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Rashera M.

Ajoc English 10 04/15/2024

Learning Task 3: Define the terms!

1. An essential facial protection in healthcare and public environments, a surgical mask is

made to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets and airborne particles. Breathability
and filtration efficiency are balanced by the non-woven materials used in its construction.
It represents the union of medical research, social standards, and personal
accountability in the fight against infectious diseases, and goes beyond its utilitarian use.
Amidst ongoing debates surrounding mask mandates and personal freedoms, the
surgical mask represents a tangible tool in the broader arsenal of preventive measures,
symbolizing resilience and solidarity in the face of global health challenges.

2. A face shield is a transparent protective device worn over the face, providing
comprehensive coverage from the forehead to below the chin against respiratory
droplets, splashes, and airborne particles. Constructed from robust materials such as
acrylic or polycarbonate, it provides unobstructed vision and enhances the functionality
of other PPE in medical, lab, and high-risk environments. A face shield emphasizes
proactive steps to safeguard the well-being of individuals and communities in an era
characterized by communicable diseases and occupational risks. It also acts as a visual
sign of caution and adaptation in navigating growing health concerns.

3. Composed primarily of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen molecules, ethanol is a colorless,

flammable liquid with a distinct odor. In addition to being utilized as a fuel additive,
disinfectant, and even in recreational settings, it is a multipurpose solvent found in
cleaning products, cosmetics, and medications. Beyond its chemical composition, ethyl
alcohol has cultural and social significance since it is involved in celebrations, rituals,
and addiction-related difficulties. Its relevance in the scientific, economic, and cultural
domains is highlighted by its widespread use.

4. Sanitizers are a broad category of agents or items designed to lessen the amount of
germs on skin, objects, or surfaces. This lowers the chance of infection transmission.
They usually contain active substances that denaturize proteins or disintegrate cell
membranes to impair microbial activity, such as hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, or
quaternary ammonium compounds. Their importance goes beyond just killing germs;
sanitizers are essential to public health programs, controlling outbreaks, and preserving
clean surroundings in hospitals, food processing plants, and regular settings.

5. With the primary purpose of determining body temperature, thermal scanners are
electronic devices that identify and quantify infrared radiation emitted by people and
objects. These scanners provide non-contact temperature monitoring by using infrared
sensors to read the temperature of an object by absorbing heat emitted from its surface.
Thermal scanners are useful for more than just tracking people's health; they can help
identify people who have a fever early and perform focused actions to stop the spread of
infectious diseases. Thermal scanners show a persistent dedication to utilizing
innovation in the goal of disease surveillance and prevention as technology develops
and public health issues change.

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