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Concept of Power, Authority,

Types of Power
Legitimacy, Responsibility & (a)Herbert Gold Hammer & Edward
Delegation - A.Shills ➡️ On basis of ability to change
the behaviour of others -
(i) Force (ⅱ) Dominate (iii) Manipulation

(b) Max Weber-(from the legal point of

view) -
(i) Legitimate Power -
✔ Legal Power (societal customs &
✔ Charismatic Power
(ii) Illegitimate or Coercion ➡️ Repression
Power ➡️ Latin word: Potere
✧ It is the ability or capacity of an
individual to influence the actions,
beliefs, or conduct (behaviour) of
✧ Lukes - Sees power in 3 forms-
Decision making, Agenda setting &
Thought control.

Sources of Power -
i).Legitimate power
ii).Knowledge or expertise in a particular Methods
area. ✔ Persuasion
iii).Reward ➡️ ability to influence the ✔ Rewards
allocation of incentives. ✔ Punishment
iv).Organization & size ✔ Force
vi).Belief, Ideas & Functions Forms-
vii).Possessions & Achievements. (a) Political Power ➡️ To bring the desired
viii).Force, Influence, Authority. political objects in their favour & influence

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e.g. Formal (Legislature); Informal Power Force
(Pressure groups) Non- tangible Tangible
Unbinding Compulsive
(b) Economic power ➡️ Ownership of Decides ends Force is means of power
production of resources & wealth; Can
influence Political power. Power Authority
e.g. Liberals; Marxists. Meaning Ability to Legal & Formal

(c) Ideological Power ➡️ Power is

& orders
to give
established on the basis of Ideology. control their commands, &
actions. take decisions.
Structure of Power-
(a) Theory of class Domination ➡️ Society Personal
Formal Right

is divided into 2 opposing factions -

(i) Bourgeoisie ➡️ Economically powerful Source Knowledge Position & Office.

(ii)The Proletariat ➡️ Financially or Hierarchy

& Expertise.
Do not Follows
economically weak.
follow. hierarchy.
Resides Person. Designation.
(b) Elitist Theory -
✔ Elite General ➡️ Ruling class with

✔ General Class ➡️ Ruled Class

Legitimate No Yes (Legal)
Delegation Cannot be It can be

(c) Feminist Theory ➡️ Basis

delegated delegated
of the
It can exist Its existence is
division of society is gender based. Power
without not possible
in society is gender based.
authority. without power.

(d) Pluralistic Theory ➡️ All the power in Authority comes

along with
the society is not divided in the hands of
any one class, but in groups.
or responsibility.

Power Influence
Physical Elements Moral elements
Tangible Non-Tangible
No Option There are options
Non Democratic Democratic

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Authority ➡️
Power + Legitimacy = Authority Other ways to categorise-
✧ Authority is right to give order & the i).Line Authority - Authority given to
power to get them obeyed.(Oxford) achieve organisational goals.
e.g.- Authority given to Managers; Govt.
✧ Henry Fayal : Authority is the right to
departments & Ministries. They direct staff
give orders & power to exact obedience. authority.
✧ Sources :
a).Law-Constitution, Legislative ii)Staff Authority - Authority to advise the
enactments, delegated legislations & Line authority in decision making.
Judicial decisions. Other Name - Specific Authority.
b).Tradition - Organisational norms, e.g. Niti Aayog, State Planning Board.
Codes & work habits.
c).Delegation - Conferment of authority (iii) Functional Authority / Limited
by the higher to lower levels. Authority- It can be given to Line or Staff
to do a specific job or maintain a particular
Characteristics - function.After the job completion,
✧ It is a managerial right which is authority is taken back.
delegated from above. e.g. Authority to teachers to give election
✧ Sphere of Authority at the higher level duty, RPSC in matters of departmental
is very wide & becomes very narrow promotion.
reaching at the lower level.
✧ If there is no delegation of authority, Theories of Authority-
then no organisation can be imagined. (1) Positional Theory of Authority- Max
✧ It flows downward from superior to Weber & Henry Fayal.
subordinate. ✧ They view authority as an attribute of
a position in the organisation & not of
Types:- an individual member.
1. Max Weber- ✧ Authority lies with the formal position
(i) Traditional Authority- Based on & whoever occupies it, shall exercise
customs, norms & usages. e.g. Son of King authority & issue orders & commands.
will be future King. ✧ It is the duty of subordinates to obey
(ii) Charismatic Authority- Based on those orders.
Charismatic traits.
(iii) Legal Rational- It is acquired as a
result of position; based on laws, rules &

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(2) Acceptance Theory of Authority - ✧ Establishes influence.
Barnard & Simon
✧ The basis of legitimacy of the Limitations-
superior's authority is the acceptance 1. Technical Limitation - Lack of technical
lended by the subordinate. Knowledge
✧ A subordinates will accept a 2. Biological Limitation- if some order
communication as authoritative only which threatens the life of subordinates
when- 3. Economic Limitation.
✔ He understands the communication 4. Envt. Limitation.
✔ It is not inconsistent with the goal of 5.Legislative control-Calling attention
the organisation. motion, adjournment motion.
✔ It is compatible with his personal 6.Executive control- Appointment,
interests. removal, transfer.
✔ When he is able mentally or 7. Judicial control,
physically to comply with it. 8. Control by media
9. Legal Limitation.
(3) Competence Theory - Based on belief 10. Natural limitation
that capable individuals will take over the
reins of leadership. Elements of Authority (5)
✔ Authority derives not from formal
position, but from an individual's
Knowledge, skills & experience.

✧ Ensures effective -
✔ Coordination
✔ Inspection
✔ Direction
✔ Supervision
in the organisation.
✧ Encourage special decision making
✧ Creates a sense of responsibility.
✧ It is a means of controlling, directing &
establishing discipline.
✧ It is also a means of motivation for the

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Legitimacy- ✔ Charismatic
Latin word- Legitimush ➡️ "Lawful" ✔ Rational
✧ Legitimacy is the right & acceptance of
an authority, usually a governing law Characteristics:
or regime.
✧ It denotes a system of government →
where in government denotes "Sphere
of influence".
✧ It is a psychological element that
appears as a value-oriented trust &
consent between the ruling party & the
ruled party.

Sources of Legitimacy-
✧ Max Weber
✔ Tradition
✔ Charismatic
✔ Rationality
✧ Preto
✔ Election Measures to earn & maintain legitimacy-
✔ Democracy ✧ To harmonise new ideas & traditions.
✔ Tradition ✧ Obeying a constitutional system.
✔ Oligarchy ✧ Keeping the political system useful to
the public.
✧ Other bases → Ideology. ✧ Respect for traditions.
✧ Charismatic leadership.
Kinds of Legitimacy- ✧ Decision based on consent.
✧ David Esten -
✔ Ideological legitimacy
✔ Structural legitimacy
✔ Personal legitimacy
✧ Robert A' Dhall
✔ High Level
✔ Low Level
✧ Max weber
✔ Traditional

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✧ Terry- Responsibility is the obligation
✧ There is close relationship betn -
of a person to achieve the results ✔ Responsibility
mutually determined by the means of ✔ Authority
participation by his superiors & ✧ It serves as a function of
himself. ✔ Self-control
✧ Responsibility ➡️ Flows upwards➡ ✔ Balance of Authority
Bottom to up. [Each is responsible for ✧ It creates a feeling of pressure to act.
his or her superior. ✧ It is concerned with personal & moral

✧ Principle of Correspondence ➡️ qualities of the individual.

✧ It is an instrument of duties, on the
Authority & responsibility go hand in basis of which action can be taken on
hand. any employee for the obligations.
✔ If someone is assigned responsibility,
they should be given equal authority. Responsibility v/s Accountability
✔ Authority if not accompanied by Responsibility Accountability
responsibility, is likely to be misused: Moral & subjective. Binding.
Internal Feeling Its Relationship
Types:- depends on formal
(a) Operating Responsibility - Given by rules in the
Superior to subordinate through organisation.
Acceptable Imposed
(b) Ultimate Responsibility- The superior
It can be delegated It can not be
who held ultimate responsibility.

✧ In terms of Administrator, it is of 3
types -
(i) Political Responsibility - Responsibility
of Executive towards Legislature.
(ii) Institutional Responsibility -
Responsibility of administrative agencies
towards the public.
(iii) Professional Responsibility -
Responsibility of civil servants towards
their ethics or code of conduct aka ethical

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Delegation- (Collector → S.D.M.)

✧ Mooney - Delegation means conferring

✔ Indirect: Mediator ✅️
(Collector →A.D.M→S.D.M)
of specified authority by a higher to a
lower authority. (iii) Formal & Informal delegation-
✧ Scalar principles is the principle of ✔ Formal:(With certain rules,
integration & binds the various levels & regulations & principles)
units of the org. with a continuous
chain of authority. (vi) Temporary & Permanent delegations.
✧ Essence of the scalar principle is
(v) General & Specific
delegation of authority.
✔ General: ➡️ Whole work.
Characteristics/Feature- ✔ Specific:➡️ Specific task or activity.

(vi) Full & Partial -

✔ Full:When complete powers are
conferred on the agents. e.g.
Diplomatic representatives.
✔ Partial:When a subordinate is
✔ Assigned by superior to subordinates. required to get advice & guidance on
✔ Granting of authority according to crucial points from delegating
assignment. authority.
✔ Creation of an obligation in the
subordinate to complete the Principles of Delegation-
assignment. ✔ Written & specific & it should be
✔ No complete delegation of authority. made to a position rather than to an
✔ Internal process of organisation. individual.
✔ Narrow approach in comparison to ✔ Should be properly planned &
de-centralisation. systematic.
✔ Efficiency & skill of subordinates are ✔ During the delegation, the superior
used through delegation. should review the activity of the
Types- ✔ Free & open lines of communication
(i) Written & Oral delegation. between the delegates & delegates.
✔ Reward or award.
(ii) Direct & Indirect delegation- ✔ Principle of Unity of command.
✔ Direct:No Mediator ✔ Proper training.

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✔ Arrangement of Resources. ✔ Reduces the workload of higher
❖ Hindrances ✔ To promote specialisation.
(a) Organisational - ✔ To develop managerial skills in
✔ Lack of well established subordinates.
organisational methods, procedures & ✔ To develop administrative leadership.
rules. ✔ To save the time of higher authority &
✔ Large geographical coverage. economic resources of the
✔ Unstable & non-repetitive character organisation.
of work. ✔ It brings flexibility to the
✔ Lack of effective means of internal organisation.
coordination ✔ To motivate subordinates
✔ Lesser age of organisation. ✔ It helps to have proper adjustment of
✔ Constitution,Legal & political policy & programme to local
restrictions, conditions.

(b) Personal ✧ Limitations -

(i) From Superior's point of view: ✔ Financial approval & right to control.
✔ Ego of superior. ✔ Approval of new policy & plan.
✔ Fear that subordinates will be ✔ Power to make laws.
disloyal ✔ Appointment for higher posts.
✔ Emotionally immature. ✔ Power to hear appeals against
✔ Fear that subordinates will not be subordinates.
able to perform. ✔ Power to supervise the work of
✔ Quickly lose patience subordinates.
✔ Culture heritage of being
authoritarian, patriarchal leadership. Delegation Decentralisation
Internal process of External process of
(ii) From Subordinate's point of view- org. org.
✔ Lack of confidence in oneself. Accountability of Accountability of
✔ Fear of criticism. higher authority Subordinate
✔ Feel that they have extra workload. Subordinates cannot Subordinates can
✔ Absence of initiative spirit. formulate rules of form rules &
✔ Lack of resources. regulation. regulations.
Person to person Generally
(Power organisation to
Importance of Delegation- Responsibility) organisation.

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Oral written In a written
manner. Self Notes:
Narrow Approach. Broader approach.
Generally temporary Generally
in nature. permanent in

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