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FDC Data Dashboard

Today if there are any new data that must be added to the existing database it is done manually
directly interacting with the database which is not recommended due to security of the data.

If there is a dashboard which is proposed currently it becomes easier to insert new error codes
or utility rates where there is a procedure or instructions following which the user will be able
to perform CRUD operation.

Modules and their Functionalities

ErrorCodes – This module allows user to perform Insert, Search, Update, Delete operations on
the error code data.
Today if an error code / list of error codes which must be added to our Master DB, the
procedure is, the error codes list from the product team is handed to the engineering team and
uploading is done manually which is not recommended.
Hence to avoid the above procedure we can provide an interface that has a standard error
codes template which is mapped with the master DB schema using which we can upload error
codes in bulk manner and preview it and finally after confirmation updated the master DB.

Utility Rates – This module allows user to perform Insert, Search, Update, Delete operations on
the Utility Rates.
Today if a customer wishes to add a utility rates then along with the zipcode the customer has 2
options to add
1. To follow the procedure to add it manually through the utility section portal
2. Provide the zipcode along with the utility provider and plans to the customer support team
which will be passed to the engineering team who will take care of updating the zipcode along
with the utility provider and plans into our Master DB manually which is again not

Hence to avoid the above procedure 2 we can provide an interface that has a standard utility
rates template which is mapped with the master DB schema using which we can upload utility
rates in bulk manner and preview it and finally after confirmation updated the master DB.

Another concern is with the first option the utility rates for a specific zipcode are uploaded only
on the depot / instance DB but not in the Master DB. The issue with this is if in a case where
there is a new customer with the similar zip code then that customer will still not find the utility
provider and plan in the existing utilities drop down list. Hence in order keep the master DB
updated will all the depots utility plans and rates there should be an API that will get triggered
the moment new utility rates are uploaded in the depot / instance db.

Also there must be an option to search utility rates based on zipcodes which will help user to
verify whether a particular zipcode exists or not in our master DB.
Chargers – This module allows user to perform Insert, Search, Update, Delete operations on the
charger’s data.
There is a need to have a wholistic view or a knowledge base of all our chargers and the
associated depots. Just by clicking on specific depot the user will be viewed with the current
charger technical details. Apart from that there will be an analysis of the Frequency of
occurrence of Error code for a particular charger, a report on monthly basis can be generated
and submitted to the charger vendors so that they work on those errorcode issues and come up
with better chargers. This will improve the chargers to have blocker free sessions.

Vehicles – This module allows user to perform Insert, Search, Update, Delete operations on the
vehicles data.
There is a need to have wholistic view or a knowledge base of the batteries. So with respect to
vehicles the main component associated is batteries so in this module we can do Analysis on
the battery charging behavior.

Plans and tasks to be accomplished:

Phase 1:
All the modules basic CRUD operations

Phase 2:
Analytics planned for modules

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