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Mock Examination 2024



- PAPER 12
GRADE - 10

1 (a) (i) 1 mark for

• ROM is non-volatile, RAM is volatile // by description

• Content of ROM cannot (usually) be changed, content of RAM can be changed

(ii) 1 mark for

• Web browser/application that is running

• (Parts of the) operating system currently running
• Current video/film/tv program being watched
• Data being downloaded/buffered
• Button pressed by the user
• Current volume
• Current channel being watched
• Source being watched (e.g. HDMI) [1]

(b) (i) 1 mark for example

e.g. the OS, web browser software, recorded show, user preferences
1 mark for
• To store data once the computer is turned off / permanently // for non-
volatile storage [2]

(ii) 1 mark for choice either magnetic or solid state 1 mark per bullet to max 2
for justification
e.g. Magnetic:
• Large storage capacity
• … for storing software/videos/HD
• Television unlikely to be moved
• … therefore durability/portability not required
• Cost to purchase is low
• … so the TV will be cheaper to manufacture/purchase
• Device will fit in a tv // device is small
• Longevity // reliable

Royal Institute International School


Solid state:
• Large storage capacity
• … for storing software/videos/HD
• Television may be moved
• …therefore durable/robust/portable
• Fast data access
• … television will be more responsive
• Cost to purchase is low
• …so the TV is not too expensive to manufacture/purchase
• Run quieter
• Produce less heat
• Use less energy
• Compact // lightweight
• …so tv can be made smaller / lighter [3]

2 (a) It has more cores. [1]

(b) RAM
Graphics card (GPU) [2]

(c) 1 mark for correct answer with an explanation

• data is transferred faster …
…which makes a CPU more efficient
• It is faster to transfer to and from cache …
…than transferring to and from RAM [1]
(d) I mark for each max 2
• An instruction is fetched from memory
• The instruction is then decoded
• The decoded instruction is then executed so that the CPU performs continuously
• The process is repeated
• The program counter is incremented
• The instruction is transferred to the MDR
• The address of the instruction to be fetched is placed in the MAR [2]

Royal Institute International School


3 (a) 1 mark for each bullet, to a maximum of 2.

 The height of the wave is measured/sampled (at regular/set intervals)
 Turned into/stored as binary [2]

(b) 1 mark for each bullet

 The quality will improve
 The file size will increase [2]

(c) Size of sample = (44100 × 16 × (60 × 60)) = 2540160000bits [1]

2540160000 * 2 = 5080320000bits [1]

(5080320000)/8 = 635040000 byte [1]

635 040 000 / 1024 * 1024 = 605MiB. [1] [4]

(d) I mark for each max 2.

 To save storage space on devices such as the hard disk drive/solid state drive
 To reduce the time taken to stream a music or video file
 To reduce the time taken to upload, download or transfer a file across a
 The download/upload process uses up less network bandwidth
 Reduced file size also reduces costs. [2]

4 (a) 1 mark for name, max 2 for description.

• user interface
- allows the user to communicate with the hardware
• GUI/command prompt
- allows the user to input data
- outputs data to the user
• memory management / multitasking
- moves data between RAM and VM
- gets data from RAM
- stores data to RAM
-switches between processes so fast it appears like it is multitasking
• peripheral management / drivers
- allows the installation of drivers to communicate with the peripherals
- sends data to/from peripherals
- sends data to/from buffers

Royal Institute International School


• user management
- allows the setting up of accounts
• security / setting of password
- set different access rights
• file management
- creation/editing/renaming of files
- creation/editing/renaming of folders
- movement of files/folders [6]
(b) Perform housekeeping/maintenance tasks [1]

5 (a) 1 mark per bullet to max 4

• Data is split into packets (by originator)
• Each packet has a fixed size
• Each packet has a header
• …that includes e.g. packet number/destination
• Packets are sent individually
• Packets can be sent in different routes
• The receiving computer waits for all packets
• … then puts them back in order (by packet number)
• … sends requests for missing packets // missing packets are resent [4]

(b) (i) 1 mark per bullet to max 2 description

e.g. • can delete/corrupt files/data
• can change files/data
• can prevent the users accessing files
• can replicate through (all connected) devices
• record keypresses and transmit to third party
• steal data
• slow network speed // block access to network

1 mark for prevention

e.g. • anti -spyware
• anti -malware
• anti -virus
• firewall [3]

Royal Institute International School


(ii) 1 mark per bullet to max 2 description

• gains access to user's account//access your password
• …can access (private/confidential) data
• …can edit data
• …can delete data
• …can install malware
• …use your gained password elsewhere
• …block your access to your account

1 mark for prevention

• firewall
• strong password
• two-step verification [3]

6 1 mark per bullet to max 5

 The website is hosted on a webserver
 The website/webserver has an IP address
 (Browser) sends URL to DNS
 URL has a linked IP
 DNS finds IP
 If DNS cannot find the IP it passes request to higher DNS
 …if not found return error
 IP address sent back to the browser/computer
 (Browser) sends request to IP/webserver
 Webserver processes request for the website/webpage
 …webserver sends the webpage/file/data to the user [5]

Royal Institute International School


7 (a) 1 mark per bullet to max 5

- In space exploration, autonomous robots utilize various sensors for

environmental perception, such as cameras for visual data, spectrometers for
chemical analysis, and temperature sensors for temperature readings.

- Actuators, like robotic arms or drills, are employed to manipulate objects or

collect samples.

- A microprocessor processes data from sensors

- Making decisions based on programmed algorithms to control actuators and

facilitate sample collection.

- It ensures efficient and accurate exploration of planetary surfaces. [5]

(b) 1 mark per bullet max 2 for description

1. **Visual Inspection and Navigation:**
-Cameras provide real-time visual data for the robot to navigate and avoid
-They also assist in identifying interesting features or hazards on the planetary
surface, aiding in efficient exploration.

2. **Scientific Observation:**
- High-resolution cameras equipped with various filters can capture detailed
images for scientific analysis.
-This helps researchers study the geological composition of the planet, analyze
surface conditions, and make informed decisions about sample collection or
further exploration activities. [2]

Royal Institute International School


(c) Any 1 from each max 2 marks:


1. **Efficiency and Speed:**

Autonomous robots can work continuously without the need for breaks or rest,
allowing for efficient data collection and exploration, especially in environments
with extreme conditions.
2. **Risk Mitigation:**
Sending autonomous robots to space reduces the risks to human life. In hazardous
environments or during complex tasks, robots can operate without endangering
human astronauts.
3. **Cost-Effectiveness:**
While the initial investment in developing autonomous robots can be significant,
their deployment can lead to cost savings over time as they eliminate the need for
life support systems and accommodations required for human astronauts.
4. **Extended Mission Duration:**
Robots don't suffer from the limitations of human endurance. They can operate for
extended periods, collecting data and performing tasks over a longer timeframe
than human missions.


1. **Limited Adaptability:**
Autonomous robots may struggle to adapt to unexpected situations or changes in
the mission environment. They lack the adaptability and problem-solving creativity
that humans can bring to unforeseen challenges.
2. **Complexity of Programming:**
Programming robots for space missions involves intricate coding to handle a wide
range of tasks and scenarios. Ensuring the software can address every possible
situation is a complex and challenging process.
3. **Communication Delays:**
Remote control of autonomous robots in space involves communication delays due
to vast distances. This delay can hinder real-time decision-making and response,
making it challenging to address dynamic situations promptly.
4. **Maintenance Challenges:**
Autonomous robots, like any mechanical system, are susceptible to wear and tear.
Performing repairs or maintenance in space can be challenging and may require
advanced robotic systems or even human intervention.


Royal Institute International School


8 1 mark per each max 5 marks

-high level
- stops / crashes
- no
- executable
- without [5]

9 1 mark per each correct line max 6

A form of AI which has been developed to

mimic human knowledge and expertise

Knowledge base
A repository of facts and expertise in the form
of a collection of objects and their attributes
A sub-set of AI in which the algorithms are
trained and can learn from their past
experience and examples Artificial intelligence

Simulated intelligence in machines; building of Expert system

machines capable of thinking like a human

Branch of (computer) science that brings
together the design, construction and operation
of ‘intelligent’ mechanical machines
Machine learning

Devices which can move between point ‘A’ and

point ‘B’ without the need for any input from a
driver or a pilot


Royal Institute International School


10 (a) Any two from:

- The denary, or decimal, number system is a base-10 numerical system.
- It uses ten digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
- In this system, each digit's position has a place value based on powers of 10.
- The rightmost digit represents units, the next digit to the left represents tens, the one
after that represents hundreds, and so on.

(b) 140
85 [2]

(c) 171

271 [2]

(d) 1 mark for workings, 1 mark for the correct answer

10011100 [2]

(e) 1 mark for workings, 1 mark for the correct answer

10110100 [2]

Royal Institute International School

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