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Background of the Study

Chemistry, as an essential field of study, holds significant importance in

comprehending the surrounding world around us. It is essential for many careers,

including medicine, engineering, and environmental science. Many students, especially

middle schoolers, find chemistry challenging. In a recent Comprehensive Analysis of

Least Learned Competencies at Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College, Grade 7-Love

students acquired a percentage of correct responses of only 16% on the learning

competency of the Investigation of properties of saturated and unsaturated solutions,

including factors affecting solubility. It is observed that students at the Grade 7 level,

struggle with this specific competency in this subject. This suggests that students need

additional support in this area.

Several pedagogical strategies have been employed to improve student

performance in Chemistry. One such strategy is peer tutoring; peer tutoring is a teaching

strategy in which students learn from and with each other. It is an effective way to

improve student learning outcomes in various subjects, including chemistry. Peer

tutoring can provide students with individualized instruction and support, and it can help

them to develop their understanding of the material. Studies have shown that peer

mentoring can be an effective method for improving academic performance in various

fields of study. One supporting cite from students' learning outcomes in solving

exponential expressions using peer tutoring of publication: The results of peer tutoring

are consistent with the study of Bellen & Jomoc (2017), Campit et al., (2015), Chua &

Wood (2005), and Ullah et al., (2018) posit that the utilization of peer tutoring holds the

potential to enhance educational outcomes among adolescents in secondary education.

Evidence from similar investigations suggests that effective peer tutoring interventions

can be instrumental in addressing the educational needs of students who are considered

at-risk (Bellen & Jomoc, 2017; George et al., 2015; Mayfield & Vollmer, 2007; Morales et

al., 2016).

Despite the potential benefits of peer tutoring, its effectiveness in improving

Grade 7 students’ least-learned competency in Chemistry at Saint Vincent de Paul

Diocesan College remains unclear. There is a need for empirical evidence to

substantiate the claims of the effectiveness of peer tutoring in this specific context.

The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of peer tutoring in

improving grade 7 students' performance on the Investigation of properties of saturated

and unsaturated solutions, including factors affecting solubility. This research aims to

answer the question: How effective is peer tutoring in improving the least learned

competency in Chemistry among Grade 7-Love students at Saint Vincent de Paul

Diocesan College?

The study will pair students who are struggling with this topic with tutors who are

grade 7 students who scored well on this topic on their first-quarter exam. The tutors will

provide the tutees with individualized instruction and support. The study will collect data

through pre-and post-tests on the Investigation of properties of saturated and

unsaturated solutions, including factors affecting solubility. The pre-test will be done

before the beginning of the intervention, and the post-test will be issued at the end. The

data will be analyzed to determine whether the pre-and post-test scores differ


The findings of this study will have implications for practice in Saint Vincent de

Paul Diocesan College. The successful peer tutoring intervention could prompt the

school to implement a program for all struggling students. Additionally, the findings of

this study could be useful for the development of peer tutoring programs in other


Peer tutoring is an effective way to improve student learning outcomes in a

variety of subjects, including chemistry. But there is a need for empirical evidence to

substantiate the claims of the effectiveness of peer tutoring in improving Grade 7

students' performance on the investigation of properties of saturated and unsaturated

solutions including factors affecting solubility. This study will be conducted to investigate

the effectiveness of peer tutoring in improving grade 7 students' performance on this

topic. The findings of this study will have implications for practice in Saint Vincent de

Paul Diocesan College and other schools.

Statement of the Problem

The Grades 7-Love students at Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College struggle

to learn all the concepts in chemistry, resulting in the least-learned competencies. In a

recent Comprehensive Analysis of Least-Learned Competencies at Saint Vincent de

Paul Diocesan College, students acquired a percentage of correct responses of only

16% on the learning competency of the Investigation of properties of saturated and

unsaturated solutions, including factors affecting solubility.

This study will investigate the research question:

1. How effective is peer tutoring in improving the least learned competency in

chemistry of Grade 7-Love students at Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College?

The findings of this study will contribute to our understanding of how peer tutoring

can help students learn and improve their academic achievement in chemistry.

Conceptual Framework: IPO Model


Student characteristics 1. Pre-testing Assessed the effectivity

(prior knowledge, of peer tutoring on the 3
attitude towards 2. Intervention: Grade 7 student’s Least
chemistry, learning Students participate in Learned Competency in
style) peer tutoring sessions. Chemistry
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Significance of the Study

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of peer tutoring on the least

learned competency of the Grade 7 Love Chemistry students of Saint Vincent de Paul

Diocesan College.

The researchers deem that this study will be of significant help to the specified

individuals in the following ways:

Grade 7 Students. The study will benefit them by improving their academic

performance: The students will be able to collaborate with their peers in a one-

on-one setting, and they will receive individualized instruction and support that

can help them to understand complex concepts in Chemistry better. This will also

help the students by providing them with an additional time and attention they

need to master these skills.

School Administration. The study may benefit them by having straightforward

data, if found that the intervention has a positive impact on the student’s mastery,

the school may consider implementing a peer tutoring program for all students

who are struggling in other subject areas.

Parents. The study may benefit them by gaining further information about the

program. This study may help them as well as for them to understand their

children’s learning needs fully. The parents may also gain more confidence in

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College in giving quality and inclusive learning

experiences for their children.

Future Researchers. This study may benefit them by significantly adding to the

plethora of knowledge in this research. The future researchers will be able to

utilize this work as a reference material for their research, which is significantly

related to this study.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will focus on the effectiveness of peer tutoring in improving the Grade

7 students’ least-learned competency in Chemistry at Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan

College. The scope of the study will include:

1. Identifying the least learned competencies in Chemistry among Grade 7 students:

Investigation of properties of saturated and unsaturated solutions, including

factors affecting solubility.

2. The researchers will implement a peer tutoring program specifically designed to

address these competencies.

3. The researchers will evaluate the effectiveness of this program through pre-and


The study will be delimited to:

1. Grade 7 - Love students enrolled at Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College

during the academic year 2023-2024.

2. The subject of Chemistry only.

3. The researchers will use peer tutoring as the sole intervention strategy.

Definition of Terms

In order to have a better understanding of this study, the following terms are

defined conceptually and, or operationally:

Chemistry - The scientific study of the constitution, arrangement, characteristics,

and reactions of matter. This study will focus on the least-learned competency in

chemistry: Investigation of the properties of saturated and unsaturated solutions,

including factors affecting solubility.

Comprehensive Analysis on Least-Learned Competencies - A systematic

and in-depth analysis of the factors that determines students' difficulties in

mastering particular competencies (Investigate the properties of saturated and

unsaturated solutions, including factors affecting solubility.) The findings of the

Comprehensive Analysis on LLCs are used to develop the intervention of a peer

tutoring program that is specifically targeted at the needs of students who are

struggling with competencies in chemistry.

Effectiveness of Peer Tutoring - Is the extent to which peer tutoring improves

the Grade 7 students' achievement in chemistry, specifically in the areas of least

learned competencies (LLCs). The effectiveness of the intervention will be

measured by interpreting the data from the Pre-test and post-test scores on

chemistry assessments.

Least-Learned Competency (LLC). - Refers to the specific areas or topics in

Chemistry where Grade 7 students have shown the lowest understanding or

performance, this competency was identified through the Comprehensive

Analysis on Least-Learned Competencies for Science 7 in the First Quarter.

Peer Tutoring. - The instructional intervention in which students who have

mastered the concept of Investigating the properties of saturated and unsaturated

solutions, including factors affecting solubility, will provide individualized

instruction and support to students who need assistance in the idea or skill.



This chapter includes the related literature and studies that are related to support

the current study of the researchers.

Foreign Literature

According to Safitri (2022) peer tutoring, commonly called peer teaching, is an

instructional method that places students at the center of the learning process. In this

method, the educator identifies students who possess predetermined qualifications and

assigns them the role of tutors, empowering them to facilitate learning within a group

context by instructing their classmates. Yunita and Asiah (2022) defined peer tutoring as

a pedagogical approach wherein students endowed with advanced cognitive abilities

undertake the responsibility of instructing and assisting their peers who possess

comparatively inferior cognitive capacities in the intricate process of acquiring knowledge

and skills.

Barros et al. (2023) also define peer tutoring as establishing a relationship

between individuals engaged in the act of learning, in which one participant assumes the

role of a teacher while the other adopts the position of a learner, resulting in an

asymmetrical dynamic. This dynamic is characterized by the acquisition of knowledge

through the process of teaching, whereby the tutor imparts knowledge and guidance to

the tutee. This educational approach commences with a shared objective that is both

familiar and mutually understood by both parties involved.

Zhang (2023) also states that peer tutoring is the process of students teaching

other students in an educational setting and involving the students in taking on the role of

tutors and teaching their peers on provided materials. This approach has been applied in

various contexts and has shown positive impacts on student academic performance as

well as their social and cognitive values. In the specific context of the paper, reciprocal

peer teaching was implemented in a 50-minute EAP (English for Academic Purposes)

lesson to undergraduate students in a transnational university in China. In this approach,

students alternated their roles to teach and be taught by their peers, to investigate the

effectiveness of peer teaching in this setting.

The research conducted by Hidayat et al. (2023) defines the pedagogical

approach known as peer tutoring as a highly effective and student-centered method of

instruction. This teaching method involves students working in pairs, with the guidance

and supervision of a teacher, to facilitate their learning process. The essence of peer

tutoring lies in the collaborative efforts of the students, as they not only engage in

teaching one another but also provide support throughout their shared educational

journey. This intricate process fosters a dynamic and interactive learning environment

wherein students actively contribute to each other's academic growth and development.

The significance of this method cannot be overstated, as it empowers students to take

ownership of their education and assume a shared responsibility for the learning

outcomes. Through this method, students will not only gain subject knowledge but also

enhance their communication, problem-solving, and critical-thinking skills. Thus,

implementing peer tutoring holds substantial promise in transforming traditional

classroom practices and creating a more engaging and fruitful learning experience for


While peer tutoring can be a valuable educational tool, it is essential to be aware

of the potential challenges that can arise. Constrained resources and temporal limitations

can make it difficult to provide adequate support and training for peer tutors. Additionally,

language barriers can sometimes impede effective communication. However, these

challenges can be overcome through careful planning and utilizing available resources.

According to Pickles et al. (2019) in their study "Peer Tutoring for Anatomy Workshops in

Canada," peer tutors with solid language skills can translate for anatomy workshops, and

online training modules can provide peer tutors with the necessary skills and knowledge.

The facilitator plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of peer tutoring

programs. The teachers are responsible for creating a supportive and conducive learning

environment where students feel comfortable participating in peer tutoring activities.

Teachers play a crucial role in preparing and guiding peer tutors, ensuring they have the

necessary skills and knowledge to support their peers. The teachers are responsible for

designing and conducting the peer coaching process, ensuring its consistency and

sustainability, Sinaga et al. (2022). The teacher's interventions and interactions with the

group are essential in adjusting the activity and structure of the session, facilitating pair

interactivity, Zambrano and Gisbert (2015). In the peer teaching strategy, the teacher

acts as a facilitator, building a space that cultivates collaboration, communication, and

reflection among students, Ortiz (2023). In problem-based learning, the teacher's role

extends to recruiting and training tutors, considering their social and academic qualities,

and guiding their adopted roles, Nisbet et al. (2014). The teacher's involvement in peer

tutoring can help increase students' motivation, awareness of their learning, and

participation in the learning process Arta (2014).

Peer tutoring is a well-established learning strategy that has been effective in

various disciplines. It involves students systematically instructing their peers to enhance

knowledge and skills. Researchers have proposed and implemented different models of

peer tutoring successfully, such as class-wide peer tutoring and reciprocal peer tutoring.

To maximize the benefits of peer tutoring, we must pay attention to the selection and

training of tutors, appropriate pairing of individuals, clearly defined objectives, and

frequent evaluations. Peer tutoring has the potential to facilitate the development of

skills. However, challenges are associated with preparing for and being a peer tutor.

Future directions include further study involving the experiences of students, as well as

the need for tutor development that models participatory and inclusive practices.

Local Literature

According to Kalenda (2022) the concept of peer tutoring as an educational

approach entails the formation of student alliances, wherein high-achieving students are

matched with their under-performing counterparts or pupils who have attained a similar

level of academic success to engage in purposeful and structured study sessions.

The PISA 2018 assessment found the Philippines to be ranked last among the

participating ASEAN countries. This indicates that the performance of Filipino students in

terms of educational achievement in this assessment was relatively low compared to

their counterparts from other ASEAN countries. Furthermore, the results of the National

Achievement Test (NAT) in Mathematics for the school years 2014-2015, 2015-2016, and

2016-2017 revealed a significant decline in mathematics performance among Grade 6

and Grade 10 students. Specifically, the percentage of mathematics performance

decreased from 69.71% to 34.75% for Grade 6 pupils and from 47.37% to 37.30% for

Grade 10 students, according to data from the Philippine Statistics Authority in 2019.

These findings highlight the need for appropriate educational interventions to enhance

students' learning outcomes. Considering this, Mamolo and Sugano (2020) have

recommended these interventions. One of the strategies employed in the mathematics

classroom to improve students' performance is the utilization of peer tutoring in

instruction. This approach involves students assisting and supporting each other in their

learning process to enhance their understanding and mastery of mathematical concepts

and skills. Implementing this strategy is expected to positively impact students'

performance in mathematics, leading to improved learning outcomes.

The online tutoring program launched by the EdTech Unit of ICTS has

successfully served over two million learners in the Philippines. The participants in the

program had positive experiences and found it helpful in explaining complex concepts

and facilitating discussions on challenging topics with their children. The Parents

expressed satisfaction with the program's effectiveness in meeting its objectives but

hoped for future improvements in terms of inclusivity and enhanced graphics. The paper

does not provide specific conclusions regarding the efficacy of peer tutoring in the

Philippines. However, it highlights the positive impact of the online tutoring program in

bridging the learners' gap and supporting blended learning. Further research is needed

to evaluate the effectiveness of peer tutoring in the Philippines, as the current paper

focuses on the experiences and feedback of participants in the online tutoring program,

Jamisal and Nuñez (2022).

In the Philippine context, we can use peer tutoring to address the needs of both

high-achieving and underperforming students. The high-achieving students can benefit

from the opportunity to review and reinforce their learning by teaching others, while the

underperforming students can benefit from the individualized attention and support, they

receive from their peer tutors.

Related Studies

As a long-established intervention in addressing challenges in the education

sector, several studies have also assessed the effectiveness of peer tutoring concerning

academic improvement in Chemistry and other subjects:

Various research studies have brought attention to the advantageous influence of

peer tutoring on the academic performance and conceptual comprehension of students

in chemistry. One exemplary investigation conducted by Johnson and Johnson (2017)

exemplified the significant enhancement in students' acquisition and retention of

knowledge in chemistry as a direct result of peer tutoring. Consequently, the interactions

that occur between peers during tutoring sessions provide a platform for the clarification

of misconceptions and the reinforcement of crucial concepts. Collaborative learning

environments create an atmosphere where students can actively participate and learn

from each other. This helps students to develop a deeper understanding of the subject

matter. Ultimately, the findings emphasized the importance of implementing peer tutoring

as an effective educational tool in chemistry education.

Smith et al. (2019) studied the impact of peer tutoring interventions designed to

address students' weakest skills. The study’s results showed that such interventions led

to significant improvements in the student's performance in those areas. The results

highlight the importance of tailoring tutoring sessions to specifically target and address

the gaps in knowledge and understanding that students may have. In doing so, students

can effectively overcome their difficulties and enhance their overall competency in


Sarrazfadeh et al. (2014) investigated the perceived effects of peer teaching on

learner autonomy in grammar learning. The study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of peer

tutoring within programming education, by presenting a novel approach to peer tutoring

within an introductory programming course that utilizes Haskell as the programming

language, the paper evaluates the impact of this method on student performance. This

research study challenges the traditional approach to peer tutoring by advocating for the

pairing of students based on their skill levels, which goes against the recommendations

in the existing literature. The results obtained from this study reveal that this method of

peer tutoring proves to be highly effective in enhancing the learning outcomes of both

high-achieving and low-achieving students when it comes to learning declarative

language. The practical implications of this paper are significant and include the

implementation of peer tutoring strategies within programming courses, with careful

consideration given to skill-based pairings. Moreover, the potential application of this

approach in business and technology education is also worth exploring and considering.

Thus, the findings presented in this paper open new avenues for improving the overall

learning experience and outcomes in programming education.

A study conducted by Flores et al. (2014) titled “Peer Tutoring as an Improvement

Strategy for School Exploitation”, analyzes the effectiveness of a peer tutoring strategy in

improving school achievement in English for high school students. It compares the

results of a group that received peer tutoring with a group that did not receive the

intervention. The study finds significant differences in the midterm and final exam results

between the tutored group and the low-performing students who did not receive the

intervention. The study implies that peer support can improve school performance. It

stresses that tutors should be monitored, and that the tutorial strategy should be

systematized. The study provides information on how to use peer tutoring to improve

academic achievement in English and shows how effective it is. It highlights the positive

effects of peer feedback and the importance of tutor-tutee interactions for learning. The

study also emphasizes the potential of peer tutoring to respect learning styles, utilize

time effectively, and develop skills for learning the English language.

The findings of the academic paper titled "Perceived effects of peer teaching:

Does it enhance learner autonomy in grammar learning?" authored by Dewantono and

Muntisari (2023), further disclosed that peer teaching, as an instructional methodology,

possesses the capability to cultivate learner autonomy amidst students of English as a

Foreign Language (EFL) in the setting of isolated grammar acquisition. Participants in

the study did a variety of activities that helped them learn on their own during peer

teaching sessions. These activities improved their independent learning. This teaching

method helped students plan, monitor, and evaluate their grammar learning. As a result,

their grammar skills improved. Moreover, the findings indicated that peer teaching

improved various aspects, including learning motivation, subject understanding, problem-

solving skills, and monitoring and evaluating skills, all of which are integral to the

development of learner autonomy in grammar learning. Nevertheless, it is important to

note that while peer teaching positively affected the development of learner autonomy, it

did not universally benefit all students, particularly those who exhibited lower levels of

proficiency or aptitude. Specifically, about knowledge construction, provision of self-study

materials, and frequency of grammar self-study, the autonomy of certain students was

not significantly enhanced through the implementation of peer teaching. This suggests

that additional factors may need to be considered to promote learner autonomy in these

areas. Therefore, educators and researchers need to delve further into the intricacies of

peer teaching to identify potential limitations or areas for improvement to ensure its

effectiveness in enhancing learner autonomy in grammar learning for all students.

Berso and Lorente (2020) conducted a descriptive-comparative study to examine

the effects of peer instruction on learning quadratic equations in Grade 9 mathematics.

The study included five classes of ninth-grade students. One class was randomly

selected to be the peer-tutored group, and the other four classes were the non-peer-

tutored groups. The peer tutoring sessions took place during the

Independent/Cooperative Learning (ICL) period, the researcher collected the data

through students' reflection entries, observation notes, focus group discussions, and

periodic examination results. Findings showed that peer tutors were able to master the

lessons, acquire more friends, boost their self-esteem, and became more interested and

enthusiastic in learning and teaching mathematics. Peer tutees grasped the lessons with

the help of immediate feedback from their tutors, learned how to cooperate and

participate in a group, and showed high engagement and eagerness to learn during peer

tutoring. The peer tutored group performed better in periodic examinations than the non-

peer tutored groups, indicating the benefits of peer tutoring in enhancing mathematics


Peer tutoring, a service aimed at providing support to students who encounter

difficulties in their learning process, involves a collaborative effort in which students

assist one another in their academic journey. This collaborative approach entails one

student, the tutor, offering guidance and support to another student, referred to as the

tutee, in a specific subject or skill. Following the article from Luong et al. (2022), online

peer tutoring, a variant of peer tutoring, is conducted through digital platforms,

predominantly within the context of online English courses. This study looks into

challenges faced by tutors and tutees in online English tutoring sessions. The goal is to

understand their experiences. This study found that both tutors and tutees have positive

opinions of online tutoring. As a result, it can be concluded that online tutoring is a

valuable learning experience for both parties. The results of this study show that online

peer tutoring can be a valuable way to help students. Educational institutions that are

thinking about starting online peer tutoring should pay attention to these results.

Peer tutoring has shown to improve students' self-confidence and motivation in

chemistry. Chen and Lin's (2022) recent study supports this claim, finding that peer-

tutored students reported significantly increased self-efficacy and a heightened sense of

accomplishment. The presence of a peer tutor within the learning environment creates a

supportive and non-judgmental atmosphere, thereby fostering an environment that

encourages students to take risks and actively engage in the learning process.

Lastly, a study conducted by Podplota (2022) served to draw attention to and

underscore the numerous benefits and merits of incorporating peer tutoring within

esteemed establishments of advanced learning. Peer tutoring can have a positive impact

on students' academic, social, and emotional growth, as well as on the professional

development of the peer tutors themselves. Peer tutoring is a productive and effective

way to provide individualized support, develop and refine communication skills, and build

relationships between students.

Peer tutoring is an effective intervention that can improve student learning

outcomes in various subjects, including chemistry, programming, English, and

mathematics. Peer tutoring can be tailored to address specific student needs and

conducted in person or online. The benefits of peer tutoring include improved academic

performance, increased self-confidence and motivation, and enhanced communication

and collaboration skills.

Insights gained:

The current works of literature cited indicates the relevance of establishing a solid

basis to conduct research on the efficacy of peer tutoring in enhancing the least-learned

competencies of Grade 7 students in the field of chemistry. The studies analyzed

suggest that peer tutoring is a flexible and student-centered approach that can improve

academic performance and help students address their weaknesses in various subjects.



This chapter presents the research design, research respondents, research

locale, research instrument, research procedure used for the data analysis, and

statistical tool.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers used action research design as it is used as a

purposeful inquiry conducted collaboratively or individually with the intention of resolving

current issues and enhancing effectiveness in diverse domains, such as education

(Sharma, 2022). Action research enables and supports educators in making effective

pedagogical decisions and actions to enhance student involvement and learning. Hence,

action research aims to inform and influence practice, guiding school improvement by

taking informed actions (Mulnavey et al., 2023). Moreover, action research is used to

address grassroots issues, a bottom-up approach to investigate classroom issues and

enhance teaching and learning process (Riedy et al., 2020).

Action research is a framework that can be used to find solutions to classroom

concerns and improve educational outcomes (Monem and Cramer, 2022).

In the present study, action research is the appropriate research design since, it

would look at the improvement of the least-learned competency of the grade 7 students

using Peer Tutoring as a method. According to the recent Comprehensive Analysis of

Least-Learned Competencies at Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College, the Grade 7

students acquired a percentage of correct responses of only 16%, which displayed a low

mastery on the learning competency: Investigate properties of saturated and unsaturated

solutions including factors affecting solubility.

The researchers observed the problem through the acquired data from the Basic

Education Faculty on the Comprehensive Analysis of Least-Learned Competencies.

Therefore, the design would complement its program Peer Tutoring as an intervention to

improve the least-learned competency of the learners.

Research Respondents

This action research will use a non-probability sampling of 20 Grade 7 students

from Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College in the 2023–2024 academic year. The

respondents will come from Grade 7, Section Love, only. The students will be divided

into two groups: tutors (Group 1) and tutees (Group 2). The selection of respondents will

be based on their test results for the first quarter exam in science seven, aiming for the

learning outcome: investigate the properties of saturated and unsaturated solutions,

including factors affecting solubility.

Research Locale

The researchers will conduct the action research at Saint Vincent de Paul

Diocesan College, located at Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City, Surigao del

Sur, 8311. This is a private catholic educational institution, founded in 1983 named after

the patron saint of the parish, Saint Vincent de Paul. The school is headed by the

school’s President, Rev. Fr. Philipp Vincent G. Montenegro, DCT.

Figure 2: Location of the Study

Figure 2.1 Map of Surigao del Sur Figure 2.2 Street Location of SVPDC

Research Instruments

This will study utilize pre-testing as a tool to gauge the least-learned competency

of the grade 7 students. The instrument will be created based on the identified learning

outcome: Investigation of properties of saturated and unsaturated solutions including

factors affecting solubility.

In Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College, the researchers have gathered data

from a recent Comprehensive Analysis of Least-Learned Competencies, the students

acquired a percentage of correct responses of only 16% on the learning competency of

the Investigation of properties of saturated and unsaturated solutions including factors

affecting solubility. To plot the progress of the respondents, the data from the pre-test,

and post-test will become a basis for comparison on whether the peer tutoring has

influenced the improvement of the students least-learned competency.

To calculate the percentage of the test results, a straightforward formula is

employed. The total number of students who improved their scores is divided by the total

number of students who are identified as tutees, and the resultant quotient is then

multiplied by 100. This calculation method provides a clear and standardized way to

assess students' improvement in the least-learned competency, which, in turn, aids in

evaluating peer tutoring as a strategy in improving the student’s performance in


Percentage of students who improved their scores:

P = NSS/TNS x 100

P = Percentage of students who improved their scores

NSS = Number of students who improved their scores

TNS = Total number of students

This calculation will give the researchers a percentage of students who improved

their scores from the pretest to the posttest. A higher percentage indicates that the

intervention was more effective.

Average difference in scores:


APoS = Average post-test scores

APrS = Average pre-test scores

This calculation will give the researchers the average difference in scores

between the pretest and the posttest. A positive average difference indicates that

students improved their scores on average, while a negative average difference

indicates that students declined in their scores on average.

Data Collection Procedure

The researchers will do the procedure in conducting this research study as follows:

The research procedure will commence with the researcher’s seeking

permission from the junior high school principal and grade 7 advisers to conduct their

intervention. This is a crucial step to ensure the study's ethical and logistical feasibility.

The researchers will formally request a letter of approval from the junior

high school principal, as well as the classroom advisers, who will be involved in

facilitating the study. Additionally, they will seek approval from the grade 7 students, who

are the intended respondents for this study. These approvals are essential to confirm the

willingness of all parties to participate.

Upon receiving the requested approvals, the researchers will administer

the approval letters to the grade 7 students. This step will serve as a permit, indicating

the students' consent and willingness to partake in the study.

To gauge the mastery of the grade 7 students, the researchers will employ a

written test. This test will be administered to the students once, providing them with

questions to answer. The data collected through this test will be integral in assessing the

impact of the intervention and will serve as the pre-testing.

In preparation for the peer tutoring intervention, the researchers will furnish the

students with reading materials and reference materials. These resources will aid the

students in providing the tutees with optimal satisfaction in their one-on-one instruction.

Over a span of four weeks, the researchers will implement the peer tutoring

intervention. During this period, the grade 7 students will engage in a one-day peer

tutoring, for every one week.

Following the completion of the intervention, a post-test will be administered to

assess any changes in the students' mastery levels. This step will help determine the

effectiveness of the intervention and its impact on enhancing the students' least-learned

competency in Chemistry.

Statistical Procedure:

The researchers will use a statistical test to determine if the difference between

the pretest and posttest scores is statistically significant. This means that the difference

is unlikely to have occurred by chance. A common statistical test to use is the paired-

samples t-test.

To perform a paired-samples t-test, the researchers will need to use a statistical

software package such as SPSS or R. The software will calculate the t-statistic and p-

value. The p-value is the probability of obtaining a t-statistic as extreme or more extreme

than the one observed, assuming that the null hypothesis is true (i.e., there is no

difference between the pretest and posttest scores).

If the p-value is less than a certain threshold (e.g., 0.05), then the null hypothesis

can be rejected, and the researchers can conclude that the difference between the pre-

test and post-test scores is statistically significant. This means that the intervention was

effective in improving student performance.

Ethical Consideration

The study ensures to adhere to the set standard on research ethics. The study

will commence when an informed consent is obtained from the participants. Any

withdrawal before or during the conduct of the data collection will be considered valid.

The following APA Ethics Code considerations apply to the proposed study:

Principle 1: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence

 The researchers should strive to maximize the benefits and minimize the harms

to participants.

 In this study, the potential benefits include improved academic performance for

both tutors and tutees. The potential harms include stress, anxiety, and

embarrassment, particularly for tutees who are struggling academically.

 The researchers should take steps to mitigate these potential harms, such as

providing training to tutors on how to create a supportive learning environment

and providing tutees with opportunities to ask questions and seek help.

Principle 2: Fidelity and Responsibility

 The researchers should strive to maintain high ethical standards in their research.

 This includes obtaining informed consent from participants, respecting their

confidentiality, and protecting their welfare.

 The researchers should also be honest and transparent in their reporting of the

study results.

Principle 3: Integrity

 The researchers should strive to be honest and ethical in all aspects of their


 This includes avoiding plagiarism and fraud and disclosing all potential conflicts

of interest.

 The researchers should also be respectful of other researchers and their work.

Principle 4: Justice

 The researchers should strive to treat all participants fairly and equitably.

 This includes selecting participants in a fair manner and ensuring that all

participants have equal opportunities to benefit from the study.

 The researchers should also be mindful of the potential for bias in their research

and take steps to mitigate it.

Principle 5: Respect for People's Rights and Dignity

 The researchers should respect the rights and dignity of all participants.

 This includes respecting their right to privacy, their right to withdraw from the

study at any time, and their right to be treated with respect.

 The researchers should also be mindful of the potential for coercion and

exploitation in research and take steps to avoid these.

Specific Considerations for the Proposed Study

In addition to the general APA Ethics Code considerations listed above, the researchers

should also be mindful of the following specific considerations for the proposed study:

 Informed consent: The researchers should obtain informed consent from all

participants, including both tutors and tutees. The informed consent form should

explain the purpose of the study, the procedures involved, the potential risks and

benefits, and the right to withdraw from the study at any time.

 Confidentiality: The researchers should keep all participant data confidential. This

means that they should not share any personal information about the participants

with anyone else without their permission.

 Voluntary participation: Participation in the study should be voluntary. Tutors and

tutees should not be pressured to participate in the study.

 Power dynamics: There is a potential for power dynamics to play a role in peer

tutoring, especially when the tutor is older or more advanced than the tutee. The

researchers should take steps to mitigate this, such as providing training to tutors

on how to create a safe and supportive learning environment.

 Academic integrity: Peer tutoring should not be used to facilitate cheating or

plagiarism. The researchers should make sure that the tutors are aware of the

school's policy on academic integrity and that they are prepared to report any

instances of cheating or plagiarism.

 Feedback: The researchers should collect feedback from both tutors and tutees

on their experience with the study. This feedback can be used to improve the

study design and implementation in the future.

By following these ethical considerations, the researchers can help to ensure that the

proposed study is conducted in a responsible and ethical manner.


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P-8 Sta. Maria, Tabon, Bislig City, Surigao del Sur

Cell number:09566227797

Email address:

PERSONAL INFORMATION: ______________________________________________

Nickname: Yan/Belle

Birthday: November 29, 2003

Birthplace: Mangagoy, Bislig City

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil status: Single

Father’s name: Rolando G. Buendia

Mother’s name: Marcelina D. Buendia


Tertiary: Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College

Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in Science

Andres Soriano Avenue, Mangagoy, Bislig City


Senior High School: Tabon M. Estrella National High School

General Academic Strand

Sugala Street, Tabon, Bislig City

SY 2020-2021

Junior High School: Tabon M. Estrella National High School

Sugala Street, Tabon, Bislig City

SY 2018-2019

Elementary: Olayvar Elementary School

P-8 Sta. Maria, Tabon, Bislig City

SY 2014-2015



P-4 Danipas Labisma Bislig City, Surigao del sur

Cell number: 09639069433

Email address:

PERSONAL INFORMATION: ______________________________________________

Nicknames: Memel

Birthday: September 01, 2003

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman catholic

Civil Status: Single

Father’s Name: Rolando E. Oranza

Mother’s Name: Terisita Y. Oranza


Tertiary: Saint Vincent de Paul diocesan

Batchelor of Secondary Education

Major in Science

Andress Soriano Avenue, Mangaggoy Bislig City

2021- Present

Senior High School: Saint Vincent De Paul Diocesan College

General Academic strand

Andress Soriano Avenue, Mangaggoy Bislig City

SY 2020-2021

Junior High School: Danipas National High School

Danipas Labisma, Bislig City

SY 2018-2019

Elementary School: Espiritu Elementary School

Danipas Labisma, Bislig City

SY 2014-2015


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