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Community Policing

Community policing is an emerging and significant aspect of policing. In community

policing, police officers work with local communities to improve law and order in allocated

areas. The U.S. Department of Justice defines community policing as a philosophy that promotes

organizational strategies that utilize partnerships and problem-solving strategies as proactive

measures contributing to increased public safety issues such as increased crime levels, social

disorder, and fear of crime(1). Community policing requires police officers to develop

community partnerships, engage in community-based problem-solving, and implement

community policing organizational features. Police officers in my town have embraced

community policing to boost community-police relations. For instance, police officers encourage

community members to act as law-and-order ambassadors within the communities. The town's

police department partners with faith-based and crime-prevention-oriented organizations to

educate the public on strategies to reduce crime within the community. In addition, the police

officers participate in local community meetings and activities such as clean-up exercises, thus

boosting relationships with community members and encouraging information sharing about

criminal activities within the community.

Problem-solving is a crucial aspect of community policing. The U.S. Department of

Justice defines problem-oriented policing (POP) as the process where police officers actively

examine crime-related community challenges to formulate and evaluate effective responses (10).
Surname 2

POP philosophy differs from other policing efforts due to its focus on the community's specific

crime challenges and achieving crime reduction results; it shifts from the conventional means of

policing. In my community, there is increased police presence in high-crime areas; the initiative

has led to a significant decline in crime within the community. In addition, the police

collaborated with the municipal authorities and local community in installing speed bumps

within the estates. Consequently, there are significantly low car accidents within the community.

Overall, community policing, problem-oriented policing, has been effective in reducing crime

within my community and boosting police-community relations.

Surname 3

Works Cited
U.S. Department of Justice. "Community Policing Defined." 2017.


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