End-Of-Course Test (Word)

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ROADMAP B1 End-of-course test (Units 1–10)

Listening 6 The employees have to dress

1 Recording 1 Listen to a man and woman a in superhero costumes for dinner.

talking about a trip and decide if the statements b up in smart clothes for dinner.
are true (T) or false (F). c in clothes connected to food.
1 The dates of the away days are the /5
8th and 9th April. T
2 David makes a mistake about where to
4 Find and correct the mistakes in each
get picked up. ___
3 Linda usually takes the children to school
1 When I was a child, we’re not we weren’t allowed
at 8 a.m. ___
to watch TV while eating dinner.
4 Linda thinks her husband and mother will
2 What would we do if we didn’t had mobile phones?
be angry about what time she has to be
picked up. ___ 3 If I were him, I’ll tell her to leave the party
5 The name of the accommodation they’re
staying at is The Castle Hotel. ___ 4 The building is being use as a meeting place for
the homeless at the moment.
6 They’re staying at the same place as the
year before. ___ 5 After I’d finished the book, I don’t know whether to
laugh or cry.
6 It’s designed that you can take your hands off the
2 Recording 2 Listen to David speaking at the
steering wheel.
meeting and complete the notes.
7 The government has promise to provide more
Lunch time on 8th: 11 p.m. and 9th: 12.30 p.m.
services for the elderly.
Eagles: Belgian Suite; Ravens: French Lounge;
8 Well, if he hadn’t moved, I won’t have hit him.
Crows: 2________________ ; Sparrows:
Conference Room. 9 Jean said she had opens an account but I don’t
3 know if she has.
Treasure hunt: ________ p.m.
10 You’ve forgotten to bring the sandwiches, have
Dinner theme: 4________ ; Time: 8.30 p.m. you?
7.30–8.30 a.m. on 9th April: 5________ /9
Free time 6________ to ________ . 5 Write sentences using non-defining relative
/5 clauses.
3 Listen again and choose the correct option, a, 1 Our trip to Cairns was fantastic. I was born there.
b or c. Our trip to Cairns, where I was born, was fantastic.
1 The speaker’s wife likes 2 Connor fixed our car for free. He’s a mechanic.
a the food at the Castle.
b Thailand.
c staying the Castle.
3 Julio is an actor. I live in his house.
2 The Castle was built in the
a 1300s. b 3rd century. c 13th century.
3 On Thursday, they will
a watch a documentary about friendship. 4 It’s better to buy clothes in the sales. It’s cheaper.
b listen to a man talk about trust.
c listen to a man talk about friendship.
4 Why have they chosen this hotel? /3
a The hotel they used last year was not available. 6 Complete the sentences with one word. For two
b It’s in beautiful countryside. of the questions, use the verb in brackets to
help you.
c The food is good.
1 I asked my grandmother if she’d ever ridden a
5 How will the employees know what groups they
motorbike and she told me she used to own one!
are in?
a It will say on the doors of the rooms they are in. 2 The plumber recommends ________ (fit) a new
sink in the bathroom because the current one is
b They were sent an email.
very old.
c They will be told during orientation.

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ROADMAP B1 End-of-course test (Units 1–10)

3 Bill said they ________ been enjoying all of their 5 It’s such a long flight from New Zealand. You must
classes this term. be exhausted/thrilled.
4 ‘I didn’t spend much time on the homework
assignment.’ ‘________ did I.’
5 I was ________ to speak French when I was
younger but now I’ve forgotten most of it.
6 People say his art is so original/powerful but I
6 More butterflies have been ________ (see) this honestly don’t feel anything when I see it.
year than in the past ten. So that’s great news.
7 Shelley? She’s up in her room revising/doing for
7 The first rule was that everyone ________ to make the history exam tomorrow.
their own beds and clean their rooms before they
8 Can you switch on/load the central heating? I’m
could have breakfast.
starting to get cold.
8 You’ll need good binoculars in ________ to see
the birds on that cliff over there.
9 Complete the sentences with one word.
9 Trevor had ________ seen the Eiffel Tower before
and so he wasn’t interested in visiting it this time. 1 If there’s one thing I hate, it’s when people jump
the queue in banks and post offices.
2 Kevin ________ his driving test this morning so
he’s having a party to celebrate tonight.
7 Match the sentence halves.
3 Is it possible to pay ________ credit card? I don’t
have any cash with me, I’m afraid.
4 If we’re going to protect the environment, we have
1 He was great in the interview and we’re to stop throwing ________ plastic bottles.
going to offer e 5 It rains almost every day so it’s recommended that
2 I wanted an ice-cream but Donny refused ___
you bring a good ________ jacket.
3 I don’t like the colour of this skirt so can
I get ___ 6 Poor Tanya. She got ________ in September and
4 Be careful on your walk. The cliffs are was divorced six months later.
quite ___
5 As you paint more, I have no doubt you 7 I have no problem speaking Italian but I have to
will gain ___ work ________ my writing skills.
6 If you could all put your books ___ 8 I was in Jakarta last month and the air ________
7 Matt says he’s going to prepare ___ was terrible. I could hardly breathe.
a a refund or exchange it for a different one?
10 Decide if the response is possible. Tick (✓)
b back where you found them, it would help us a lot. the correct responses and put a cross (x)
c to buy one for me. next to the incorrect ones.
d high and it’s very windy today. 1 A: What made you decide to become a
e him the job tomorrow. professional boxer?

f a meal for our anniversary tonight. I hope it’s OK. B: These things happen. x

g confidence and your work will improve. 2 A: I wonder if you could give me some advice?
/6 B: OK, I’ve got that. ___

8 Underline the correct alternatives. 3 A: Is there anything else?

1 Do you have anywhere I can charge/turn on my B: No. That’s it. ___

phone? The battery is almost dead. 4 A: Just one more thing, if it wouldn’t be too much
2 What a fair/polite little boy! He says please and trouble?
thank you, and even offered to carry my bag. B: It depends what it is. ___
3 I couldn’t fit the tent in my backpack/waterproof 5 A: How can I help?
jacket but Zhen is going to put it in hers. B: Where do you see yourself in five years? ___
4 Fortunately/Hopefully for her, the train was also 6 A: There’s been a mistake.
late so she was able to get home.
B: I’m very sorry about that. ___

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ROADMAP B1 End-of-course test (Units 1–10)

7 A: Well, you see I forgot. Reading
B: These things happen. ___
12 Read the email. Complete 1–6 with sentences
8 A: Hello, I’m calling to find out about the bike you a–g. There is one extra sentence.
have for sale.
Hi Keith
B: Thank you. That all sounds very good. ___ It’s so good to hear from you. 1 e You say it’s been 15
/7 years, but I think it might be more like 20. I’m sure that
the last time we saw each other was just after the
11 Complete the sentences with words and graduation party. I still look at the photos from that night
phrases in the box. sometimes. They’re so funny.
So you’re married to Safi! I’m so happy for you both.
afraid be interested big favour Well, you guys were always close at college so it doesn’t
make a complaint meant to nor did surprise me at all. I spoke to Rich Paisley on Thursday
promise see yourself what did night (we hang out at least once a week) and he said that
the last time he’d heard from you, you had two boys. 2___
1 What did you think of the film? Is it the first time In my experience, one boy is enough so two must be
you’ve seen it? really hard work! We’d had two daughters before Robbie
was born and it is so different. The girls keep him out of
2 I ____________ call you, but I’ve been very busy trouble though.
recently. I met Dima almost six years ago. Actually, it’s our
anniversary next month. We were living in Amsterdam,
3 Do you think you could do me a ____________ ?
where we were both working on a recycling project, and
4 ‘I didn’t like that actor.’ ‘____________ I.’ really hit it off. 3___ If you and I hadn’t done that
5 I won’t forget to do it again, I ____________ ! Environmental Studies degree, I might never have met
her. Are you still working in the environment industry? I
6 I’d like to ____________ . This soup is cold. hope so. Since we were studying together, things have
7 I’d ____________ to know if there are any fitness really changed and there’s so much more optimism about
facilities at your hotel. being able to do something positive for the planet. I really
feel like we’re making a difference now. A few years ago,
8 Where do you ____________ in ten years? I was really pessimistic about the future. Hopefully, things
9 I’m ____________ that there’s been a problem will continue to improve.
___ She was the girl who had the hotel in Chamonix that
with the computer system.
we stayed at for New Year back in our third year at uni.
/8 She still has the same hotel and we get together every
New Year now. It’s a lot of fun for us and the kids. I
mentioned you’d been in touch and she said she’d love for
you and your family to come over for the celebrations this
year. 5___ Dima’s also looking forward to meeting you, so
you have to come for a visit to our place before then. It
sounds like our kids are similar ages so it would be fun for
them. We’ve got plenty of room in the house and we’d
love for you all to stay over.
___ We’re going camping at a lake near where we live
and I can’t remember where I’ve put the tents or sleeping
bags. Reminds me of that trip we took down to Cornwall
when we forgot just about everything important –
including the tent!
Great to catch up with you and I look forward to hearing
from you again very soon.
Take care

a Anyway, I need to get ready for the weekend.

b Have you had more since?
c We were married two years later.
d I hope you’ll be able to come.
e I can’t believe how long it’s been since we were
last in touch.
f Do you remember Vicky?
g Lucy is growing up so fast.

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ROADMAP B1 End-of-course test (Units 1–10)

13 Decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) Writing

or the information is not in the text (N).
15 Underline the correct alternatives.
1 Keith, Safi and Ken graduated together. N
1 In addition to/On the one hand raising money for
2 Ken knows Keith’s wife. ___
charity, Kim helps with the homeless shelter at
3 Keith has more children than Ken. ___ weekends.
4 Keith and Ken both studied the same 2 As well as/Although going horse-riding, we were
subject at university. ___ able to go snorkelling just off the coast.
5 Ken wants Keith to come to a celebration 3 April is doing well with her writing. On the one
at his house. ___ hand/However, I think she needs work on her
6 They used to go camping regularly when speaking.
they were younger. ___ 4 Geoff drives to the gym, even though/because it’s
/5 only half a mile away.
14 Choose the correct option, a, b or c. 5 The car can run for about 300 kilometres on one
1 Ken’s son is charge. As a result/Plus, it’s really fast!
a older than Keith’s sons. 6 Omar and Ali played really well, but/so they were
unable to beat the champions this year.
b older than his daughters.
c younger than his daughters.
2 How often does Ken socialise with Rich?
a sometimes more than once a week
b sometimes less than once a week
c only once a week
3 What is the it Ken refers to when he writes ‘it is so
a raising a boy
b raising a girl
c raising children
4 What do you think Ken means when he says that
Dima and he ‘really hit it off’?
a They argued a lot.
b They got on really well.
c They met often.
5 What do you think Ken is referring to when he says
that they are ‘doing something positive’?
a studying about the environment
b supporting global warming
c protecting the environment
6 Ken invites Keith to do what, if he wants to?
a stay at their house
b visit Cornwall
c meet his wife

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ROADMAP B1 End-of-course test (Units 1–10)

16 Write a biography of an interesting person

you know. Write 120–180 words. Think about
the following:

Why is this person interesting?

What is this person’s background?
Is there anything about their early life you could
What are some of the interesting points about
this person?
What have you learned from this person?


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