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A) 选出能替换划线部分的选项,保持句意不变。(5%)
( )11. Yesterday’s meeting was not interesting.
A. important B. exciting C. boring
( ) 12. Jack is a top student.
A. bad B. best C. tall
( ) 13. We need a lot of power to do things every day.
A. energy B. activities C. engineer
( ) 14.The hair clips go well with her beautiful dress.
A. match B. make up with C. fit
( ) 15.Neil is not very often late for school.
A. always B. seldom C. sometimes

(B) 根据句意和中文提示,写出句中所缺单词(4%)
35. The girl wants to __________ (改变) her hair style.
36. Annie has a ________(圆的) face.
37. Hurry up. The ________(出租车) is coming.
38. It’s midnight. Dad is ________(仍,还) working.

一. 词意猜测(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
( ) 61.Mingming is the only boy in his family. He is the apple of their eyes.
A.幸运者 B.眼中刺 C.掌上明珠 D.核心人物
( ) 62. Jack learned to skate. He had so many falls that he was black and blue all over.
A.遍体鳞伤 B.浑身是劲 C. 衣服脏了 D.全是黑和蓝
( ) 63. Sorry! I can’t go with you. I’m not quite myself. I have to go to the dentist’s
A.我身不由己 B.我完全不是自己
C 我控制不住自己 D.我感到不太舒服
( ) 64. In the lesson about Chinese cities, our teacher came to Beijing last.
A.到达 B.离开 C.去过 D.谈论
( ) 65. On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, we often stay in the open
air and look at the moon.
A.坐飞机 B.在户外 C.整晚 D.在屋子附近
(A) 选出能替换划线部分的选项,保持句意不变(5%)
( ) 1.I hope you’ll have a good time at the seaside.
A. hurry up B. study well C. enjoy yourself
( ) 2. Please take care of Lucy when we care not at home.
A. look after B. laugh at C. play with
( ) 3. Rose and Jane are in the same class.
A. schoolmates B. classmates C. deskmates
( ) 4. Mary is good at performing ballet.
A. prefers B. does well in C. is practicing
( ) 5. Why don’t you go out and do some outdoor activities?
A. Don’t you B. How about C. Why not

(Ⅰ)在下列各句 A、B 或 C 中找出与划线部分意义相近的词或句子。

( ) 1. Wang Hai does well in English.
A. Likes B. speaks C. is writing D. is good at
( ) 2. I’d like some melons.
A. I want B. I like C. I need D. I eat
( ) 3. Let me see.
A. look at B. think over C. watch D. know
( ) 4. How does she go there.
A. get up B. do C. get D. come
( ) 5. We have three lessons this afternoon.
1. texts B. glasses C. classes D. books

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