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Academe dentistry and academe dentist

Academe dentistry refers to the branch of dentistry that focuses on research, teaching, and
academic pursuits. This can include teaching dentistry students, conducting ressearcg on
oral health, and publishng scholarly articles in dental journals. Academe dentistry, also
involves staying up-to date with the latest developments in the field of dentistry, as well as
contributing to the advancement of dental knowledge through research and collaboration
with other professionals.

Furthermore, an academe dentist is a dentist who is primarily involved in academic pursuits

such as teaching, research, and publishing. They may work in dental schools or research
institutions, and their main focus is on advancing the field of dentistry through scholarly
activities. An academe dentist may also provide clinical services, but this is usually
secondary to their academic responsibilities.

Academe dentist vs. private/public dental practitioner

The main difference between an academe dentist and a regular dentist is their primary focus
and responsibilities. An academe dentist is primarily focused on academic pursuits, as
mentioned in the description of an academe dentist. While on the other hand, a private or
public practitioner, also known as a general dentist is primarily focused on providing clinical
dental services to patients. They may work in private practice or in community health centers
and their main responsibility is to diagnose, treat, and prevent dental problems in patients of
all ages. While both academe dentists and general dentists have dental degrees and are
licensed to practice dentistry, their focus and responsibilities are different.

How to be an academe dentist in the Philippines

To become an academe dentist in the Philippines, the general steps are as follows:

1. Earn a bachelor’s degree: you will need to complete a bachelor’s degree in Dentistry
from a commission on Higher education (CHED)- accredited dental school. 6 year
university course.
2. Pass the licensure exam: after completing your bachelor’s degree, you will need to
pass the licensure exam conducted by the philippine board of Dentistry. This exam is
held twice a year and covers a range of topics related to dentistry.
3. Gain clinical experience (conditional/dependent on the institution to be applied at):
some institutions require clinical experiences by working as a dentist in a hospital,
private clinic, or community health center.
4. Obtain advanced education: to become an academe dentist, you will need to obtain
advanced education such as a master’s or doctoral degree in dentistry. You can
pursue this by enrolling in a graduate program in a CHED-accredited dental school
5. Build your academic profile: through conducting research, publishing papers in
reputable dental journals, attending conferences and seminars, and participating in
community outreach programs related to ral health
6. Apply for teaching positions.

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