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FINAL 222 2022-2023
Academic year
Course title ENGLISH …
– VNUHCM Question sheet
FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Duration 50 mins 0000
*Note: Submit the question sheet together with the answer sheet.

Stu. ID: ……………….…… Stu. Full name: ………………………………


A. Which word is stressed differently from the others?
1. A. stylish B. survive C. trendy D. failure
2. A. tunnel B. unique C. variety D. religious
3. A. increase B. quiet C. mystery D. item
4. A. accident B. prevent C. purpose D. casual
5. A. explanation B. recommend C. investigate D. introduce
B. Which underlined part is pronounced differently?
6. A. stops B. books C. complains D. coughs
7. A. make B. salt C. potato D. takeout
8. A. diver B. invite C. artifact D. private
9. A. delivered B. reduced C. served D. described
10. A. cool B. culture C. casual D. certain
Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence
11. It is important to eat a balanced _____.
A. diet B. intuition C. mystery D. saucepan
12. Regular exercise is good for your _____.
A. failure B. pesticide C. health D. skeleton
13. Steve never studies, but he always gets good _____.
A. fun B. ingredients C. benefits D. grades
14. There has been a huge growth in sales of luxury _____.
A. garbage B. planets C. brands D. skeletons
15. How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away is a _____.
A. insect B. dessert C. mystery D. symbol
16. A good sunscreen will help _____ sunburn.
A. deliver B. create C. prevent D. refuse
17. We always _____ our wedding anniversary by going out to dinner.
A. create B. excavate C. investigate D. celebrate
18. He _____ work because of ill health.
A. kept trying B. went out C. gave up D. got along well
19. Short skirts don’t really _____ me - I don’t have the legs for them.
A. prepare B. suit C. wonder D. accept

English … TEST 0000 1

20. I wonder what that noise was in the kitchen – I’d better go and _____.
A. investigate B. serve C. refuse D. prove
21. The chocolate cake was _____. Everyone liked it.
A. terrible B. yummy C. scientific D. comfortable
22. We congratulated them on the _____ completion of the project.
A. boring B. awful C. unlucky D. successful
23. You are less _____ to have problems if you plan ahead.
A. lucky B. tasty C. pretty D. likely
24. Each person’s genetic code is _____ except in the case of identical twins.
A. unique B. comfortable C. similar D. yummy
25. Some _____ person will win more than $1 000 000 in the competition.
A. delicious B. private C. tasty D. lucky
26. Please describe to the court _____ what you saw.
A. carelessly B. luckily C. exactly D. regularly
27. I was late, but _____ the meeting hadn’t started.
A. usually B. fortunately C. unluckily D. terribly
28. One pound is _____ equal to 454 grams.
A. appropriately B. approximately C. unfortunately D. gradually
29. The problem needs to be solved as _____ as possible.
A. quickly B. hardly C. slowly D. carelessly
30. I didn’t do it _____ - it was an accident.
A. by chance B. in vain C. on purpose D. in common

Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence
31. The dinosaurs _____ 65 million years ago.
A. is dying out B. die out C. dies out D. died out
32. They _____ new houses by the river now.
A. building B. are building C. build D. built
33. I _____ a phone call from Phil last night.
A. is getting B. get C. got D. gets
34. Julia _____ oranges. She _____ them.
A. doesn’t eat/is hating B. is eating/is hating
C. doesn’t eat/hates D. always eats/hates
35. She usually _____ dinner, but today she’s busy so her husband _____ the meal.
A. cooks/prepares B. cooks/is preparing C. is cooking/prepares D. is cooking/is preparing
36. There _____ to have been a mistake - my name isn’t on the list.
A. seems B. seem C. is seeming D. was seeming
37. You _____ stop being late for work.
A. shouldn’t B. don’t have to C. should D. might
38. I _____ concentrate when you keep chattering all the time.
A. should B. had better C. mustn’t D. can’t
39. He _____ get there in time, but I can’t be sure.
A. might B. ought C. shouldn’t D. had better not
40. Here’s _____ news you might be interested in.
A. many B. a few C. any D. some
41. I have blue eyes buy _____ of my children has blue eyes like me.
A. much B. many C. none D. all

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42. _____ the class are Spanish and the others are a mixture of nationalities.
A. All B. Neither C. None D. Half of
43. Peter is much _____ his brother.
A. more intelligent B. intelligent C. most intelligent D. more intelligent than
44. Of the two children, Charlie is the _____.
A. old B. older than C. oldest D. older
45. This is one of _____ clubs in town.
A. hottest B. hotter C. the hottest D. hotter than

Choose the best answer for each question to complete the passage.
Passage 1
Most people would agree with the definition of good (46) _____ as being a state where you are free
from sickness. Despite this, there are many (47) _____ opinions about how a person can actually (48)
_____ good health. People used to only think of (49) _____ health when they were sick. But these days
more and more people (50) _____ measures to make sure that they don’t get sick in the first place.
46. A. healthy B. health C. illness D. ill
47. A. expensive B. comfortable C. delicious D. different
48. A. have B. has C. is having D. are having
49. A. my B. our C. your D. their
50. A. is taking B. are taking C. was taking D. were taking
Passage 2
Mount Everest is Earth’s (51) _____ mountain. Its peak is 8848 metres (29029 ft) above sea level. Mount
Everest is (52) _____ the Mahalangur Range. Mount Everest (53) _____ many climbers; some of them
highly experienced mountaineers. There (54) _____ two main climbing routes: one approaching the summit
from the southeast in Nepal (known as the “standard route”) and the other (55) _____ the north in Tibet,
China. Everest presents dangers such as altitude sickness, weather, wind, etc.
51. A. longest B. the longest C. highest D. the highest
52. A. on B. under C. in D. above
53. A. attacks B. attracts C. takes C. tastes
54. A. be B. am C. is D. are
55. A. between B. from C. for D. behind

Read the passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to each question.
Passage 1
In today’s modern world, we all have some level of stress in our life. Different things cause stress
for different people. Money problems, work and relationships with other people can all cause stress. It can
also be caused by good things like getting married or moving into a new house. The important thing to
remember is that you can never completely remove stress from your life. It will always be with you.
Instead of trying to remove stress, people need to be aware of what causes them stress and find ways to
reduce the impact that stress has on their lives.
There are several ways to fight against stress in your life. Exercise and sports are a great way to
reduce stress. Other activities like Tai Chi, yoga or taking a walk also help reduce stress. Changing the
way you think can also reduce stress. Try living for now, and don't worry about the future.
56. The word “It” in paragraph 1 refers to _____.
A. work B. stress C. world D. money
57. Tai Chi, Yoga and taking a walk are examples of _____.
A. how we live now B. changing how you think

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C. worry about the future D. ways to reduce stress
58. _____ can reduce stress.
A. Money problems B. Moving into a new house
C. Relationships with other people D. Taking a walk
59. _____ can cause stress.
A. Playing tennis B. Changing the way you think
C. Work D. Doing exercise or yoga
60. Which of these sentences is probably NOT true?
A. To be healthy people have to stop all stress in their life.
B. Stress can be caused by good things.
C. Even getting married can cause stress.
D. Playing sports can reduce stress.

Passage 2
Every year, millions of tourists visit California. California is known for its beautiful scenery,
warm climate, and excellent food. There are twenty national parks in California, which over thirty million
people visit every year. California also has many world-famous museums.
The state is divided into two parts: Northern California and Southern California. San Francisco
is in Northern California. It is surrounded by water on three sides and is a city with beautiful bays and
several bridges. Its streets are always crowded with tourists. There is an area in the south of San Francisco
that is famous for the computer industry; it is called Silicon Valley.
Los Angeles, Hollywood, and Disneyland are all situated in Southern California. Southern
California is known for its desert areas, which are sometimes next to snow-covered mountains. It is one of
the few places in the world where you can ski in the morning and surf in the afternoon.
61. ______ visit California’s national parks every year.
A. Over thirty million people B. About thirty thousand tourists
C. Hundreds of millions of tourists D. Twenty million people
62. California is divided into ______.
A. San Francisco and Hollywood B. Northern California and Southern California
C. San Francisco and Los Angeles D. Hollywood and Disneyland
63. What is Silicon Valley well known for?
A. The computer industry B. Beautiful scenery
C. Excellent food D. Beautiful bays
64. Which of the following is NOT in Southern California?
A. Disneyland B. Los Angeles C. San Francisco D. Hollywood
65. Where are the desert areas found?
A. In Northern California B. Near Silicon Valley
C. In San Francisco D. In Southern California


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