Trimdek 2009

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LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK® Roofing and Walling Solutions PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK* steel cladding isa of curvature must be at least 450mm for subtle square fluted roofing and walling convex and 550mm for concave to profile. The fling in the pans provides underside or pan of cheat. strength and long spanning capabilites, making it one of the mast economical Performance of the profile is tested and LYSAGHT® profiles proven by NATA.- registered laboratory, BlueSeope Lysaght Technology, Sydney, Ithas bold, widely spaced ribs and is Australia and CSIRO (Commonwealth available in long lengths, governed only Scientic and Industrial Research by transportation considerations. Due to Organisation, Australia) its stength, spanning ability, lightness and rigidity, wide support spacings can Typical Applications be used with safety + Roof + wall LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK* cladding can be Fascia ‘curved by crimp curving process. tis Feature wall available in both convex and concave + Fencing shapes to provide versatility and creativity : + Internal ceiling to building designs. The minimum radius eure PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Base Metal Thickness (8M) Effective Coverage Width 760mm 760mm Roof Pitch Sheet length without end I 34 in 20 approx) Sheet length wth end fap 54m 12 approx) Tolerances LENGTH +0, 15mm, WIDTH £ 2mm Custom Cut Lengths ‘Any measurement to a maximum transportable length a 2 50 ‘Thickness for LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK® (Standard) Profile ee ben) eto a Coated Thickness omens PCE aa ee cn) ZINCALUME® 0.420.025 = 0025 047 ‘eel Clean 0.005 9.020 0025 - 0,005 «0.005 «0.47 0.030 0.005 0.020 0.030 0.005 0.010 048 Fe a ET gu ena ena sre ror sana ae gay “pice Hose rae to BlsScope seg Singapore for more noma Bats Conte ss of 0 gramclton 80% Fae BS Aun 425% Ze ae 15% ‘2560 Eoning Mas of 20 gram on bth ade 5% Atrinamy 05% fe and 13 1.© May 2007 BlueSeope lysaght Mass & Coverage Mass per Unit Area cone Geg/m') Standard Non Standard Standard Non ZINCALUME® steel (0.47mm) 4.288 471 2.259 ‘Clean COLORBOND® steal 4.362 4905, 3315 (505mm) Clean COLORBOND® XPD 4.362 4.945 3.18 stool (505mm) Clean COLORBOND® xPD 4.362 4905 3.15, Peatlescent steel (0.505mm) Clean COLORBOND® 4428 5.007 3.362 ULTRA steel (0.520mm) DESIGN CRITERIAS 1, Non-Cyclonic Areas SUPPORT SPACINGS NON- CYCLONIC AREAS The maximum support spacings shown in Table 1 are based on testing in accordance with AS1562 1992, "Design and instalation of Sheet Roof and Wall Cladding - Part 1: Metal” and AS4040.1 =1992 "Methods of Testing Sheet Roof and Cladding Method 1: Resistance to These roof support spacings are the maximum Concentrated Loads” recommended for adequate performance of the roof cladding under foot traffic loading. The wall spacings are recommended for buildings up to 10m in heightin Region B Terrain Category 3 Table 1: Maximurn Allowable Support Spacing for LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK® Profile -NON CYCLONIC AREAS TYPE OF SPAN ROOF APPLICATION Single Span 1100 Ena Span 1300 Internal Span 1900 ‘Overhang Unstifened 150 ‘Overhang -Stiffened 300 WALL APPLICATION Single Span 2100 Ena Span 2900 Internal Span 2800 ‘Overhang 150 afStope engi Sagas fo PRODUCT BENEFITS + Conforms to International Building Codes and Standards + Manufactured under strict processes ‘governed by 1509001:2000 (Quality Management System) and ISO14001 (Environment Management System) Excellent wind resistance Excellent spanning capacity Light weight Superior against severe rainfall intensity First cats resistance against corrosion, discolouration and tropical dit staining, therefore requites no or minimal maintenance Genuine LYSAGHT® Material Warranty and Product Certification 2.© May 2007 BlueScope Lysaght 1600 1850 2600 200 350 2100 3000 3000 200 = Cua) er er) 3.702 223202 205.310 3.758 229235 202229 3.758 229.238 202.229 3.758 229235 702229 3.805 226031 199.731 conditions (Vs=38/s & Vu=60m/s using Cpe=0.65, Co0.2 & KiF2.0). ‘These spacings may be reduced by the Serviceabilty and Strength Limit States for the particular project under consideration, ‘St Pater House, T+O, Hong Kong SAR LIMIT STATE WIND PRESSURES (NON-CYCLONIC AREAS) The wind pressure capacities are based on tests conducted at NATA registered testing laboratory at Lysaght Technology Centre in Chester Hill, Sydney, Australia. Testing was conducted in accordance with AS1562.1 - 1992, “Design and Installation of Sheet Roof and Wall Cladding”, and AS4040.2 1992, "Resistance to Wind Prescure for Non-Cyclonie Regions”. Table 2 below for wind pressure capacities provides pressure versus span graphs for Serviceability and Strength Limit State Design. Serviceabilty Limit State is based fon a deflection limit of: (span/120) + {P/30), where P is the maximum fastener pitch, The pressure capacities for Strength Limit State have been determined by testing the cladding to failure (ultimate capacity). These pressures are applicable when the cladding is fixed to minimum ‘material thickness of 1.0mm. To obtain the design capacity of the sheeting, a ‘capacity reduction factor of 0.90 should bbe applied. Anon-cyclonic area's defined ‘as one in which a tropical cyclone is unlikely to occur in accordance with 8S1170.2 -1989, "SAA Loading Code, Part 2: Wind Loads” Table 2: LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK® Profile Wind Capacities (kPa) ~ Limit State Format (Non-Cyclonie) [A] Standard (Base Metal Thickness = 0.42mm) Span om) “ype of Span Limit State 600 Single Seniceabiy 498 Strength 1140 End Serviceablity 418, Strength 795 Intemal Seniceabilty $05 Strength 10.50 Sc Type of Span Limit State 600 Single Seniceabity 727 Strength 15.05, End Seniceabiliy 629 Swength 10.40 Internal Seniceablity 7.37 Stength 11.00 goo 1200 ©1500 "1800 328318718 930 715 «$30,400 363308258206 65 © 5953580 41g 342 283236 a 72558580 Peo 2100 2400 2700-3000 075 083 375 310 162 122085050 42 365 305250 19156 123097 403365340 3.20 Span (mm) oo 1200 ©1500-1800 506338208 1.5 129 © 107086080 513% 21D 3% ©6730 = 590480 5% 465 388 95081569500 2100 2400 2700-3000 om 050 04a 5 400295 ise 1120828 4i0 360325305 22 192164 138 530 480430 3.85 “Aina order quantity requed fo nortan tices, plese conta BlueScope sight Singapore fer move infomation 2. Cyclonic Areas SUPPORT SPACINGS CYCLONIC AREAS Table 3: Maximum Allowable Support Spacing for LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK® Profile - Cyclonic Region oy TREOF (Tenn) Neveu) IESemou) @SPSnow) See SPAN 2017KPa 300K 4.320KPa Pa SAPS 203 unto) eieerhout 52a 3.000KPa 4.320KPa_ 5.860K7 a Eos eed Ed 1000 5 a5 500 100 “00 100 uO rer 1505 112 8 50 1700 1075 1290 as ECs econ bd 1385 8 688 500 1620 10 1090 00 Ie ce) 180 ws Ce) 180 1395 115 2. Puna er dteminng he ean doug (TTS Taw pet oreo act, Eitwindspced eg WIC = dim 3, Somenuppersprcgs sith rcorimendstins put forth by BlueScope sight ees eon o9e ‘f eek nnd rosie okie tom: ie fi ~Knd V0 10" WP some oy walconegarten ne beer erent Ste cg trai eel wiB' rinimum Bace Metal Tice of 1m ard minimum yl srs of SSOnPs For more 1 Mbomson lu al Button ty regaved orton BM ron standard), eae contact BaScope iytght Shewpee fr mor fermaton © May 2007 BlueScope lysaght Table 4: LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK® Profile allowable Wind Pressure KPa - Cyclonic region WALLING APPLICATIONS ONLY [A] Standard (Base Metal Thickness = 0.42mm) B55 440550 BSS 355 5.50 3929836785 a9 347 2202202275307 5.00 220 275 nat at 2081.8 284 141 2.03 089 080137089 175 089 137 048 aso tor ot 1.10 os 101 SEC eres 920 460057597 10.95 937 5006.25 500 3073.83 6255.84 7.80. 50033347 281230287405 5.47 281 2503.12 180 «184250 259 2s 3.78 180 © 2002.60 12500 tat 2251.25 2.60 1250 112.25 079 = 089193079 08e 1.98 079 0891.98 053 060130053060 1.30. 053 0601.30 i pelarmance of LYSAGHT TRIMDEXY oie ba abendel seb fatlr wor Cote yee bie tablube wing pte ta rr spc n NBTC Tote Reord 440, The alamabl pant onthe det prssrs srabthed bet hve eeu and once espero ote oa epee cr er nee cs ree rt gra ma ones Spear Segre oe Se cette te eneding election The rerlnt premier are elated sng #81170 Bard 1989 SAA Loning Cae Vin Fores" evens bashng ol he heaing oy 4 Uedig ease hie Fces th wanang four eandeesd clad ged once S1°50°28 tod So cignsod se WUTC WHOS Wee od Woe relectveb. inseiectn ergo oh of codigos oh in the spacing capac, net a aed des ects at nen RAINWATER RUN-OFF FOR LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK® PROFILE ‘The drainage or run-off capacity of the at the roof slopes and rainfallintensities conditions. The raof runs the total length +r00f sheeting i another imitation on the hown. These are bared on CSIRO of roof sheeting draining rainwater in total length af sheet run that must be (Commonwealth Scientific and Industral one direction including any end laps, considered in roof design and Research Organisation - Australia) and expansion joints or steps that may be construction. As a guide, Table 5 lists BlueScope Lysaght Technology's presenti the roof, ‘the maximum recommended length of calculation of the behaviour of LYSAGHT® ro0f run for LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK* Profile reefing profiles under peak rainfall Table 5: LYSAGHT® TRIVDEK® Profle Maximum Reof Run (im metres) for roof slopes and rainfall intensities Py Henle nd (in20) (Vin12) (Vin75) (ing) ¥ 3 rs" 10° 200 105 123139152 250 a4 98 mM tt 300 70 2 2 101 400 52 61 9 76 ‘Ouwora Bourd Sngnpore- East Cowst Campus CRIMP CURVED ROOF (Crimp curved LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK® steel zavings in construction, mainly due to:- __flachings and cappinge. cladding is designed to provide versatility + Less supporting framework required + Less cladding material required to ‘and creativity to bring new andefreshing for fascias, parapets and roofs. cover a given curve. designs to commercial, industrial, civie + Simplified and reduced work involved land domestic buildings. This design in installation of fascia cladding {roedom has resulted in significant cost * Reduction or elimination of many LSAGHT? TRIMDEK* Profle % oy Min oy ach ay Porto mee) ‘Concave Crimp Curve 7mm the 550, 2000 053mm the 560 2000 Convex Crimp Curve 0.47mm the 450 2000 - 0.3mm thi 470 2000 LYSAGHT? TRIMDEK* Profle ‘SUPPORT SPACINGS FOR CRIMP CURVED LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK® PROFILE (NON CYCLONIC REGION) Straight portion of crimp curved LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK® Profile: + Maximum allowable spacings for the straight portion of crimp curved LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK® profile should fellow the recommendations given in Table 1. End spans refer to the spacing between the first and second supports from any free end of a sheet, except where that end o crimp curved, sheet is + The spacing between the supports either side of an end lap should be that as recommended for end spans in Table 1. Crimp curved pertion of crimp curved LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK® Profile: This will depend on the radius of curvature but the following guidelines are recommended! + For sheets curved to a radius of curvature not more than 300mm, fer Gyclaic trees, posse REQUIREMENTS FOR CRIMP CURVED LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK® PROFILE ‘+ Minimum curvature radius for convex is 450mm and 550mm for concave to underside or pan of sheet, minimum straight length of zheet at one end of a curve is 180mm, + Maximum length of sheet that ean be crimp curved for ridge application is approximately 12000mm. The curve ‘ean either be convex or concave. + The sheet can be crimp curved to three quarters ofa full circle but to facilitate side lapping, semi circle maximum is recommended, + When both ends are crimp curved, the maximum recommended straight distance between the two curves should be 600mm. + For lengths exceeding 12000mm, supports should be placed at centres not greater than 2100mm measuring around the are ofthe curve Where a curve of small included angle occurs (up to approximately 15°, for example at a ridge), support spacing should net exceed 1200mm. Spe and Restaurant in Bishan Pak please consult BlueScope Lysaght Singapore for more information For easy transportation and maximum protection for the crimp curved sheets, the maximum height and length of the sheeting should be 2000mm and 11300mm respectively 4) aay ) Z sltrem permeate aise 5 © May 2007 BlueScope Lysaght TYPES OF FASTENERS AND FASTENING METHOD ‘THE PIERCE-FIXING CONCEPT Pierce-ixing is the method of xing sheets using fasteners which pass through the sheet. This method is diferent from concealed= fixing, The serews can be placed through the erests or inthe valleys. LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK® steel roof cladding must be crest fixed to support. However wall cladding can be either crested or valley fixed. ; . aranirare Appertorwaig en aa Date ee CUTIE SS EE S222, EE SE a ren wih bonded wiser = "= ‘eink sorely “s ee ac Ee esc ae eee i co sie (eo Beebe Sse, (MRA SCOTT (naar cities ey ieee Dene pom Cures ine wtonies a Hexhead Type 17 sl dling wee Hexhead Type 17 sll dling mee For Reef Applications Se es sate cm # feet ef te is, cr ier con Ges eee For Wall Applications 12-14x68 HGS 39-83 6s sextet aystoataiart, ingen. mee 12-14 x 20 Single shear strength 8800N ++ Product features and specifications of Aa ad 20. fatten svengh —1S300N | "iets nandneteton demas Torsional strength 13.2Nm. NOISE & HEAT CONTROL REDUCTION OF RAIN NOISE reductions achieved. Otherwise, noise HEAT CONTROL Villonvbe resuced by vansmsson 6%! re veces seta to contol heat ie Tankternentwiuaae hos, THyefeete matedte antl ti {sen using an insulaion mineral wool ja gminate over the supports before Blanket care should beaten tense ey amnta vere supports ber hat Rly protected fem moire) "ning ne seeing or naan lakes “To reduce noise created by rainfall on ‘metal r00f sheeting, an insulation mineral ‘wool blanket can be placed in between ‘wo metal oof cladding, Az long as the insulation blanket iz held hard against ‘the underside of the roof sheeting, it will barrier to minimise condensation. An ‘dampen the rain induced vibration at insulation blanket is often provided to point of impact and a marked noise increase heat insulation to overall system, {© May 2007 BlueScope Lysaght ACOUSTIC ROOF SYSTEM ‘As a result ofa laboratory measurement of aitborne sound transmission loss of BlueScope Lysaght Acoustic Roof System, PSB ‘Corporation (testing group) had rated the roof system tested on October 10, 2002 as having a sound transmission class 51 (STC 51), The test was conducted in accordance with ASTM E90—97, Roof Bulla-up System with Sound Transmission Class (STC} 51: Testing was earried out withthe ceiling boards Sim hick Lysacir* rene Seieharesye ‘Sree chang vsagir*votsl Btumen Fee Usagi Galaised Zea us Dove sided reflective fellate Fara hor ‘bmi sick cllng board ‘by toing seve SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS FOR EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS [A] MODERATE MARINE ENVIRONMENT Ens “otal Coated Thickness (TCT) 0.7mm TCT BlueScope Steel Proprietary Pre-painted S Clean COLORBOND™ ste! Clean COLORBOND® XPD steel* (Clean COLORBOND® XPD Steel Grade {6550 (Minimum yield strength of $50 mPa) Minimum Coating Mass of ZINCALUME® steel ‘AZ180 (150g/r’) rlescent steal* [8] SEVERE MARINE ENVIRONMENT Total Coated Thickness (TCT) (048mm TCT BlueScope Steel Proprietary Pre-painted Steal System (Clean COLORSOND® Ura steel" Steel Grade (6550 (Minimum yield strength of 950 mPa) Minimum Coating Mass of ZINCALUME® steel ‘AZ200 (200g/m') “Minimum order quantity is required. Pease contact BleScope Lysagh Singapore fr more information 7 © May 2007 BlueScope Lysaght SOME STANDARD FLASHINGS/CAPPINGS ‘Apron & Cover Flshings Ccrmp-cured longhusial fees esoping ool Penevation es SIMPLE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR LYSAGHT® TRIMDEK® CLADDING 1 When the frst sheets fastened ito longitudinal antiaplary ute male coverage duet hanling or tanspot peaiion astingine canbe stetched bisaupposed tebe coveredby the canuidraions iy each compat Ine frost the lower end of the roof side rbwithout a lngitadnal ute of sheets tun fom gutter eaves Stgnment Thelnewilthen be vied eral rib) toridge ast guide forthe subsequent rout 4 Each sheet should be fly fastened pel for stlion before proceeding the next sheet, SDELAP 2 Position and fasten the next roofing The side lap with preceding sheet = —_/-Q_ KE theette cach support onthe malo _shoul be fastened lst of the installed sheet. Place the 5S Inthe case that two or more shorter nt ‘wrons tecond sheet over the second nn of sheets insted o provide allongth Fra wan stains strong. the roofing sheets and fasten the sheets together before proceeding STON OF mvc WEATHER DntcrION OF SHEETLAYING tothe nent sheet HELE MT A vane 2 Make sure these lppingisinstalled PLY 7 correctly. The side rib with the “SEN DL LYN * Please refer to "Guelnes fr Specification snd installation of LYSAGHT* Roofing ar Wllng Solutions” fr deta information an instalation method, Ups eapecton and compatloiy notes aes Eien ese aa 8 © May 2007 BlueScope lyzaght

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