Analysis 1

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Michelle Blaisdell


Critical Analysis 1

“She had tried in vain to make me understand what it is, but I have resisted
her Spanish.”

Growing up with the preference to be monolingual when there are more one
languages spoken in the home

Not long ago monolingualism in America was strongly encouraged (and often
forced!). I can not find very much information, on children raised in
American, to parents that are bilingual (or parents that only speak a language
other than English)… I am certain that there are some children in Hispanic-US
culture that prefer ONLY to speak English, although probably not as many
that embrace bilingualism! A word sometimes used to describe Mexican-
American, and Latin-American folks that the DO NOT speak Spanish, or that
only speak broken Spanish, is “Pocha” (f)… I personally have never uses this
word, as being a word tied to directly to ethnicity, it sounds like “pocho”
could be talken very offensively!

“I have a crush on Manny, who is Puerto Rican like me but has blue eyes and
curly blond hair.”

“white” hispanic people

There is a popular video on youtube titled “Taco Truck - Salsa Diaries

Vol.1”… although being a rather “macho” skit, I couldn’t help but laugh when
I saw it! However, in my opinion, this video is more for North Americans,
rather than Lantin Americans, as there are in reality MANY WHITE SPANISH
SPEAKERS! Infact Mexico ranks as nomber 2 with approximately 52 million
people that identify as as white….
“White is the self-identification of many

Latin Americans in some national censuses. According to a survey

conducted by Cohesión Social in Latin America, conducted on a sample of
10,000 people from seven countries of the region, 34% of those interviewed
identified themselves as white.” There is a popular video on youtube titled
“Taco Truck - Salsa Diaries Vol.1”

“white” hispanic people - Wikipedia - White Latin Americans [32]

“I'm a little scared at the way his body is moving and his hot mouth is
pressing on my head.”

An often forgotten part of sex education: prevention of sexual violence!

“According to the National Crime Victimization Survey (Bureau of Justice


2004), one in six females ages 13 and older are victims of rape, attempted
rape, or

sexual assault. Based on the U.S. Census, projections for the Hispanic
female population in the future, and the one-in-six victimization calculation,
by the year 2050, the number of females of Hispanic origin who have experi-
enced some form of sexual violence could reach 10.8 million.”

As for me, I am a post-operative trans woman (I was not pre-op, I probably

would not have the nerve to mention this one!)… fortunately, I was
homeschooled just as puberty began, and I missed out on much the sex
education that is taught in secondary schools. But, I did “come out” as trans
and attracted to men at the age of 19! I am lucky to have had access to LGBT
youth services, one community center in particular, where I was filled with
modern feminist theory, and taught that “NO MEANS NO”…

An often forgotten part of sex education: prevention of sexual violence! -

statistics of Latina minors -

I manage to twist my face away just as Lennon hits the high note; over his
shoulders I see Amy and Ceci making out on the sofa.

Lesbians and bi-girls during the 60’s in Hispanic culture

Although “La Onda” was big in Mexico City in 1968, as with the rest of the
world hippie movement, LGBT folks were still not always represented, as
Stone Wall wasn’t even about to happen for another year! Being a bisexual
cissexuel female could have been okay, but probably not any other category
covered in LGBT acronym…

“As a girl growing up in an upper-middle-class family in 1950s and '60s

Mexico City, I was told that my mission in life was to get married and become
a good housewife and mother. When my mother discovered that I was
friends with a lesbian, she said, "Better to be a whore than a lesbian," broke
up the friendship, and packed me off to a convent…”

Lesbians and bi-girls during the 60’s in Hispanic culture -

My brother, who had been with my dad when he died, now refused to accept
that my dad was gone.
Orphaned Latina (when one or both parents of a minor are deceased)

1 in 10 commit suicide
Less than half finish high school
50 percent end up in jail
1/3 become homeless
1 in 4 will become parents before the age of 20
Many will turn to life of drug trafficking or prostitution to survive.

The majority of Hispanic and Latinx folks are People Of Color, and therefore
many children in this category will be placed before many UNIMAGINABLE
OBSTACLES, if left without one or both parents… I could not find a statistic
for the US, but in California 50% of foster children are in are Hispanic or

Orphaned Latina -


Orphaned Latinx - California foster care statistics -


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