Program (NATS) for NEET-2023 199, Nouron of dorsal root ganglian of spinal nervo Is best catogorised as (1) Multipotar neuron (2) Bipolar nouran (4) Psoudounipolar neuron (3) Unipotar reuron 200. Choose the Incorrect statomont. (1) Tho exons transmit nerve Impu'sas away from the coll body to 8 synapse. (2) Cylon ax wo os nodes of Ranvier aro chaructorised by the presance of Nissl's rolays impulsos from tho CNS to the muscles presant in limys, granules, (1) Both statements are correct (3) Myotin shaatn Is produced by Scher (2) Both statements are incorrect i PNS. (3) Only statement A is correct (a) Vicoral norvous systom is the part of the (4) Only statemont B is correct periphoral norvous systom. aaa (19) © seamed win nen canner

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