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1. What is the root cause analysis you do of your team.

First, I will work with the background knowledge that I already have which is:

Agent 15 has attitudinal problems

Agent 12 has a slow learning process with only 25 days in OPS.

The other moderators in your team, are like your co-workers. (This will improve the
communication between parts as they already know each other)

The agents highlighted in green are the ones that surpass the LAM target, in this case I have 6 out
of 15 agents that are over the LAM goal. (which is 84%).

The agents highlighted in Yellow are 6 out of 15 which are close to the LAM target but still below It
(for these criteria I have Selected the agents that are less than 11 points away from the LAM
milestone) (which is 84%).

Finally, the agents highlighted in RED are three cases that need an extensive plan to improve their
metrics and are more than 11 points away from the LAM target.

I will focus my action plan at the agents that are below the LAM target that are 9 out of 15. As they
have more areas where they have to improve.

2.How would you categorize your team to work with?

As I mentioned before I divide my team on 3 categories based on the team performance,

but to get to that process I based my classification on the observation of the way that the
metrics are presented in Operations and the quartiles concept. (I did not figure out how to
make the equation work but I understood the theorical concept)

3.Develop an action plan to improve the KPI.

Since the coaching process is focused on develop skills, motivate and get the root cause of
the behavioral aspect of a person and can boost productivity developing loyal and
motivated individuals.
Then My action plan will be focused on coach and improve the metrics from the agents that are
below the LAM target starting by the ones highlighted in red and yellow these nine cases will have
a different process:

Starting by a preventive coaching to figure out what improving areas they can find by themselves
and my observations, I will ask some questions like

What could you have done instead?

What do you think that is the reason why he It is devastated is not performing in his job properly?

Then I will introduce the reason of the coaching: improving his LAM metrics

Taking the agents 12 and 15 as real examples I will apply this methodology to the other agents as
agent 15 is on the red tier and agent 12 is the yellow one.

There are different ways to achieve goals as:

 observation forms
 Root Cause Analysis MODEL

In this case I will choose the G.R.O.W model as it is a solid, simple and powerful mode to apply
using either the observations forms from CCMS.

This is going to be a preventive and formal coaching type.

Once I hear the arguments of the agents I will

 Find out what is causing the low score in LAM metrics

 Discuss on how we can improve the LAM score until reach the 84% target
 Check alternatives for improvement

In the case of agent 15 which has attitudinal problems I will get straight to the point as I already
know the cause of his low performance, for this case I am going to hear his point of view and his
approach on how to improve his LAM score.

In the case of agent 12 which is getting used to his Laboral environment I will hear his thoughts,
and understanding better his issues. seeking for his approach on how to improve his LAM score

Goal: (to reach 84% in LAM)

Reality: (Agent 15 has 69.75%) (Agent 12 has 75%)

Options: agents 15 has to improve his attitude towards his workplace, he has to understand his
own reality hence he should be focused on his workspace avoiding any kind of distraction to
improve his LAM score.

Agent 12 has a sort of lack of knowledge and usually he is isolated from his teammates which can
hinder his moderation process due to some policies and jobs complexity however he is perceptive
to the suggestions and has a willing attitude.


In the case of agent 15 He is not going to talk in production, neither he is going to stand up of his
sit nor he is going to access to any website that is not work-related. He is going to be on a follow up
process and he will have a reactive coaching to check his metrics, how is he feeling with the
changes and behavioral results and ascertain that his process is going to the desired objective.

In conclusion Agent 12 has to read the policy until he finds useful information for each job that can
be hard for him and ask more information from his teammates or from me as I am his supervisor
and I will be glad to guide him and support him. He will have an in the moment coaching to check
possible improvement opportunities.

Finally for the other 6 cases that were on the green tier I will make a feedback congratulating
them, providing them ways to improve their weak spots and telling them what desirable behavior
they should keep. Taking advantage of the feedback that is an informative and simple process to
communicate information.

Of course, at the end of any of the meetings, if any agent has questions regarding their LAM results
or the policies , I will reply them and provide further assistance.

And in conclusion this is my action plan for this specific situation.

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