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Life and Triumphs of an Untouchable

Mooknayak: The Mute Protagonist Family) and Untouchables: My Family’s
Triumphant Journey Out of the Caste
System in Modern India (2005), Jadhav
Ananya Vajpeyi exhibits a lively writing style, vividly
painting portraits of his father and other

arendra Jadhav’s Ambedkar: Ambedkar: Awakening India’s Social Conscience members of his family, recalling the
Awakening India’s Social Con- by Narendra Jadhav, New Delhi and Seattle: Konark trials and tribulations of three genera-
science opens with a short pro- Publishers, 2014; pp 647, Rs 1,199 (hardcover). tions of Dalits in colonial and postcolonial
logue titled “The Meeting That Shaped India. He frequently evokes both the
Modern India.” This is an account of anti-colonial struggle, and supplementing pathos and the humour of the struggles
the first personal meeting between his target of political independence with of ordinary citizens amidst social trans-
Mahatma Gandhi and Babasaheb social reform. Second, the government formations of historic proportions. The
Ambedkar at Mani Bhavan, in Mumbai, was increasingly working out ways to Hindi version of Jadhav’s memoir won
on 14 August 1931. The meeting went share administration with and devolve the Sahitya Akademi award. Ambedkar
badly, and set the two men on a course power to the Indians, crafting a via media is as much a key character in that book
of conflict which lasted the remainder of of limited self-rule between complete Brit- as Jadhav’s own mother, Sonu, and his
both their lives. Their foundational and ish Raj and purna swaraj for its subjects in father, Damu Mahar, or Damodar
permanent disagreement was to be on India. Third, Ambedkar was increasingly Runjaji Jadhav, whose diaries formed
two questions: “What is the answer to disillusioned with satyagraha and civil dis- the basis of Jadhav’s first redaction of
Untouchability?” and: “Who is the right- obedience as means of securing rights and his memoir in Marathi, Aamcha Baap
ful spokesperson of India’s Untoucha- respect for the depressed classes, and Aan Amhi (1993).
bles, Gandhi or Ambedkar?” therefore, exploring two alternative ave- In writing about Ambedkar in the vol-
It is instructive to compare narratives nues: separate electorates for “untoucha- ume under review, though, Jadhav is more
of their first meeting and of their subse- bles,” and religious conversion out of the circumspect, and prefers to let his protago-
quent clashes by D R Nagaraj (1993, Hindu caste system. nist speak for himself rather than giving
2010), Eleanor Zelliot (2004), Gail The braiding of these three strands him a particular voice which might be Jad-
Omvedt (2004), Christophe Jaffrelot was such that Ambedkar as a juridical hav’s own. This restraint imparts to Jad-
(2005) and Joseph Lelyveld (2011). All authority and a legislator became an in- hav’s intellectual biography of Ambedkar
draw on Dhananjay Keer’s seminal bio- dispensable part of the self-determina- a solid, sober, reliable sort of quality. But
graphy (1954), but the extent to which dif- tion process, which eventually led to his readers familiar with Jadhav’s talent as a
ferent authors emphasise psychological, prominent presence in the constituent memoirist cannot help wishing he had
historical, political, inter-personal, emo- assembly more than a decade later. On taken a risk and painted Ambedkar in
tional, dialogic, ideological and cultural the electoral separation of untouchables more lifelike colours, using both his his-
aspects of the Gandhi–Ambedkar en- from Hindus, he had to bow before torical imagination and the historical
counter and engagement varies widely. Gandhi’s unyielding insistence on a united record to bring Babasaheb alive as one of
Nagaraj’s is the most brilliant, Lelyveld’s front, a concession cemented in the modern India’s most significant thinkers.
the most incisive and Jadhav’s is proba- infamous Poona Pact of 1932. On the As it stands, Jadhav’s biggest achievement
bly the most neutral of all these ac- question of caste and its place in Hindu in Awakening India’s Social Conscience is to
counts. All three are focused on the society, by October 1935, Ambedkar had transform a range of relatively inanimate
annihilation of “untouchability,” which washed his hands of Hinduism, and textual sources into useful resources
was, in fact, one of many points of dis- about 20 years later he would take the for non-specialist readers of Ambedkar.
affection between the two men, rather logical step of converting to another Ambedkar was a meticulous and scholarly
than the sole bone of contention. faith, namely, Buddhism. Jadhav is meti- writer himself, but his prose was neverthe-
culous in documenting the twists and less filled with what D R Nagaraj used to
Gandhi–Ambedkar Entanglement turns of history that eventually pro- call “radical energy.” By lifting them out of
After the six-page prologue, Jadhav elabo- duced these outcomes, and in keeping his dry tomes and reinserting them into a life-
rates on the Gandhi–Ambedkar entangle- sights trained on the compulsions that story, Jadhav revitalises Ambedkar’s words
ment in greater detail in Chapters 13, 14, 15 drove Ambedkar to respond to caste for a wide audience.
and 16. The years from 1930 to 1935 were Hinduism, to the British government and
crucial for this relationship. Three histori- to Mahatma Gandhi in the ways that he Ideas vs Archives
cally significant movements were unfolding did at various points in time. However, while he does make good use
simultaneously during this period. First, In writing his own memoir, titled Out- of Ambedkar’s writings and speeches,
Gandhi was increasingly evolving from a caste: A Memoir (2003) in India (with Jadhav does not quite produce an elec-
position of practical leadership to that of slightly different title in some inter- tric portrait of his protagonist. The bio-
moral stewardship in the Congress-led national editions as Outcaste: A Memoir, grapher’s reticence in the interpretation
34 APRIL 4, 2015 vol l no 14 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

and animation of the personality of Education, Government of Maharashtra.1 up to all other standards and protocols
Ambedkar lead us to pose a vital question: The committee began its work in 1978 of scholarship. People may or may not
To whom does the Ambedkar archive under the leadership of the distin- agree with one, but there is no legal
belong? Is there some invisible barrier to guished scholar Vasant Moon, who was stricture against engaging with Ambed-
Jadhav fully owning Ambedkar, making an officer appointed on special duty. He kar in one’s own manner. However,
him a character who really speaks, in a took possession of five iron trunks of should one want to put out a critical edi-
baritone imbued with all of the notes of Ambedkar’s papers with the cooperation tion of any of Ambedkar’s writings, one
gravitas, anger, determination, irony and of Ambedkar’s wife Savita Ambedkar must seek permission from the commit-
tragedy that we know defined the life of and his grandson Prakash Ambedkar, in tee. If the committee grants permission,
this man? Babasaheb Ambedkar was not 1981. Till today the committee operates one can go ahead. If the committee does
prone to confessional discourse, unlike out of barracks on Free Press Journal not grant permission, one cannot go
his intimate enemy, Mohandas Gandhi, Road at Nariman Point, opposite the ahead—at least, not legally.
who bared his soul and dissected his Mantralaya in Mumbai. Thus, the legal status of Ambedkar’s
own consciousness on a daily basis in ideas and the legal status of his archives
full public view. But is that what drops a Copyright of Ambedkar’s Works are two different things. His ideas are
curtain between a chronicler like Jadhav While the ideas of Ambedkar may be not subject to copyright, his archives are.2
and his subject—that Ambedkar himself claimed by Dalits exclusively, or by non- Some Dalit intellectuals want to claim
was rather a private sort of man? Dalits (and we can debate the validity of that they have exclusive rights to his
There are two possible answers to the both sets of claims), there can be no am- ideas—a claim hotly disputed by others
question of ownership: One view, in- biguity that the copyright of Ambedkar’s who are equally interested in Ambed-
creasingly popular among a vocal section works rests with this committee. The kar.3 But no one, Dalit or non-Dalit, can
of the Dalit intelligentsia, is that the committee may license or authorise claim to have exclusive rights to his writ-
Ambedkar archive belongs to the Dalit scholars, editors, publishers, etc, to re- ings, except the Government of Maha-
community, and exclusively to this com- produce, critically edit or annotate por- rashtra, the copyright holder and the
munity, or to this community in a more tions of the Ambedkar archive, but any- SMPC, the licensing authority.4
authentic and definitive way than to other one wanting to reproduce, edit or anno- The committee for its part ought to ac-
—non-Dalit—communities of readers. tate any part of this corpus has to ap- knowledge that there are several schol-
Another view, widely held, is that the proach the committee first in order to ars—of different nationalities, and of di-
Ambedkar archive belongs to everyone obtain permission to do so. Rightly or verse social backgrounds, many of whom
who cares about equality and justice— wrongly, this is a matter of legal owner- are not Dalits by birth nor Ambedkarites
hence potentially to all Dalits, to all Indians, ship and copyright over Ambedkar’s by ideological persuasion—who never-
and to all human beings. All those who writings, not a matter of political identi- theless have the requisite capabilities to
identify with Ambedkar’s social and politi- fication, intellectual affiliation or ethical work on Ambedkar’s archive and produce
cal beliefs may step up and claim him as claims with regard to Ambedkar’s ideas. credible critical editions of his texts that
their own, regardless of the caste, religious, The Source Materials Publications can stand up to the minutest scrutiny.
national, gender, ethnic or any other Committee (SMPC) has been putting out In some cases it appears that workable
kind of identity of the claimants them- the series, Dr B R Ambedkar Writings and solutions were indeed found: volumes ed-
selves. In this view, Ambedkar is a bea- Speeches (DBAWS), of which 22 volumes ited by Valerian Rodrigues (2002), Ram-
con for all oppressed people everywhere. have been published so far. The commit- achandra Guha (2010), Aakash Singh Ra-
There is, however, a difference be- tee asserts and exercises its right to ei- thore and Ajay Verma (2011), as well as
tween Ambedkar’s ideas—whose own- ther grant or deny permission to external Narendra Jadhav (various), all come to
ership may be debated between compet- editors, scholars and publishers who may mind. In these cases, either conflicts over
ing groups—and Ambedkar’s archive, in wish to handle Ambedkar’s archives. In copyright did not occur, or were amicably
the strict sense of the body of his pub- this it is no different from countless other resolved between the committee and the
lished and unpublished writings. This entities that hold the literary estates of scholars in question. This resolution was
archival corpus, like the literary estate countless other writers. Its decision to reached through processes that are not ob-
of any writer, scholar or leader of histori- grant or withhold the right to edit, anno- vious or explicit to the reading public, but
cal importance, is the intellectual prop- tate and reproduce Ambekdar’s writings nevertheless must have been effective for
erty of a designated estate-holder. In is legally binding, and any infringement these works to have been published with-
Ambedkar’s case this happens to be the of a denial of permission by this commit- out court cases in their wake.
Shahu Chhatrapati, Mahatma Phule and tee constitutes a copyright violation. Narendra Jadhav has done a great ser-
Dr B R Ambedkar Source Materials Pub- As a scholar one may write about vice to all scholars, activists and lay
lications Committee, an especially con- Ambedkar all that one wants. One is readers by sorting, selecting, anthologis-
stituted body created in 1976, 20 years free to appropriate, expound, refute, ing, introducing and translating Ambed-
after Ambedkar’s death, that comes un- communicate or represent his ideas in kar’s writings and speeches in 10 vol-
der the purview of the Department of any way, provided that one’s work stands umes. He has ventured into Ambedkar’s
Economic & Political Weekly EPW APRIL 4, 2015 vol l no 14 35

works in four languages—English, Scholarly Sources, Moral In the matter of archival status,
Marathi, Gujarati and Hindi—and put Resources Ambedkar is no different from say Gan-
forth a vast archive in an eminently Ideologues, demagogues, polemicists and dhi, Nehru or Tagore. His papers and
clear and readable format, thematically propagandists of all shades have long used materials connected to him are to be
arranged, for anyone to consult, in Eng- the words and ideas of Ambedkar—as also found scattered over the NMML, the NAI
lish and Marathi (Jadhav 2012; 2013a; of Gandhi, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, and the Maharashtra State Archives, but
2013b; 2013c and 2013d). Maulana Azad, Muhammad Iqbal, Rabind- the majority of what is available in pub-
Jadhav has used the DBAWS volumes ranath Tagore, Jawaharlal Nehru, V D lished form issues from the SMPC, and is
built up by Vasant Moon and his succes- Savarkar, Vivekanand, Bal Gangadhar Tilak sold by the Department of Education of
sors as a base, but added value to them and so many others of the founding genera- the Government of Maharashtra. The
by organising materials into different tions—for whatever purposes. This has family of Ambedkar has handed over
genres, regrouping them by criteria gone on since the late 19th century, using charge of managing his literary estates
other than mere chronology, and more- the prevalent media and media cultures of to the SMPC. A popular writer or pam-
over, glossing various bodies of Ambed- various historical periods. Today the writ- phleteer, a politician or an educationist
kar’s writings and speeches with at least ings of major historical figures are not at all may choose to disregard this institution-
a basic historical context in a way that is hard to find circulating in print, on the in- al body and these authorised works. For
useful without being intrusive. He also ternet, and in translation; there has never a scholar, however, there is no choice but
relies on and acknowledges the biogra- been any question of restricting such mate- to depend on the committee to ensure
phies of Ambedkar, editions of Ambed- rials to authorised editions only. In the that the Ambedkar sources are standard-
kar’s work, and other analytical books boundless realm of popular circulation, no ised, preserved and disseminated as they
by Dhananjay Keer, C D Khairmode, one has copyright and no one is denied en- were written, and treated with the re-
B C Kamble, etc,5 the Constituent Assem- try. Google, Wikipedia and the blogosphere spect and seriousness that they deserve.
bly debates, as well as a variety of addi- further disseminate materials and informa- Not only do we have to take the com-
tional English and vernacular sources. tion, some of it authentic, some of it unreli- mittee seriously because it helps our
He creates an excellent critical appara- able, and certainly all of it freely available.6 scholarship to have the Ambedkar ar-
tus including the date, venue, occasion, But a scholar wanting to work on Gan- chive be maintained and made available
original language and prior publication dhi is obliged to use the Collected Works in a reliable and stable form, but also be-
details of each item, which is a testimo- of Mahatma Gandhi prepared and main- cause we are legally bound to do so.
ny to his respect for the primary archive. tained by the Sabarmati Ashram Preser- Nothing stops anyone from using the
Is the committee justified in denying vation and Memorial Trust.7 For Nehru, Ambedkar texts that are out there circu-
permission to potential editors and com- a scholar must go to the Nehru Memori- lating unchecked, but if we want the au-
mentators? Should the purview of own- al Museum and Library (NMML) and the thoritative version, then the SMPC is the
ership over the Ambedkar archive be Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund.8 Ac- state-authorised body and the fountain-
expanded to be more inclusive, or should cess to certain papers of Nehru is still head of all the Ambedkar materials. We
it be narrowed down even further? After controlled by the Nehru–Gandhi family. ignore or bypass it at our own peril, and
all, Ambedkar’s writings and speeches A scholar wanting to work on Rabin- to the detriment of all our colleagues and
act as historical sources for scholars and drananth Tagore must go to the Online students in the field of Ambedkar studies.
specialists, but as moral resources for a Electronic Varorium Edition which is Legal experts know well that copyright
vast reading public, in many languages. made and managed by Jadavpur Univer- law in India is not particularly clear or ro-
It can be argued that if the SMPC is genu- sity together with Visva-Bharati.9 bust, and the world over, copyright regula-
inely committed to acknowledging, pre- Many more modern materials of a his- tions and intellectual property law are
serving and promoting the ethical and torical nature are deposited in the National struggling to keep up with the proliferation
political importance of Ambedkar, then Archives of India (NAI), the Library of the of new media and new technologies. For
it ought to be invested in allowing more Parliament of India, the Indian Institute of now, copyright in India expires 60 years af-
and more people to have access to him. Advanced Study in Shimla, state-level ar- ter the death of an author. In Ambedkar’s
That would be the best way to recognise chives, the National Library in Kolkata, the case, this takes us to 2016 (he died in De-
and honour Ambedkar’s legacy. Asiatic Society of Bombay in Mumbai, and cember 1956). Until that limit, we have to
At the same time, if the state—repre- various other public institutions, depend- find ways to work with the SMPC, which on
sented here by the committee—were to ing on the provenance of the texts in ques- its part should make its criteria for permis-
abandon the care and the regulation of tion. Bodies like these exist to provide sta- sion and access much more transparent
the Ambedkar corpus altogether, it bility, accessibility and authentication to than they are at the moment.10
could well stand accused of the derelic- vast and complex collections of material.
tion of its duty. It is high time we had an For popular versions, there is a wide world Future of Ambedkar Studies
open, civil and non-adversarial—debate of freely circulating texts. For authoritative Identity politics, legal ambiguity and
on this issue, with the equal participa- recensions, scholars must use the archives political correctness have brought both
tion of all stakeholders. where they are housed and preserved. scholarly and activist work around
36 APRIL 4, 2015 vol l no 14 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

Ambedkar to a near standstill in India. It is the author of Righteous Republic: The roadside shop to publish Tagore’s writings in any
Political Foundations of Modern India. form, abridged or altered or vandalized, without
might still be possible for academics to regard to the authentic version approved by the
write on Ambedkar in foreign universi- author. In that context, it is heartening to see an
Notes effort to put out the collected writings, authorised
ties, but venturing anywhere close to him by Tagore, accompanied by bibliographic research
in this country is a task so fraught that 1 After Babasaheb’s death in New Delhi in 1956, in recent times. That is why the Bangla Akademi
the custodian of the Delhi High Court held his edition of his collected works is welcome and it is
hardly anyone wants to undertake it. Too papers for a few years. Ashis Nandy has told me to be hoped that great authors in other languages of
several times that for a while in the mid-late India would be presented to their readers with com-
many important aspects of Ambedkar’s 1960s the papers were sitting in the Centre for parable or superior intellectual engagement in new
biography are off-limits: his equation the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) editions of their works (emphasis mine). Or else
building, and that Savita Ambedkar would their works will turn to dust under the wheels of
with Gandhi, his views on Muslims and drop by from time to time to chat with him, time.” The Book Review, August 2014, p 5. Review
Islam, his personal life and relationships, with Rajni Kothari and with other CSDS facul- of Rabindra Rachanabali, 7 volumes, Bangla
ty about what might be done with the corpus. Akademi, Kolkata (2011–14).
his conservatism in some regards, his Ambedkar’s last residence, 26, Alipur Road in 10 Rajshree Chandra sets out to provide what she
iconoclasm in other respects, his Bud- Civil Lines is about a 15 minute walk from describes as a “dispassionate perspective” in a
CSDS which is on 29 Rajpur Road, New Delhi. recent blog-post here:
dhism, his liberalism—these issues are 2 In legal parlance, ideas are covered by patent 10/19/un-owning-archives-in-general-ambed-
not properly understood, because they and texts by copyright. But this makes much kar-in-particular-rajshree-chandra/
more sense for scientific and technological ide- However, her argument is partisan, in that she
are not allowed to be handled critically or as: it would be ridiculous to claim that anyone seems to advocate “un-owning” Ambedkar, i e,
completely. Even India’s most prominent could “patent” Ambedkar’s ideas! freeing Ambedkar’s works of all copyright restric-
3 A recent articulation of this debate is Drishad- tions, which implies superseding the legal claims
scholars, whether they are historians or wati Bargi, “Creation of an Ambedkarite Pub- of the SMPC on what are putatively “normative”
social scientists, Dalits or Brahmins, men lic/Dalitisation of Civil Society” in Kindle Mag- grounds. Chandra asserts that “the question of le-
azine, 13 September 2014: http://kindlemag. gitimacy often needs to be freed from the question
or women, are hampered from speaking in/creation-ambedkarite-public-dalitisation- of legality.” But her convoluted and sometimes
their minds freely when it comes to civil-society/ but numerous other examples equivocating account of how the works of both
could also be cited. Ambedkar and Periyar (E V Ramasamy Naicker)
Ambedkar. A hermeneutics of suspicion 4 A Delhi-based imprint by the name of Critical have fared thus far in their respective histories of
applies at all times—not to the archive it- Quest that describes itself as a “mini publica- publication, appropriation and contestation, in-
tion venture” in the social sciences has pub- cluding in Indian courts, only leaves the reader
self, but rather to its interpreters! lished a whole series of Ambedkar’s writings more confused about who owns Ambedkar’s texts
Narendra Jadhav has thus far put out a and speeches as small, cheaply-priced pam- within the strict framework of the law.
phlets (Rs 25/$4). On the back-cover of each
lot of material by and about Ambedkar, one it says: “Ambedkar’s writings and speeches
and yet he has somehow managed to have been edited by late Vasant Moon and pub- References
lished by the Government of Maharashtra.”
avoid courting controversy. He has shown 5 Dhananjay Keer’s Dr B R Ambedkar: Life and Mis- Guha, Ramachandra (ed) (2010): Makers of Modern
sion, published in 1954 by Popular Prakashan, India, New Delhi: Penguin India.
his considerable novelistic talents in writ- Jadhav, Narendra (2013a): Dr Ambedkar Speaks:
Bombay; B C Kamble’s Samagra Ambedkar Char-
ing his personal memoir and family histo- ita, Volume 1–24 in Marathi, published by Suga- 301 Seminal Speeches: A Trilogy, New Delhi:
va Prakashan (reprints) and C B Khairmode’s Konark Publishers.
ry. Jadhav has demonstrated his discipli- Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar Charutra Granth, — (2013b): Dr Ambedkar: Pradnyasuryache Vaicha-
nary competence in his own fields—eco- Volume 1–12, published by Sugava Prakashan, rik Charitra (Marathi), Mumbai: Granthali.
Pune (reprints). — (2013c): Ambedkar Writes: Dr Ambedkar’s Writings,
nomics, finance and education—through
6 See, for example, a site maintained by Colum- two volumes, New Delhi: Konark Publishers.
a stellar career in the government, and in bia University, with a wealth of Ambedkar ma- — (2013d): Pradnya Mahamanavachi: Dr Ambedka-
terials easily accessed for study and download: ranche Samagra Lekhan Karya (Marathi), two
policy and planning at the highest levels. volumes, Mumbai: Granthali.
Now he uses the rubric of the intellectual pritchett/00ambedkar/. See also: http://www. — (2012): Bol Mahamanavache: Dr Ambedkaranchi and http://ambedkarism. 500 Marmabhedi Bhashane: A Trilogy, Mum-
biography, in English and Marathi, to bai: Granthali.
weave a selection of Ambedkar’s most sig- 7 See: — (2005): Untouchables: My Family’s Triumphant
mahatma-gandhi-books. See also: http://gan- Journey Out of the Caste System in Modern In-
nificant writings and speeches into the See also: http:// dia, New York: Scribner.
story ofhis life, together with a narrative of — (2003): Outcaste: A Memoir, Life and Triumphs of
8 To quote more than a few words from even such an Untouchable Family in India, New Delhi:
historical events unfolding in Indian poli- a massively disseminated book as Nehru’s Dis- Penguin Viking.
tics in the same period. covery of India, which has been in print continu- Jaffrelot, Christophe (2005): Dr Ambedkar and
ally for decades and is widely used for school
Jadhav quotes extensively from and college teaching, one must write to the Ja-
Untouchability: Analysing and Fighting Caste,
New Delhi: Permanent Black, originally pub-
Ambedkar, with minimal connecting waharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, which expects lished in French in 2000.
a hefty copyright fee that no Indian author or
prose of his own, but in many ways such publisher would be in a position to pay. Sepa-
Lelyveld, Joseph(2011): Great Soul: Mahatma
Gandhi and His Struggle with India, New York:
minimalism is valuable, because any rate fees are demanded for the reproduction of
Alfred A Knopf.
Nehru’s words in books, in electronic media
reader is then free to make second-order and on the internet. This policy is completely Nagaraj, D R (1993 and 2010): The Flaming Feet and
against the principle of both fair and open Other Essays: The Dalit Movement in India, two
judgments without being coerced into volumes, edited by Prithvi Datta Chandra
scholarship as well as the educational and
agreeing with or disagreeing with Jad- broader social-pedagogical uses of a modern Shobhi, Ranikhet: Permanent Black.
Indian political canon (which includes both Ne- Omvedt, Gail (2004): Ambedkar: Towards an
hav’s position. His touch is light. In a Enlightened India, New Delhi: Penguin India.
hru and Ambedkar). However, it indicates the
field overburdened with ideology, rife extent to which copyright over Nehru’s works Rodrigues, Valerian (ed), (2002): The Essential
continues to be a lucrative source of income for Writings of BR Ambedkar, New York: Oxford
with conflict and almost moribund with the Nehru–Gandhi family and entities control- University Press.
suspicion, this is a blessing in disguise. led by them. Where money is involved, these Singh, Aakash Rathore and Ajay Verma (2011): “B R
matters are taken very seriously indeed. Ambedkar” in (ed), The Buddha and His Dham-
Ananya Vajpeyi ( is at the 9 See Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, “Collected Works of ma: A Critical Edition, New Delhi: Oxford Uni-
Rabindranath Tagore: Note on a New Edition”, versity Press.
Centre for the Study of Developing Societies,
wherein he writes: “In 2001 the copyright [ex- Zelliot, Eleanor (2004): Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar
New Delhi and with the Carnegie Council for tended to 60 years after Rabindranath’s death in and the Untouchable Movement, New Delhi:
Ethics in International Affairs, New York. She 1941] expired, and thereafter it is now open to any Blumoon Books.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW APRIL 4, 2015 vol l no 14 37

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