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Sea | anweaer | ae PROBOUT NDOUEVENGTIEOR | ae | AS SUNOS Tete "ones | a | ae oo "ie | os Course Offering Department_| Mathematics | Data Book / Codes / Standards i: Nil [Course Learning Rationale (CLR): |The purpose of learning this course Is to: Program Outcomes (PO) am cunt: _[oesrte the propertes of rand varie +[2]2]¢[s[e[7[s]e] [nm] 2] ohms [CLR-2: [gain knowledge of discrete and continuous distributions g ls | 3 8 [CuR: —|undrstand the basi cancens of two-dimensional random vaabes,corelaion andregessinines || =| , | |2E| B | . ale (CLR: _linerpret the system characteristics of queueing models & Ab gel2 | le] [2/8] i (CLR-S: [orate Merv chains and vesigetestatonary sat dstrbuton 2) ale jes/2\2 |82 |s|2)e 2 £| 4 \oe|e5) s Eges| 2/2) 2/2) 2/s/3/3 (Course Outoomes (CO): ‘Athe end ofthis couse, learners willbe able or B| 2 lgsi52| 2 l2g22 £|3|8|2/ a aor 5/5). | 7 7 = (s+ eele \co.2: [identity the random variables and model them using various distributions a[3]-]- -|- : -|-[-|-]- CO.%: [frosts rm to mensional random varias which describ rea de phenomenon afa[-[- eres : Slechatelle CO-4: examine the significant results of various queueing models 3[3]-]- =|: : -]- 1: : (CO: [detainee tanston probes ard casi th lates oft Markov cla stst-[- ~L- TT Er (Wii Random Vaabes Hou |Probabity concepts - Discrete and coninuous random variables - Probably diibuton fnclon, Cumulaive dsiibuion Tonclon ~ Moments - Cantal and raw momnts, Expectation and varance- Moment \geneating function (MGF) -Tchebychel'sinequly - Function a random varsble. Unit2- Theoretical Distributions 12H [Discrete cstbuton - Binomial cstouton, Poisson dsvouton - MGR, Mean, Varance, Theoretical requendes and applications — Continuous Gistibuton - Exponenlal and normal dsrbutons ~ MGF, Mean | Variance and applications. lunit-3- Two-Dimensional Random Variables f2Hou| Loin itibutons - Marginal and conditional ditibvlons ~ Covariance ~ Conelaton ard inear regression ~ Conta lind theorem fr ndapondont and nicl Gistouiod random arabes) ‘Unit - Queueing Theory 2 Hou (Queueing theory ~ Charactaristios ofa queueing Model— Kendal’ rotation ~PoSson queves- (MDT): (=/FIFO) Model ~ System characteristics ~ Applicaton - (NW): ooFIFO) Model- System characte fons - (MN): (kFIFO) Model - Siem characteris ~ Applicaton aa anne (Unit - Markov Chain 2 Hour [Markov process = Markov chain ~ One step ranstion probability mati Chapman Koimogorov theorem — infin probablies - Casscaton of tales ofa Markov chal j ‘BTech/ MTech (Integrated) Programmes-Regultlons 2021-Volume-s-Mathematics- Higher Semester Sykab-Conttol Copy Learning ‘Sons, 12th Editon, 2018. Resources | 3. K.S Thivedi, Probetilty and Satis with Refabiy, Queuing and Computer Science) Applications, Prentice Hal of In, New Delhi, 2nd Eton, 2016. 1 Sholdon Ross, Aft course in probabity Pearson, 3h Eton, 2078 2. S.C. Gupta, VK. Kapoor, Fundamonials of Mathematical Stalsies, Sutan Chand 2 “4 Arnold ©. Alen, Probably, Statistics and Queueing Theory wii Computer Science Applications | ‘Academic Prss, 2nd Editon, 1990. 5. D. Gross, John F. Shorlo, James M. Thompson, Carl M. Hars- Fundamentals of Queueing| Theory, fly India Pt. Lt. 4th Eaton, 2013. 8. T. Veerarajan, Prbabilty,Stases and Random Processes with Queueing Theory and Queueing} [Notworks, Tata MoGraw-Hil, Now Doth th Eton 2015. (Learning Assessment Cantinvous Assessment (CLA) Summative Formative LitecLong Learning looms Final Eramination Tat CU average out tet Gaz ae Theo Practice Theony Practice Theony Practice Levelt Ronember 20% = 2 - 20%, = Level Understand 20% z 20% 20% = Level ‘Apply 30%, = 3% 30% 7 Level Analyze 30% : Ena 30% : Level Evaluate : zi 7 A a Level6 Create : : 7 : z z Tota 100% 100% 100% ‘Course Designers Experi from industry Experts from Higher Technical Insitutions Internal Experts 1. Mr Madhen Shanmagasundaram, infosys Technoioges, ‘madshan@gmail com 1. Prof ¥.V.S.S. Sanyasiraju, IT Mach, sryedida@iim 1 Dr ¥. Subburayan, SRUIST | Pool KO. Svakumar, IT Madre, keshumar@jitm atin | [2 Be H Mein Warr SRST A Maly Margark Corse Cocrdinald Hop [Madks, Tech M-Tech (integrated) Programmies-Regulations 2021-Volume-+-Mathematcs-Higher Semester Sylabi-Contal Copy

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