Celesta-Scheme Upgradation Form

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The Celesta Experience: On-Boarding Form


Welcome to a Truly Stellar Banking Experience!

Celesta by Federal Bank is a truly spectacular personalised banking experience. We welcome you to enjoy the enchanting bouquet of privileges this Ultra-
Premium Lifestyle Account offers. Federal Bank’s Celesta offers Prompt, personalised services and value-added offerings that makes banking easier
through personalised attention on Priority. We hope you will have great banking experience with Your Perfect Banking Partner.

CUSTOMER DETAILS – For Upgrade Channel Facilities

Customer ID: Please select the channel

Name: facilities you wish to avail

for the Celesta account.
Account Number:
Celesta Debit Card

Customer ID:

Name: Yes No
Cheque Book
Customer ID:

Name: Yes No
Salary Account Yes No If Yes, Name of Employer:
To be eligible for the exclusive benefits offered by the Bank under Celesta scheme from time to time, you need to maintain the requisite
balance/ relationship value as per the below mentioned eligibility criteria:

Initial Onboarding Criteria (applicable only for New to Bank clients)

Initial funding to Celesta account Rs. 5 Lakhs


For Resident Salary Customers Salary credit of Rs. 2 Lakhs or more in the SB account
On-going eligibility criteria
Customer ID level:
Maintenance of an Average Monthly Balance of Rs 10 Lakhs in Celesta savings account OR Maintenance of an Average Monthly Balance of Rs 10 lakhs
across savings accounts (In all SB accounts including Noor CA) OR Maintenance of an Average Monthly Balance of Rs 5 Lakhs across savings accounts
(In all SB accounts including Noor CA) and Fixed Deposits for a minimum amount of Rs 25 Lakhs OR Maintenance of a minimum Total Relationship
Value^ (TRV) of Rs 1 Crore OR For Resident Salary Customers: Regular Monthly Salary credit of Rs. 2 Lakhs or more in the SB account
Family ID level:
Maintenance of Family Monthly Average Balance (FMAB) of Rs 10 Lakhs across Savings accounts (Including Noor CA) of all customer IDs linked to a
particular family ID# OR Maintenance of Family Monthly Average Balance (FMAB) of Rs 5 Lakhs in savings accounts (Including Noor CA) of all customer
IDs linked to a particular family ID# and FD(s) for a minimum amount of Rs. 25 Lakhs linked to that particular family ID# OR
Maintenance of a minimum Total Relationship Value^ (TRV) of Rs 1 Crore.
^ Total Relationship Value (TRV), aggregated at Customer ID or Family ID level is composed of savings accounts, Noor Current accounts and FDs.
# Family ID is generated at the time customer enrols into Family Banking program.

1. I/We agree to migrate the above-mentioned account to Celesta and apply for additional channel facilities as selected.
2. I/ We understand that Savings account under the Celesta scheme is offered, subject to the fulfilment of eligibility criteria as decided by the Bank from
time to time. I/We also agree that the bank reserves its right to withdraw the offered facilities in case of non-fulfilment of any of the eligibility criteria
or revise the terms of the scheme as per Bank’s sole discretion.
3. I/ We understand that the fees and charges which are applicable to the scheme is available in the website www.federalbank.co.in and I/We have read
and understood the same. I/We agree that the Bank can at its sole discretion modify the applicable charges and/or Fees by providing 30 days’ notice.
I/ We understand that the Bank reserves the right to change /modify the offerings of Celesta at its own discretion, without assigning any reasons and
without prior notice.
4. I/ We have carefully read, understood and agree to all the terms contained in the Terms and Conditions document published in Federal Bank’s website
(www.federalbank.co.in/general-terms-and-conditions) and I/We undertake to abide by the same at all times.

Date: Place:

Primary Account Holder’s Signature Joint Account Holder’s Signature Joint Account Holder’s Signature

Branch Declaration (for office use only)

Verified that this Scheme upgrade application is complete and all signatures are obtained. Family Banking ID:

Name of official: Date of Receipt:

Designation: PF No: Signature

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