Development Atomic Theory Daamo

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Name: Davis S.

Daamo Section: Faith Date: February 2, 2024



Democritus, an ancient Greek philosopher,
proposed the notion of atoms as fundamental,
indivisible components constituting all matter,
alongside the concept of empty space between
them. Although devoid of empirical
substantiation, his atomic theory established a
foundational framework for subsequent scientific
DEMOCRITUS exploration.
In 1897, J.J. Thomson made the groundbreaking
discovery of the electron, fundamentally altering
atomic theory by uncovering the presence of
subatomic particles. He also proposed the plum
pudding model, which posited that atoms
comprise negatively charged electrons dispersed
J.J THOMSON within a positively charged sphere.
James Chadwick discovered the neutron in 1932,
completing our understanding of atomic
structure. This breakthrough completed the
understanding of atomic structure and paved the
JAMES CHADWICK way for further advancements in nuclear physics.
John Dalton pioneered the modern atomic theory
in the 19th century, proposing that all matter
consists of indivisible atoms with unique masses,
laying the groundwork for our understanding of
JOHN DALTON chemical reactions and the composition of
Ernest Rutherford's 1909 gold foil experiment
established the presence of the atomic nucleus,
showcasing atoms as primarily composed of
empty space surrounding a dense central core.
This pivotal finding transformed atomic theory,
ERNEST significantly shaping our comprehension of the
RUTHERFORD fundamental structure of matter.
Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle,
introduced in 1927, fundamentally changed
atomic theory by revealing the inherent limits in
simultaneously measuring the position and
momentum of particles, thus revolutionizing
WERNER quantum mechanics.

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